Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2688: Sleeping monster

  Chapter 2688 Sleeping monster

   "Big brother, that kid escaped into the third area, what shall we do?" a disciple said.

"This kid dares to walk into the third area alone, so he must die. There are very powerful lord-level beasts in the third area, and the beasts there have awakened their wits. This kid went in alone. There is no doubt that we must die, we don't want to chase it anymore, as long as we are nearby, this kid will definitely die in the third area by then." Wang Hong said with a sneer.

  "Since this kid is dead, shall we go back."

"Let’s keep it here. Now, many people have been dispatched from the outer door of Qingfeng Book Pavilion to capture this kid. If this kid cannot come out of the third area, he will definitely be caught inside. The powerful lord-level monsters were killed, hahaha, he would never have a chance to come out by then. This kid must die. It caused us Qingfeng Shuge to lose an outer elder, and there are several very talented ones. His disciple, it is really hateful." Wang Hong said with an insurmountable anger on his face, looking at the third area savagely.

At this moment, Wang Hong turned his head and said to them: "Go and let those outer disciples who are practicing in the first area pay more attention to that kid. If you find him, immediately send a signal. We must be here. Kill it in the mountains."

   "Yes!" an inner disciple whispered.

They all had a fierce look on their faces, and they were determined to get rid of Chen Xuan. Suddenly, the two first left one after another, and Chen Xuan had already entered the third area at this time, and Chen Xuan Also fell from the sky to the ground.

There may be unexpected dangers in the sky, and even Chen Xuan can’t even imagine how powerful a beast is in the third area. At this time, Chen Xuan also condensed the aura in his body, step by step towards Walk inside the third area.

Now Chen Xuan is not sure what kind of monsters he will encounter. If he encounters a powerful monster, even he dare not entangle with the lord-level monsters, but there are some lord-level monsters Chen Xuan can still deal with. .

Chen Xuan's walking speed was not slow, and he quickly reached the center of the third area. Chen Xuan completely contained the aura in his body, so he didn't encounter any powerful beasts along the way. Moreover, Chen Xuan was early. I heard that there is a very powerful lord-level beast in the Qingfeng Mountain Range. The name is Demon Bull. The general lord-level beasts dare not survive here.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan unexpectedly encountered many strange flowers and weeds growing on the ground, and even some rare elixir. Chen Xuan kept walking forward with curiosity on his face.

"It's no wonder they didn't let us enter the third area. It turns out that there are so many elixir in this third area. If I can gather one more bottle of elixir, I can refine more soul refinement pills." Chen Xuan's face With a look of joy, he kept stepping on the pill on the road, and soon he was holding a large handful of herbs in his hand.

Walking on both sides of the mountain stream, surrounded by cliffs, Chen Xuan's gaze looked forward, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a Ganoderma lucidum exuding a powerful breath in a crack not far away. , Under the shining of the sun, this Ganoderma lucidum exudes a faint golden light.

   "It turns out to be Wannian Ganoderma lucidum." Chen Xuan had a look of surprise on his face.

  He was able to encounter a Ganoderma lucidum here, which really surprised Chen Xuan. This Ganoderma lucidum was the size of a palm, and its root system was thick and mature.

   "It turns out to be the real Ganoderma lucidum." Chen Xuan knew that when the Ganoderma lucidum had grown for ten thousand years, it would be exactly the same as the Ganoderma lucidum in front of him.

Apart from anything else, Chen Xuan directly picked this Wannian Ganoderma lucidum. In his impression, he wanted to know that he basically had the medicinal materials he wanted to refine the pill. If he could own this Wannian Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum, Chen Xuan can even refine the pill to improve his cultivation.

After picking the Wannian Ganoderma lucidum, I continued to move forward completely. Suddenly, there was a violent roar of monsters in the distance. This voice was very strong, and Chen Xuan's face was a little surprised, and he found this voice. A strong breath came out, and immediately, several monsters in the distance suddenly surrendered to it.

   is actually a legendary spirit beast-level beast. From his roar, Chen Xuan can hear that this beast is very terrifying in strength, and it also carries a trace of anger.

   "I didn't expect the strength to be so powerful, I will check it out first, and don't make any movement." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Xuan walked a few steps forward and found that there was a dense forest ahead. The roar of a lord-level monster beast came from here. Chen Xuan slowly climbed to the tallest tree and saw a behemoth. , In the middle of the dense forest.

This monster is very powerful. It exudes a powerful aura. Even if it is lying on the ground, it is several feet high. Its body is covered with golden scales. Under the shining of the sun, it exudes dazzling brilliance. Light.

   "It seems that this is the legendary lord-level monster. This face is really too hideous. I didn't expect him to have such sharp fangs." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  The strength of the monsters reaching the lord level is naturally very powerful, and the two fangs on the sides of the mouth also make Chen Xuan's heart afraid. But this lord-level monster seemed to be lying motionless on the ground, closing his eyes tightly.

