Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2763: Sneer again and again

  Chapter 2763 sneer again and again

   "This Chen Xuan has been placed among the divine emperor."

  Below Chen Xuan already sneered again and again.

   Clan Chief Sun said nonchalantly: "Since it has already appeared, there is no room for remedy. Chen Xuan, you don't need to move forward and wait until the end of the Black Cloud Cliff."

   "Chen Xuan, wait a minute, let's see if we can find a safer solution." Li De refused to give up, and immediately went to discuss with the other clan patriarchs.

Li De definitely refuses to give up. His attitude just now has always been very obvious to protect Chen and he has always been on the same side with Chen Xuan. What's more, can he get the precious Mogu Jade Grass this time? , Get the ancient stone, let him win the first place, all want Chen Xuan's help.

  Because he values ​​Chen Xuan's potential. Fighting to offend several other families to protect Chen can also be seen as putting his biggest bet on Chen Xuan alone.

"Dear warriors." Li De stared at the family patriarchs seriously, and said in a sinister tone: "Is there really no room for recovery? Can we crystallize Shi Ling and enter it again, or else this It's too unfair. As soon as he appeared, he was at the edge of the gate of Heiyunya."

   "That's impossible." Chief Sun suddenly shook his head and refused. He said: "If the protective barrier is removed now, the crystal Shi Ling will also be in a state of deficit."

   Yunyemen Nangong elder thoughtfully said: "What I said is correct. If the protective barrier is removed this time, it will take three to five days to condense the barrier again."

  As the general person in charge of Heiyunya, Elder Nangong has naturally made enough preparations, but he does not know what kind of change will actually happen.

  Patriarch Sun said: “We can’t disrupt the plan just for Chen Xuan alone.”

   Li De thought for a while and said: "So, can you stop the game then?"

  Next to Li De, there were several families from Lu Yucheng who had made friends with his family. At this moment, a patriarch glanced at him and shook his head.

   "I'm afraid it can't be done." Patriarch Sun shook his head: "When the protective barrier exists, no one can cross the barrier, including us patriarchs."

  Even if he knew that Chen Xuanxiu was tyrannical, he would definitely not be the opponent of God King Realm Monster.

   Patriarch Liu's family looked around him, and now the patriarch’s pupils looked around, and the last two pupils fell on Li De: "Zhanxiong hasn't come out yet?"

   Li De nodded: "Master Liu retreats and intends to improve the realm of the **** king. I am afraid that it will not come out if it has not been improved."

  The patriarch nodded, then looked at the other patriarchs and the stewards: "Everything is temporarily stopped."

  The three patriarchs replied on behalf of everyone: "Li De, be careful."

   Li De said: "Don't worry, I will be careful. Also, we need to be prepared for battle."

   "Yeah." The patriarch nodded: "Gather all the warriors of the clan who are capable of fighting together, and let them stand in battle."

   "Heiyunya should have started now. If Chen Xuan and Liu Patriarch fail to enter the house, the four families of Wang, Li, Mo, and Cai will definitely come to pacify my Liu Mansion."

  "We have to prepare for the worst. This time, we have to coexist and die with Liu Mansion."

  Many members of the Liu Mansion, their expressions slowly, raised their weapons high together, and shouted in unison: "Co-exist and die with Liu Mansion."

  Dark clouds seem to have enveloped this troubled family clan, survival or extinction, only in this battle.

  The highest peak of the Black Cloud Cliff.

  Li De replaced the full of sorrow and anger with a long sigh, and said to the following Chen Xuan: "Chen has wronged you, it is because we have not planned well."

   "Hey, you should stay where you are and wait for the end of the Black Cloud Cliff, so that the green hills will have no firewood."

  All the warriors who watched the onlookers entering the city by Heiyunya had different looks. Some warriors sighed for Chen Xuan, and some warriors were gloating.

   Below, Chen Xuan looked up at Heiyunya and said, "I refuse."

   "Hmm." Everyone was surprised.

   Li De said: "This is also nothing we can do. We have thought about all the possibilities, and there is really no way to change the Black Cloud Cliff for you."

  Chen Xuan actually smiled and showed an unhappy look: "You understand it wrong, I mean, I refuse to stay where I am and wait, but choose to move forward."

   "No way." The black cloud cliff suddenly exploded.

  That is Heiyunya, the realm of God King. Those who haunt inside are all God King Realm of Warcraft. Chen Xuan, a cultivator at the peak of the realm of the **** king, went to the realm of the **** king, didn't he seek his own death.

   "Chen Xuan." Li De's eyes were flushed, and he shouted, "This is not the time to get angry."

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Thank you Li De for your kindness, but I have decided."

  Speaking of this, Chen Xuan thought for a while, and then whispered softly: "If this is the last time Chen Xuan has had a conversation with Majesty Li De, there is still something in his heart, I want to say it."

  In the next moment, Chen Xuan bit the blade and tore a long strip of cloth from his body, tightly entwining his right hand with the blade.

  Li De heard Chen Xuan’s words, his eyes turned red, and he secretly said in his heart, if Chen was born a few years earlier, then the two of us must be close brothers.

