Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2710: Qingfeng Book Pavilion is here

  Chapter 2710 Qingfeng Book Pavilion is coming

   "Dare to mess with me, you are really tired of living!" Li Qiuyu said loudly.

  Li Qiuyu looked at the fire rat on Chen Xuan's shoulder with an angry expression, and took out a sword blade from his arms.

  嗫The fire rat felt the tyrannical aura emanating from Li Qiuyu's body, and suddenly moved away from Chen Xuan's shoulder with its sharp claws.

  Wang Lun also showed a faint smile on his face, and said to them: "Li Qiuyu, it seems that this fire rat also heard you say bad things about it just now, and it is now taking revenge on you."

  Hearing this, Li Qiuyu angrily retracted the blade.

  After seeing Li Qiuyu take the sword back, the fire rat hovered in the sky for a while, and flew over Chen Xuan's shoulder again.

   chirped a few times, as if provoking Li Qiuyu. Seeing Li Qiuyu's angry expression, Chen Xuan hurriedly said quietly beside the fire rat.

  "Don't mess with Li Qiuyu anymore, do you know?" Chen Xuan whispered.

  嗫The fire rat still deliberately yelled towards Li Qiuyu, constantly provoking Li Qiuyu.

Chen Xuan knew that Li Qiuyu’s rabbit spirit beast was not by his side, and was still in the Cloud Leaf Gate. He also knew that Li Qiuyu had the ability to control monsters, and he would definitely not care about anything with a fire rat, sure enough. , Li Qiuyu cast a look at Fire Rat, the monster suddenly became sluggish, and then began to dance on the ground.

  If you are seen by the staff here, you will be surprised and speechless. The inexhaustible physique of monsters actually appeared on this little girl.

  If this fire rat is really like what Wang Lun said is an ancient monster in the legend, then Chen Xuanke will make a lot of money.

  It is said that the ancient beasts lived in the northernmost part of the mainland, and would not leave there in normal times, so there are very few beasts with ancient blood.

   glanced at the ancient beast on his shoulder, even Chen Xuan couldn't believe that this fire rat was a legendary ancient beast.

  After staying in the beast area for a while, a few of them were about to leave here, but at this moment, the staff in purple robes walked in front of the three of them.

   "Good three, I am the steward in the Beast Beast area." The purple robe youth said.

   "Anything?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Hello, we just saw this fire rat on your shoulder with extraordinary cultivation, so now I want to buy it back with a lot of money, don’t know if it’s okay?" Zipao youth said.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and said, "Sorry, I have already purchased this fire rat, and I won't sell him again."

The purple-robed youth's expression changed slightly, and an unpleasant expression appeared between his eyebrows. Then he said to Chen Xuan, "This sir, this fire rat originally belongs to our fighting beast area. Sell ​​the rat to me, and then you will become our VIP. No matter what beast you want to take away, you are allowed."

  The purple-robed youth also did not expect that Chen Xuan would directly refuse. In Lu Yu City, this Colosseum had an extraordinary position, and it was linked to the previous city lord, and almost no one would not give them face.

   "Sorry, not for sale." Chen Xuan replied again.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan, Wang Lun and Li Qiuyu left the beast area. Looking at the back of Chen Xuan and the three of them leaving, the purple-robed youth's eyes showed killing intent.

On the way back, Chen Xuan and the others also met several acquaintances.

Murong Qing of Qingfeng Book Pavilion showed coldness on her face, walked towards Chen Xuan, and said to him: "Elite martial artist of the Yunye Gate, but you still haven't been able to reach the top few this time. Door, only some waste has been received in the past few years."

   "Haha! It's really a runaway door! It's just a bunch of royal runaways!" a disciple echoed.

   His tone was full of ridicule, and he looked at Chen Xuan and the others strangely.

   "What do you want to do?" Li Qiuyu asked.

   "What do I want to do? At the beginning, in the Lu Yu Mountains, my junior was killed for unknown reasons. He must be inseparable from your people at the Yunye Clan, right?" Murong Qing asked angrily.

Chen Xuan really didn’t know if he really killed this person, he killed too many people, there were people from the Black Mist Sect, people from the Qingfeng Book Pavilion, and many other sects, but the Qingfeng Book Pavilion. There are many intersections with Qing Lingzong. At the beginning, Chen Xuan unknowingly killed many people in Qingfeng Shuge. As for Yuchi Hongyi, Chen Xuan really didn't know if he killed him.

  Li Qiuyu's face was covered with frost, staring at Murong Qing without speaking.

   "Murong Qing, although I don't know what you want to do, can you let it go? A good dog doesn't stand in the way. Have you never heard of it." Chen Xuan said sarcastically.

   "Looking for death!" Murong Qing's body suddenly exudes a tyrannical aura.

   "Murong Qing, do you dare to do something in Lu Yu City of the Yunye Empire?" Wang Lun asked suddenly.

Murong Qing immediately took the breath back from her body and said coldly to them: "This is Lu Yucheng. I will definitely not attack you, but this time I was also invited by Lu Jiutian to enter the Yunye Secret Realm. , As long as I can come out of the secret realm, my cultivation level will be improved again. At that time, you can only pray not to meet me, otherwise I will let you see how our Qingfeng Book Pavilion is!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he set his sights on Li Qiuyu and Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan took a step closer and said to him, "Are you guys in Qingfeng Book Pavilion so rude? Can you let me make a little bit of it? Let's go over."

   "Haha, isn't this Chen Xuan who was expelled from the game for a foul? You are also qualified to talk to me?" Murong Qing said sarcastically.

