Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2760: Take a seat

   Chapter 2760 Seated

Halfway through Liu Hongyi clenched his fist, thinking in his heart that Chen Xuan's cultivation level has improved compared with just now. To deal with Chen must be a top priority. From the beginning, when he heard Chen Xuan went to other places, He didn't really take Chen Xuan too seriously, he just sent a few warriors with a low level of cultivation.


At this time, a strange bird screamed on the ground. This is Chen Xuan’s demon rat. A few days ago, Chen Xuan felt that his Suzaku's strength became stronger, and he could actually make Chen Xuan summon a spirit. Suzaku of strength.

  And Chen Xuan stood on the shoulders of the magic mouse, and suddenly a crossed halberd was in the mouth of the magic mouse.

  He took off the two swords and returned them to Mo Wentian.

  And the demon rat stood on Chen Xuan's shoulder, looking around.

  Just now, the chaotic battlefield has been quickly cleaned up by the staff in the city lord’s mansion, and the clan chiefs who have come from afar are also chatting coldly.

  Chen Xuan looked over and saw that the warriors seemed to be arguing about something, and suddenly pointed at him.

   "Chen didn't see you in a few days, your progress is so rapid." Li De couldn't help but grabbed Chen Xuan's arm excitedly and said, "Even Mo Wentian has been subdued by you."

  "Yes" Li De also said proudly: "Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan would blow all the geniuses with strong cultivation base with one move. Doesn't it mean that Chen Xuan is the strongest."

  This time Li De also expressed gratitude to Chen Xuan, after all, Chen Xuan was helping him out this time.

  Liu's cultivators don't mention how happy they are. With Chen Xuan's ruthless character, are you afraid of anyone who dares to trouble Liu's people in the future?

   Chen Xuan actually shook his head and smiled: “I just took Mo Wentian in one fell swoop while they were not paying attention. Don’t think that the warriors of the Pantheon are really that unbearable.”

"The warriors of the Pantheon, Liu Hongyi and the others are unfathomable. I believe that they must have a tyrannical technique, but they must not be careless, especially the Xuanhuo Sect. They also showed that they are not weak in the family competition. Cultivation."

  Liu Hongyi in the distant place finally spoke as the lord of the city.

Then Liu Hongyi first nodded politely to the warriors of those families, then let go of his body, and slowly said, "Heiyunya will be after two days. Just now, I will briefly introduce the original sudden of Heiyunya. "

  Speaking of this, everyone calmed down and listened carefully to Liu Hongyi's reading.

  At this time, Li De also stood up.

  Many people began to applaud.

Li De glanced around and said: "Just now, we have had a lot of disputes. I don't ask everyone to have to stop, but I hope that all cultivators can recite a little bit of favor. The opponent has no power to resist, and it depends on you being able to forgive and forgive others."

  Chen Xuan nodded silently. Indeed, Heiyunya is related to the future of cultivators. Many people want to make a difference in Heiyunya. After all, Heiyunya is a city left over, and there is still a very old tradition.

  Liu Hongyi said again: “An important issue is that Heiyunya abandoned the family competition this time, and instead held a survival competition.”

   "Dear cultivators, prepare mentally in advance."

   Chen Xuan also did not expect to face the family competition in the city. Now the warriors of the Pantheon and Liu Hongyi hate him deeply. It seems that this time Heiyunya is much more difficult than he imagined.

  Chen Xuan immediately looked at the warrior in the Pantheon with his two pupils, and felt that Mo Jingtian and others were staring at him with a sneer.

  At this moment, Liu Hongyi suddenly cut his head to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan naturally knew what he meant.

  As soon as the family competition in the city was announced, there were too many people in the frying pan at the scene, and they were eager to kill Chen Xuan.

   At this moment, there is another discussion with the warrior.

  The warrior who was called the patriarch suddenly shook his head: "Even if Chen Xuan is very talented, he is really too impulsive. He does not care about the consequences and is not smooth enough. That kind of person can easily get us into trouble."

  The cultivator suddenly retorted: "I just fell in love with him, patriarch, we have not seen such a **** cultivator for many years."

   "Furthermore, isn't there not enough practitioners in the sleek accident in this world of Black Rock."

  The patriarch heard the words and immediately went into contemplation.

   On the other side, the city lord of Lu Yu City also set the target on Chen Xuan, but what they thought was actually different from the Yunye Gate.

  The city lord of Lu Yucheng hurriedly stood up, a middle-aged man with a beautiful beard. He shouted at Chen Xuan aloft, "Chen Xuan."

   His angry shout attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at it curiously.

  Chen Xuan became dignified, and said softly to the lord of Lu Yucheng: "Chen Xuan is here."

   "Yeah." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I am the Mo family, the lord and patriarch of Lu Yucheng. I have something to tell you."

  In the next moment, the Mo family took out a brocade box from his arms and opened the brocade box in front of everyone. There was a cyan spiritual herb inside.

  Mo Family smiled and said: "You know what this is. This is the precious Mogu jade grass from Qingyuan that countless cultivators have dreamed of."

  The city lord of Lu Yucheng took out such a precious thing this time, and in that case, it was obvious that he wanted to stand on Li De's side to give it to Chen.

  Everyone was shocked.

  Precious Mogu Yucao, as the name suggests, the effect of that kind of spiritual herbs allows practitioners in the Divine King Realm to directly transform their true qi into the power of mastering the demon soul.

In the next moment, countless pairs of eyes placed the greedy eyes on the precious Mogu jade grass. The cultivation bases of several of them were near the realm of the **** king, if they could swallow the precious Mogu immediately. The strength in the jade grass can make their cultivation base improved again.