  Furthermore, he was also moved by Chen Xuan. It was not Chen that he might lose the opportunity this time.

   Staring closely at Chen Xuan's slowly leaving body, several of the family warriors were all moved.

   Yunyemen Nangong elder nodded, and said to Chen Xuan with emotion: "It is indeed the martial artist Li De fancy."

  This Nangong elder is the veteran of the Yunye Gate, with a strong cultivation base. The two black robes behind Li De benefited from the help of the Nangong elder. Otherwise, Li De would not be able to compete with Liu Hongyi's forces.

  The highest peak of Black Cloud Cliff, Black Cloud Cliff.

  Chen Xuan is holding a sword, his figure moves like a rabbit, jumping around among the intricate stones.

  His pupils were covered with the color of the power of the Vermillion Bird, and he could see the aura of the Black Cloud Cliff clearly, and there was the demon rat flying through the middle of the road, sending out a warning signal for Chen Xuan.

   Coming to the cliff in the Black Cloud Cliff, Chen Xuan felt that the interior became wider as he went, like a narrow-mouthed bottle.

  After Chen Xuan had advanced three or five miles, the surrounding environment was already very open, and with his eyes, the mysterious wall was already invisible.

  And the demon rat, who was walking along the way, suddenly heard a sharp roar.


  While swiftly, Chen stopped in an instant, he swayed the blade and long sword around his body, and his two sharp pupils stared out through the blade.

  The sparse forest in front of him shook, and a behemoth walked out slowly.

   "It turned out to be that thing." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  Chen Xuan first encountered the sudden **** emperor beast.

  And it was a coincidence that Chen Xuan encountered this monster with the three-fold cultivation base of the **** king, which was actually the one he encountered last time, the three-fold cultivation base of the **** king.

Li De was shocked, and in a blink of an eye, he said, "Even if Chen is a tyrannical monster who doesn't understand the exercises, he has the body of the **** king realm, but your cultivation is too different from this monster. Don't try hard. Go around."

   "No, this beast has not reached the realm of the **** king."

  Chen Xuan did not have that kind of preparation. From the anger in the eyes of the **** king's triple cultivation base, it is not difficult to see that since he wanted to make a detour, this **** king's triple cultivation base was not willing to let him go.

  The eyes of the demon king's triple-cultivation base were extremely red, and the tiny blood vessels in the eyes were about to burst.

  Following the roar of the monster of the God King's triple cultivation base, the huge body of this monster turned into several figures and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan didn't dare to despise it. Since this god-king triple cultivation base was among the fellow practitioners, it was not weak.

  The strongest attack of the demon king's triple cultivation base, Chen Xuan avoided the past with dexterity.

  The two passed by halfway, and did not attack each other.

   Chen Xuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that his speed is really not what it used to be. This time, it was useless, and he escaped the attack of the beast of the **** king's triple cultivation base.

   Immediately after the angry **** king's triple-cultivation monster turned his head, under the four hoofs, a group of sword aura rose up, and an even more fierce attack was about to come.

  In the Black Cloud Cliff, everyone held their breath, and they seemed to be more nervous than Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan hurriedly analyzed the situation of the beasts of the **** king's triple cultivation base. Even if the attacking weight of the monsters of the **** king's triple cultivation base was very single, this monster was so powerful and super fast that it still made Chen very powerful. Xuan Suffering

   Staring closely at the sword spirit under the four hoofs of the demon king's triple cultivation base has been violently killed, and Chen Xuan has also made up his mind.

  To deal with that kind of thing, you have to head-to-head with this monster. All tricks have little effect on this monster.

   "Roar." The monster of the **** king's triple cultivation base finally launched the next attack. The body of this monster was rushing over the land, and the wind was whistling beside this monster, the speed was very fast.

  Following the sound of the magical power of the **** king's triple cultivation base, Chen Xuan raised his center of gravity, thrust the blade into the ground, and pressed his left elbow against the back of the sword.

  The sword energy that Sword Blade encounters suddenly soars to a stronger horizontal state.

  The true energy in Chen Xuan's body instantly exploded, and the terrifying strength urged Chen Xuan to rush out, turning others into a group of violent flames.

"That's it." Mo Jia gritted his teeth: "This Chen Xuan knew how good it was to exchange spiritual herbs with me. If he died, the first three layers of the Suzaku sword technique would have been lost. Where did you get this monster?"

  A divine king with triple cultivation base and a divine king with triple cultivation base, and a warrior-type cultivator at the pinnacle of the divine king realm, head-to-head confrontation.

  The sound of earth-shattering confrontation sounded, and the tumbling breath and flame spread out like a ring, smashing all the trees within a radius of two meters.

Chen Xuan and the **** king’s triple-cultivation monster were violently against each other. The blade of the sword pressed tightly against the corners of the god-king’s triple-cultivation monster, and his eyes suddenly matched the god-king triple-cultivation monster’s corner. Warcraft's red eyes stared at each other.

  The two were in a stalemate in this way, and the four-hooves of the demon king's triple-cultivation base kept digging the ground, causing the land to tremble at that moment.

  (End of this chapter)

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