Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2735: Just dissatisfied

  Chapter 2735 Just dissatisfied

"I admit that the little boy surnamed Chen is more talented than me? Or he has a stronger grasp of kendo than me. If you want me to say, women need dexterity. This is cultivation, but it does not prove that he is better than me. "

  Huaxia Road has completely lost its demeanor now, which surprised many people.

   "Then what do you say." The city lord frowned. He originally wanted to give Huaxia Road a step, but Clinker Huaxia Road didn't know how to promote it.

  Chen Xuan looked at Huaxia Road with a light smile, watching him lose his majesty and identity.

  Hua Xia Lu said angrily: "Lord Lu, it’s not that I don’t give you face, or I’m not convinced by Chen Xuan. It’s better than comprehension and comprehension ability. Then find an unpredictable technique to compare comprehension ability.”

   "Others can't practice it, only I can practice it. This is called a strong understanding."

The words    were spoken by Huaxia Road, and they sounded very harsh.

   Obviously, Huaxia Road has been spoiled by the family since he was a child. He can only promise everyone to admire him alone, and never allow anyone to steal his limelight.

  What's more, he is used to being a blessing in Lu Yucheng, and it is the first time he has encountered someone like Chen Xuan who presses him on all sides. How can he make him feel uncomfortable?

   "Okay." The city lord's mood is a bit unwell now, he whispered: "You mean, the next two exercises don't need to be compared?"

   "No need." Huaxia Lu waved his hand: "Find this difficult exercise, it is best if you, the city lord, have not been able to learn it."

The city lord took a deep breath. This time his purpose was to integrate the major families and unite them to deal with the Pantheon, so temporarily tolerated Huaxia Road's words, and whispered: "Just so, I have one copy here. "

  After finishing speaking, the city lord took off and returned in less than a cup of tea. He now had a broken book in his hand.

  This book looks tattered and doesn’t even have a cover. It seems to have been around for many years now.

  The city lord said: "This exercise was obtained by accident when I was young. Because it is incomplete, I have never practiced it, so the level of the exercise cannot be determined."

   "From my point of view, this should be an ice attribute technique, but the strange thing is that its cultivation method is very strange, no matter how hard it is."

  "Strange?" Chen Xuan frowned. He noticed that the city lord's words were not difficult, not complicated, but strange.

   "Since you want this kind of exercise, then you and Chen Xuan, let's understand it together."

  The city lord directly invited Chen Xuan and Huaxia Road into the main entrance hall, and then taught them the cultivation methods.

   When listening to the cultivation method, Chen Xuan's brows became deeper and deeper.

  While Huaxia Road, he was at a loss.

  This exercise is very weird. As far as the existing part is concerned, the whole story is developed around ice attributes.

  The strange thing is that if you practice according to the cultivation method, you can't condense your spiritual power into fire energy, and condense your spiritual power into ice true energy.

   is as if it was created by a layman indiscriminately. You can perceive it carefully, and there seems to be some essence hidden in it.

  Chen Xuan secretly mobilized his spiritual power, as described in the cultivation method, but tried it three times, but failed to condense the anger.

   "It's weird." Chen Xuan thought in his heart: "There are such peculiar techniques in the world, and every time the distance is successfully concentrated, the spiritual power will suddenly collapse."

  "This technique doesn't seem to want people to condense anger, but its own description seems to want people to condense anger. Isn't this contradictory?"

   "It's difficult. That's right. That's right."

  Chen Xuan was shocked in a cold sweat, thinking in his heart: "Damn it, it doesn't seem to be an ice attribute technique at all. This is Suzaku sword energy."

   After figuring out this section, Chen Xuan thought again, and felt very surprised every time he thought about it.

  This is a "fire thunder" exercise.

   As surging as fire, and as aggressive and domineering as thunder.

  Lei, too domineering. And it is too condensed, just like a thunderbolt falling in the sky.

   Therefore, most of the Suzaku sword aura is difficult to form area damage, even if it can form, it is also a spread of fire, and the consumption of spiritual power is unimaginable.

