Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2693: Leaving the Lu Yu Mountains

   Chapter 2693 Leaving Lu Yu Mountain Range

Seeing that Qingfeng Shuge was besieged by the dragon, Chen Xuan returned directly to Lu Yucheng. After staying in the city for more than half a month, Chen Xuan's cultivation level had been improved again and reached the ninth level of the realm of the gods. At this time, Wang Lun was now After practicing the exercises, after seeing Chen Xuan coming, he immediately got up to greet him.

   "Brother Chen, how come you have time to come here." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan whispered: "I have discovered that my cultivation level is about to improve in the past few days, and I want to take a walk in the Black Mist Mountain Range recently."

   "Black Mist Mountain Range? I heard that it is not far from Lu Yu Mountain Range, but I have never been there, and there are traces of Black Mist Scorpion in the mountains." Wang Lun whispered.

   "Black Mist Scorpion? I just meant it." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  If he absorbs the power of the Black Mist Scorpion, Chen Xuan can make his body resist the attack of common toxins.

  The next day, the two of them walked in the direction of the Black Mist Mountains.

   Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, who had just entered the mountains, heard a movement in front of them, and then walked toward the front.

   "Who!?" A man's low voice rang.

   "Someone, let's kill it!" Another warrior said.

   "Not good!" Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

   "These two guys seem to be from the Black Blood Sect." Wang Lun said in surprise.

   "Boy! If you are here, die!" The Black Blood Sect warrior said grimly.

   Chen Xuan was frightened, he was hit by a limb, and flew towards the distance in a flash.

He got up from the ground abruptly, Wang Lun ran forward for a long time. Chen Xuan originally wanted to follow. How would the Black Blood Sect warrior give Chen Xuan a chance, clenched his fist, and slammed his fist toward Chen Xuan. Come here.

  Chen Xuan only felt that he was squeezed to the ground by a strong profound energy.

  "He has already reached the Ninth Layer of Shenjun, I am definitely not his opponent." Chen Xuan bit his giant teeth tightly, ice and snow converged endlessly, processing a great ice curtain, and then hurriedly headed forward.

  A layer of flame emerged in Chen Xuan's body, intending to stop the chasing soldiers behind, but the fist of the Black Blood Sect warrior only hit Chen Xuan's air-conditioning, and the layers of heavy ice-snow air-conditioning broke apart.

   Seeing Wang Lun's body stop suddenly, Chen Xuan shouted suddenly: "You run first, don't care about me! I'm waiting for two by no means his rivals, wait I can run!"

  Wang Lun glanced at Chen Xuan and fled to the front.


In the ground, Chen Xuan was hit by a strong profound energy and flew to the floor. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

  Black Blood Zongwu carried a crazy and very smell on his body, and walked towards Chen Xuan step by step, struggling to stand up, Chen Xuan glanced at the Black Blood Sect murderer and stroked the floor with his hand.

  The warrior exclaimed a color of surprise, and saw the sky covered by menacing spiritual energy, and then saw layers of spiritual energy emerging, covering his eyes. At this time, Chen Xuan also rushed towards him.

The    formation method cannot prevent the Black Blood Sect warrior from getting too long.

   "The most critical area of ​​Warcraft among the Black Mist Mountains is right in front." The Black Blood Sect assassin thought to himself.

  He chased the past hundreds of steps just now, and thoughts were revealed on his face, and then he froze. It looked like Chen Xuan and Wang Lun took off toward the front line rabbit.

The black blood sect warriors behind    had already been followed up at this time, looking at the black robe warrior and condemned, "Where did he go?"

The gloomy expression on the face of the Black Blood Sect warrior said: "The two guys have now reached the area of ​​a monster. I'm afraid they will be killed soon."

   "How can you let the kid go!? The law protector has said that you have to see people in life and the corpse in death. Could it be that you don't know that kid? That's why you let him go." The black blood sect warrior said coldly.

  The next moment, the warrior of the Black Blood Sect showed a terrifying look. The strong palm suddenly grabbed his neck.

