Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2751: Last time

   Chapter 2751 The Last Day

   "I hope that in these last days, there will be a little new harvest." Chen Xuan drove away, rushing back to Liu Mansion.

  As soon as he entered, Chen Xuan heard another news.

  Chen Xuandao: "What's the big deal?"

"Don't ask first, tell me to go to the main hall of the mansion and tell me, our mansion has become a mess of porridge these days you have left." Li De was anxious and irritable, like an ant in a hot pot, Chen Xuan just now I haven't seen Li De before, and I am still a little curious.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help frowning, thinking in his heart that it was really troublesome. The trouble came one after another, and he didn't know what happened to Li De.

  After the two of them arrived at the main hall of the mansion, they felt that all the patriarchs in the city had arrived, even the juniors.

   "Look at Chen Xuan." Li De saw Chen suddenly become solemn.

   "What's wrong?" Chen Xuan stared at these high-ranking patriarchs strangely. However, Chen Xuan did not expect Patriarch Liu to call him up when these patriarchs were discussing matters.

   Li De said: "Aren’t we going to rebuild the side of Lu Yucheng? I just ordered a lot of things with a few kings in Lu Yucheng not long ago."

  The Liu family also helped Chen Xuan a lot, so Chen Xuan would naturally help them.

  "Yes" Chen Xuan became more and more confused. They wanted to build wounding weapons and boulder crystals in order to win the victory. Naturally, they wanted to collect a lot of raw materials.

  However, Chen Xuan has nothing to do with this matter for the time being. Only if he continues to improve his cultivation level can he be qualified to fight against the big families in these cities. Otherwise, Chen Xuan alone is weak and it is difficult to deal with these ancient clans.

  When you can't fight with people, use the Suzaku sword technique for all moves. This is very unrealistic.

  "Go to the cave of the Blood Mist Demon Lord again." Chen Xuan settled his attention, and then hurried to the dark hall in the city, toward the cave.

  This place, Li De told Chen Xuan, because of him, Chen Xuan also got a lot of benefits.

  The tyrannical genius of the Suzaku Sword Qi cultivation base that Chen Xuan has known so far is the Blood Mist Demon Lord. He can only learn from him.

  After returning to the cave next time, Chen Xuan went through the cave back and forth, but found nothing.

  “No” stared at the cave he had traversed, and slowly said: “This is a sudden cave, which also means that he had practiced in this place in the early stage of martial arts.”

   "Even if there is no cultivation technique hidden here, at least there should be a little bit of energy for cultivation."

  In the next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt something, and looked up at the mountains on all sides: "Could it be that?"

  This mountain has existed for decades. Just now, a thick layer of dust has accumulated on all sides of the mountain.

  Chen Xuan raised his right hand, a cloud of sword energy rose in his palm, and then his true energy whistled out, sweeping across the four walls. After the thick dust was dropped, some symbols appeared on the east and south walls.

   "Sure enough." Chen Xuan was overjoyed and saw that the Blood Mist Demon had really written something on the mountain.

  He studied those symbols seriously. In the process, he suddenly showed a look of panic, and sometimes a look of doubt.

The imprints of the characters on the slate room are not exercises, and no practitioners will write the formulas of the exercises on the slate. Unsurprisingly, the imprints of the characters on the wall are some of the experience of the blood mist demon's practice. .

  The imprints of those characters are one piece and one piece. There is no connection between the two. It should be that the blood mist demon Lingxuan flashed, and he wrote two pens on the slate room.

  According to his in-depth understanding of the sword qi of the demon soul, Chen Xuan transcribed the imprints of all the characters on the mountain, and he arranged the order.

  Later, he examined the imprints of these characters, and slowly said: "This is a dual cultivation of demons and souls."

  The marks of those characters describe all the experience of the blood mist demon, and the general direction is to go in other directions.

In the past ten years, all cultivators who have entered the realm of the gods have focused on mastering the power of the demon soul. That is, mastering the power of the demon soul will make the cultivator strong, but Chen Xuan relied on the power of the demon soul. The cultivation base immediately increased his body strength, and he entered the cultivation base of the Taoist body's second move. A tyrannical body can bring a more lasting combat ability, instead of losing the cultivation base like the demon soul cultivation. , But he realized that the realm of the **** king is not just relying on mastering the power of the demon soul, if he can also master the demon soul cultivation at the same time, then the cultivation level will increase even more.

