Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2700: Air ranking competition begins

   Chapter 2700 Qi ranking competition begins

Chen Xuan walked over silently, and saw Li Lu standing above him, saying to everyone: "Everyone, in a few days, it’s going to be Black Rock World’s Qi ranking contest. In the previous game, we only got third in the Yunye Gate. Famous achievements. As the No. 1 hall in the Nebula Continent, we must win the championship this time. I hope everyone can give us a surprise this time."

  Li Lu briefly explained, and then led many warriors to Lu Yucheng.

  The Cloud Yemen is a pure land for outside cultivators, and the Tiangu Mountain Range is not something other cultivators can set foot on. However, for Chen Xuan and the others, this is the only way they will leave.

  This year's qi ranking contest is in the Lu Yu City of the Yunye Empire. On the way to Lu Yu City, there are many other people, and even the Qing Lingzong and the Yunye Empire.

  There are also many famous sects in the Yunye Empire. At this moment, these sects are all rushing towards Lu Yucheng of the Yunye Empire.

  At the same time, in the Dragon Blood Empire, the sect master of the Qinglingzong said to many martial artists: "Everyone, today is the Qi Ranking Tournament, this time we must get the first place, don’t you know!"

  Just after the voice fell, a group of warriors in silver-white robes immediately responded.

  Qing Lingzong wanted to replace the Yunye Gate a long time ago, and this time he pointed the finger at the Yunye Gate. It is bound to step on the Yunye Gate and lead to the first sect.

  In Lu Yucheng, people came and went, and in just a few days, cultivators from various sects were gathered, and many of them wanted to watch the Qibang competition. Lu Yucheng attached great importance to this competition.

  Even the city lord came to host in person. Many people know that this time the qi ranking competition is not just a simple game, but also a matter within the royal family.

  In the very center of Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan temporarily lives in the inn.

  At this moment, Li Qiuyu wanted to invite Chen Xuan to go out with him, so Chen Xuan agreed.

  As soon as he entered Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan was surprised by the prosperity.

   "It is indeed Lu Yucheng, so prosperous." Chen Xuandao.

  Li Qiuyu lightly nodded and said: "Of course, this is the center of the Yunye Empire after all, and it is still incomparable with Lu Yucheng."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "That's true, how strong do you think our enemy is this time."

  Chen Xuan suddenly spoke, which surprised Li Qiuyu for a moment, and then said: "Are you still worried about this issue with your cultivation base?"

   "Of course, I have to figure out the enemy's cultivation level." Chen Xuan replied.

"Our enemy this time is not only the sect in the Yunye Empire, but also people from other empires. Among them, there are people from the Qinglingzong. The people from the Qinglingzong want to be in all previous competitions. Defeated the Yunye Gate. Now that the Dragon Blood Empire is booming, these Qingling Sect guys are ambitious and want to challenge our Yunye Gate over and over again. Although the Yunye Gate is directly controlled by the imperial family, many sects are right now The imperial royal family is dissatisfied." Li Qiuyu said.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said: "I know this too, but I don't know what cultivation skills these fellows of Qing Lingzong have."

   "Don't worry about it too early. There is still a period of time in the game. We can take the opportunity to inquire about it." Li Qiuyu said.

  On the third morning, the whole city of Lu Yu was full of excitement, and countless cultivators emerged towards the city of Lu Yu in the Yunye Empire.

The   City Lord attached great importance to this qi ranking competition, and even set up many inquiry agencies outside Lu Yucheng, for fear that someone would make trouble.

  Even so, many people came to the Lu Yu City of the Yunye Empire. The Qibang contest attracted people from all empires in the Black Rock World to watch.

  Can see a large-scale battle without spending a penny, which has a huge appeal to them.

  There is a square just north of Lu Yucheng. In the center of the square there is a competition platform. There are countless heads of people surging under the competition platform.

  On the left and right sides of the competition platform, there are more than a dozen rest areas. These places are for the elders of various sects and people in the empire to provide rest areas.

  At the top of the competition platform, it is the position of the referee, but now, that place is empty and the game has not yet started.

  Time slowly passed, Chen Xuan and the others had already stood under the martial arts stage. After a while, a young man walked towards the martial arts stage.

   "This is the city lord." Li Qiuyu reminded in a low voice.

  Wang Lun did not participate in this competition, his current cultivation base has not yet been able to enter the Class A martial artist, so he is not eligible to participate in the Qi ranking competition.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Li Qiuyu and said to Li Qiuyu: "His cultivation skills are also very strong."

  Li Qiuyu nodded lightly: "All the people who cultivate in the empire are the power of thunder, and their cultivation is naturally very strong."

   "It was the city lord who came here." The cultivator exclaimed.

  The city lord looked at the crowd, and then sat on the rest table. Several guardian kings also sat behind the city lord.

   "This is the city lord of our Yunye Empire." Li Qiuyu whispered.

   "Could there be another one?" Chen Xuan was surprised.

   "Of course, I heard that he is returning from Qing Lingzong now, I don't know if he can catch up." Li Qiuyu said.

  As soon as the voice fell, they saw another young man walking towards them off the court, and behind the young youth were several people from the Qing Lingzong.

   "It's him!?" A warrior exclaimed.

  Lu Jiutian's face also showed a look of surprise, obviously he did not expect to be able to come over so quickly.

   "I didn't expect you to come so fast." Lu Jiutian smiled.

   "Of course, you came very quickly. After all, you are in the Yunye Empire. I was miserable. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been in the Qing Lingzong." The man squinted his eyes.

  After that, both of them sat on the viewing platform.

