Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2686: Yuchihong became stronger

   Chapter 2686 Yuchi Hongyi becomes stronger

A powerful breath suddenly exploded from Chen Xuan's side. Chen Xuan immediately displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird. The flames filled Chen Xuan's body, and only a burst of flame was seen, constantly flashing on his body. , And finally all gathered in the Liaoyuan Sword. Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan Sword constantly absorbed the flames on his body. When all the flames gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword, the flames of the Liaoyuan Sword burst into a terrifying tent. Breath.

Yu Chihong looked at Chen Xuan tightly and said softly: "Chen Xuan, even if you have the power of the demon soul, and there is a very powerful prairie fire, but you met me today, you can only be considered unlucky, I Yuchi Hongyi can be ranked first in the Qingfeng Book Pavilion. I will teach you a lesson today, let you beasts of Yunyemen, be taught by us!"

  After Yu Chihong finished speaking, he immediately set aside a sharp blade. Thunder and lightning continued to emanate from this blade, and the power of thunder suddenly flickered on his body.


Two more powerful auras collided violently. Chen Xuan's body continued to take two steps backwards. Even though Chen Xuan exerted the power of the Vermillion Bird with all his strength, he still could not resist Yu Chi Hongyi's thunderous sword aura. Yuchi Hongyi possesses the power of thunder, which can mobilize the thunder between heaven and earth. Faced with such a powerful attack, Chen Xuan can only reluctantly confront him. Although Yu Chihong is one level higher than Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan still can’t. Beat him.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan knew that there would be no fruit to go with Yuchihong here. Yuchi Hongyi would only come over by himself. If the other disciples of Qingfeng Book Pavilion came over, then Chen Xuan would definitely not be their opponent.

  But now Chen Xuan has been surrounded by the people of Qingfeng Book Pavilion in the mountains, so Chen Xuan suddenly displayed the power of the demon soul, and the speed was released to the limit.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan had already rushed out for several miles. Yuwen Tuo saw Chen Xuan preparing to escape, and he snorted. A trace of thunder burst out from his body. The power of this thunder made the speed of language dragging also change. He rushed to the back of Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye. Chen Xuan reacted, with a sword in his backhand, and the powerful Liaoyuan sword aura suddenly emerged from Chen Xun's body.

  The next moment, Yuchi Hongyi's body was stopped by Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was also almost caught by him. Facing Yuchi Hongyi's step by step pressing, Chen Xuan looked nervously at Yuchi Hongyi.

   Immediately turned his head and stretched out the Liaoyuan Sword, another sword of blazing fire, and the qi continued to bloom in Chen Xuan's body, pushing Yuchi Hongyi's turbulent pursuit back.

Two people are chasing me in the sky, but Yuchi Hongyi couldn't catch up with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan couldn't get rid of the Yuchi Hongyi behind him. At this moment, Yuchi Hongyi suddenly saw Chen Xuan in front of several Qingfeng Shuge. The disciple suddenly yelled: "You two quickly chase this kid to me. The master has already said that if you take this kid to justice, you will be rewarded!"

   "I heard that the master heard this kid beheading our brother this time, and he actually offered a reward to kill this kid."

   "It seems to be true this time? I heard that we can also get a first-grade exercise technique, and the master will personally guide us in our practice. This is a rare opportunity for us!"

Suddenly, the three disciples immediately raised their weapons and surrounded Chen Xuan in front. Chen Xuan's expression changed and he raised the Liaoyuan Sword. Although the strength of these three people was not weak, they all surrounded Chen Xuan. They all reached the three-tier realm of the gods, but for the current Chen Xuan, it would not take too long to kill the three of them.

A strong aura emerged in Chen Xuan's body. The next moment, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet red, and the strong power bloomed in Chen Xuan's body, and suddenly attacked the three disciples. They The three people did not react. One of the disciples of Qingfeng Shuge was stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword, and his body rolled down twice. Chen Xuan slashed out with another sword qi, but at this time, Yu Chi Hongichi has already come.

Yu Chihong looked at Chen Xuan with a grim expression. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would kill three Qingfeng Shuge disciples again, and this was only in a blink of an eye. How could Chen Xuan's speed be faster, then he would Can't catch up with Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Yu Chihong's expression changed. The Thunder sword in his hand exuded the power of thunder, and in a blink of an eye, Yu Chi Hongyi's body was constantly emerging in the air. The next moment, Yu Wentuo's The body suddenly speeded up, and there was a crackling sound on his body. When entering the person, there were flashes of lightning piercing and slamming towards Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan had already reacted, and his body retreated and it was a turbulent Jian Qi blocked the past towards Yu Chi Hong.

Yuchi Hongyi’s Lei Lei sword aura hits Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword aura head-on, and the two sword auras began to compete in mid-air. Chen Xuan has now displayed the power of the demon soul, facing Yuchi Hongyi’s attack. The wind still didn't fall, but Yuchi Hongyi didn't use his full strength just now. His sword aura was strong when it was strong, and the thunder flashed continuously, and the next moment something that made Chen Xuan even more surprised happened.

  Yuwentuo turned the blade in his hand to exert pressure on Chen Xuan. On the other hand, he suddenly thrust his hands in, and a thunder suddenly emerged from the mid-air and slashed towards Chen Xuan's head fiercely.

Chen Xuan looked nervously in the air, and hurriedly withdrew back, but Thunder had already approved him. Chen Xuan could not dodge his body and quickly retreated behind, and the ground was suddenly hit by the thunder in a big pit. .

