Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2778: Liu Yiqian

   Chapter 2778 Liu Yiqian

  This time Liu Yiqian said all he knew in one breath. Before that, Chen Xuan didn't blink at killing people, and Liu Yiqian's heart trembled.

   "How could such a secret room of the former city lord like this?"

   Chen Xuan also said to him: "So does Heiyunfeng have the martial arts of the former city lord?"

"Yes it is."

  Liu Yiqian also said to him: "Don't you know? There are more martial arts of the former city lord. The original city lord, named Quanzong, is a powerful martial artist..."

  "Qi Xiu?" Chen Xuan was surprised for a moment. The so-called Qi Xiu is a martial artist who does not use the body as the main training purpose, but concentrates on the cultivation of profound energy.

   Chen Xuan was surprised when he heard this, and he thought to himself: "This Liu Yiqian knows something, and Chen Xuan doesn't know as much as he does. How can I not think that the martial artist of the Hua family has also come?"

   "Yes, the warrior of the Hua family."

  Liu Yiqian saw that Chen Xuan's expression was a little strange, and he cautiously said, "Moreover, this time, it was Liu Elder Hua Meng who personally brought people here."

   "Hua Meng? How come you didn't expect him to come?"

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly when he heard this:

  This person, but framed him in the trial of Heiyunfeng.

   "Since you are here, I will let you come and go." Chen Xuan said bitterly.

  "Chen Xuan, please don't use the method of the demon soul against me." Liu Yiqian still said in fear.

  Chen Xuan sneered, there was no need to deal with him.

  While Chen Xuan questioned, Wang Lun suddenly stood quietly beside Chen Xuan watching.

After    finished speaking, Liu Yiqian replied: "I have already said everything I know. You promised me and let me go."

"Don't worry, I have never said a thousand words." Chen Xuan heard this, and hit him with a sword, making him fly out: "I said I won't kill you, but I must give you one today. gift."

  His sword has abolished his true qi. A warrior who has worked so hard to cultivate to the realm of the **** king is to condense true qi, so as to condense a stronger true qi in his dantian.

  This Liu Yiqian's face was pale, and his whole body was in pain, unable to arouse his true energy.

  "Why was my true qi being destroyed under one sword?"

  His face was sullen and unwilling, but he still smiled reluctantly.

  After speaking, he turned to leave.

  But, the next moment.

   "Asshole, revealing the news."

  Just after he finished speaking, the elder Liu did not know when he had already got up, picked up a sword, and stabbed him through his body from behind: "The secret room was revealed to outsiders, **** it."

   "This." Wang Lun looked at him and didn't know what to say. Turned around and glanced at Chen Xuan.

   "Kill all." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded, then raised the black giant sword, and then killed them all.

  Chen Xuan must kill these people. If he doesn't kill the Liu family elder, he will go back and tell the Liu family that it would be troublesome for the Liu family to retaliate.

  Chen Xuan killed swiftly and did not hesitate. Whether it was Liu Yiqian or the elder Liu, all became dead.

  Wang Lunlian said: "I didn't expect you to be so simple and neat."

  Chen Xuan slowly said, “It’s not necessary. Anyway, the Liu family is a raccoon, and the Liu family’s warriors are not good people, and there is more than a guilty death.”

  He watched Wang Lun talking.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then saw the black aura emerging from Wang Lun, Chen Xuan continued: "You are now improving your true qi again, and you have been able to release your true qi."

   "Chen Xuan, your current cultivation level should not be able to break the seal, I feel that you are about to be promoted. You can help me get through the meridians with true energy. Come, your Suzaku true energy can be restrained," Wang Lun said.

   "Okay." In an instant, Chen Xuan opened a palm to Wang Lun. A puff of real qi broke out in Wang Lun's body.

   "Okay, get up." Chen Xuan waved his hand, and a group of infuriating energy gathered, and Suzaku infuriated on Wang Lun's body. In an instant, Wang Lun shed a few drops of sweat, but his expression had recovered.

  So Chen Xuan put away the martial arts that he showed to Wang Lun. This martial arts can allow Wang Lun to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth quickly and use it to improve his cultivation.

  Next, Chen Xuan said: "Let’s go back to Li Qiuyu and the others first, and then go in to see what is going on in the former city lord’s secret room. If we stay on, the martial arts will be taken away by others."

Soon, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun went directly to the secret room of the former city lord. According to Liu Yiqian, Chen Xuan quickly found a secret room on the peak of the mountain. After passing through a pressure barrier, they He entered the cave where the former city lord’s secret room was located, walked more than two kilometers, and looked forward, Chen Xuan saw a glimmer of light in front of him. Sure enough, there was a manor in front of him, but black mist also enveloped it. Cultivation chamber.

   "Chen Xuan be careful, these black mists may be Cao's superior formation." Wang Lun solemnly said.

   "What formation?" Chen Xuan asked.

  "This should be the body destruction formation. The former city lord’s secret room will set up a body destruction formation. If you want to enter, you must enter from the destruction body opening." Wang Lun said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan's face was tense, and said, "Where is the body-killing mouth?"

  Wang Lun said immediately: "I don't know, but you must be careful." Wang Lun said suddenly.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan heard the voices of several warriors floating in front of him.

   "Hush, I'm afraid those guys have already arrived." Chen Xuandao.

   "There is only one eye in this moment. My Liu family dared to come first, and it should belong to my Liu family."