  There used to be two city lords in Lu Yu City, both members of the imperial family, but now, two city lords have rushed over, which shows how much the Yunye Empire attaches importance to this martial arts competition.

  After that, all the sects rushed over.

  Ba Tianzong can only rank outside ten among all the sects.

   was in the secret realm in the northern section of Lingjue dense forest. The genius martial artist in the Tyrannical Sect was also killed by Chen Xuan. Until now, the Tyrannical Sect did not know who killed him. However, this caused the Tyrant Sect to lose a combat power. Now the Tyrant Zong was also not sure that he could get the top few. Their only purpose now was that they would not get the bottom one.

  After seeing many sects come one after another, countless cultivators are talking about it.

   "I didn't expect people from Qinglingmen to also come."

   "Look, isn't that a member of the Qingling Sect? They were very unconvinced when they got third place last time. This time I heard that they want to get first and step on the head of the Yunye Gate."

   "They are definitely not the opponents of the Cloud Yemen. How can I say that the Yunyemen is also the number one hall in the ages. Based on their cultivation level, I am afraid it is not enough."

  After that, people from various sects took their seats, and even the Dragon Blood Tribe rushed over. This time it was because of the truce between our two countries that even the Dragon Blood Tribe sent a few people over.

The warriors in the Dragonblood tribe are all demon souls. The original Yuchide was a warrior from the Dragonblood tribe. He didn't expect to be killed by Chen Xuan in the end. It would be Wei Chide's own fault, if it wasn't him. Asking Chen Xuan's troubles over and over again, Chen Xuan would never kill it at all.

  At this moment, Li Lu also rushed over with many warriors from the Cloud Yemen.

  As the sect established by the imperial family of the Yunye Empire, its appearance naturally brought all the eyes of everyone on the square to them.

Although the Yunye Gate was the sect established by the royal family, its heritage is also very old. It was once the second largest sect of the Yunye Empire, but the sovereign at that time had a very good relationship with the royal family. For this reason, it escaped The cleansing of the Yunye Empire, the sects that can stay in the Yunye Empire now are all extremely powerful. Because of this, the Yunye Gate has a very ancient heritage on this continent. It has always been very mysterious. There are many people. I only know that they are in the Yunye Empire, but I don't know where they are.

The Qingling Gate is in the dense forest of Lingjue, and Chen Xuan has only been there once before. This is also one of the most dangerous places in the Yunye Empire, so all year round he hunts and kills Beasts in the dense forest of Lingjue, and the Yunye Gate The warriors are proficient in the cultivation methods of various empires, and also have strong practical experience.

  Chen Xuan glanced, and he realized that the people of Qinglingzong had also come.

   "It's them." Li Qiuyu said.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw Elder Li, so the two of them rushed towards Li Lu. Seeing Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu walking over, Li Lu glared at them.

   "Where did you two go yesterday?" Li Lu asked.

  Chen Xuan replied: "I and Li Qiuyu were walking around in Lu Yucheng yesterday."

   "Let's talk later." Li Lu waved his sleeve and said.

  After all the sects were gathered, the mysterious man stood up first. I looked around all the sects and said to everyone: "Everyone, what day is today must be very clear to everyone. It is a great honor for me to be here to host this martial arts competition."

  As soon as the voice fell, many people began to applaud.

Not to be outdone, Lu Jiutian hurriedly stood up and said, "Everyone, if our Yunye Empire is not entertained well this time, please forgive me. Today, I will host this madness competition with my eldest brother. I hope you all Being able to cooperate and give our Yunye Empire a face."

Nodded lightly, glanced at Lu Jiutian, and then said: "Everyone, I am afraid that everyone knows the rules of the game. Each sect will select the corresponding martial artist, enter the martial arts platform to fight, and get a point for each win. You can enter the final with the highest score. Once you enter the final, you can only select three warriors to participate in the battle. Whoever wins will be the first!

"That's right, our Yunye Empire attaches great importance to this empire's arrogance competition. Everyone comes from afar, and we will definitely receive it well. If we can get the first place, we will be awarded the Yunye Empire. Of course. The tradition in the world, we will make a reward." Lu Jiutian said.

The   Qi Ranking Tournament has been passed down in the Yunye Empire for thousands of years. As a means of communication between the cities of the Yunye Nation, other city masters have arrived one after another.

  The Sect Master of the Qing Lingzong suddenly stood up and said: "It's not wrong, but our Qing Lingzong will definitely get the first place this time!"

  "What are you talking about? The Dragon Blood Tribe is number one!"

  Suddenly, they began to argue.

   At this moment, a white-haired middle-aged martial artist suddenly stood on the top of the competition platform.

  This middle-aged warrior has an extraordinary position in the empire, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable. He is also one of the most powerful masters in the Yunye Empire.

"Everyone, I am the referee of this game. I also want to make it clear to everyone about the rules of the game. Hidden weapons are not allowed in the game, and various exercises can be used. If I find anyone using hidden weapons, they will be expelled The Yunye Empire will not be allowed to come to the Yunye Empire in the future!" The man said sharply.

  Everyone nodded slightly, and no hidden weapons were allowed. It was almost an unwritten rule.

  The next moment, a young man in a cyan robe walked up. Chen Xuan had heard about him and heard that he was a few people who could be ranked among the first-class warriors.

   "The game begins!" Qingpao Qingdao said.

  As soon as the voice fell, the scene suddenly boiled.

  Cloud Yemen has already selected the warriors to participate in the competition. In addition to the second-class warriors, there are also the first-class warriors.

  Of course, there is Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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