  This book is to force the spiritual power of thunder into fire. It spreads and explodes into ice and fire, forming a large-scale destructive attack, but the consumption is far less than that of thunder.

  It’s really nowhere to find any place to break through the iron shoes. It’s all effortless.

  The Suzaku sword qi that I thought about day and night, I got it because of the difficulties of Huaxia Road.

  However, the power of this exercise is too amazing, and Chen Xuan made up his mind to only try, and not to use the power of this remnant in public.

  Later, the city lord invited the two back to the courtyard, and said: "I have used it for 23 years, but I have not been able to achieve this skill, so I will give you more time today, three sticks of incense."

   "Also, I don’t ask you to really be able to practice it. After three incense sticks, you can tell the doorway in it."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled, he knew he was determined to win.

  Huaxia Road is impossible to train. Because you must have the power of Suzaku, it is possible to learn this incomplete book.

  Even Huaxia Lu could not think of the mystery of this broken book.

  Afterwards, Sanzhuxiang slowly timed the time, while Chen Xuan sat cross-legged, practicing silently.

  Sanzhuxiang passed quickly, what I was looking forward to has finally arrived

  The city lord clapped his hands, indicating that the time is up, and he said: "According to the introduction of the practice method in this incomplete book, the incomplete practice method can be practiced as a heavy stroke."

   "If this skill can be practiced, it should be possible to use a Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple. Unfortunately, I have not been able to succeed. Then, now I have two of you to talk about it."

   "You, what have you seen in this exercise?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Huaxia Road with an expression, and said, "You first, or me first?"

  Hua Xia Lu sneered and said, "Since it was me first, then this time, it's still me."

   Talking, he looked at the city lord: "My lord, it’s too simple to tell the mystery of this exercise. I can try it on the spot."

  "What?" Both the city lord and Chen Xuan were taken aback.

  The city lord whispered: "You actually learned it?"

   "That is." Huaxia Road was full of spirits.

  Everyone was shocked. For a tyrannical warrior like the city lord, who had used a technique that he hadn’t learned for 23 years, Huaxia Road would be able to use only three incense sticks. And can you try it on the spot?

  Chen Xuan also found it incredible. He couldn't figure out why Huaxia Road could also learn it. It was impossible. Huaxia Road also has the power of Suzaku?

   "Quickly." The city lord hurriedly moved to a table and said: "Please try Xia Lu, it's on this table."

  Hua family is so happy, especially Liu family can be regarded as exuberant. Although his eldest son lost to Chen Xuan in front, but what?

  The things compared in front, in Huaxia Road's words, seem to be nonsense at all. As long as Xia Lu can comprehend this technique, see what face Chen Xuan has.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Huaxia Road once again returned to his calm and calm appearance. He **** his long hair and enjoyed the worship and admiration of everyone.

   Immediately after, he walked to the table, pressed the table top with his palm, and kept a few inches of distance from the table beside his body.

   Immediately afterwards, his pupils were slightly closed, secretly mobilizing spiritual power.

  After about three breaths passed, Hua Xia Lu let out a low voice, but suddenly a Suzaku Sword Qi quadruple appeared under his body.

  Everyone dropped their chins in shock. The other sects are really not trivial, and Huaxia Road has really been practiced.

   Looking back at the city lord, a suspicious look appeared on his face.

   But Chen Xuan directly laughed

   "How about it." Huaxia Lu wiped a cold sweat. He raised his hands high and shouted: "Who is the tyrannical genius of Lu Yucheng's first cultivation level?"

  Everyone was amazed and kept clapping their hands in applause.

  But the city lord always looked suspicious, as if he felt something was wrong, and he couldn't say what was wrong. He rotten this exercise by himself. Although he hadn't practiced it, he still knew a little bit more or less.

  If this incomplete book is practiced, is it really just like this? Not quite right.

   "Can't figure it out?" Chen Xuan stood in the city lord and said, "You can't figure out what's wrong, right."

  The city lord nodded without understanding, and said: "Xia Lu is indeed talented, but it is."

