Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2716: The strength of the magic gate

  Chapter 2716 The strength of the Demon Gate

  The speed of Chen Xuanxiu's improvement was too fast, even he did not expect Chen Xuan's cultivation to reach the eighth peak of the realm of gods.

"How is it possible? How did this guy's cultivation level improve so quickly? When I saw him on the border before, he was only at the seventh peak of the gods realm. In just a few days, his cultivation reached the eighth peak of the gods realm. !" Murong Yuan secretly said.

  When Chen Xuan approached the Demon Wind Kingdom, people who had encountered them on the road, Chen Xuan had already hunted down a monster, but this Murong Yuan wanted to **** Chen Xuan’s prey.

   For this reason, Chen Xuan was even injured by Murong Yuan, but Chen Xuan still escaped back. Since then, Chen Xuan has remembered the name Murong Yuan.

   "Murong Yuan! Last time you wanted to **** my monsters, you are not afraid that your brothers of the Demon Sect will laugh at you?" Chen Xuan joked.

   "Boy! You fart! That monster is obviously my prey, why is it still yours!?" Murong Yuan shouted angrily.

   At this moment, the warrior of the Demon Gate suddenly attacked Chen Xuan with a demon sword aura.


  The sound of thunder continued to flicker, and a tyrannical aura suddenly appeared in the air, attacking Chen Xuan's side.

  Chen Xuan quickly wielded the Liaoyuan sword, and the fire of the Vermillion Bird emerged from the blade, blocking the magic spirit sword aura.

  In the face of both Murong Yuan and Mo Lingmen martial artists, Chen Xuan fought more and more bravely, and his strength was brought to the extreme.

  Chen Xuan relied on the demon soul to increase the speed a lot, even Murong Yuan could not catch up with Chen Xuan's body with the thunder power of Murong Yuan's demon spirit technique.


  A sword aura attacked towards Chen Xuan.

   condensed the fifth demon soul pattern, Chen Xuan's body speed was already faster than them, even Murong Yuan's demon spirit sword energy blooming with all his strength could not catch up with Chen Xuan's body.

  Seeing this situation, Murong Yuan showed tension on his face, and said to the martial artist next to him: "His cultivation level has improved a lot, you go to the back to besiege him and try to sneak attack him!"

The warrior of the Demon Gate nodded, and then flew towards Chen Xuan's back. Faced with the siege of the two people, Chen Xuan smiled contemptuously.

"Is the Demon Sect only capable of this? Every time I hit a couple of them, don't you know, if it wasn't for the two of you to flank me one after the other, I would have killed you long ago." Chen Xuan sarcastically Tao.

   Murong Yuan's face showed an expression of anger: "Don't be too rampant. It is your blessing to die in the hands of our Demon Sect."

   "I want to see how you want to deal with me?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Today, I will show you that the swordsmanship of our Demon Gate is the second heavier than that." Murong Yuan said angrily.

  Murong Yuan hurriedly raised the sword in his hand. He knew that Chen Xuan was very fast, and if he delayed for a long time, he might lose the opportunity.

At this moment, the warrior of the Demon Sect sneered, and said to Chen Xuan: "You can see Murong Yuan's demon power, the second level, but your blessing, ordinary people are not qualified to die in our Demon Sect. The second epee, hahaha!"

  Two breaths radiated from their bodies at the same time, and the waves of air were surging. Chen Xuan took the lead in attacking, slashing a sword, and launched a fierce attack on the warriors of the Demon Gate.

  Murong Yuan was furious. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation base to be improved in a short time, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation base was even stronger than him.

  It is necessary to know that Chen Xuan has just entered the eighth peak of the gods realm, and his cultivation has already reached the limit of the eighth peaks of the gods realm, and he can enter the nines of the gods realm in just one step.

  In a moment, Chen Xuan and the warriors of the Demon Gate fought together. Faced with the offensives of several Demon Gate warriors, it was difficult to distinguish between upper and lower, and they fought in the sky for more than half an hour.

"Do you think you can fight the Demon Sect by relying on the energy of the demon soul? Although your current cultivation base is indeed very tyrannical, you are not my opponent at all. As long as your energy is exhausted, you will be tortured by that time! "Murong Yuan said with a ferocious expression.

  Although Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has improved rapidly, Murong Yuan still did not put Chen Xuan in his eyes.


  Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated back, and at this moment, Murong Yuan's body was slowly approaching Chen Xuan. His body shook, and the sword aura suddenly emerged. Under the shining of the sun, you could see the magic spirit sword aura exuding a faint white snow.

  Thorn it!

  The sound of thunder continued to emerge, and it was very dazzling under the background of the sun, and it suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan quickly turned the Suzaku in his body, and a tyrannical aura suddenly appeared. The two sword auras collided in the sky, and the dust lifted up caused the bodies of the two of them to retreat two steps back again.

   "If I continue to consume them, I'm afraid I won't have the upper hand. Now I can only think of other ways." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

   Suddenly Chen Xuan speeded up and quickly left the magic forest.

The area where they were fighting was not far from the peak of the Demon Wind Forest. Chen Xuan worried that the movement caused by their battles attracted the attention of other Demon Sect warriors. He was alone in the Demon Wind Forest. If there were a few more people, he was alone in the Demon Wind Forest. The warrior of the Demon Gate, Chen Xuan must have been killed.

  "Leave here first, if they catch up, they will break them one by one." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  Chen Xuan also saw how tyrannical the martial artist of the Demon Sect was. If there were a few more martial artists of the Demon Sect, Chen Xuan would definitely not be their opponent.

  Chen Xuan saw the second level of magic magic, and found that the lethal power of magic magic is indeed very powerful.