  According to the blood mist demon he understood that yin and yang are things that do not exist in the world, but are derived.

  Chen Xuan nodded as he watched. The Blood Mist Demon Lord’s experience of dual cultivation of monsters and souls made Chen Xuan's understanding of the talents of dual cultivation of monsters and souls saved him a lot of exploration.

  And the real practical aspects of this book of Demon Soul Dual Cultivation, the key point lies in the second half, which is about two things.

   "It actually really described the cultivation of the demon soul, which has some meaning." Chen Xuan couldn't help nodding.

  The demon soul sword qi is not the real power in the body, just like the fire spiritual power can also be flames, but it relies on the eruption of the body. This is only possible if you have a deeper understanding of the profound power.

   But through the cultivation of the technique, the spirit of the fire and the power of the demon soul can really become the flame of true energy, and the power of the demon soul can be mastered. Obviously, the demon soul can also be used.

  Chen Xuan stared tightly, while pulling out his right hand, a cloud of sword energy rose in the middle of his body.

   And this qi is contained in it, but it still looks ordinary on the outside.

  According to the secret formula of the Soul of the Vermillion Bird, Chen Xuan hurriedly passed through it in his heart, and his true energy hurriedly gathered in his dantian, and then gathered in his body.

  At this time, a cloud of sword energy condensed in the body quickly transformed into raging fire energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "It's really done." Chen Xuan panicked, the raging flames made of Suzaku, condensed and crackled on the road.

  He blasted out the raging fire and infuriated anger. Well, he exploded a large pit several meters long on the mountain, and even the underground cave was trembling with the blast.

   "This power is amazing." Chen Xuan was surprised and delighted. After the same amount of zhenqi was transformed into raging fire zhenqi, his power exponentially increased several times.

  Chen Xuan also couldn't think that he could actually condense the sword energy directly into the Vermillion Bird.

   "Well, this Suzaku soul, for my talent, is quite easy to do, but this Suzaku swordsmanship is very weird!"

  Chen Xuan stared tightly again, the introduction to the Suzaku sword technique on the right actually opened his eyes.

  Blood Mist Demon Lord believes that sword qi is something that does not exist in the body of the cultivator, so the plasticity of this monster is suddenly endless.

  The cultivator fights with exercises, using true energy to fight, but he also has a lot of strength that cannot be absorbed by his body.

  If the demon soul and true energy are both cultivated, suddenly it is a double practice of technique.

   However, according to the experience of the Blood Mist Demon Lord, even if he created the Suzaku sword technique, he did not go to deep practice.

  Because the energy of a cultivator is limited, since the Blood Mist Demon Lord has the dual cultivation of the demon soul, he can only practice the power of the demon soul to the extreme in one way, and there is no extra energy for the demon soul cultivation.

  Chen Xuan slowly said: "I have the Vermillion Bird Soul, and I practice all the exercises faster than ordinary people. Maybe he doesn't have enough energy, I actually have it."

   "But this Suzaku really wants to master the power of the demon soul diligently, how can he use it to explore."

  He took out the black cloud puppet he got from the blue-haired girl, and injected sword energy into the black cloud puppet, and the black cloud puppet actually ran in circles on the trees.

  This black cloud puppet was made into a human-like shape.

  Chen Xuan stared closely at the black cloud puppet running, he suddenly started to condense the sword energy according to the first move of the Suzaku sword technique.

  He injected his infuriating energy into his palm, and then the infuriating energy attached to his palm turned into the power of Suzaku, which was visible to the naked eye.

Afterwards, his palm quickly condensed sword energy, his fingers constantly changed shapes, and collided in a peculiar posture, and the Suzaku attached to his hand unexpectedly changed according to the process of condensing sword energy. .

  He spotted the running black cloud puppet, and shouted angrily: "The power of the Vermillion Bird."


