Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2670: Yuchi Hongyi

  Chapter 2670 Yuchi Hongyi

  Although Chen Xuan shot down the Qingfeng Shuge disciple to the ground, Chen Xuan’s face was filled with surprise.

  The Suzaku sword technique he displayed just now carries a very powerful lethality, but it just shot his body to the ground.

"This kid is really looking for death. Today we will let him see and see the real power of Qingfeng swordsmanship!" The next moment, this disciple's body suddenly stood up from the ground, and the wind blew out of him, and now he burst out With a very powerful vigor, this breath was very violent, and it struck Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan's expression was very surprised. He didn't expect this Qingfeng Shuge disciple's cultivation base to be so powerful, and he could still be safe and sound after hitting the first level of his Suzaku swordsmanship.


   When Chen Xuan was not paying attention, several wind blades attacked his Huns.

  Cough cough cough!

  Blood spurted out of Chen Xuan's mouth suddenly.

Chen Xuan, who was knocked out, knew that he had been attacked just now, so he hurriedly fled to the distance. After being injured, he was no match for the three Qingfeng Shuge disciples. If he continued to consume them with these three disciples. , Chen Xuan must be unlucky in the end.

   Blood was constantly flowing out of his body, and Chen Xuan immediately took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

The disciple of Qingfeng Shuge looked at Chen Xuan's back cruelly and said, "Go, grab him, and today we will take his head into Shuge!"

  "Yes!" The two disciples who spoke seemed to be in a lower identities.

  When they chased Chen Xuan, they immediately transferred the spiritual power in their bodies. With the power of the wind, their bodies were constantly floating in the sky, and they quickly chased Chen Xuan.

  The power of Chen Xuan's demon soul has not completely dissipated. Although Chen Xuan's body was injured, the speed did not slow down.

   fled for more than half an hour, and seeing that no one was chasing him behind, Chen Xuan immediately concealed the aura emanating from his body, and hurriedly took out a bandage from his arms and quickly bandaged the wound.

   "Now they are definitely still following. I really didn't expect these Qingfeng Shuge people to be so strong and unreasonable." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  After hiding his breath, he can make sure that he will not fly to Qingfeng Book Pavilion. People who have bandaged the wound will not leave blood stains.

   Chen Xuan was already very experienced in running away. As long as he could escape the pursuit of these Qingfeng Shuge disciples, then Chen Xuan would have a chance for revenge in the future.

After hiding his breath, Chen Xuan immediately found a safe place to hide.

   "I don't know if it's really safe here, but now it can only be like this. If they all chase after me, my current physical condition is definitely not their opponent." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  So, Chen Xuan quietly moved forward and continued to escape. After discovering a cave, Chen Xuan went in without thinking.

  In the cave, he couldn't see five fingers, but Chen Xuan didn't dare to easily mobilize the spiritual power in his body and the fire of the Vermillion Bird, otherwise he might be tracked by Qingfeng Shuge's disciples.

   "The cultivation base of those guys is indeed very strong, and there is even one person whose cultivation base has reached the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, otherwise the three of them are definitely not my opponents." Chen Xuan sighed.

  He did admit that the cultivation of Qingfeng Shuge's disciples was very strong, and this was the first time that Chen Xuan admitted that the disciples who reached the sixth realm of the gods were stronger than him.

"It's really difficult. I didn't expect me to be so unlucky. These Qingfeng Shuge people actually hate the people in the Yunye Empire so much. Wang Lun hadn't told me before, otherwise I wouldn't have to suffer." Chen Xuan I felt pain from the mouth of Hungary.

  The exercise was too fierce when escaping, so the wound cracked a little, so Chen Xuan took out a pill and swallowed it in his mouth.

  This is the healing pill refined by Chen Xuan. After swallowing the pill, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a little more relaxed.

  At night, it was discovered that the people from Qingfeng Book Pavilion hadn't pursued him, so Chen Xuan had a little bolder, displayed the spiritual power in his body, and began to heal his injuries.

  The next morning, Chen Xuangang opened his eyes and found that most of his injuries had recovered.

   "It seems that the pill that I refined is still very useful." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

The next moment, Chen Xuan began to look at the cave in front of him. The cave was pitch black. So Chen Xuan showed the Suzaku Fire, and he took out a piece of wood from the side. The Suzaku fire burned on the top of the wood, and a burst of flames suddenly appeared. The light released.

  Through the light, Chen Xuan saw the face of the cave. He found that there was a spring in the center of the cave, which made a ticking sound from time to time.

   "This isn't the Heaven and Earth Spirit Spring, right? My luck is so good. I have encountered Heaven and Earth Spirit Spring before, and I can meet it here." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  When he walked over, he found a black crystal in the pool, and this crystal exuded an evil spirit power.

   "What the **** is this?" Chen Xuan looked at the black crystal in the pool with surprise.

At the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the black crystal. The figure floated continuously in the crystal, drifting from east to west. Suddenly, the figure put his face on the crystal and stared at Chen Xuan. Glanced.

   Chen Xuan's face was shocked, and he quickly raised the Liaoyuan sword, and slashed at the black crystal fiercely. A stream of blood stretched out from the black crystal.


  The cave suddenly began to shake. Seeing this, Chen Xuan did not stay in the cave any longer.

  When he left the cave, he found that the cave began to vibrate constantly, and suddenly, the cave collapsed suddenly.

