Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2785: The Cao family and the Liu family united

   Chapter 2785 The Cao family and the Liu family unite

  One morning, Wang Lun and Chen Xuan had arrived at Heiyun Peak, ready to test their Suzaku swordsmanship. However, after practicing outside Heiyun Peak, they suddenly felt two unidentified qi.

   "Huh? What's the matter? No one should find out here."

  I just entered the Heiyun Peak, and when he walked near the courtyard, Chen Xuan frowned, "Is there a great pressure of extinction covering the courtyard?"

  Wang Lun's face changed drastically: "Who is it?"

   Chen Xuan was furious, his eyes gloomy: "How dare you be presumptuous here?"

  This is the manor of the dignified Yunyemen.

  It is incredible that such a power will appear. These people are now directly killing his manor.

   "Dare to mess around in my manor!"

   "Wang Lun!"

  The two of them rushed to the inner courtyard.

  The large body destruction formation shrouded in this layer is not very clever. Presumably, there are also some powerful warriors in this group of people who have used them to refine them. These people are also very well prepared to come.

   "Chen Xuan, I'm afraid, they already know that there are spiritual veins below." Wang Lun said.

  He didn't know much about the formation, he had already wanted to directly break through the body destruction spirit formation and rushed in.

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan motioned him not to do that: "Be careful."

   "Huh?" Wang Lun glanced at Chen Xuan, but didn't say anything.

  At this time, the matter was urgent, and there was no time to think about it, and Chen Xuan quickly and quietly passed the barrier of the formation.

   Suddenly, the sound of continuous pounding explosions and the sound of weapon pounding Jin Ge were heard in the ears. This is a sound that will only be made during a fierce fight.

   "Liu Family Killer, it turns out it was you two!"

  Li Qingchuan’s voice was saying: "I came to hide in the manor and want to be presumptuous! Are you looking for death?!"

   "Destroy the body formation! Zao Wou-ki! You little beast, actually helping Chen Xuan."

  Looking into the distance, he saw three figures in the hall fighting frantically.

Two of them were covered in black shadows, but the body that the power of the demon soul revealed also showed a terrifying aura. It was obviously a man from the Liu family, and the power of the demon soul flowing in their bodies was completely black. Infuriated, all holding iron guns.

Another person, Chen Xuan glanced at him. It was still Li Qingchuan who was saved by Chen Xuan before. After the Heiyunfeng incident, he sometimes came to Chen Xuan's manor. However, he happened to be killed by him. Encountered two killers from the Liu family.

  At this time, I saw Li Qingchuan also displaying his true energy and fighting with them.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were worried that Li Qingchuan would be in danger, but the result was beyond their expectations. Li Qingchuan was not only in danger. On the contrary, Li Qingchuan was even more mighty at this time and did not fall under the wind.

  I saw Li Qingchuan’s two blades, condensing spiritual power, and the infuriating energy flowing between the blades and the two Liu Family warriors fought with each other, but they were not damaged.

  "Didn’t you get hit in the body and abolish your cultivation base? It seems that your cultivation base has been restored, not good! This little beast has not been scrapped! He is stronger than before! Run away!"

  The two people made a sound of horror, and then the two Liu Family Martial Artists were repulsed by Li Qingchuan at this time.

  One of the warriors has already vomited blood! In addition, the arms were broken. How would they think of the Liu family assassins that Li Qingchuan's injuries had been fully recovered under Chen Xuan's treatment. The cultivation base is now even more powerful than before.

"I let you go back then, but I never thought that you have been doing evil for so many years. The guy Liu Ju was worried that I would replace him and framed me. At that time, the two of you were also on his side and talking about friends. ."

  At this time, Li Qingchuan’s voice was also extremely cold and said: "I see, you are just looking for death!"

  At this time, Li Qingchuan rushed to the Liu family warrior on the right first. He rushed to the past, and once again used the Li Family's swordsmanship.

   But when Li Qingchuan turned around and wanted to kill another Liu family martial artist, he unexpectedly broke out and caught Li Qingchuan.

   "Liu Hong!" The other Liu family martial artist also turned abruptly, but his voice was trembling obviously.

   "Do you think you can escape?"

  Li Qingchuan burst free from the **** of this warrior, but when he wanted to kill the other Liu family warrior, he rushed towards Wang Lun.

   "Wang Lun, be careful!"

  Li Qiuyu is in some places behind, but although he is younger than Wang Lun in his age, unfortunately, his realm is still weaker than Wang Lun.

  The **** of the demon soul has not been completely broken. It was not the opponent of this Liu family's martial artist, and was instantly controlled by the Liu family's disciple breaking the divine body.

   "Li Qiuyu!" Wang Lun didn't react just now, his body was hard to stand still, but Li Qiuyu was caught by the Liu family martial artist. He exclaimed.

  When he just wanted to rush away, the figure of Li Qingchuan on the other side also appeared. His eyes beckoned him not to move.

   "Let go of my brother!" The Liu family warrior grabbed Li Qiuyu and said, "I can't think of it, you little beast, you didn't abandon it, let us go quickly, otherwise, I will pinch this guy to death immediately!"

   "Don't mess around, if he is dead, the former city lord will not let you go." Li Qingchuan said.

  The Liu family martial artist with red eyes: "What, little beast, you said this person cultivates a demon soul!? That would be the best."

   "Li Qiuyu."

  At this moment, Li Qingchuan also stopped abruptly, seeing Li Qiuyu being controlled by this Liu family martial artist, but he was also very calm.

