Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2780: Through the spirit circle

  Chapter 2780 Passing the Spirit Array

   "Only those who pass the spiritual formation can enter the secret chamber." After the body-killing aura killed the Cao family, they said this sentence.

   "No, it's too strong."

   "Don't let Chen Xuan this **** enter."

  Of course, they immediately made a decision. Starting to see each other left and right to choose to leave the young generation of powerful warriors broke the formation.

   "Don't worry, this is the first floor of the legendary secret room. I can't wait. How can Chen Xuan pass easily? It is absolutely impossible for him to rush through it so quickly and enter it."

   Hearing Elder Liu, the Cao family also said to him.

   "What about Chen Xuan?"

  And Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have already come before the same body destruction formation. When they entered the cultivating chamber, they also encountered the same spiritual formation: "Let me try." Wang Lun was even adept and slashed out with a palm.

  But those body-killing aura golden armored halberds were fierce, and they slashed and killed Wang Lun suddenly and quickly took back his palm.

   "No, I can't break this battle." His face was also embarrassed.

   "Who let you make your own claim?"

  Of course, Chen Xuan, who was standing near him, frowned and said: "A body destruction formation is also worthy of blocking in front of my body?"

   "Only those who pass the spiritual formation can enter the secret chamber." After the body-killing aura repelled Wang Lun's temptation, they all spoke in unison as they had said to the Cao family.

  "How could this be?" Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan with his eyes.

   "Look, Chen Xuan and the others can't break the battle at all." Several warriors from the Liu family near Elder Liu over there also laughed arrogantly.

   "Look at me."

   Hearing their laughter, Chen Xuan stepped forward: "Follow me. Let's go in." He suddenly said to Wang Lun.

  Wang Lun suddenly froze: "Chen Xuan's body destruction formation is not very easy to break."

  Wang Lun could only follow Chen Xuan quickly.

   "Only those who pass through the spiritual formation can enter the secret chamber." The extinct spiritual light shouted again.

Wang Lun followed Chen Xuan, his eyes watched the extinguishing aura with vigilance, and then looked at Chen Xuan nearby. He really didn't understand why Chen Xuan wanted him to join the battle, but how could he get through this secret room? Floor.

  But I never thought that Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly reddened. Facing these extinction auras, he said, "Break it all for me."

  Wang Lun only felt that Chen Xuan suddenly waved with one hand, and all the body-killing auras that were about to be killed were all fixed on the spot.


After    resolved, then Chen Xuan went inside.

   "Impossible." Wang Lun followed Chen Xuan to the inner secret room, watching the body-killing aura after they walked through and turned into dark black innocence again.

  He had no idea what was going on.

  Actually, Chen Xuan relied on his own understanding of the body destruction formation to directly destroy the body destruction formation from the root level of the body destruction formation. Instead of going through its spiritual circle.

  As a Yunyemen, this little thing is easy for him.

"what happened."

   "That bastard, why did they pass so easily."

  "How could this be possible? This is the first floor of the secret room."

  At the same time, everyone who was as shocked as Wang Lun was the Cao family, Liu family and other Elder Liu. One of them looked at Chen Xuan with a shocked look.

  And Chen Xuan walked through the first floor of the secret room. And those body-killing auras actually really dispersed.

   "How could he pass by?"

  Especially the Cao family, he has experienced the power of this body destruction formation. However, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked over with their hands behind their backs, which is simply incredible.

   "This is a secret room." Elder Liu was sluggish.

   "How did this **** do it?"

  Hua Meng also showed complete surprise. However, he quickly reacted: "I'm here to break the formation. Now this place is pedestrian, the younger generation, my strength should be considered the best, everyone, Chen Xuan entered the secret room, no further delay, everyone, help If I break through the formation, that martial art will really be taken away by Chen Xuan and this brat."

   "Also please Elder Liu to take action."

   "Please, Elder Liu, take the shot."

  On the first floor of this secret room, the stronger the person who enters the formation, the stronger the corresponding body destruction formation will be. Except for the Cao family and elder Liu, the most suitable one is Hua Meng.

   "Look at me, Chen Xuan, don't be too proud of you too early. It's not always who the last laugh is."

  He roared, the real air flow turned, the dao body appeared, the real energy emerged, and he rushed into the big formation, and the body extinction aura also came to kill one by one. Of course, when the Cao family entered the battlefield, the aura of extinction was weaker.

   "A group of ants, also want to fight with me?"

   Chen Xuan, who was walking inside, just shook his head and smiled, and didn't put Hua Meng in his eyes at all: "When you break the formation, I have already searched all the martial arts here."

   "What is going on with Chen Xuan?"

  Wang Lun, who was following Chen Xuan, is still a little puzzled until now: "This is the first floor of the secret room, but why do you wave your hand, these body-killing auras don't attack us?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan also replied to Wang Lun suddenly: "You don't know anything about the real body destruction formation. Although this secret formation is very powerful, you can enter as long as you master his secrets."

  Chen Xuan just said this, there was another true energy in front of them, and a powerful spiritual power appeared.

   "Being able to come here through the first floor of the secret room shows that you have a certain strength, but the first floor of the secret room is by force." The voice resounded again.

  This is the voice left by the former city lord.

   "How could such an extinction formation?"