"Fortunately, I am running fast or I will be hit by this thunder, even if I am not dead, I will be seriously injured." Chen Xuan looked up at the sky nervously, and found that there was another thunder eager to approve him. Chen Xuan's body immediately fled towards the back, if he didn't escape.

  I am afraid that Yu Chi Hongyi will definitely be injured.

   "Unexpectedly, this Yuchi Hongyi practiced not Qingfeng swordsmanship, knowing that the power of thunder is too powerful." Chen Xuan looked nervously into the sky.

Yuchi Hongyi’s thunder power is indeed very powerful, and he himself can also possess thunder profound power. This power was learned by Yuchihong all day long. He is also a genius himself, but Yuchi Hongyi was in the Qingfeng Book Pavilion. His master originally wanted to teach him Qingfeng swordsmanship.

However, Yuchi Hongyi has never been able to master the Qingfeng swordsmanship very well, but Yuchihong realized the power of thunder when he was very young, and he has already understood this power in Hungary, every time he displays it. All the power can mobilize the thunder between heaven and earth. Because of this, his master specially taught Yuchihong's sword technique to run thunder, and even gave the sword in the hands of Yuchihong. Yuchi Hongyi's strength is very strong. Tough is rarely a rival among the younger generation of disciples, and Chen Xuan can't have the upper hand against him.

"It seems that people who are born with alien looks are really amazing..." Yuchi Hongyi's looks are very weird. His skin is blue and purple, and there are also weird patterns on his body. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan to have seen him before. Once, I was afraid that Yuchi Hongyi was a monster.

It is precisely because of the weird patterns on Yuchi Hongyi that he can master the power of thunder. Yuchi Hongyi’s strength has surpassed Chen Xuan’s imagination. Facing Yuchi Hongyi’s attack, Chen Xuan immediately stepped back two steps. It wasn't that Chen Xuan was hiding fast, I'm afraid he would be hit by a thunder in his body again.

   When Yuchi Hongyi was not paying attention, Chen Xuan found an opportunity to escape from his hands.

At this time, Chen Xuan was still in the Qingfeng Mountain Range. At this moment, he was discovered by a disciple of Qingfeng Book Pavilion. This disciple held a sharp blade in his hand and kept approaching Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan sneered. With a cry, he stood there and looked at the disciple.

"Yuchi Hongyi can't hold me, you actually want to kill me." Chen Xuan sneered, his palms were full of flames, and with a big hand, the energy displayed instantly turned towards the disciples of Qingfeng Book Pavilion like bubbles. Caught it.

The disciple’s body flew towards the sky suddenly, Chen Xuan’s body was like lightning, and he appeared in front of the Shuge disciple in a blink of an eye. The Qingfeng Shuge disciple hadn’t reacted yet, just watch. By the time Chen Xuan had already attacked him.

The hot palms have grabbed his neck, and the disciple of Qingfeng Shuge inhaled a cold breath. There was an extremely dangerous breath with death threats, and it slowly rose from his heart. He now felt Chen Xuan. The fire was burning in his hand, but even the thought of resistance could not arise.

"Don't kill me." The disciple of Qingfeng Shuge was frightened, sweat was constantly flowing out of his mind. When he saw the flames emerging from Chen Xuan's body, he already regretted it. He was not Chen at all by his strength. Xuan's opponent, Chen Xuan could shred its sword aura with his hand, and his cultivation base had reached the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and his cultivation base was far above it.

  Now this Qingfeng Shuge disciple is constantly trembling in his heart. He has always been domineering, but he did not expect to be planted in Chen Xuan's hands today, and he felt Chen Xuan's strong killing intent.

Chen Xuan said coldly: "I have never taken the initiative to provoke you Qingfeng Shuge, but you are too much this time. If you want to provoke me over and over again, then I have nothing to say, I Chen Xuan never Will give others a second chance."

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan's palms pressed slightly, and with a click, the Qingfeng Shuge disciple's neck was cut off.

  On the other side, an elder of Qingfeng Shuge exclaimed, he had just rushed over, but just now Chen Xuan killed the disciple of Qingfeng Shuge, he also saw it.

   "Boy, who are you? Why do you have to fight against our Qingfeng Shuge people over and over again?" The person who spoke was an elder of Qingfeng Shuge. This elder had gray hair and looked at Chen Xuan with a gloomy face.

Chen Xuan said softly: "I didn't want to be an enemy of Qingfeng Shuge at all. I just wanted to ask your people for directions, but you blocked me and wanted to kill me. You won’t be polite, old man, since you want to kill me too, stay together."

  Chen Xuan carried a powerful aura, killing and cutting decisively, in the palm of his hand, there were continuous flames, and his fingers suddenly appeared out of thin air, rushing towards the old man.

By now, Chen Xuan has awakened the soul of the Suzaku. He already knows the power of the Suzaku in Hungary, and his power is naturally stronger. Moreover, he has the power of the Suzaku that has been supporting for hundreds of years, and his tyranny has reached a very terrifying level. , Even a master who has reached the eighth layer of the God Sovereign Realm would not be able to resist it.

The white-haired old man looked at Chen Xuan with a gloomy face, and said in surprise: "This kid's cultivation is so powerful, even if he is not weaker than Yuchi Hongyi, but his cultivation is only the sixth level of the gods, and he can burst out of the gods. With the eight-fold combat power of the realm, what is the identity of this kid? There is no such person in our Yunye Empire."

  (End of this chapter)

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