Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2698: Continue to practice Thunder Spiritual Power

  Chapter 2698 Continue to cultivate Thunder Spiritual Power

  The white-haired old man opened his mouth slightly and said to Chen Xuan: "Don't care who I am. The important thing is that I know the power of Thunder better than you."

  The white-haired old man saw Chen Xuan doing nothing, so he stretched out his hands and a thunder appeared.

   "This is called the power of thunder. I think you are very suitable for cultivating flame profound energy." The white-haired old man said.

   "But what I originally cultivated was the Suzaku spiritual power, how can I still cultivate flame profound energy?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

   "When you stepped into the Thunder Sword Gorge, I didn't feel a power hidden in your body, and this power is the flame profound energy." The white-haired old man continued.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuandao's expression became even more surprised: "How did you notice me when I first came in?"

  Chen Xuan did not expect that the old man would have noticed him long before he entered the canyon.

  After a moment of surprise, Chen Xuan continued to ask: "Moreover, it and the Suzaku spiritual power are contrary to each other."

  The white-haired old man pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's not difficult for you to merge the two profound qi together. I'll give you some pointers."

  Then, the white-haired old man let Chen Xuan release the Suzaku spiritual power, and then he blew a breeze and brought Chen Xuan to Huoyan Mountain.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he found that he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and Zhuque's spiritual power was constantly surrounding Chen Xuan's body, and then he felt a flame of force toward his dantian. Inside rushed past.

   "Use your mind to control the combination of the two profound energy in the body." The old man Lei Ting said.

  According to what he said, Chen Xuan suddenly condensed two forces, but these two forces suddenly produced a strong rejection, and Chen Xuan's face suddenly showed pain.

  The old man of Thunder waved a strong red light from its paws, and got into Chen Xuan's dantian. Chen Xuan suddenly felt a breath coming into his dantian.

   "I will help you." The old man Thunder said.

  Chen Xuan felt that the pain in his body was alleviated. With the penetration of the power of the Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan felt that the two profound energy were combining within his dantian.

   Seeing a look of pain on Chen Xuan's face, he once again waved a golden profound energy hanging on top of Chen Xuan's head.

  The old man gave a soft drink, and suddenly the two profound energy in Chen Xuan's body merged together, forming a very powerful storm, which was blown out of his Dantian.

   "He is not easy. I just helped him to combine the two profound energy, and he actually did it." The old man exclaimed.

In fact, Chen Xuan himself possesses the attributes of flame profound energy, and in addition he had eaten the ice spirit pill before, so he possessed the Suzaku aura in advance, but the thunder profound energy has always been hidden in Chen Xuan's dantian, and now , After the power of Suzaku penetrated Lin, Ting finally grasped two profound auras.

   "This feeling is really amazing." Chen Xuan gave a soft sigh.

He could feel a very terrifying aura in his body, two completely different profound auras swirling violently within his dantian, Chen Xuangang wanted to transfer these two profound auras out, and suddenly felt a terrifying aura. His consciousness burst out.

  "Now you should not easily mobilize the profound energy in your dantian. The two profound energy are rapidly fusing. If you arbitrarily mobilize, it is very likely to cause backlash." The old man reminded.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and he discovered that the reason why two profound auras could be merged was because he possessed the flame attribute.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. Now half of his body was covered with Vermillion Bird, and the other half was burning with flames.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he found that the Vermillion Bird had long since disappeared, so Chen Xuan stood up, bowed his body in the original direction of the old man, and said: "Thank you, senior, for your kindness, I Chen Xuan does not I will forget."

  Afterwards, a misty voice came into Chen Xuan’s ears: "If you have a relationship with you, you don’t have to look for me."

  Chen Xuan suddenly said: "Senior, if you have anything to help, just greet me, the younger generation will definitely be there."

  "Wait until your cultivation base is strong enough." The old man's voice rang.

  Chen Xuan nodded heavily, and then bowed three times to the sky. Turn around and leave.

  Outside the secret realm, Li Lu and the elder had already arrived after hearing the news, and their hearts were also very excited.

Li Lu and Elder Nangong had a good relationship. Li Lu was the elder in Lu Yucheng, and Elder Nangong was also the elder of Yunyemen. They naturally knew each other in Lu Yucheng, and Chen Xuan was precisely because the elder Nangong also recognized Li. road.