  Wang Lun looked at it and showed a look of surprise, and then his face whitened: "I have been in the Cao family for more than 20 years. I know that this body destruction formation is powerful. Although I can enter, it may not be able to come out."

  And Wang Lun, seeing this formation, he felt that there was no way to break it, so he was shocked and shocked.

  When he wanted to come, entering the former city lord’s secret room this time seemed to have come in vain. After all, this formation is so difficult, it will not be broken for a while, and it is impossible to get the martial arts, treasures and martial arts inside. There is also the demon soul spirit body.

   "What destruction array method?"

  Chen Xuan dismissed: "Broken."

Afterwards, Chen Xuan condensed his zhenqi again, and he waved his hand repeatedly to display zhenqi. In an instant, there was a wave of eccentric sword qi that broke the body-killing aura and body formation, accompanied by a wave of zhenqi attacking them. .

  Afterwards, Wang Lun actually saw the powerful destroyer in front of him collapsed, and a secret room that could continue to penetrate again appeared in front of him.

   "This, this, this also works?"

  Wang Lun had no idea what to say, which was completely different from what he had imagined. Ordinary people enter the practice secret room and want to obtain martial skills, which one can only successfully obtain without breaking the formation.

   "Doesn't we need to break the formation? But the former city lord wants us to break the formation to get in?" After a while, he spoke to Chen Xuandao.

  Wang Lun didn’t know that the ancient demon soul in Chen Xuan’s body had already told him the secret to breaking the formation.

   "Follow me. Keep going in."

  But Chen Xuan didn't say any more, he kept going, Wang Lun could only keep following.

After   , Wang Lun followed Chen Xuan to continue to enter, and ran into the spirit formations left by the two previous city lords, but as before, Wang Lun was sluggish, and Chen Xuan did not follow the spirit formations left by the previous city lord at all.

  He directly destroyed all the body destruction formations. All the spirit formations relied on the body destruction formations to revolve, but the body destruction formations had been directly destroyed by Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lun showed a shocked look and could not speak.

  Finally, after walking for a while, the two of them came to the middle secret room of the former city lord’s secret room.

   "Huh? Is this the middle secret room?"

   "Here, is the martial arts of the former city lord?"

  Wang Lun and Chen Xuan stepped into it.

  As a powerful humanoid phantom appeared in this secret room, this person was the former city lord of Chen Xuan in this practice secret room. He should be the cultivation secret room that he left when he was about to die.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun immediately looked up at the figure of the old man in the black robe.

   "Anyone who can appear in this place means that you have passed all the spiritual formations I left behind."

  The phantom of the former city lord condescendingly said to Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

  "This is really the famous former city lord." Wang Lun also sighed in shock: "The former city lord, his name in this continent, is indeed quite resounding.

  The former city lord, for him, is also legendary. Therefore, Wang Lun felt that it was a matter of course for the former city lord to kneel down.

  Wang Lun's eyes widened: "This is the former city lord, can you get the martial arts left over here like this?"

   "It's just the former city lord."

Hearing what Wang Lun said, Chen Xuan directly said, "Who said I can't get it? As long as I want it, he can't refuse it. All the movement eyes of the body destroying array arranged in his cultivation chamber will be broken by me. Drop."

  Wang Lun was already speechless.

   "Look at me."

  At this time, Chen Xuan made a move, and saw that he suddenly stretched out his hand again, portraying it in the air, and squeezing out real energy again: "Destroy the body."

   Suddenly, the phantom of the previous City Lord shrank back.


  Wang Lun can only watch from nearby.

   "The reason why he let him be here later is because the organ of the body destruction formation is here, and then he opened the stone wall behind it."

  Chen Xuan also continued to explain to Wang Lun: "Look, I can still open it."

  Chen Xuan said it for granted. Indeed, the former City Lord was not qualified to let him kneel. These words sounded in Wang Lun's ears with a sense of subversion.

After   opened the stone wall, it turned out that there was a cave behind it.

  First, a banner exuding dark black innocence was hovering and spinning around in the air.

   "This is the flag of the former city lord's secret room?"

  Chen Xuan suddenly didn't talk nonsense, his true energy flew out, and he opened his hand to chop it, and the true energy surged instantly, refining it.

  After refining, he immediately felt that he was connected with a magic circle in the secret room of the former city lord. Zhen Qi urged this robe, and was able to control some of the body destruction formations in the former city lord's secret room. He could even feel that Hua Meng had broken the first floor of the secret room.

   "Demon soul spirit body, inside."

  Chen Xuan did not want to pay attention to the others: "Open again, Wang Lun, follow me in, take the demon soul spirit body."

  Next, Chen Xuan said, stepping into it, the next moment. The crystal nucleus has been controlled by Chen Xuan, and all the secret rooms of the former city lord are in his control, and Chen Xuan, from the beginning, fundamentally destroyed all kinds of destruction arrays left by the former city lord, so it can’t hurt he.

   But now it is suddenly different. He is now directly controlling these body destruction formations to open up by himself, making himself truly unimpeded.

  "How come there are so many crystal nuclei? And, it is a purple crystal nucleus."

  Wang Lun followed Chen Xuan into the secret room of the former city lord, and suddenly couldn’t help but be surprised: “There are so many.”

   "Huh? How can I not think that the former city lord still has some wealth."

   Chen Xuan didn't care much, he looked around with his hands behind his back, and just said, "It seems that this place should be his legacy."

  (End of this chapter)

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