Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2773: Cold look

  Chapter 2773 cold look

   Chen Xuan did not feel any guilt for killing these disciples, and these Lu Yucheng families were not good things.

  The others were a little surprised. Chen Xuan didn't use the body protection profound energy just now, and he couldn't even feel the breath of profound energy. In other words, Chen Xuan didn't even use his profound strength with this punch just now!

  At this time, Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to Li Qingchuan's reaction, and the bulging muscles in his entire arm subsided.

   Just now, Chen Xuan was the power of the condensed Suzaku, and he increased his strength. This kind of martial arts is naturally not available here!

The power of Suzaku is one of the gods of Chen Xuan's world, and only Suzaku martial artists like Chen Xuan can master the shape of the Suzaku.

  So, Li Qingchuan had never seen this kind of martial arts. General practitioners are divided into Liu family children, the power of the Suzaku, and the children of the Liu family practice the power of the Suzaku to cultivate profound strength. Both are the use of profound talents to possess extraordinary abilities.

  However, Chen Xuan's power became stronger.

  The Li Family Fire Suzaku he cultivated. Cultivating to the highest realm can blast the stars with power. Now I have cultivated to ten Ning.

   "It's just a bit of martial arts, as for such a fuss!"

  Of course, Chen Xuan just said lightly: "Go, let me go deeper into this Black Cloud Peak. If you want to win, you have to take action."

  Li Qingchuan looked at Chen Xuan and opened his lips, but didn't say anything. Chen Xuan smiled and nodded: "Let's go, but the monster core of this monster can't be used casually. Don't look at me when I came in before, it seems that I was walking around and killing monsters, but in fact I There is a judgment. The monster core of this monster depends on its attributes and age."

   "Oh? Are you still so particular about it!" Li Qingchuan followed Chen Xuan and listened carefully to what Chen Xuan said.

  Compared to Chen Xuan, not only Li Qingchuan, but also most of the people in the entire Black Rock world are frogs at the bottom of the well for Chen Xuan.

"what is that."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan glanced at it and saw a herb growing on the mountain wall: "It's Liu Jin Hongcao! It's Liu Jin Hongcao!" Chen Xuan saw some surprises, and immediately took it.

   "What, Chen Xuan? Why are you so happy!"

  But Li Qingchuan was stunned: "Isn't this the most common coconut grass? The shape is ugly. After being broken, the juice is smelly and sticky. It's useless at all, and even cows don't want to eat it."

  Li Qingchuan is not a stupid person, and immediately said: "Chen Xuan, you mean, this grass is a very useful thing!"

   "That's right, look at its leaves, it has spiritual power rippling."

  Chen Xuan put the willow gold and red grass away.

  "Go, continue to go deeper, and see if there are other similar spirit grasses. By the way, find some suitable monsters and get some monster crystal cores." Then Chen Xuan also took Li Qingchuan to continue deepening.

  Go like that.

   "It's a giant black cloud bear." Suddenly, Li Qingchuan glanced at it.

   "It's actually a giant black cloud bear."

  Chen Xuan looked up and said: "In the past, there might be a beast crystal nucleus in the body of this beast."

  Black Cloud Giant Bear was injured immediately. But it turned back into a claw, and the same demon power shocked, it was to resist another attack from the Suzaku Sword Qi. After that, a pair of sharp claws suddenly condensed, and it grabbed Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword.

   "My profound strength is too weak."

  Chen Xuan could only change his formula and trembled suddenly, and took it back: "Suzaku's sword aura becomes weak as soon as it is far away."

  It can only recover the Suzaku sword energy.

And the black cloud giant bear did not dare to continue to escape. The Li family disciples' two sword auras were deadlocked in mid-air. After all, the Suzaku sword aura, the Suzaku deity was not nearby, too much entanglement was useless, although it could hurt the inside. Suzaku's supernatural power, thus hurting the Suzaku of the Suzaku, but this cannot be done with a single blow. There was the Li family disciple just now, and even jumped up to grab it.

  It dare not continue to take risks.

  So it also let go of the Suzaku sword aura and flew away, but because it was caught off guard just now, Chen Xuan took the opportunity to hurt its sharp claws, so it couldn't fly too high at this time.