  Suzaku's power did not succeed, but Chen Xuan's palm condensed sword energy and exploded.

  The tyrannical Suzaku exploded and threw Chen Xuan away directly. His body dignifiedly hit the stone slab, then bounced back, and his whole muscles twitched fiercely.

  "Fortunately, I have absorbed the Suzaku sword qi and developed further spiritual power." Chen Xuan stroked his shoulders and stood up, smiled and said: "Otherwise, I will be blown up to death."

  Gathering the power of the demon soul and the sword aura seemed simple, but it was suddenly super difficult. The slightest deviation actually fell short. What's more, Chen Xuan is still relying on the two qi in his body to divide evenly among the Vermillion Bird Soul.

   "Come again." Chen Xuan twisted his neck, his palms condensed sword energy.

   "Suzaku's power."


   Another Suzaku's sword energy emerged from Chen Xuan's body.

   "Suzaku's power."

  Chen Xuan condensed sword qi for almost an hour, nearly two dozen times, and finally succeeded once.

   But the moment he saw his Suzaku's power succeeded, his face was surprised, the middle fingers of his palms were brought together into sword energy, and the fingers fell from top to bottom.

  The road was originally empty, but at the moment Chen Xuan's sword aura fell, a Suzaku's power fell from the sky.

  After the power of the Vermillion Bird was condensed, it was as thick as a palm, covered with a cold air, and it slammed into the mountain with a snap.

   "It actually triggered the power of the Vermillion Bird." Chen Xuan suddenly jumped up. It turned out that after the power of the Vermillion Bird was successfully triggered, it would actually attract a force of the Vermillion Bird out of thin air.

  It's a pity that his angle of control is not good, this Vermillion Bird's power did not hit the Black Cloud Puppet.

  He rushed up to check his results, and actually saw that after the power of the Suzaku hit the ground, it did not cause an explosion like his failure to condense the sword energy, but left a heavy hole in the ground.

  On the ground, a palm-thick, bottomless black hole is still emitting blue smoke.

   "Hahaha." Chen Xuan Yangtian laughed, and one hour of hard work was not in vain.

   Then he ran to a distant place, and then condensed sword energy.

  Because he has condensed sword aura for an hour, he has explored the doorway, this time condensing sword aura, only failed a few times, and actually succeeded.

   And this time, the power of the Vermillion Bird actually smashed the black cloud puppet out.

  This shocked Chen Xuan immediately. The black cloud puppet was used to measure the offense. The ability of that kind of thing to endure blows was too strong to imagine.

  After the power of the Vermillion Bird hit the Black Cloud Puppet, he actually felt a two-inch deep wound of the power of the Vermillion Bird on the shoulder of the Black Cloud Puppet.

"No," Chen Xuan widened his eyes and said in fear: "When I enlightened this beast, I tried my best to attack, but I couldn't leave even a sword aura on this black cloud puppet. "

  This is just an offensive with the power of the Vermillion Bird formed by zhenqi. If I can use the two qi in my body, I can immediately improve my cultivation.

The power of    is really horrible.

However, after mastering the power of the demon soul, even if the power of the Vermillion Bird's True Qi has increased Chen Xuan's strength a lot, even the power of the Vermillion Bird's power is very terrifying even if it consumes the true qi, but it is far better than the strength of the Vermillion Bird. Using the power of Suzaku once took time out of the Soul of Suzaku.

   "It's just that the power of the Vermillion Bird is too difficult." Chen Xuan took a deep breath, and slowly said: "With my talent, it is so difficult to form the simplest Vermillion Bird power."

   "If you change to him, you can't imagine it."

   "Then the Suzaku artistic conception can improve my cultivation."

  After Chen Xuan had seen a stroke of the power of the Suzaku, he inevitably had a sense of expectation for the mood of a stroke of the Suzaku. If Chen Xuan could comprehend the two moods, it would greatly improve his mastery of the power of the demon soul.

  He carefully studied the description of Suzaku's artistic conception, and he actually felt that these two tricks cannot be achieved by concentrating sword energy, but using something.

   "Suzaku's Soul."

  (End of this chapter)

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