   "Do you think Chen Xuan will break through again?" Elder Nangong asked.

   "I don't know this, but he has already understood the Suzaku mood before. I'm afraid Chen Xuan can raise the Suzaku mood again." Li Lu thought for a moment and replied.

   "He had realized the artistic conception of Vermillion Bird before? It is really strange. He can cultivate the artistic conception without entering Thunder Sword Gorge. He is really a genius of cultivation." Elder Nangong admired.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body suddenly appeared outside the secret realm. Seeing that the secret realm suddenly disappeared in the sky, Li Lu hurried forward and said excitedly at Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, what do you have in it? reward?"

All the B-level warriors who have entered the Thunder Sword Gorge have gained more or less gains. Some warriors have awakened the profound energy in their bodies, some warriors have realized the Suzaku mood, and some have realized the world. Mysterious, since then, the speed of cultivation has been faster than before.

   "I seem to have realized two kinds of profound energy." Chen Xuan replied.

   "What? You can actually comprehend two kinds of spiritual power?" Li Lu asked in surprise.

   "Are there any more? Is there any breakthrough in your cultivation level now." Elder Nangong suddenly asked.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "My cultivation level seems to have no breakthrough."

"It doesn't matter. With Chen Xuan's talent, it must be fast to improve, but he can actually comprehend two profound auras. This time, Chen Xuan can help us Yunyemen again. Do meritorious service." Nangong elder said.

  There is still nearly half a year away from the Qi Ranking Tournament Competition. As long as Chen Xuan's cultivation level can be promoted to the realm of God King, it can be guaranteed that the Yunye Gate can still get the first place.

   "Chen Xuan, you should have heard about the martial arts competition. There is still half a year before the competition. Recently, you must step up your training." Li Ludao.

  Chen Xuan nodded heavily and said: "Okay."

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan left the two elders and returned to his residence. Since he realized the flame profound energy, he has not actually fought.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's body is surrounded by two types of profound energy, half of his body is surrounded by icy air, and the other side is surrounded by flame.

  After a while, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that the sword blade on his left hand suddenly showed a red halo, and Chen Xuan suddenly felt that there was a sword technique in his mind.

   "Suzaku sword technique..." Chen Xuan blinked.

   "Unexpectedly, I actually broke through the seal of this black rock world and once again mastered the Suzaku sword technique." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan directly began to practice the Suzaku swordsmanship. After three months, Chen Xuan finally mastered the first level of the Suzaku swordsmanship.

   "I didn't expect the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique to be so difficult to practice. It is completely different from what I practiced before, and its power is much stronger than before." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Suzaku's first level of swordsmanship was successful, which greatly improved Chen Xuan's cultivation. Now even if he meets Wang Lun, Chen Xuan can compete with him.

  The next morning, in a pavilion of Yunyemen, a powerful aura suddenly bloomed, and this shocking aura instantly permeated the entire pavilion.

   "Could Gu Qiu break through?" Martial artist said.

  "His speed of upgrading his cultivation base is too fast, right? This is only a few months before he can increase again." Another martial artist said.

   "Let’s go and take a look."

   Several warriors were whispering, and at this moment, Gu Qiu's body suddenly emerged from the pavilion.

   Gu Qiu was the warrior who was stopped in front of Chen Xuan and was defeated by Chen Xuan.

   "I must make you pay this time!" Gu Qiu said angrily.

Since he was defeated by Chen Xuan last time, he has been practicing in retreat for several months, trying to defeat Chen Xuan. It is not until today that he finally cultivated the Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Technique to the third level, and His cultivation level has also improved a lot, although he has not broken through to the realm of the **** king, he has reached the limit of the seventh stage of the **** king.

  But he thought that his cultivation was stronger than Chen Xuan, so he walked toward Chen Xuan's residence aggressively.

   "Chen Xuan, today I must let you know how great it is." Gu Qiu said angrily.

  Some warriors felt the anger on Gu Qiu's face, and immediately followed him curiously, wanting to follow him to watch the excitement.