  Murong Yuan did not bloom the second stage of magical magic before, because the second heavy sword technique takes a long time to condense the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and just now, Chen Xuan has seen the second stage of magical magic.

   can not only mobilize the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, but the movement caused is really very big. If it were not because of Chen Xuan's speed being too fast, I am afraid that he would be seriously injured when he was hit by the second level of the magical power of the devil.

You must know that Chen Xuan’s current body has reached the horrible state of Dao-body duality. Among the martial artists at the eighth peak of the god-sovereign realm, very few people can achieve the dual-layer body of the Taoist body. As for Murongyuan, his body It's just the limit of mortal body.

   "The magical power of the devil is worthy of being a first-grade technique, and it is really extraordinary." Chen Xuan said secretly.

   ran fast for many miles. Chen Xuan heard Murong Yuan's voice ringing behind him.

   "If you have the ability, don't run away."


  Chen Xuan suddenly saw a demon spirit sword aura rushing towards him quickly, and a Suzaku condensed in an instant, blocking his attack.

   Facing Murong Yuan's siege, Chen Xuan knew that he was not their opponent, so now Chen Xuan was going to separate them and defeat them one by one.


  Chen Xuan hurriedly avoided a demon sword aura, and Murong Yuan's demon sword aura hit a tree next to Chen Xuan, and the tree was suddenly cut in two.

   "Sure enough." Chen Xuan's face showed doubts, and then he began to gather Suzaku and attacked Murong Yuan.

  Murong Yuan hurriedly lifted the sword in his hand, preparing to block Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword aura.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Xuan found the right opportunity to slip away. Murong Yuan looked at Chen Xuan's back angrily, but was helpless to Chen Xuan. He couldn't catch up with Chen Xuan, so he could only watch Chen Xuan slip away. .

  Chen Xuan had already withdrawn from the dense forest of magic spirits and quietly hid in a thicket next to the dense forest. Murong Yuan couldn't catch up with Chen Xuan, and angrily cut a tree in front of him.

   "Catch me!" Murong Yuan said angrily.

  The warriors of the Demon Gate suddenly took out their swords and chased them towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing several warriors chasing the past, Murong Yuan also raised the sword in his hand and attacked forward.

  Murong Yuan continued to track Chen Xuan towards the front, and several warriors of the Demon Sect had taken the lead in pursuing the past. Murong Yuan lags far behind.

  Several warriors of the Demon Gate have rushed out of the Demon Forest.

   "Strange, how can he run so fast." The warrior of the Demon Gate whispered.

   "I didn't run fast, haven't I come back now." Chen Xuan's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

  The look of the warrior of the Demon Gate suddenly changed, but Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword had already pierced him.


A tyrannical sword aura emerged from Chen Xuan's body. The warrior of the Demon Gate hurriedly lifted the sword in his hand, preparing to block Chen Xuan's attack, but Chen Xuan's speed far exceeded his imagination. In the meantime, Chen Xuan's body appeared behind him, wielding a tyrannical scorching prairie sword energy, hitting his chest.


  The warrior of the Demon Gate spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body was blasted to the ground heavily.

   "If you dare to kill me, Murong Yuan will definitely not let you go!" The warrior of the Demon Lingmen said viciously.

  Chen Xuan sneered and replied: "What? You are still waiting for Murong Yuan to rescue you."

  The warrior of the Demon Gate called Murong Yuan's name loudly, but Murong Yuan did not appear.

After    killed the warrior with a sword, Chen Xuan continued to hide in the dense forest.

  "Die to me!" The warrior of the Demon Gate heard the voice, and suddenly came to the place where he had just fought, but he had been killed by Chen Xuan.

  When he arrived, he only saw a corpse with flames all over the floor.

   "He definitely didn't run far, wait until Murong Yuan comes." Martial artist said.

   "He killed Junior Brother Li Wang! I must kill him today!" The warrior in the cyan robe said angrily.

   "Don't be impulsive!" the warrior persuaded.

   "That kid killed our man, should we let him escape! Don't stop me! I must kill it today!" The disciple shouted and chased towards Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan! Come out for me!" the disciple said angrily.

  Now Chen Xuan has been hiding in the dense forest. They did not find Chen Xuan, and this also won Chen Xuan enough opportunities.

  The next moment, a Suzaku profound energy suddenly pierced his chest.


  Liaoyuan sword penetrated his chest, and the disciple's body slowly lay on the ground.

  Chen Xuan worried that Murong Yuan hadn't gone far, and quickly slashed a prairie fire towards the other warriors of the Demon Gate.


  Suzaku suddenly burned on the body of the warrior. After two minutes, several warriors of the Demon Gate died.

After killing several warriors, Chen Xuan quickly hid in the jungle.

  Murong Yuan had just arrived in the dense forest, but when he came here, he saw that the warrior of the demon gate chasing over had been killed by Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan!" Murong Yuan roared, now he is bound to kill Chen Xuan.

  The next moment, Murong Yuan looked at the full body of the corpse.

"Chen Xuan! You have killed the people of the Demon Gate in succession, today even the empire of the Demon Wind Empire and the status of the Demon Gate warrior cannot protect you. You must get your muscles and take your skin off!" Murong Yuan The vicious way.

   "I think how he would run away suddenly. It turned out to be a tactic of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, which is really despicable!" A tyrannical infurience rose above Murong Yuan's body.

  Chen Xuan also felt a powerful qi radiating from Murong Yuan's body.

   "What happened?" Several warriors from the Demon Gate heard the movement and rushed to the dense forest.

   "Chen Xuan!" Murong Yuan roared again.

   "Murong Yuan, what happened on earth?" the warrior of the Demon Gate asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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