  "When is it your turn to tell me about my business?" A terrifying aura suddenly emerged, and another warrior next to him shuddered, his body trembling constantly.

  The killer of the Black Blood Sect coldly snorted: "Go back and tell your Patriarch that the task has been completed. If you want to cooperate with the Black Blood Sect, you must trust me."

   "Yes...Yes." The warrior shuddered.

  At the same time, the assassin of the Black Blood Sect stared at the depths of the jungle with fiery eyes.

  The reason why the Black Blood Sect wanted to join forces with them was because of the legendary Black Mist Mountain that appeared in the Black Mist Mountain Range.

The black grass has a strong effect on the cultivation of the attribute mood, but the grass has appeared in the warcraft area. There are huge threats hidden in the powerful warcraft area. Many areas are occupied by the incomparable beasts. They were also unable to explore at will, precisely because the area occupied by these beasts restricted their exploration, so now the whereabouts of the Black Orchid has not been searched.

Murong Yu is naturally the Patriarch of the Black Blood Sect. As the Sect Master of the Black Mist Sect, he has a lot of power near the Black Mist Mountain Range, and now he is also teaming up with the Black Blood Sect to hunt down beasts, three It is to find the Xuanhuo Eriocheir sinensis.

  In the entire Black Mist Mountain Range, the more it leads to the depths, the more the area occupied by the beasts, and the area that Chen Xuan just moved forward is the area of ​​a powerful lord-level beast.

  In the eyes of the Black Blood Sect assassin, Chen Xuan dared to come to this area, which meant that he was dead.

  Warcraft is a special kind of existence, with a very powerful cultivation base, and can also condense golden cores, which is far stronger than the warrior cultivator of the same level.

Under a mountain peak in the Black Mist Mountain Range, the youth of the Black Blood Sect wearing a silver-white robe said to the warrior wearing a heavy armor: "The two of them are now forced into the area of ​​the lord of the beasts by my people, and they have entered the area of ​​the beasts. In the area, they will definitely die."

The warrior wearing the heavy armor pondered for a moment, and continued: "We must be careful. Now that the news has been revealed, there are still many warriors who come here to look for the demon scorpion and the black fire scorpion. Now we have to increase our search. Strength."

  The young man in a silver-white robe replied: “We can’t search anymore. It’s more important to find the Black Fire Eurasian Grass in the Warcraft area first. If we search for these outsiders now, we must waste a lot of manpower.”

The sect master of the Black Mist Sect nodded slightly when he heard the words.

  At the same time, on this mountain peak, Chen Xuan was lying on the ground with a pale face. He originally thought that the Black Blood Sect assassin would continue to follow him, but he did not expect that he would not catch up.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was lying on the back of a rock to heal his injuries. The dantian was running fast, and aware of this change, Chen Xuan took out a crimson bottle from his arms, and took out an elixir from the bottle.

  Chen Xuan directly swallowed a healing pill, and his body suddenly became much easier.

   "The injury will be much better after eating it." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

After entering the Warcraft area, Wang Lun hurriedly returned to Chen Xuan's side and said, "Did that guy catch up?"

   "I don't know, but I always think this place is a little weird, we must be careful." Chen Xuan was also wondering about this question, thinking.

  After taking the pill, Chen Xuan felt that most of his injuries had recovered after a while, but he still felt a little pain in the wound.

   "I'm afraid it will take a few days to heal." Chen Xuan said slightly.

   "I always feel that there is a horrible atmosphere coming from this place, so you must be careful." Chen Xuan said in confusion.

   "Really? Let's not stray into the realm of the Lord of Warcraft." Wang Lun crow said.

  Thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan couldn't figure out where the terrifying aura came from, but Chen Xuan kept staring at the back of his body.

   "I'm afraid there is a monster behind." Chen Xuan said vigilantly.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the roar of Warcraft, and a mogu leopard appeared in front of him.