  Although Chen Xuan's cultivation base was very tyrannical, Murong Qing still didn't put him in his eyes. The only thing that Murong Qing could pay attention to was Wang Lun.

  Murong Qing's cultivation base is very tyrannical, and the red-haired youth standing behind him is even more unfathomable.

   At this moment, Murong Yu suddenly stood up and said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, I advise you not to act rashly."

  Murong Yu’s cultivation is even more powerful than Murong Qing, and he is also Murong Qing’s eldest brother.

  Speaking directly, Murong Yu's body exuded a wild aura, and Chen Xuan felt the energy emanating from Murong Yu's body.

  Murongyu wanted to use this breath to suppress Chen Xuan and teach him a lesson.

  At this moment, Murong Qing suddenly stood up and said: "Big Brother Murong Qing, dealing with Chen Xuan and him, you don't need to take action at all."

The next moment, Murong Qing began to gather the profound energy in his body and felt the wild aura emanating from Murong Qing's body. Chen Xuan was not to be outdone. An intense red aura burst out within the dantian. Around his body, flames continuously emerged from Chen Xuan's face.

  The two people immediately fought against each other, and the red and intense red aura formed a thin film.


  The two breaths suddenly exploded, creating a crack between the two of them.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body bloomed with a stronger and more horizontal aura.

   "Murong Qing, I think you made a mistake. Your friend was not killed by us at all." Chen Xuandao.

  Murong Qing snorted coldly, and then said: "Chen Xuan, don't think we haven't found evidence."

  Chen Xuan laughed helplessly, and then said: "I bet you wouldn't dare to shoot in Lu Yucheng."

Murong Qing's expression changed a little, and the aura in his body was finally reduced, but his eyes kept showing a strong killing intent, and he said in a deep voice, "Chen Xuan, wait for me to come out of the secret realm, don't let me stay in Lu Yu. I meet you outside the city, or I will kill you!"

   After speaking viciously, Murong Qing and Murong Yu turned around and left.

When facing Murong Yu, Chen Xuan still felt strong pressure. Murong Yu’s cultivation level had already reached the realm of God King. Chen Xuan knew that he was definitely not his opponent. As for Murong Qing, Chen Xuan’s current cultivation For, enough to deal with him.

After returning to the Yunye Gate, Chen Xuan began to practice. Now he wants to do everything possible to break through to the realm of the God King. Once Chen Xuan can break through to the realm of the Emperor Xuan, then he doesn't need to be afraid of Murong Yu. It was not a matter of a while, Chen Xuan had only cultivated for more than two hours before he felt that his cultivation level had only increased a little.


  Suzaku's spiritual power continued to emerge, Chen Xuan did not relax his practice, but continued to condense the two profound energy in his body. When the two profound auras continued to rotate from within the dantian, Chen Xuan slowly sat on the ground, and felt that both profound auras were constantly rotating. Chen Xuan took a breath, and the aura of heaven and earth was instantly washed away. Holding his pubic area.

  After half an hour, Chen Xuan finally finished his cultivation. Just when he was about to calm the profound energy, he suddenly heard a strange sound ringing in his ears.

  Chen Xuan could feel that this was an ancient technique. Just when he stepped out, he suddenly felt that two black blood sect warriors were attacking him.

  However, the two Black Blood Sect warriors didn't touch Chen Xuan's body, and they were knocked out by Chen Xuan.

  The bodies of these two Black Blood Sect warriors suddenly disappeared in the sky. When they appeared the next moment, they suddenly raised the dagger in their hands and stab them towards Chen Xuan.

   Feeling the danger attacking him, Chen Xuan immediately pulled out the Liaoyuan sword, and the tyrannical Suzaku aura surrounded Chen Xuan's body.


  Suzaku's breath suddenly awakened from Chen Xuan's body.

  In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan killed two black blood sect warriors.

   "What is the origin of these guys?" Chen Xuan said secretly.

   stepped forward, Chen Xuan saw that these black blood sect warriors all carried the tokens of the black blood sect.

   "People from the Black Blood Sect? It's a pity that they miscalculated my cultivation level, thinking that these guys could kill me."

   "What happened?" Li Lu rushed to hear the news.

   "Chen Xuan, are you okay?" Li Qiuyu ran out of the Yunye Gate with disheveled clothes.

"I'm fine. These assassins are all from the Black Blood Sect. They wanted to assassinate me while I was sleeping. I didn't expect that I happened to come out and meet them. The cultivation bases of these assassins are all in the seventh realm of the gods. Not my opponent." Chen Xuandao.

   "That's good, I didn't expect them to penetrate into the Lu Yu City of the Yunye Empire." Wang Lun said.

  "Do you have any grudges with these guys?" Wang Lun asked.

  "When Wang Lun and I went to the Black Mist Mountain Range, I provoke the Black Mist Sect. I found that the people of the Black Mist Sect and the Black Blood Sect have many intersections. I am afraid they are now looking for my revenge." Chen Xuandao.

   "Tomorrow, I will inform Lu Yucheng's guards, and let them handle it. I am afraid that the empire of the empire will also manage this matter personally when it encounters an attack during the Qibang competition." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan just lay down and fell asleep, and suddenly heard the sound of chirping.

   "Who!" Chen Xuan hurriedly looked around and found that the Fire Rat suddenly fluttered its claws and came towards him.

   "It's you." Chen Xuan gave a soft yell.

  The fire rat kept humming, and Chen Xuan looked at him as if he did not understand.

  (End of this chapter)

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