Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2771: Short end

  Chapter 2771 Short end

In   Black Cloud Peak, Chen Xuan had already defeated several warriors of large families in a row. They couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan's strength would be so strong.

   "Don't talk." Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would recognize the profound strength of the warrior who could recover quickly because of the battle.

Although this disciple of the Li family was in a hostile state with Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan could not watch him being killed by a monster. An hour before Chen Xuan defeated the warriors of the Pantheon, he saw that he was fighting a monster, and The body was also poisoned by Warcraft.

  The disciple of the white robe also rejected it again: "It would be a waste to give this to me."

   "Let you use it, so what do you do!" Chen Xuan also got up helplessly.

  But the white-robed disciple still rejected it. Although Chen Xuan didn't like the Li family, this white-robed disciple still had the value to use. If he wanted to go to the Li family, he had to start with this person.

  "Also, Chen Xuan got this herbal medicine specially for you." Li Qingchuan couldn't help but help.

   "How can I be so dear," the disciple in the white robe continued with tears and tears.

   "Li Qingchuan, help me."

After   , Chen Xuan had to say to Li Qingchuan next to him.

   "Chen Xuan." Li Qingchuan said.

   Hearing the words, he immediately stepped aside. With a thought in his heart, profound energy surged out and enveloped the white-robed disciple, so that the white-robed disciple had no way to resist.

  Herbal entrance.

  The white-robed disciple could only swallow it.

   "Chen Xuan." He once again showed a look of excitement.

  "Don’t speak, and feel the power of the medicated Heavenly Gathering Grass has begun to work. Your body is now old and can’t resist such power. I’ll help your body’s power."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan said, gathering profound strength surging, and a series of Vermillion Bird's feathers also appeared in his hand, all burning Vermillion Bird's feathers.

   Profound energy poured into it, and the next moment, immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan made a move. Suzaku's Feather can quickly burn the pill in the body, allowing this white-robed disciple to quickly absorb the medicinal effects of the herbal medicine.

Lines of Vermillion Bird's feathers were in the rapid gathering room, and the surging medicinal power exploded within the body of the white-robed disciple. However, Chen Xuan's lines of Vermillion Bird's feathers seemed to be continuous, forming more than one profound wave marks, as if they were A slowly surging seal.

  Those Huatian Gathering Spirit Grass condenses in the body of the disciple of the white robe. The body of the white-robed disciple also turned red all over.

After   , as Chen Xuan's body shook again, those Vermillion Bird's feathers disappeared from the body of the disciple in the white robe.

  The disciple in the white robe looked at Chen Xuan and said in shock: "No, it's impossible for the physical strength to be strong before."

  He couldn't believe that he could recover from his injury so quickly.

   "Too surprised, the effect of this pill can be exerted so fast."

  Instead, it was Li Qingchuan. As a member of the Li family, he had seen a lot, but now he feels completely subverted, which is completely beyond his perception. Therefore, he was surprised more strongly.

  At this moment, in the cave of Heiyunfeng, Chen Xuan rested temporarily.

Heiyunfeng will last for more than half a month in total. It is to let these family disciples fight against each other in the mountains to hone their strength. It stands to reason that although Heiyunfeng is dangerous, most of the beasts are under the realm of the king of gods. The demon that Chen Xuan saw today was more powerful than the realm of the **** king, otherwise, the two disciples of the Li family would not lose to the demon.

  At this time, Chen Xuan cured him, not only repaired his old wounds, but also restored his cultivation skills.

   "Chen Xuan's great grace, I have nothing to pay for it." The disciple in the white robe also knelt down and said, "I insisted on concealing the cultivation base. It's just that the original cultivation base has been abandoned, so there is no.

  He couldn't think of the enemy of his family, and he would actually save him.

   "Okay. No need to explain."

  Chen Xuandao: "Although you are getting better now, but after all, you got better too quickly, so let's quit the game as soon as possible."

  At the triple level of the God King Realm, the blood is surging, and the strength is increased! This is an increase in strength. It is also a very critical state. After practicing to the three levels of the Divine King Realm, the delay speed can become a lot slower for ordinary people. In other words, the Divine King Realm has a very long lifespan.

  Of course, the realm of the **** king is threefold, and it is impossible to just increase strength.

  After the body becomes stronger, the profound energy will be condensed, and it will be more fluent, which also brought the profound strength to Chen Xuan's absorption of heaven and earth profound energy.

And the strength enhancement is limited, it is the strength of the Suzaku, and the strength that ordinary people can increase is also limited, but Chen Xuan has another martial skill to practice, so that he has martial arts that are not available in this black rock world, and actually allows Chen Xuan to condense the Suzaku. In this realm, he wants to train his strength to be strong, not just relying on the power of profound strength.

   "Of course, thinking too much, it's useless..." After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan didn't think about it anymore. He understood that all cultivation must be done to be useful.

  In the cave, Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to go out. He knew that the warriors of several families must be searching for his whereabouts, so Chen Xuan refined the pill in the Heiyunfeng cave and recovered his injuries and improved his strength.

  In Lu Yucheng, there are still several disciples of the family who are very strong, and Chen Xuan may not be able to defeat them if he is injured.