   "What the **** was this guy yelling just now." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

If a lord-level beast can be transformed into a human form, it will be called a monster, but the lord-level beast in front of it has not been transformed into a human form, and its cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king. Generally speaking, it can The monster beasts that have entered the realm of the **** king have mastered the skills of transformation.

   "It seems that this guy is cultivating." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

It is precisely because this lord-level monster is in the state of cultivating, so he didn't care about Chen Xuan and stared at him not far away. If it was normal, he could find Chen Xuan's trace by just scanning it, but This lord-level monster would never think that someone would dare to enter the third area and would run to where he stayed.

  The next moment, this monster suddenly made a few snoring sounds.

   "No way, wasn't he still cultivating just now? Why is he asleep now." Chen Xuan said with a black thread.

But this lord-level beast indeed fell asleep, making a whirring sound. Every time he breathed, a flame of flame spurted out of his nostrils, and accompanied by waves of wind and waves, the dust in front was affected by him. The breath curled up, forming a small storm in the sky.

There was a drop of cold sweat on Chen Xuan's face, and immediately said: "It seems that it is a monster that has reached the level of a lord. I am afraid that this cultivation base has reached the realm of the gods. If I can enter the realm of the gods, I am afraid I can still deal with him, but It's not enough to deal with this monster now."

The aura exuding from this beast is very powerful and difficult to deal with. If this lord-level beast can be killed, then Chen Xuan can make his demon soul road condense the demon pattern again, but unfortunately, Chen Xuan is now fundamentally It's not the opponent of this monster.

"It seems that it is definitely impossible to shoot directly now. If you want to kill this guy, you must think of other ways. This monster has survived here for so long, and it already has the law of survival. As long as I use my wisdom to go. You can definitely kill this monster beast by the right way." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

A few hours later, the blazing sun was shining brightly, and the sun appeared above their heads. It was now at noon, and the pure sun had the strongest spiritual power. The sleeping lord-level monster suddenly opened its eyes, a pair of blood red. His eyes suddenly opened, and a series of flames emanated. Accompanied by a deep roar, his body slowly stood up from the ground. The body that was several feet long became a bit taller again, and his four sturdy legs were also a bit taller. They were all covered with golden scales, like a hill, exuding a powerful aura.

   Seeing the lord-level monster waking up suddenly, Chen Xuan's face was a moment, and even the chicken who was holding his breath did not dare to make a sound.

Let this lord-level monster look around, but he never thought that a human would rush to his territory, so he didn't care. This is not because the lord-level monster's perception is too bad, but Chen Xuan realized it. The power of Suzaku is too weird. Chen Xuan can freely control the aura of Suzaku's power. This is something other human warriors can't do. If it weren't for Chen Xuan to hide the power of Suzaku too well, he replaced it with a normal one. The warrior was discovered by this monster beast in the first time.

  The powerful monster beast's figure shook, and its body shrank by a few points, let out a roar, and flew towards the distance.

   Chen Xuan's face was taken aback. He didn't expect this monster beast to fly away. It stands to reason that now is the time when the spiritual power is strongest. This monster should be cultivated. Why did he leave at this time.

Seeing the cave of the monster beast in the distance, Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised. He originally wanted to rush into the cave of the monster beast, but Chen Xuan finally gave up this plan. He was going to observe the life of the monster beast nearby. Regularly, if this monster beast is killed suddenly, then Chen Xuan rushes into his cave alone, it is likely to arouse the anger of this monster beast, if this monster beast confronts Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan But it's dead.

It seems that the thinking is very meticulous. This powerful lord-level beast has mastered the ability to transform, which means that this beast has reached the level of a beast. For such a powerful enemy, Chen Xuan knows that he cannot be brutal. Gan, you must figure out the daily rules of this monster beast, and then find a way to enter the cave of this monster beast to see if there is anything very precious.

After waiting for more than an hour, the monster beast did not return, but Chen Xuan still did not act rashly. At this moment, the monster beast flew from a distance with the sound of breaking through the air. When Chen Xuan saw the monster beast return At the time, there was a look of surprise on his face.

The power of transformation that this monster beast has mastered, and there is a very bright spiritual power in its mouth. When this monster fell in the dense forest, it cleverly avoided the tree trunk beside it. The huge body did not crush the tree next to it, but the whole earth was trembling constantly. Finally, the monster body shook slightly and transformed back to its original huge body, and walked toward the cave in the middle of the dense forest.

   More than half an hour later, the monster beast lay at the door of the cave and began to snore. Chen Xuan looked at the monster beast in surprise. He didn't expect the monster beast to fall asleep again.

  (End of this chapter)

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