  The whole body of the Mogu Leopard exudes a strong aura, the ice rising in the body, after seeing Chen Xuan, the eyes flashed with strong killing intent, and he roared at Chen Xuan.

  The next moment, the Mogu Leopard violently lifted its four hooves, and quickly ran towards Chen Xuan.

   Although the Mogu Leopard is very large, its speed is not slow. In the blink of an eye, it ran to Chen Xuan's side and pushed it towards Chen Xuanmeng with its horns.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly gathered the Suzaku spiritual power, and the Suzaku sword aura appeared, blocking the impact of the Mogu Leopard.

When Chen Xuan’s Suzaku sword aura collided with the horns of the Mogu Leopard, the sword light condensed from the Suzaku sword aura in his hand was instantly broken into two pieces. The cold aura continued to collide around Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan The body is forced to retreat.

  Wang Lun quickly followed up and confronted the Mogu Leopard with Chen Xuan.

The Mogu Leopard’s cultivation base is very powerful and the speed is also very fast. There is no time for Chen Xuan to think, and he rushes towards him again. Chen Xuan once again urges the Suzaku spiritual power in his body, and the Suzaku sword aura emerges. .

  This time Chen Xuan displayed the Vermillion Bird's Fire Formation, trapping the Mogu Leopard in it.

"No, although the Mogu Leopard can be restricted, but this Mogu Leopard will be able to break free after a while." Sure enough, after a while, the Mogu Leopard broke through the Suzaku's fire formation and moved towards Chen Xuanmeng. The top came over.

   Chen Xuan's body was once again shaken out by the Mogu Leopard. Seeing the Mogu Leopard shaking his head and tail, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said to Wang Lun: "Try to attack from the side!"

  Wang Lun also gathered the profound energy in his body, and phantoms of sword blades emerged. It took more than an hour for them to kill the Mogu Leopard.

   "I didn't expect this Mogu Leopard's cultivation base to be so powerful." Chen Xuan's expression was slightly surprised.

   Just killed this mogu leopard.

   "This place may really be the area of ​​the Lord of Warcraft." Wang Lun said nervously.

   "What monster lord?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "It means that there is a monster that has always been cultivated very strong here, and it will definitely exceed our imagination. The spirit beasts and monsters in the area of ​​the beast lord are also much stronger than those in other places." Wang Lun explained.

  Then, the two of them continued to walk towards the front. Then, Chen Xuan heard two roars coming from the front.

  Chen Xuan's expression began to change.

   "There are two monsters fighting in front." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "Let's take a look?" Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan's expression was tense. The cultivation bases of the two monsters fighting in the front had far exceeded his estimation. At this time, Chen Xuan carefully hid the aura in his body, and walked slowly towards the front with Wang Lun secretly. .

   "No way! There are actually two Lord-level monsters!" Wang Lun exclaimed.

  The size of the two monsters is very large.

   "It is true that two lord-level monsters are fighting here!" Wang Lun's face showed a look of surprise.

  The cultivation bases of these two monsters are extremely powerful, and they have even entered the realm of God Kings long ago.

   "Go back a few steps." Chen Xuan whispered.

   Seeing the two monsters fighting back and forth, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun hurriedly backed away, for fear of being affected by the battle between the two monsters.

   "These two monsters are still in a tie. When their strength is exhausted, maybe we can kill them!" Chen Xuandao.

   "Bring two lord-level monsters!?" Wang Lun now felt that Chen Xuan was crazy.

   "Yes." Chen Xuan nodded gently.

   "Okay." Wang Lun said helplessly.

  The battle between the two lord-level monsters caused a strong sensation. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun ran for more than a dozen miles before they were not affected by their battle.

  At this moment, Wang Lun and Chen Xuan were watching the battle next to them. The two monsters had fought for two days, but they were still undivided.


  Because of lack of physical strength, a monster was killed by another monster.

  The beast that won has also been seriously injured, and blood is constantly flowing out of the wound.

  Because they were fighting with all their hearts just now, they didn't realize that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had already been observing them in the dark.

  (End of this chapter)

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