Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2695: Heiwumen

  Chapter 2695 Black fog gate

  Chen Xuan immediately joined the battle. At this time, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had faintly gained the upper hand. Although this black mist scorpion was a cultivation base in the late stage of the Seventh Realm of God Sovereign, its endurance did not seem to be so strong.

  Fighting with Wang Lun and Chen Xuan for so long has seemed a bit exhausted.


  Although Wang Lun was knocked out by the sting of the black mist scorpion, he was not harmed.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan gathered the Vermillion Bird's spiritual power in his body and directly pierced the head of the Black Mist Scorpion.

   "Dead." Chen Xuan breathed out.

  "This beast! It's not easy." Wang Lun scolded.

  After that, they hurriedly took out the crystal core of the Black Mist Scorpion, and then quickly left the Black Mist Mountain Range.

  At the same time, the people of Heiwumen are searching for Chen Xuan's whereabouts.

  While Chen Xuan and Wang Lun avoided their search, they returned from the Black Mist Mountain Range.

Heiwumen and the Black Blood Sect have been working together for a period of time, so these two sects have had a shameful history, and now the Black Blood Sect has begun to rise, so the Heiwumen has closely followed the Black Blood Sect. Behind.

This time Chen Xuan and Wang Lun got a lot of benefits in the Black Mist Mountain Range. Not only did they get many panacea, but Chen Xuan also got the black mist scorpion's crystal core. After absorbing the crystal core, Chen Xuan, The cultivation base can be improved again, and it can also be immune to general toxins.

  Since Chen Xuan became a Class B warrior of the Cloud Yemen and killed the guards of the Black Blood Sect, he has become the focal point of the Yunyemen.

  All the warriors in the entire Cloud Yemen knew Chen Xuan's name.

  One day, all the second-level warriors of the Yunyemen were gathered.

   "Chen Xuan, since you became a Class B warrior, we haven't gotten together properly." It was the Black Mist Sect warrior who spoke. He ranks in the top few of the B-level warriors, but he is a bit weaker than Li Tiangu.

  Li Tiangu glanced at Chen Xuan, snorted coldly, and then stopped talking. The last time Chen Xuan saw him take a bath is still remembered by him.

The horizons of the B-level warriors are very high. Unless they are recognized by these warriors, they won't pay attention to Chen Xuan at all. Now that they have held this banquet for Chen Xuan, it means that Chen Xuan has been recognized by them. .

  Many warriors came to Chen Xuan one after another.

   "Chen Xuan, my name is Gu Ling." Martial artist said.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and Gu Ling was also able to rank high among the second-rank martial artists.

  The second-level martial artist of the Yunyemen represents the strongest cultivation base of the younger generation of the Yunyemen. For so many years, the cultivation base of all the second-level martial artists has not been lower than the seventh realm of the gods.

"Chen Xuan, your cultivation level really surprised me. You were able to pass all three assessments during the initial assessment, and you were also able to get full marks. This is also unique in the history of the entire Yunyemen. Moreover, you can defeat the Black Blood Sect's guards, which really surprised me!" Gu Ling exclaimed.

"Yeah, Chen Xuan, the guy from the Black Blood Sect guarding army is used to being a blessing on weekdays. Relying on his uncle being the elder of our Yunyemen, he doesn't put us B-level warriors in his eyes at all. A few months have passed since you killed the Black Blood Sect guarding army. If I didn't guess wrong, your cultivation level must have improved again." Another martial artist said.

"This is great. If Chen Xuan's cultivation base can be steadily improved, our Yunyemen will surely be the first place on the mainland. In the Zongmen competition a year later, I'm afraid we will still win the championship! "Warrior said excitedly.

  "It goes without saying that all of us in the Yunyemen have been No. 1 in the past, and we will definitely be No. 1 now!"

   "You can't say that. Some sects also have very strong martial artists. We should be more careful!" The martial artist solemnly said.

   "What are you talking about? Do you not believe that Chen Xuan can help us win the championship in a year?" Martial artist said.

  These B-level martial artists of the Cloud Yemen are very optimistic about Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan is young and can reach the seventh realm of the gods, and the future is unlimited.

Several warriors chatted for a while, and suddenly said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, we are also very sorry for what happened before, but the Black Blood Sect's guard is now dead, and the previous events are completely cancelled. In order to make up for it, I want to tell you one thing."