   "But the effect is not the same as you expected, right?" Chen Xuan laughed out loud, "Do you know what's wrong?"

  The city lord shook his head, and everyone next to him was surprised when he heard Chen Xuan’s words.

  Chen Xuan laughed: "Because Huaxia Road does not seem to be trained at all, he is cheating."

   "What did you say?" The city lord was shocked.

Chen Xuan whispered: "Hua Xia Road, it's just a deception with an ice attribute technique, maybe he used the Pantheon technique, maybe that technique is somewhat similar to the effect described in this fragmented book. "

   "That's how it is." The city lord awakened like a dream, and he patted his forehead: "No wonder I always feel that something is wrong."

  Hua Xia Lu immediately blushed and said angrily: "Chen Xuan, what nonsense are you talking about, do you have any evidence that I cheated. I used the exercises in the broken book. If you lose, you have to admit it."

   "Stop spitting people here. Do you think this will prove that you are better than me? It makes people laugh."

  Chen Xuan walked to a table with a smile, and said: "Do you want evidence? Open your eyes and see clearly, this is the evidence."

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan pressed both hands on the table top, and there was a burst of crackling noise beside his body.

   Immediately afterwards, a very weird Suzaku sword energy fourfold, spread out in a blink of an eye

  The Suzaku Sword Qi Quadruple is actually blue-red. It was the anger formed by the condensed spiritual power, but its color was really weird.

   Even more strange is that the tabletop was not burned to ashes by the Suzaku Sword Qi, but the whole table was torn apart in a blink of an eye.

  As if it were five horses divided into corpses, the desktop was directly blown to pieces, and it was bombarded everywhere!

The power of    does not lie in the high temperature burning of ice and fire, but in the lethality brought by the explosion.

  The warriors on the scene couldn't help applauding. This was the admiration from the heart, so that they all temporarily forgot their position.

  Forgot to do this, will it offend the Huajia and Huaxia Road?

  Tonight, Chen Xuan can be said to be shocking. The talent he showed is truly amazing.

   "Huaxia Road, what else do you have to say?" Chen Xuan looked at Huaxia Road coldly.

  At this time, the scene suddenly quieted down again. Everyone knew that Huaxia Road had lost, and it was embarrassing to lose. He was such a superior status.

   would actually choose to cheat in order to beat a young warrior who was five or six years younger than him. It's a shame.

  It’s just that no one dared to booze on the spot.

  Everyone looked at Huaxia Road silently, waiting for his response.

  Na Huaxia Road stood on the clearing, his face was pale at first, then slowly turned into iron cyan, and finally turned into a bright red, even his eyes were red.

  This look obviously means that Huaxia Road is now very angry.

"Okay." Huaxia Road screamed. He grabbed his hands back, and clanged the sword blade out of the sheath, and said angrily at Chen Xuan: "You are an unknown junior, you dare to humiliate my Pantheon warrior in public. You are really brave. "

   "My Pantheon never suffers."

   "Not good." Hearing this, Lu Jiuyuan suddenly felt anxious in his heart.

  The look and manner of Huaxia Road, Lu Jiuyuan had seen too many.

  Sure enough, Huaxia Road’s voice has not yet settled, but he was holding a sword blade and stabbing Chen Xuan with a long sword. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan’s body on the spot.

  The sword cut through the sky, carrying a sharp and domineering sword light, which looked extremely dazzling in the night.

  Hua Xia Lu is a master of the **** king realm, and Chen Xuan's sword aura is impossible to hold with all his strength.

  Everyone at the scene was shocked, and no one thought that Huaxia Road would lose the competition and would kill it.

  And just at the moment of the moment, another strong and fierce spiritual force slammed from the other side

  The two spiritual powers collided violently in the air, and only a deafening sound was heard. The sword light of Huaxia Road was inserted diagonally from the spiritual power, and it blasted the sky with light spots.

  The spiritual power that saved Chen Xuan was obviously many times stronger. After smashing the sword light on Huaxia Road, it still flew out into the distance until it disappeared into the night sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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