   "Suzaku sword spirit, close."

   Chen Xuan did not continue to attack with the Suzaku Sword Qi after seeing this. He is now only the second level of the **** king realm. His divine power can't leave the body too far. If he is far away, his strength is weak, but he is in danger. In general, he also cultivates the demon soul and the Liu family's children at the same time. . Although Chen Xuan could do it, not only was the Suzaku sword very weak, his magical power was also weakened.

  Now Chen Xuan can’t perform Suzaku while performing magic skills. In the future, the realm may be higher.

   Attacking while using the profound energy of the body protection, but no one has ever been able to do this. Chen Xuan did not cultivate the Demon Soul and the Soul of Vermilion at the same time in his previous life, and now he doesn't know if he can do it.

  Of course, it’s useless to think too much at this time, and Chen Xuan didn’t think too much. He showed his physical strength and chased it with Li Qingchuan: “It’s injured. This is our chance.”

  Li Qingchuan said: "Unfortunately, there is no good point of borrowing, otherwise you can jump and grab it."

   "Look at my sword spirit."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan appeared in the palm of the fire sword, and in the blade of the sword, he attacked the past: "Little monster, death."

  Chen Xuan's four sword auras blasted together, and each of the Vermillion Bird's sword auras turned into a stream of light, attacking the black cloud giant bear that was running away.

  I could see three Suzaku shooting from the sword, and the black cloud giant bear roared, and a layer of fire light appeared all over his body.

  The sharp claws condensed a mysterious and saw the Suzaku sword aura suddenly being attacked and flew by him.

"Although Suzaku's second state has been cultivated to the transformation state by me, this monster is not weak enough. This kind of ordinary Suzaku sword aura is not lethal to this kind of beast." Chen Xuan could only helplessly put away his sword aura. . Continue to chase.

   "But Chen Xuan seems to be dying."

  Li Qingchuan also said: "Let's follow it for a while, and wait for it to lower the distance a little bit, or find a suitable borrowing point, I can jump and grab it."

   "Very well, continue." Chen Xuandao.

  Then the two of them continued to follow the black cloud giant bear.

   But at this moment, the black cloud giant bear suddenly screamed, and then its entire body was lit up with flame-shaped energy. The speed in mid-air unexpectedly became faster, and it flew even higher.

   "This is bad, he wants to escape." Seeing this, Chen Xuan knew immediately.

   "It wants to escape."

  Li Qingchuan also said.

  But the two of them really have no way to take this black cloud giant bear. Chen Xuan is cultivating both the Demon Soul and the Suzaku Soul at the same time, but the speed is not even as fast as the Suzaku. Flying two steps may be so exhausting that they will lose the Suzaku sword energy.

  So, the two Liu family children have nothing to do with the monsters who want to escape.

  It would be okay if he had a strong sword aura, but Chen Xuan discovered that he did not have a strong sword aura.

   "You can only follow, it won't last long."

  So they can only follow.

   But I didn’t expect it.

  They just followed for a while. When seeing this black cloud giant bear going to exhaustion.

  From the other side, he actually shot the double-peak Suzaku sword aura, a strong double-peak Suzaku sword aura, and shot the sky. As soon as the Suzaku sword aura showed up, Chen Xuan knew that the opponent must not use ordinary sword aura. And the attack target of this sword qi is the black cloud giant bear. Although the black cloud giant screamed and tried to dodge it, it was useless. It was shot by a sword qi, and it was pierced by the sword qi, and it immediately began to fall to the ground.

   "Someone also shot." Li Qingchuan saw this face become more and more surprised.

   "What, who is it!" Chen Xuan frowned when he saw this.

  They didn't think much, they immediately rushed to the place where the black cloud giant bear fell, and soon they reached the place where the black cloud giant bear fell.

"it's here."

  Chen Xuan and the others quickly stood beside the dying black cloud giant bear. Then he didn't talk nonsense, it was the Suzaku flying out, cutting the black cloud giant bear to take out its monster core, and took it in his hand: "The monster core, get it."