  Chen Xuan showed doubts and said, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know that there is a canyon in the back mountain of Yunyemen? Only when you enter the second level, you are eligible to enter that gorge. Except for the second-level warriors, no other Yunyemen warriors know the existence of the canyon. , Even the warriors among the first-class warriors don't know." The warriors said.

   "What canyon?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Thunder Sword Gorge." Martial artist explained.

"Thunder Sword Gorge is a space created by a real person with a very strong cultivation base in our Cloud Yemen. You can enter the secret realm along the canyon, and in the canyon, there is not only a very strong spiritual aura of heaven and earth, but also You can also comprehend the mystery of heaven and earth." Martial artist explained.

   Chen Xuan heard the words, revealing the color of doubt, it was the first time that he heard the existence of Thunder Sword Gorge.

   Seeing Chen Xuan's expression of surprise, Gu Ling's face showed a smile. When he heard Thunder Sword Gorge, his expression was almost the same as Chen Xuan's.

Thunder Sword Gorge can allow warriors to understand the mystery of heaven and earth. Once they understand the mystery of heaven and earth, they can do more with half the effort. It can be said that anyone dreams of Thunder Sword Gorge. If they can practice in Thunder Sword Gorge, they can let them. Saving most of the time, the reason why the Cloud Yemen can become one of the most powerful sects on the mainland is because of the existence of Thunder Sword Gorge.

   And Thunder Sword Gorge is also the most secret thing of the Cloud Yemen. Except for the second-rank martial artist, no one else is qualified to know the existence of Thunder Sword Gorge.

   "So, isn't Thunder Sword Gorge in the back mountain? Why haven't I seen it before?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "You don't know this, Thunder Sword Gorge is very small, you don't need to see it with the naked eye, you can't see it clearly." Martial artist explained.

  "Don't sell Guanzi, listen to my Chen Xuan, Thunder Sword Gorge is actually a secret realm. Only when you enter the secret realm is the canyon." The warrior stood up and explained.

  Only B-level martial artists are qualified to know the location of Thunder Sword Gorge, and there are many secrets hidden in Thunder Sword Gorge. If it is spread out, it is likely to attract the attention of other sects.

  Chen Xuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the crowd and said, "Have you all been inside Thunder Sword Gorge?"

"Of course, we've all stayed in it for a while before. Speaking of what you are cultivating is the flames of the Vermillion Bird, Wang Lun also practiced in Thunder Sword Gorge for a period of time. If you don’t believe me, ask him, now Wang Lun has participated Comprehending the Suzaku's fire mood, and comprehending the mystery of heaven and earth, now his cultivation has reached a very terrifying realm." The warrior put his gaze on Wang Lun's body.

  Chen Xuan followed his gaze and saw the young man wearing a light blue robe. The young man looked so energetic, but he just sat beside him and said nothing.

  Chen Xuan nodded silently, and then began to imagine the appearance of Thunder Sword Gorge in his mind.

  Once you can comprehend the mystery of heaven and earth, Chen Xuan's cultivation level will definitely be able to go further. Thinking of this, Chen Xuan showed an expression of excitement, and continued chatting with several B-level martial artists for a while, so he left here.

  At this moment, Li Tiangu suddenly stared at Chen Xuan with his eyes. Chen Xuan felt a look on him, so he turned his head and found that Li Tiangu was looking at him.

   Seeing Chen Xuan suddenly turned his head, Li Tiangu hurriedly retracted his head.

After returning to the residence, Chen Xuan slowly condensed the Suzaku spiritual power in his body. Now Chen Xuan has become more and more proficient in the control of the Suzaku fire mood. With the power of the Suzaku fire mood, Chen Xuan can make the Suzaku aura. The lethality is doubled.

  "There is still close to a year before the competitions of the major sects. As long as I continue to practice during this year, I will definitely be able to upgrade to the realm of the **** king by then." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  Three months later, Chen Xuan left the Pantheon and came to Lu Yucheng.

  During this period of time, he has been cultivating in the Cloud Yemen, and his cultivation has even been promoted to the late stage of the Seventh Realm of God Sovereign. Just a few days ago, he received a letter from Elder Li, so he hurried to Lu Yucheng.

   came to Li Mansion, Chen Xuan saw Li Lu sitting in the guest room, so he walked towards him.