   "Where is this place? And what is that black crystal." Chen Xuan said in horror.

  The black crystal just now was too weird, and when Chen Xuan saw the black crystal being stabbed by him, black blood flowed out.

  "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

  Chen Xuan left here immediately.

  Three days later, a young man in a black robe walked in the middle of the Luyun Mountain.

  The young man in the black robe was Chen Xuan, and it took him three days to reach the middle of the Luyu Mountains.

  The monsters in the middle of the Lu Yu Mountain Range are obviously stronger. Many of the monsters have reached the seventh level of the gods, and some even reached the ninth level of the gods.

   Chen Xuan's current cultivation base was not enough to deal with these powerful beasts, so Chen Xuan took it down in the middle of the land range mountain range.

  At the same time, in the Lu Yu Mountain Range, a young man in a white robe said with a grim expression: "Have you not found that kid yet? Let him run away?"

   "Yes, brother, when we caught up with him, we found that the kid had already run far, and when we continued to search, we found that the breath radiating from him had disappeared." A disciple said.

   "Since there is no other way, I am afraid that kid can hide the breath of the body, so that it becomes very difficult for us to find it, and we will definitely not be able to do it with the three of us."

"Brother Yuchi, do you think we should find other people? Now that we have severely wounded him, this kid will definitely make a comeback. It will be difficult to attract people from the Yunye Empire at that time. Even, the master might even blame it."

  The name of the white-robed youth is Yuchi Hongyi. He is the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation in Qingfeng Book Pavilion. He reached the sixth level of the god-sovereign realm at a young age, and he has also mastered many very powerful techniques.

  Among the younger generation of disciples, everyone obeyed his orders.

"Let’s not inform other people right now. Try to find him first. I don’t believe how far he can go. This kid must still be in the Lu Yu Mountains. As long as he is still in the Lu Yu Mountains, we will There is a chance to find him!" Yu Chihong said with a grim expression.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan has not easily hunted down the beasts, but carefully used his perception ability to detect whether there are powerful beasts nearby.

  The central part of the Lu Yu Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, and there are even monsters that have reached the realm of the **** king. The strength of these monsters is not something that Chen Xuan's current cultivation base can deal with.

   "It seems that this place is really different from the forest near Black Rock City, and even the aura of heaven and earth is quite different!" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  The aura of heaven and earth in the Lu Yu Mountain Range is more than ten times higher than that in the Black Shadow Forest, so the power of the beast is naturally stronger.

  Looking at the mysterious fire wolf in front of him, Chen Xuan slowly gathered the Vermillion Bird's fire in his body.

  Cultivating a demon soul naturally needs to absorb the blood of a demon soul. Chen Xuan has not absorbed the blood of a demon soul since he condensed the third demon soul.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had heard a heavy voice in his mind, and this voice was encouraging Chen Xuan to hurry up and hunt the monsters.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was the ancient monster soul in his body giving orders to him. Only by constantly absorbing the blood of the monsters and increasing the strength of his body could his body accommodate the more powerful power of the ancient monster soul.

  When dealing with Li Qing before, Chen Xuan awakened the powerful technique of possessing a demon soul.

   Demon soul possession, although it can allow Chen Xuan to quickly improve his cultivation in a short period of time, the side effects are too great. After more than three months, Chen Xuan is recovering his strength.

  After using Demon Soul Possession, not only did Chen Xuan's body fall into side effects, it made his body very painful, and even his cultivation level declined.

  Looking at the Profound Fire Wolf in front of him, Chen Xuan slowly pulled out the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand. When Chen Xuan's body slowly approached the Profound Fire Wolf, the Profound Fire Wolf had already spotted Chen Xuan.

   Profound Fire Wolf roared, and suddenly attacked towards Chen Xuan. The Profound Fire Wolf was so fast that he raised the claws in his hand and grabbed at Chen Xuan.

   Seeing how the Profound Fire Wolf hunts and kills monsters, Chen Xuan knew that if he was scratched by the Profound Fire Wolf in front of him, he would probably not be able to resist it with the strength of his body.

  The profound fire wolf cultivation base in the Lu Yu mountain range even reached the fifth level of the god-sovereign realm, and Chen Xuan did not dare to underestimate the profound fire wolf in front of him.

The tail of the Profound Fire Wolf is entirely composed of flames. A powerful flame aura suddenly evaporates, quickly gathering a wave of powerful forces. Chen Xuan also realized that the Black Fire Wolf’s attack was approaching, and his body hurriedly moved towards the back. After two steps back, he raised the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, and a powerful aura emerged from Chen Xuan's body.

  The next moment, Chen Xuanti launched a fierce attack with the Liaoyuan sword in his hand towards the Black Fire Wolf. The bodies of the two people suddenly collided in the air. Then, Chen Xuan's body was seen two steps backward.

  Xuan Fire Wolf roared, and bite towards Chen Xuan without any fear. The steel teeth in his mouth rushed to Chen Xuan's front with a trace of flame.

Chen Xuan immediately set aside the sword in his hand and blocked it. The Liaoyuan sword was indeed a spiritual sword he had refined. Facing the teeth of the Black Fire Wolf, Chen Xuan was not afraid, and only heard a bang. , Xuan Huo Lang did not bite Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, and Chen Xuan immediately displayed the Vermillion Bird Fire, which burned towards the body of Xuan Huo Lang.

  (End of this chapter)

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