Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2758: Demon Rat

  Chapter 2758 Demon Rat

  In the days of cultivation, let him understand a problem, in the black rock world of the black rock world where the weak and the strong, the kindness to others may not necessarily be rewarded by others.

  Only the cultivation base is the only capital to speak.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan slowly arrived in the Lu Yucheng area.

   "My cultivation level has already been improved. It shouldn't be long before I can raise the triple pinnacle of the Divine King Realm."

   "Because the Black Cloud Cliff is about to open, every tyrannical warrior is here."

   "Those warriors are all gathered in Lu Yucheng, all those family cultivators have gone."

   "It seems that I came back too late. The warriors began to gather. I rush over now, I am afraid I will be late."

   "It's just not clear, how is Li De and the others in their cultivation."

   "I'm back." After returning to Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan shouted.

   "Chen Xuan, you are back." Li De suddenly rushed up and grabbed Chen Xuan's palm and said, "I thought you couldn't keep up."

   "Master Liu, I already know it." Chen Xuan nodded and said: "It's okay, I will rush to the city to participate in the Black Cloud Peak competition."

   Speaking of Li De's face suddenly darkened, he slowly said: "It should be."

  Chen Xuan frowned and said, "What's the matter."

   "Hey, go and ask." The warrior showed an unhappy look.

   "They are still in Lu Yucheng." Chen Xuan was surprised, when is this, what are they still doing in the family.

  He felt that something had happened, and he rushed to the Yunye Gate immediately.

  As soon as he opened the door, the room was filled with a faint blood, and Chen Xuan saw the guard of the city lord’s mansion on the bed.

   Chen Xuan showed a panic expression: "You are injured."

  A warrior in the city lord’s mansion reluctantly smiled: "Chen Xuan, go to the Black Cloud Peak competition, they are already waiting for you at the city lord’s mansion."

   Chen Xuan asked in a deep voice, "What the **** is going on, who hurt you?"

  The leader on the right couldn't listen anymore and angrily said: "It's not the ghost of Liu Hongyi from Lu Yucheng."

  "Chen Xuan, when you left Lu Yucheng to practice, Liu Hongyi brought a group of people to you to pick things up." A cultivator said.

   "Liu Hongyi also said that he would kill you at Heiyunya."

  The anger in Chen Xuan's heart was almost overwhelming. He asked in a deep voice, "What else did he say."

   Li De gritted his teeth and said: "He also said that he will hit us once when he sees us in the future. If we dare to go to Black Cloud Cliff, we will kill us."

   "I really didn't expect Liu Hongyi to be drawn over by Liu Hongyi." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  When he met Liu Hongyi in Lu Yucheng, he felt that his cultivation level was very strong, but Chen Xuan has now improved his cultivation level. When he meets Liu Hongyi, Chen Xuan is confident that he can do two tricks with him.

  "Stop talking." Li De hurriedly said: "You don't know Chen Xuan's temper. You can only affect his mentality if you tell him this now."

   "Liu Hongyi." Chen Xuan's voice became deeper and deeper.

Li De hurriedly said: "Chen Xuan, you must not be impulsive. Even Liu Hongyi is a generation of geniuses with tyrannical cultivation, but more than half of Liu Hongyi's geniuses with tyrannical cultivation are close to Liu Hongyi. Huo Sect's cultivation base is also very strong, we must act carefully."

"Now Heiyunya is about to begin. We would rather offend the warriors of the Pantheon, the most powerful genius of cultivation, than to touch Liu Hongyi. After all, the Pantheon still dare not blatantly, because they have not yet cultivated enough. To deal with these families..."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he actually laughed sinisterly and said: "Liu Hongyi said that if we dare to go to Heiyunya and kill us, it is really funny. Everyone is eligible to enter Heiyun Peak. It is not what they stipulated. I must enter. This Black Cloud Peak."

   "I want to see how he wants to kill me."

Li De was supposed to persuade Chen Xuan again, but seeing the indisputable look in Chen Xuan’s pupils, he swallowed it back in his stomach and stayed with Chen Xuan for so long. He started with Chen Xuan. It was only the cultivation of the **** king, reaching the triple level of the **** king realm all the way, and he also knew who Chen Xuan was.