  Each different meridian has a different function. Opening the different meridians first will have different effects on cultivation.

  A month ago, Chen Xuan had mastered Suzaku.

   "Let’s gather Suzaku first."

After thinking about it, Chen Xuan made up his mind and said: "After all, I have entered the realm of Taoism and let my body surpass an ordinary human warrior. Although my Xuan has reached the realm of the gods, the triple power is not strong, after all, it is Chen. The profound body is only blessed by the power of the Suzaku. The power of the Suzaku will greatly increase the strength to condense other meridians."

  The power is different from Xuan.

  Xuan is the strength of the body's cultivation that can be increased when the profound strength is used, and the strength is the strength of a person when the profound strength is not used.

   "Suzaku's Feather."

   "Suzaku! The second state of swordsmanship."

   Chen Xuan waved his hand, and he took out a piece of spiritual stone. Now Chen Xuan could rely on the spiritual stone to make his profound energy more turbulent. After that, he immediately absorbed these profound energy and refined it into profound energy.

   Immediately after, he closed his eyes and the center of his eyebrows. Between the blood flow, there was a spiritual energy group there. Chen Xuan was constantly pushing his profound strength towards the fiery vermillion bird, trying to condense that invisible meridian. And at this moment, every meridian is sensing!

  They are interacting with each other, resisting Chen Xuan's impact. It is not easy to condense the meridians.

  Countless profound powers constantly surging up and hit the meridian, but that meridian constantly absorbs innumerable profound power into it, like a bottomless pit, and these mysteries are absorbed by the fiery vermillion bird to increase the strength of the body.

The blood around   Fire Suzaku is also surging, and the other meridians are also resisting. This resistance protects itself because once the meridians are opened, if there is not enough energy injected, then the meridians will condense, and it will be easy for evil spirits to invade.

  If the meridians are condensed and nourished by profound energy, it will also nourish the vitality of the body itself. Makes people strong and healthy, longevity and longevity.

"I have all meridians, and now I have so many spirit stones. I don't have to worry about absorbing the profound. The refining speed, under the blessing of the Juetian Mind Method, is hundreds of times faster than the average monk. But despite this, I didn't expect to condense one. The meridians also took me so much time."

  Chen Xuan practiced for a long time, constantly absorbing the constant impact of profound energy, after he absorbed the profound energy of ten thousand spiritual stones: "Fire Suzaku, open it to me."

  Finally, under another impact from him.

  A strong energy burst out between his legs. The pants called him were torn apart by the impact and turned into pieces.

   But the Suzaku boxing technique is not used to confront the enemy, but to temper one's own body to strengthen the power of one's own body. I saw Chen Xuan comprehend it, and he was suddenly enlivened, and a breath of energy was constantly swimming back and forth on his body surface.

  In the end, Chen Xuan punched, and even hit the air to burst out.

   "Very good, I'm another floor now." Chen Xuancai stopped right after that. He looked around and found that he was sweating, and his profound energy was condensed: "As expected."

  Suzaku's power.

  After the meridians of each meridian are condensed, it is equivalent to one more meridian. The strength of the Suzaku condenses at the same time, and every meridian can surge out a strong profound strength. Make the power more terrifying and terrifying.

   Soon, Chen Xuan used the collected pills to refine some healing pills. After eating them, Chen Xuan immediately felt a lot more comfortable. The cave is more beneficial to the enhancement of soul power. Therefore, Chen Xuan did not waste time, but cultivated the demon soul.

  At the same time, the surrounding flames are surging and continue to burn his body. Only those with strong willpower can bear it. Once you can't bear it, you will lose all your previous efforts, and you will be immersive when you use your meditative thoughts.

  The highest level of cultivation is transcendence, abandoning the body and soul, and the body is just a skin.

  The cultivator of the demon soul believes that only the strength of the body is real. This is the difference between the law of the **** king and the **** king, and it is also a place of conflict.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan also had this idea when he meditated on the Divine King's Law.

For a long time, Chen Xuan opened his eyes. "Sure enough, it's extraordinary, and most people can't survive it!"

  He has lingering fears. Of course, he became excited soon.

   "But I am much tougher, and now I have reached the Triple Level of the God King Realm."

  His Vermillion Bird's power manifested outside, showing invisibly, suddenly it was just invisible profound power. An invisible force that people outside can't see with the naked eye. But under the control of Chen Xuan's mind, these invisible forces began to entangle and entangle, as if strands of powerless hair began to entangle with each other. It quickly became a dantian of profound strength formed by the power of the Vermillion Bird in the shape of six whips.

   "Sure enough, after some meditation, my dantian was much bigger before."

After the meditation, the power of Suzaku was exercised, as if the body became stronger by physical exercise, and now the power of Suzaku is also stronger: "But it is not enough. At that level, the pubic area can't stand the pressure from the outside alone without collapsing. Whip, unity."

  Following, Chen Xuan's thoughts moved again, and the controlled pubic fields became entangled with each other. Soon, the six pubic fields became a larger pubic field.

  "This level should be enough. To be able to act independently, and will not collapse under external pressure."

   Then, Chen Xuan's heart moved: "Pantian, go."

  (End of this chapter)

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