"Fart, Elder Liu, you didn't say that this is a body-killing formation. Although Hua Meng does not know this formation, I have heard of it. The formation can only be entered by one formation eye, and the more the number of people, the pressure of the formation. The stronger, and I got the news first, what kind of thing are you, I am the head of the Hua family, what qualifications do you have to stop me, believe it or not, I destroyed your Liu family."

  "Don’t say more, this cultivation secret room belongs to my Cao family. This moment, I should be the first to enter the Cao family. If not, I would rather destroy the cultivation secret room.”

  Ten minutes later, these people were still clamoring, and Chen Xuan didn't hide it anymore. After all, they didn't have the final say in this secret room. As soon as he entered, Chen Xuan saw a powerful warrior with extraordinary aura standing near the secret room, and the rest of the warriors were gathering in a training chamber and yelling at each other.

  Because whoever enters the secret room first will be the first to obtain the martial arts and treasures of the former city lord’s secret room and the martial arts of the former city lord.

  But now they are together, no one is allowed to enter, no one wants to be the first to enter, and they are all at once.

   "Huh? Interesting."

  Chen Xuan smiled: "Hua Meng, we meet again."

  Hua Meng's strength is not weak, so more than ten years ago, his official career was prosperous, and later he also assisted Wangye Lu to fight for the seat of the city lord, but unfortunately, he fell short. Not only did Chen Xuan enter the Yunyemen, he is also a disciple of not low status.

  Although he was also the patriarch of the Hua family, he looked down on Chen Xuan very much. Moreover, when Chen Xuan helped Lu Jiuyuan, this Hua Meng also secretly sent someone to calculate Chen Xuan about this. Chen Xuan also learned from Lu Jiuyuan.

   "Chen Xuan turned out to be you. If you are not in Lu Yucheng as your city lord's staff, why would you come here to do this?" Hua Meng said in a deep voice.

   "You don't know this, what does my coming here have to do with you." Chen Xuandao.

  Hua Meng snorted and replied: "Asshole, I don't care about you now."

   "I said, you don't have any skills now." Chen Xuandao.

   "There is not necessarily only one eye here, do you know that you are willing to be here?" Chen Xuandao.

   "Fart, there is only one eye in the secret room." Cao's elder said angrily.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun disappeared suddenly. In fact, Chen Xuan was too lazy to waste time with them.

  After seeing Chen Xuan disappear, the elders of Liu and Cao’s family did not put Chen Xuan in their eyes.

  "This is related to the martial arts of the former city lord. Who doesn't want to enter from here first? You know, the former city lord must have something good." Elder Liu said.

   "Speaking of which, the front of the cultivation chamber is one of the only safe fronts. No one can monopolize it, otherwise we can destroy it."

  After they entangled for a while, they also reached a consensus and said: "It's better to be like this, but we come to discuss twice, who wins, who gets in first."

  "We have one person from each side. The one who wins wins, and the loser must be willing to bet and accept the loss."

  Chen Xuan looked at this side and discussed it all the time, and finally realized that they were fighting against each other, and whoever wins will go first.

   "I never thought they would use this method."

Wang Lun slowly said: "This will take a lot of time, right? It seems that the people coming from their side are similar this time, so they are afraid of each other. But this time there is only one eye. If they go in one by one, there must be One side can't get martial arts and treasures, so all of them want to get it first."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan showed a look of disdain, and a look of surprise said: "Why is it difficult to get rid of the body destruction formation of the former city lord's secret room? There are many flaws in this formation, and there are places where they can enter. It took so much time to stalemate the battle for the cultivation secret room there."

"how so?"

When Wang Lun heard this, he also showed a look of surprise and said: "How could it be that this is the training chamber of the former city lord, he left the martial arts training chamber, and he must have spent a lot of energy before he was alive to deploy this massive array of body destruction, how could it be full? Is it a flaw?"

  "Do you still believe it?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at Wang Lun: “Don’t talk nonsense, let them continue fighting here. Let’s go in and see what martial skills the former city lord left behind.”

  Wang Lun knows about the strength of the former city lord, knowing that this is the training chamber where the former city lord has laid down a large array of destroying bodies, how can there be flaws.

   "Chen Xuan dare to say that there is a flaw here. This is a body-killing formation, with heavy martial skills."

  Looking at Chen Xuan's expression, Wang Lun suddenly found that he couldn't speak.

   But this, but the former city lord?

  "This is the cultivation secret room of the former city lord. He was a prestigious existence in Lu Yucheng." Wang Lun couldn't help whispering.

  But Chen Xuan and Wang Lun dived to one side, and there was a moment of eye that could enter. Of course, some secret skills about the body destruction formation were needed to open it. Those people obviously can't understand such a high level. These are nothing to Chen Xuan.

   Suddenly, a black iron-gold beast appeared from the ground and slashed towards Chen Xuan. This beast even had the power of a demon spirit circulating on its body, which was obviously not an ordinary iron-gold beast.

  This is also a dangerous place.

  This kind of iron-gold beast is a well-known beast nearby.

   "Chen Xuan, be careful."

   Therefore, seeing the iron-gold beast suddenly appeared, Wang Lun suddenly gave a shock. His arm hit the Lu Yuling demon, causing the demon to burst into two stages and die. This type of demon is not very powerful, but it's fascinating and a little tricky.

   "Huh?" Chen Xuan frowned.

In fact, he is not afraid of this kind of iron-gold beast. Chen Xuan has some ways to deal with it. Since he dared to enter the secret room, it is impossible not to deal with some iron-gold beasts. Moreover, Chen Xuan's current body is really angry, and it is extraordinary. After the body is doubled, the whole body is reborn.

  (End of this chapter)

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