   "What's wrong? What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked.

There was a look of helplessness on Li Lu's face, and then he said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, I got a prescription for alchemy a few days ago, and then I made a Modan building, unexpectedly provoke Lu Yuchengzhi Yudanfang in China. Now they have started a full-scale war with me."

Hearing that, Chen Xuan nodded slightly. Li Lu was kind to him. Now Li Lu is facing difficulties, Chen Xuan will definitely help him, and Li Lu also lent Chen Xuan a lot of crystal cores. In any case, Chen Xuan Will also help Li Lu.

   "Aren't you an elder of the Yunye Empire? Why are you still afraid of a small imperial palace? Besides, didn't you go to help those colleagues you used to be?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Of course I contacted. You don't look at my current status. Now, there is no war in the empires. I have been sent here. Do you think they will help me?" Li Lu asked.

  "Does it mean that City Lord Lu doesn't know?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Of course he knows, but he is unwilling to provoke Yudanfang. These alchemists have a very powerful influence in the Yunye Empire, so I have notified you. I heard that you have entered Yunye now. The level B of the door has also improved very quickly, so I want you to help me persuade City Lord Lu, otherwise this group of Yudanfang guys will definitely kill me." Li Lu said helplessly. .

  After that, Chen Xuan bid farewell to Li Lu and came to the city lord's mansion in Lu Yucheng. After entering the city lord's mansion, Chen Xuan directly met Lu Chengzhu.

  "Are you Chen Xuan?" The mainstream Lu Cheng showed a shocked expression.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said to him: "City Lord Lu, I have something to discuss with you."

   "What's the matter?" Lu Chengzhu asked.

  When Chen Xuan killed the warriors of the Black Blood Sect, it can be said that he helped Elder Li a great favor, so he was also very grateful to Chen Xuan, otherwise, in his capacity, he would not see Chen Xuan.

   "Princess, the people in Yudanfang are now pushing out Elder Li. I hope you can help him more." Chen Xuandao.

  Li Road is now being squeezed out by many big families, so it was squeezed out by the people of Yudanfang. But Elder Li was different. He was a relative of the royal family and had great power in Lu Yucheng.

   "I also heard about this, and I also know that you have an extraordinary relationship with Elder Li, but I can't get involved in this matter." Elder Li said.

  Chen Xuan showed doubts: "Why?"

Elder Li showed a cunning look, and said to Chen Xuan: "I don't know what's wrong. Some time ago, several leaders of Qingfeng City were killed. These leaders have very strong cultivation bases, and they are also the owners of the city. The person I like, I don’t have a good relationship with the lord of Qingfeng City. After this incident, all the spearheads are on me. Now, everyone thinks that I assassinated them. Once I help Li Lu, when the time comes, the group of Yudanfang will definitely fall to Qingfeng City."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan showed his thoughts.

The warriors in Qingfeng City were actually killed by Chen Xuan, but when Chen Xuan killed them, it was impossible for anyone to know that he did it.

  Unexpectedly, the leaders of Qingfeng City who were killed by him were actually the guards of the city lord.

  Of course, they have not yet become a cronies of the city lord.

  Among all the families, Elder Li’s cultivation base is the strongest. He sits on Lu Yucheng, the largest county in the entire Yunye Empire, and allows Elder Li to command such a large county. How could the royal family of the Yunye Empire feel at ease?

After learning about this, Chen Xuan also felt a little helpless, but he still had to help Li Lu.

  Because he met Li Lu by accident, and he also knew that he had a large position in Lu Yucheng.

  Since this is the case, I will leave first, and I will go back and tell Elder Li. "Chen Xuan finished speaking, and then walked out of the city lord's mansion.

  When he came to Li Mansion, Chen Xuan saw Li Lu, so he told Li Lu all the ins and outs of the matter.

"Chen Xuan, you must never get involved with things in the empire. I am afraid that City Lord Lu wants you to help him deal with the princess of Qingfeng City. I can tell you that the princess of Qingfeng City is also the family of Yunye Empire One, you want to deal with him, but it is very dangerous." Li Ludao.

  (End of this chapter)

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