Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2667: Re-enter the Luyu Mountains

  Chapter 2667 Re-entering Lu Yu Mountain Range

  Three days later, Chen Xuan came to the Lu Yu Mountain Range alone again. Lu Yu Mountain Range was one of the most dangerous mountains in the Yunye Empire. The monsters in some powerful areas were beyond Chen Xuan's ability to deal with.

   "If you want to improve your strength, I'm afraid you have to absorb the blood of two lord-level monsters." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  After previous training, his demon soul power has condensed a third demon soul pattern.

  In Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan felt that his cultivation level had reached a bottleneck, and if he wanted to improve, he had to fight with Warcraft.

  Seeing the majestic Lu Yu Mountains, Chen Xuan couldn't help blinking.

Although part of the Luyun Mountain Range stretches into Lu Yucheng, the entire land range mountain range stretches for thousands of miles and occupies a large area in the entire county.

  At this moment, as soon as Chen Xuan stepped into it, he felt that the Lu Yushan Mountains were a little different from when he came before.

  A man suddenly ran out of the forest, looking at Chen Xuan with a shocked expression on his face, and said, "Who are you?"

   Chen Xuan replied with a puzzled look: "What happened before?"

  The man suddenly said, “The monsters in the Lu Yu Mountains have suddenly become violent now. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. You are not their opponent.” After that, the man hurriedly ran away.

  Chen Xuan showed doubts and continued to walk up to Lu Yu Mountain Range. When he reached the middle of Lu Yu Mountain Range, he saw a black figure suddenly appear.

  "Is it a member of the Black Blood Sect." Chen Xuan showed his doubts.

Sure enough, the dark shadow also saw Chen Xuan, suddenly turned his head, staring at Chen Xuan gloomily and said: "Boy. I didn't expect you to appear suddenly when I was hunting monsters, hahaha, if you can eat yours Heart, then I don’t have to hunt this monster again!"

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were people from the Black Blood Sect in the Lu Yu Mountains. He had already killed several people from the Black Blood Sect in Wukang Town, but the Black Blood Sect was still not extinct, and they actually hid them. Get up, it seems that during this period of time, the people of the Black Blood Sect have been cultivating.

The strength of the martial artist of the Black Blood Sect is very strong, and the aura that blooms has even reached the seventh peak of the realm of the gods. With Chen Xuan's current strength, he will barely draw a tie with him. If Chen Xuan resorts to demon soul possession, then He can defeat the Black Blood Sect man by virtue of his powerful demon soul power.

"It's ridiculous, you people of the Black Blood Sect, you've been beaten by others in the Azure Cloud Empire. I didn't expect you to hide in the Lu Yu Mountain Range now. If I reveal this news, I'm afraid the royal family of the Azure Cloud Empire will Come here to kill you." Chen Xuan said contemptuously.

The Black Blood Sect man showed a hint of anger, and immediately replied: "Boy, I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine. A few people have been killed by me just now, and now you dare to speak wild words. Our Black Blood Sect now hides its strength, and soon, our Black Blood Sect will re-emerge out of the world, and the whole Black Rock World will be disturbed by that time, hahaha!"

   Hearing the arrogant smile of the Black Blood Sect man, Chen Xuan showed a smile on his collar.

   "Then do you know who I am?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I care who you are, in short, you are going to be the food in my mouth now!" The Black Blood Sect man said cruelly.

Chen Xuan knows that the demon soul cultivated by the Black Blood Sect is a very strange technique. They can use the efforts and heart of others to improve their own cultivation. It is precisely because of this that the Black Blood Sect is almost in the entire Black Rock world. Not being treated by anyone.


  The Black Blood Sect warrior suddenly took out a short knife from his arms. This short knife carried violent red spiritual power on it, and a series of spiritual energy radiated from his body.

Feeling the strong spirit exuding from the Black Blood Sect warrior, Chen Xuan immediately displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and a series of profound fires emerged from Chen Xun's body. The two people looked at each other. The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly Shot, attacked towards the black blood sect warrior.

A fire flashed across the sky, Chen Xuan's body was blessed by the demon soul, and his speed increased rapidly. He suddenly rushed to the front of the black blood sect warrior. Before the black blood sect warrior had time to react, he saw Chen. Xuan had already stabbed a sword at him.

The   Liaoyuan sword emitted a powerful fire light, and it immediately slashed on the body of the Black Blood Sect warrior.

   What surprised Chen Xuan was that the body of the Black Blood Sect's warrior suddenly disappeared in the air. When he appeared, he was already behind Chen Xuan.

   "Not good." Chen Xuan exclaimed.


  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body was directly knocked out by the Black Blood Sect warrior.

"Hahaha, boy, it seems that you really underestimated our Black Blood Sect's Transformation Technique! This time I will make you unable to eat and walk around. This is the price of underestimating our Black Blood Sect!" Black Blood Zong Wuzhe showed a cruel smile, obviously did not see Chen Xuan in his eyes.

  At this moment, the Black Blood Sect warrior suddenly saw a jade pendant on Chen Xuan's waist.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be a member of the Yunye Clan. I heard that Tianyuan Temple has now been disbanded, and there is nowhere to escape being squeezed by the Pantheon. Now the Yunye Empire is suffering from internal and external troubles. It is already late for you, hahaha, At that time, we will first take the imperial family of the Yunye Empire to operate, you group of imperial running dogs!" The warrior of the Black Blood Sect said with a grim expression.