  Lu Yucheng.

  Heiyunya is about to begin, and all the families responsible for recruiting martial artists in Lu Yucheng are here.

  There are many families, and even many warriors of Lu Yucheng's sect.

  Now those families are feasting in Lu Yucheng’s city lord’s mansion to entertain the talents of Lu Yucheng, including many disciples in the Cloud Yemen.

   "I'm afraid, Li Zhuoqun and the group are also ready to deal with me." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Only the patriarch Sun, he doesn’t need to speak, and the Sun family alone has absolute weight.

  And the big family of Lu Yucheng, under the shroud of the Sun family, can be said to be flattering to the Sun family, and they are eager to establish a good relationship with the Sun family.

And Lu Yucheng even spared no expense for this Black Cloud Cliff competition. Lu Yucheng’s young talents, at this time, the most proud of the Liu family, Mo Wentian was sitting in the first seat, and his seat was even higher than that of the chief Liu .

Patriarch Sun was standing on a high place and speaking, his pupils looked around everyone and said, "I believe that everyone knows the rules of this competition. I think you are all from Lu Yucheng. There is no need to talk about the rules anymore, everyone. Everyone knows the status and cultivation of Sun's family."

   "That's that." Several patriarchs on Liu Hongyi nodded one after another.

  And several other family patriarchs suddenly also rushed to flatter, expressing how much he admired the Sun family.

  The benches among the onlookers have long been pulled out and replaced with wine tables. The representatives of those families toasted together to show that he admired the families of Sun.

  And on the huge trees at the entrance of Heiyunya of the City Lord’s Mansion, there are cultivators who have come to enter the city.

   "Mo Wentian, the patriarchs have made a lot of contributions for us, Lu Yucheng," the warrior of the Pantheon sitting beside Liu Hongyi said.

   "That is." Mo Jingtian said triumphantly: "Dear patriarchs are our people in Lu Yucheng, we Lu Yucheng, although it is not the strongest town in Lu Yucheng, that must be one of them."

What he meant by this was obviously not to give Chen Xuan face. Everyone knew that Chen Xuan was born in Heiyan City. Moreover, where Chen Xuan was born, he didn't even know who in the house was not a famous family. Only Chen is an unknown wild boy.

  Liu Hong smiled and said, "Thank you for your kind words."

  At the other table, Liu Hong walked over with a spar at one end. These people have high and strong cultivation bases, and even caught up with the group of warriors in the Pantheon.

   "Everyone, my spar is extraordinary, it's a spirit crystal, please accept it."

   "What are they here for?" Mo Jingtian lowered his voice when he saw Liu Hong walking by: "We must beware of these guys."

  Liu Hongyi gave a sinister smile and raised his glass to greet Liu Hong: "Liu Hongyi, I admire you, come and drink."

  Liu Hong smiled, and a few super-cultivation geniuses who followed him, now actually said: "Two sires, I will toast you."

  He stared at the two city masters who were sitting closely, but he only toasted the wine to Liu Hongyi, and his purpose was self-evident.

   "I'm showing my face this time. He can be regarded as the great hero of our Lu Yucheng. When Heiyunya comes, I hope that your majesty can say a few words for me in front of the patriarchs."

Mo Jingtian, the warrior of the Pantheon, also stood up, and the warrior of the Pantheon raised a glass and said: "Brother Liu Hong is too polite. We still hope that you can show mercy to us on the Black Cloud Cliff. The kid Chen Xuan let me deal with it."

   "Where is it, you are polite." The Wang family young warrior smiled faintly, and then suddenly said: "I dare not take credit with you, but maybe we can cooperate."

  At the same time, the warriors on Li De's side were suppressing their anger. It was very obvious that this group of people was to give them power.

   "Don't be impulsive." Li De calmly said.

  At this time, Li De heard that Liu Hongyi and the Sun family are not monolithic, but he has not yet come together with the warriors on their side, including Chen Xuan.

   "Oh." The warrior of the Pantheon raised his eyebrows and immediately looked at Liu Hongyi.