  "Wang Deying was defeated by Chen Xuan last time. He has been working hard to cultivate. This time he won't be looking for Chen Xuan." Martial artist said.

"It must be so. He thought that his cultivation level was a breakthrough, so he wanted to find Chen Xuan's revenge. I heard that he has cultivated the third level of the Sword Art of Extinguishing Heaven, and someone who can cultivate the Sword Art of Extinguishing Heaven to the third level, in Yun There are very few in Yemen."

   "Let's follow it quickly, I don't know who is higher and lower than Chen Xuan now." Martial artist said.

   "I'm afraid he is not yet Chen Xuan's opponent. Chen Xuan could easily defeat him at the beginning, and now Chen Xuan has been practicing, not to mention Chen Xuan is more talented than him." Another martial artist said.

   Coming to the second level of the Cloud Yemen, Gu Qiu exclaimed with an angry expression: "Chen Xuan, you will come out for me, today I will ask for advice on what level your cultivation level has reached!"

  When Gu Qiu speaks. There was a majestic profound energy in the voice, so it directly penetrated the distance of the defeat step and reached Chen Xuan's ears.

   Hearing Gu Qiu's yelling and cursing, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and then stepped out of the room.

As soon as he came out, Chen Xuan saw Gu Qiu who was yelling at him. Gu Qiu looked at Chen Xuan wildly and said arrogantly: "Chen Xuan, I have been cultivating these days. You didn't answer me just now, did you? Scared?"

  Chen Xuan showed a mocking smile and said: "I can feel that your cultivation has indeed increased a lot, but it is still not my opponent, it is just my defeat."

Chen Xuanfeng said lightly, but he angered Wang Deyang: "Chen Xuan, don't think that I lost to you last time. You are really better than me. Now my Heaven-Extinguishing Sword Technique has once again improved. I just use you to practice hands!"

  Chen Xuan felt that Gu Qiu's cultivation level had indeed improved a bit, but Chen Xuan was not afraid of him at all.

  Chen Xuan’s cultivation level has also been enhanced a lot, and he has also reached the first stage of the late stage of the Seventh Stage of the Divine Sovereign. What's more, his Suzaku sword technique has also been practiced to the first stage. Chen Xuan Zhengchou has no target for training, and Gu Qiu rushes in front of him.

Countless warriors around    looked at Chen Xuan one after another. At this moment, many second-rank warriors heard the wind and rushed to hear the news.

   "I didn't expect Chen Xuan to be challenged. It's ridiculous." The second-level martial artist said.

Chen Xuan could handle Li Beidou's move before, not to mention that three months have passed. Chen Xuan's cultivation level must have improved a lot, and he has also practiced in Thunder Sword Gorge. All the second-level martial artists don't think it. Gu Qiu is Chen Xuan's opponent.

  Li Tiangu also looked at Chen Xuan, his eyes gleaming.

Among   Level B, the top warriors all rushed over.

   "I think Gu Qiu is definitely not Chen Xuan's opponent. After all, Chen Xuan has already entered Thunder Sword Gorge a long time ago, and has awakened a spiritual mood. It is simply not something that an ancient hill can defeat." Gu Ling said.

Gu Qiu also heard the comments from the martial artists around him, and his face suddenly became angry and said: "Of course I know that Chen Xuan's previous cultivation base is very strong, but this time I will definitely not lose to him. My Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique has reached the third level. Heavy, Chen Xuan, definitely not my opponent!"

  Everyone stopped talking, and instead focused on Chen Xuan's body, they wanted to see what Chen Xuan answered.

  Chen Xuan would not let go of the opportunity to test his own cultivation. Since he became the number one Suzaku Sword Technique, Chen Xuan has never competed with others.

   Chen Xuan showed a faint smile and said: "Gu Qiu, I can promise your challenge, but you must be prepared. You are probably not my opponent."

  Chen Xuan did not show a trace of fear on his face, but with a light smile, which obviously angered Gu Qiu even more.

Gu Qiu said angrily: "Chen Xuan, don't think that you have an identity among the second-level martial artists, and I will be afraid of you. This time I will take this opportunity to defeat you and prove to others what my cultivation level is. What realm has it reached!"

   "Then let me see and see." Chen Xuan said softly.

  (End of this chapter)

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