  This black cloud giant bear is very bloodthirsty, and even ordinary warriors can't deal with it.

   However, the monster's crystal core increases a little bit of strength and becomes an ordinary warrior, not even a warrior. It can only be regarded as an average person with a little better strength.

  There are some ordinary people, although they have no talent, but they practice hard and barely get through the meridians, but they still can’t open the Rendu Meridians.

  Unable to cross the threshold between ordinary people and the children of the Liu family. These people are the people at the bottom of Dayunye Country. Of course, they are also the citizens of Dayunye Country and are the objects of Dayunye Country’s protection.

  So, at this time Chen Xuan killed him without hesitation.

  "Stop, we shot this black cloud bear down."

But when Chen Xuan just put away the beast crystal core and held it in his hand, and the Suzaku sword aura was also withdrawn, a voice of anger and anger came over: "This beast crystal core belongs to us! Dare to move our beast crystal core, I want you to die."

   Chen Xuan heard this voice, and he felt a little familiar.

   "What, Liu Qiangde? It's you!"

   Then he condensed his head, and as soon as he looked over, Chen Xuan was the one who saw the rushing team making noises, and he was immediately surprised.

  This person is actually an old person whom the original owner Chen Xuan knew. The name is Liu Qiangde, not a student of the Pantheon, but a student of one of the other academies that compete with the Pantheon. Moreover, Chen Xuan had an encounter with him back then, at a student exchange meeting.

  This Liu Qiangde, who provoked him with words, was once defeated by him in public.

  At that time, Chen Xuan was actually not the second stage of the **** king realm, but at that time Liu Qiangde benefited from the people of the two cloud Yemen and entered the second stage of the **** king realm.

  Chen Xuan sneered, did not want to pay attention to his meaning, but Liu Qiangde was still reluctant and followed Chen Xuan closely.

If it weren’t for the people of the Eryun Yemen that Chen Xuan defeated in the martial arts competition, their Liu family would have ascended to the sky a long time ago, but Chen Xuan who was killed halfway not only made their dreams shattered, but the current Liu family did not have the glory of the past. Up.

   "Chen Xuan turned out to be."

  At this time, Liu Qiangde also recognized Chen Xuan, "You kid. You are not seriously injured, and now you have recovered to the second stage of the **** king? Unexpectedly, but the second stage of the **** king."

  Chen Xuan was originally slightly surprised, but he did not expect that Liu Qiangde would still call him one by one.

   "Boy, this black cloud giant bear, but we shot it down, this monster crystal nucleus, naturally also ours. Come back to us quickly." At this time, Liu Qiangde also continued.

"Everyone knows that the trials in the Black Cloud Peak not only have the most trial stones, but also depends on who has hunted more monsters. Today, Chen Xuan, don't you want to take away this monster crystal? Nuclear."


Listening, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile: "If this black cloud bear hadn't been injured by us first, it would have been impossible for you to fly like this, so that you could shoot it down. We discovered this first, so naturally it was us. Why do you want to give it to you? Liu Qiangde, if I say, I don’t give it, what do you want to do with me!"

  This is the truth.

This black cloud giant bear was injured by Chen Xuan and the others first. Although they shot and killed it later, they also found the first injury. Even without Liu Qiangde and others taking action, Chen Xuan and Li Qingchuan would definitely be able to. Take down this black cloud giant bear. But now they appear, shoot with a sword, and want to take away the fruits of their prey. Why?

   "Chen Xuan, do you dare."

When Liu Qiangde heard Chen Xuan's words, he was also furious: "Do you think you are still in Lu Yucheng? This is Heiyunfeng! You think you are from the Yunye Clan, so I dare not do anything to you? You? A kid, who gave you the courage to make you dare to say such things to me at this time?"

   said with cold pupils.

   "Chen Xuan, I advise you to give me the beast crystal core." Next to Liu Qiangde, a disciple wearing a hat said.

   "Are you from Yunyemen!"

A skinny disciple also coughed: "In Lu Yucheng, I might not dare to do anything. Or other Yunyemen, such as Yunyemen, but do you know what it is like now? Situation? You don’t know how to write the word death!"

  (End of this chapter)

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