  Liu Hongyi lowered his voice and said, “Even if the two of us don’t know each other deeply, he and we actually have a common enemy.”

   "Chen Xuan." The smile on the face of the warrior in the Pantheon disappeared.

   "That's right." Liu Hong nodded: "This kid is arrogant and arrogant, this time he must be killed."

   Mo smiled sinisterly: "That kid. I wanted to teach him a long time ago. It just so happens that Heiyunya is a good opportunity."

  The next moment, a group of people walked in at the entrance.

   "Yeah." Liu Hongyi was in a position where he could see the entrance, and he actually saw Li De at a glance.

  Liu Hongyi and the warriors of the Pantheon both looked at Liu Mansion at the same time.

  Li De and the others felt that Liu Hong’s two cold pupils, and the warriors of the pantheon of genius, the strongest cultivator on the right, who were eyeing on the right, were immediately deterred and did not dare to enter the city lord’s mansion.

  Liu Hongyi smiled insidiously from the distance: "Isn't this Patriarch Liu? Why? Did you forget that I said. You don't want your life anymore."

  His voice was so loud that all the cultivators immediately stopped and looked at Liu Mansion together.

Liu Hongyi and the warriors of the Pantheon represent the highest combat power of this generation of cultivators. After all, the Pantheon also has a lot of power in Lu Yucheng, especially the master of the Pantheon in Lu Yucheng, who used to be Black Rock City. The nearby monsters became violent because of him.

  Liu Hongyi sits on the big families, as well as the family clans of Lu Yucheng, the cultivation base is naturally self-evident.

  Li De was humiliated by Liu Hongyi, his face turned red for an instant, he opened his mouth, and he didn’t know how to respond correctly.

   And a figure flashed out from behind Li De, and it was Chen Xuan who carried the Liaoyuan sword behind the family.

  As soon as Chen Xuangang appeared, Liu Hongyi, the warrior of the Pantheon, Mo Jingtian and others narrowed their eyes.

  Everyone thought that Chen Xuan would give out harsh words first, and replied to Liu Hongyi well. Unexpectedly, it was not so.

  Chen Xuan asked directly: "Li De, who is the warrior who injured you? Is it Liu Hongyi himself or his subordinates"

  Liu Hongyi also noticed that Chen He saw Chen Xuan's face, and feared that Chen Xuan would cause trouble, so he stood up and said, "Chen Xuan. Don't mess around today."

   "Oh. He is Chen Xuan." The warriors of the Lu Yucheng family dropped two pupils on Chen Xuan differently.

The martial artist of the city lord of Lu Yucheng said: "I have long heard that there is a genius named Chen in the Yunye Gate. It turned out to be him, and I also heard that this kid was born in Black Rock City. It's a pity that he has reached the realm of the **** king, but he is still a bun."

   "Unexpectedly, they quarreled, and there was a good show."

  Now seeing Liu Mansion and several other families at war, everyone is happily watching the excitement, and some people even applaud it.

  This is a fierce confrontation between the two forces, and it has nothing to do with them.

  Chen represents the undoubtedly strongest genius in Yunyemen. The warriors of the Pantheon, Liu Hongyi and others, suddenly represent the highest combat power of the young disciples of the Pantheon. They are all talented cultivators of the previous generation, and their cultivation is naturally very powerful.

   is now on the bar with the Pantheon, everyone is smiling and looking at them.

   "Li De, who hurt you. Report his name." Chen Xuan faced everyone's eyesight.

   "It's the warrior behind Liu Hong." Li De finally summoned his courage and pointed to a tall thin man standing behind him.

   Li Dedao: "The name of this clan guy is Mo Wentian. He is a two-stroke powerhouse in the Divine King Realm. He has a rare talent for mastering the power of the demon soul.

"Especially, his cultivation base ranks very high, and he is almost incomparable with Mo Jingtian, who also masters the power of the demon soul. He is only half behind Mo Jingtian." Chen Xuan's two pupils fell on Mo Wentian, from the looks of him. Seeing is also a bad person.

  (End of this chapter)

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