  Even the warriors of the Pantheon and Liu Hongyi were flushed, staring at the precious Mo Gu Yucao, their pupils were full of eagerness.

  Li De fearfully said: "Chen is such a precious Mogu jade grass, why do so many people behave abnormally after hearing these three queens."

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and nodded silently, and said coldly: "The precious Mogu jade grass is not an ordinary spiritual herb. The key is to refine the precious Mogu jade grass. s material."

   "And these spirit grasses and the materials we want are probably not found in Lu Yucheng."

  Na Mo family was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. He held the precious Mo Gu Jade Grass, and said to Chen Xuan: "You just attacked what you used. What kind of technique is it?"

   "I would like to use this priceless treasure and precious Mogu jade grass to exchange your trick to attack the technique, how about it."

  Everyone is envious of going crazy. Especially the warriors of the Pantheon.

The warrior of the Pantheon is himself a half-step **** king realm powerhouse. What he desires most is a piece of precious Mogu jade grass. However, it is very difficult for their Sun family to obtain Qingyuan’s precious Mogu jade grass. A piece of Qingyuan precious Mogu jade grass, its value is very expensive, if you get this precious Mogu jade grass, you can actually be promoted to the realm of the **** king in one night.

  After all, these family patriarchs cannot enter the depths of the city. Among the black cloud cliffs, there is still a little restriction on the age of one of them. These half-ten patriarchs and old guys cannot enter the middle.

  Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said slowly: "Thank you, Chief Li, for his kindness, courage, and dare not accept it."

If the precious Mo ancient jade and grass of Mo’s family is enough to shock everyone, then Chen Xuan’s words are incredible to everyone, but Chen Xuan knows that the lord of Lu Yu City has not yet completed Joining Li De, I also learned from Lu Yucheng what kind of virtue the Mo family was. The Mo family only cared about his interests. He didn't pay attention to this game.

  Some people will reject the precious Mogu Yucao.

  Actually, Chen Xuan was also very embarrassed. He had traveled all over Lu Yucheng, but he didn't even find any materials for refining the precious Mogu jade grass. He was also eager for the precious Mogu jade grass.

  But the most important thing is that the Mo family wants status. Chen Xuan knew that he would not give him such precious precious Mo ancient jade grass for nothing. He could not practice that kind of exercise except for Chen Xuan.

The Mo family stayed in place, and he showed a panicked expression: "You can think about it. The nine-fold divine prince realm to the divine king realm is the cultivator’s natural moat. The most important period of anger."

  "Since they are some talented cultivators, they also want one to three years to refine the qi **** emperor, and even more want three to five years."

  In the next moment, the Mo family said meaningfully: “We haven’t never seen a warrior who has been unable to condense the power of the demon soul in his entire life.”

  "I would also like to use a piece of precious Mogu Jade Grass, plus the priority to join the Cloud Yemen, in exchange for your practice." The cultivator at the Yunyemen also stood up.

  Lord of Lu Yucheng, Mo Family turned his head and said angrily: "No."

  The Yunyemen cultivator suddenly smiled and said, "Patriarch Li, we came here this time to fight for genius. Did I do something wrong."

  Why at this time, the two families are actually competing for Chen Xuan's practice. Who is picking whom?

  Someone among the onlookers said in surprise: "Chen Xuan's techniques are really so powerful,"

  Someone on the right said coldly: "We laymen can't see the way, but it is probably very powerful. Otherwise, the two clan chiefs will not be allowed to compete."

  The warrior's face turned pale when he heard it directly: "With such a powerful technique, Chen Xuanzang is deep enough."

  Now Chen Xuan has some difficulties riding a tiger, he sighed inwardly, shouldn’t have used the Suzaku sword aura so early

  A stroke of Suzaku Sword Qi made them start fighting, if he used the Suzaku Sword Technique, those patriarchs would still be wondering what would happen.

  "Chen exchanges or not, please say something very happy." Lu Yucheng's patriarch Mo, the lord of the city, gave an ultimatum.

  And the elder of the Li Family Palace in Lu Yucheng suddenly said: "Don't be afraid of Chen Xuan, I will definitely protect you from Yunyemen."

  Because of a move of Suzaku Sword Qi, both families have become tense.

  One of them, Liu Hongyi, has already begun to gloat in his heart. I see what you Chen Xuan do. Two families want your exercises at the same time, and whoever you exchange with will offend the other party.

  Liu Hongyi suddenly became extremely worried for Chen Xuan, secretly saying that Chen Xuan had difficulty dealing with this kind of scene.

  The cultivators who hold a grudge against Chen Xuan are all waiting to see Chen Xuan make a move, while the unimportant others suddenly observe Chen Xuan's ability to behave in secret.

  Finally, in full view, Chen Xuan slowly condensed his true energy, but instead smiled.

He clasped his fists in his palms, and said to a few of the clan patriarchs: "Thank you for the importance of the two seniors. Chen Xuan is grateful, but if Chen Xuan hurts the family harmony of the two seniors for such an insignificant Chen Xuan, Chen Xuanke Can't afford to offend."

   "Then what do you mean." Mo's tone was unhappy.

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need for the two seniors to fight now. If Chen Xuanzhen is lucky enough to pass Heiyunya, by then, no matter which clan I join, I will not always bring my practice into that clan. ,"

   "Hmm." The Mo family's expression eased a lot, and he nodded and said, "It's not unreasonable for you to say that."

In fact, the Mo family didn't know this. He was afraid that Chen Xuan would make too many enemies and died directly on the Black Cloud Cliff. Then he would not be able to obtain Chen Xuan's techniques. Only then was he ready to use the precious Mogu jade grass To change.

  (End of this chapter)

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