   "I'm not a running dog of the royal family, I just joined the Yunye Gate along the way and met a few friends, so I stayed at the Yunye Gate temporarily." Chen Xuan replied.

  Although Chen Xuan and the imperial family of the Yunye Empire had an intersection, Chen Xuan would not work hard for the imperial family of the Yunye Empire.

The reason why he stayed at the Cloud Yemen is because his name has appeared on the blacklist of the Pantheon. Both he and Wang Lun were arrested by the people in the Pantheon. If they did not seek refuge, they would most likely be caught. Hunt to the Pantheon.

"Boy, you don't want to be arrogant anymore. You running dogs are running dogs and can never stand up as masters. I think you are also a demon soul in cultivation. Why not join us in the Black Blood Sect. With your strength, you can also be a master. Guardian!" The Black Blood Sect warrior said suddenly.

Chen Xuan’s disdainful expression: "You Black Blood Sect is not worthy of letting me join. With the urine of the few of you, you can only improve your own by killing people who are weaker than you and absorbing their hard work. Repair it!"

   "Looking for death!" The Black Blood Sect warrior was obviously irritated by Chen Xuan, looking at him with a grim face, his body suddenly disappeared, and he appeared behind Chen Xuan again.

  Already learned from the past, Chen Xuan quickly waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and the Suzaku flames emerged from his body, all condensed on the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand.


  The powerful flame swept to the side of the Black Blood Sect warrior, pushing his body back.

  The Black Blood Sect warrior showed a look of surprise: "I have never seen such a powerful flame, who is this kid."

   Chen Xuan showed a scornful look: "There are so many things you don't know, I will show you this trick!"

  Chen Xuan gave a soft yell, suddenly condensing the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body, using the Vermillion Bird sword technique.


  The voice of the Vermillion Bird suddenly emerged from Chen Xuan's body. The next moment, I saw a few flames condensed wings suddenly appeared behind Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan's speed suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards the Black Blood Sect warrior. The two sword auras continued to intermingle in the midair, and in a blink of an eye they hit the Black Blood Sect warrior's body.

  The Black Blood Sect warrior jumped into hiding, quickly waved the short knife in his hand, and displayed the Black Blood Sword Technique.

  "The black blood sword technique is a black blood sect warrior, and everyone will conceal magical powers." This kind of sword technique can directly absorb the blood in the body of others. If it is cut a little, it will die because of the loss of too much blood.

   Seeing the black blood sword technique cast out, Chen Xuan's face began to become serious.

  He has heard of the name of Black Blood Swordsmanship. Although Black Blood Swordsmanship is only a third-rank skill, its lethality is very powerful. Many very powerful people have been planted in the hands of Black Blood Swordsmanship.

   Chen Xuan did not dare to underestimate the enemy, so he quickly gathered the flames all over his body, condensed on the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and quickly resisted the past.


  Suzaku's fire and black blood sword aura collided together, a black breath suddenly rose in the air, and finally the smoke disappeared, while the Suzaku's fire engulfed a powerful flame, and continued to attack the black blood sect warrior.

  The Black Blood Sect warrior showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird Fire to have such a powerful aura that could break his black blood sword aura.

  Before he met Chen Xuan, he had already killed several warriors of the Yunye Empire. The strength of those warriors of the Yunye Empire reached the fourth peak of the realm of gods, but they were far behind Chen Xuan.

  After practicing, Chen Xuan's cultivation level has reached the fifth level of the god-sovereign realm, but this is only the surface, Chen Xuan's true cultivation level has even reached the eighth level of the god-sovereign realm.

  Only Chen Xuan possessed such a powerful strength. Seeing Chen Xuan's strength far surpassed his imagination, the black blood sect warrior's face suddenly became solemn.

  He was thinking about whether he should fight Chen Xuan again.

"The strength of this kid is really weird, and I have never seen the swordsmanship he just displayed. If you continue to fight with him, I'm afraid it is really not this kid's opponent." Secretly said in his heart.

  Chen Xuan did not leave him time to think, his speed suddenly accelerated, and he quickly approached the Black Blood Sect martial artist, and a powerful force suddenly slashed at him.


  Another flame blew up from Chen Xuan's side. The speed of this flame suddenly accelerated, rushed into the sky, and quickly swooped toward the Black Blood Sect warrior.

  The Black Blood Sect warrior quickly lifted the short knife in his hand. This short knife is also made of profound iron, which can quickly condense the spiritual power in the warrior's body.

  A black spiritual power instantly emerged from the body of the Black Blood Sect warrior, and all climbed onto the short knife in his hand.

   "Black Blood Sword Technique!" The Black Blood Sect warrior roared.

  Once the Black Blood Sword Technique is used, it must **** the blood of others. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's Suzaku's strength, he would be attacked by the Black Blood Sword Technique.

  Faced with black blood swordsmanship, Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect.

The black spiritual power is like a maggot, constantly eroding Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire, but Chen Xuan’s flame is extraordinary. The Suzaku flame can burn everything in front of him. Even if the black blood sword technique is very difficult, it encounters Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

Sure enough, after Chen Xuan's flame burned for a few minutes, he burned the black blood sword qi of the Black Blood Sect warrior, and a stream of cyan smoke floated in the air.

   "Impossible, how could this kid burn my black blood spiritual power!" The Black Blood Sect warrior opened his eyes wide, obviously not believing that Chen Xuan could defeat his black blood sword technique.

  (End of this chapter)

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