   "Don't mess around, you are just warriors! There is no need to die! This girl is from Yunyemen."

  All this happened in an instant.

   "Oh, Li Qiuyu." Wang Lun glanced at his eyes: "How can you kill here?"

  They just came in, and seeing Li Qingchuan so fierce, they never thought that Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun suddenly came in from the other side.

   Chen Xuan's face changed a lot when he saw it: "I'm looking for death!"

  The power of his demon soul was immediately displayed, and it floated silently and killed Liu Hong.

  "Let him go first, otherwise, I will kill this guy immediately!" Liu Hong was still holding Li Qiuyu, and Li Qingchuan, who was also holding the bangs, was also looking at him.

  “At the same time!” Li Qingchuan also just finished speaking

   "You hand it over first, otherwise the two of me will still die." But Liu Hong said.

  The next moment, they suddenly found that their bodies were hit by a flame on the wall, and it was Wang Lun and Chen Xuan who shot at the same time.

  The two warriors still did not want to disclose, Chen Xuan's pupils showed a ruthless look.

   "Quickly, I'm not talking nonsense!"

  "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with us!" A voice sounded, and Liu Hong hurriedly used force. However, he realized that he couldn't move for an instant, and Chen Xuan's demon soul was silently possessed by his hand.

   "You went to my manor to be presumptuous, you are looking for death!"

   "Demon soul cultivator." His expression changed drastically: "How is it possible? Even a monster soul cultivator can't make me unaware."

   The true energy of this demon soul cultivator was still full of lethality, and what was even more powerful was that Chen Xuan was silent and grabbed his hand.

Even at this moment, a strong sword aura hit his waist with a blow, which instantly folded him in half. He turned around and saw Wang Lun retracted his palm. This blow made Liu Hong feel that his body was more than halfway. All of his bones were broken: "He is the strong man of the second peak of the God King..."

  It was still Wang Lun who made the shot just now. Liu Hong knew what was going on in his heart, but even if he faced the demon soul cultivator, he would not be unconscious at all! Liu Hong still couldn't figure it out.

   "Chen Xuan." Li Qingchuan originally thought that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun would leave the practice, but he never thought that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun would show up so quickly, and he was overjoyed.

   "Tack him first." Chen Xuan finished speaking, and a Suzaku sword aura cut off his limbs directly. The Suzaku sword aura, the flames faintly at the blade.

   Then, when his body plunged into the fall. Another Suzaku sword aura floated and directly chopped his arm in half.

  He looked and saw that Chen Xuan did not know when he had stood in front of the warrior.

When he just came in before, he didn't make a move either. He wanted to see how Li Qingchuan took down the two Liu's killers. Then, seeing Li Qiuyu fall into Liu Hong's hands, he still made an instant move and directly subdued the two. people.

After all, Li Qiuyu’s cultivation is only the nine-fold divine monarch, and these two Liu family disciples are both in the realm of divine kings, but Chen Xuan’s power of the demon soul possessed it, and silently grabbed Liu Hong’s arm. . At the same time, Wang Lun cooperated and defeated Liu Hong in one fell swoop.

Ordinary demon soul cultivators will not really approach that easily, but Chen Xuan is not an ordinary demon soul cultivator, but he is not able to understand the formations like Liu Hong, even if he is like this, Liu Hong still Can't find the approach of Chen Xuan's demon soul at all.

  After that, he and Wang Lun still shot instantly.

   Chen Xuan’s power of the demon soul instantly pulled away and took control of Liu Hong, making him unable to attack Li Qiuyu. If he controlled it for a long time, it would definitely not work, but in an instant, Wang Lun was enough to issue a fatal blow.

   Then, Chen Xuan just controlled the power of the demon soul and cooperated with Wang Lun. The power of the demon soul only began to condense at the moment of possession, but it was also shaken by Liu Hong. But after the shock was opened, the power of the demon soul penetrated into the Suzaku sword aura, beheading this Liu Hong.

   "Chen Xuan, why did you come back so soon? Didn't the elder cultivating Demon Soul go to practice." Li Qiuyu said.

  Li Qingchuan saw Chen Xuan and said: "Fortunately, you and Wang Lun are coming back quickly. Otherwise, I'm really not good at dealing with them alone."

  He remembered that when he and Wang Lun entered the mountain before, he only thought that Li Qingchuan's realm was now restored, and he should almost be able to protect them.

   "Chen Xuan, how did you do it." Li Qingchuan said.

  It is the first time since the last time that he has seen Chen Xuan make a move. At this moment, he is still amazed at Chen Xuan's previous move: "It seems that Chen Xuan has made a lot of money in the secret room?"

   "There are some advances, but let's not mention this for now." Chen Xuan said upon hearing this.

   "Why did the Liu family killer come to us?" Wang Lun said.

  Li Qingchuan also understood that he was not talking about breakthroughs in cultivation at this time, although he was amazed at how incredible Chen Xuan had just shot. But no longer thinking about anything, but looking at Chen Xuan intently.

   "Is the Liu family killer? Liu Hong? Liu Hai?"

  He also had gloomy eyes, looked at Liu Hong and Liu Hai and said, "Say, who sent you to my manor?"

  This Liu family assassin has completely lost the ability to resist at this time.

  That bang was seriously injured by Li Qingchuan's swordsmanship, so he couldn't resist. Liu Hong was even cut off his limbs by Chen Xuan Suzaku's sword qi, and his arm was also cut in half, dripping with blood.

   "Want to know, don't think about it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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