Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2787: Illusion and formation

  Chapter 2787 Illusions and formations

Hearing Wang Lun’s words, Chen Xuan smiled and explained: “I really couldn’t arrange this sword annihilation illusion before, but now, I have learned this sword annihilation formation from him and arranged this sword annihilation. Illusion."

   "No wonder I feel so familiar, that's how it is." Wang Lun said.

  Li Qingchuan and the others recognized the sword extinction illusion and knew that the illusion was very powerful. However, Chen Xuan actually knew the more powerful sword extinction illusion, but the formation method also required high materials.

  Li Qingchuan also exclaimed: "With this sword destroying the illusion, no one will return!"

  At this time, Chen Xuan flipped his hand, and a royal formation flag appeared in his hand. "This is the imperial formation flag! The true energy can be sealed in the flag of this sword extinction formation method, which is the key to controlling this sword extinction illusion."

  He looked at the imperial formation flag, "The former city lord refined a total of two, two people can control this imperial formation flag, and one is left as a formation player to control the formation."

   "Wang Lun, hold this imperial formation flag."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, and then handed it to Wang Lun and Li Qingchuan: "You two will control this place in the future."

  After all, Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun are the ones he can trust most, since then.

   "At that time, you will be able to control the imperial formation flag. Each imperial formation flag has a stored crystal core, which is simple enough to control this sword extinction illusion."

  "This imperial flag..." Li Qingchuan's voice just fell.

  Chen Xuan already said directly: "Wang Lun will still follow me everywhere after all. You still need your help to watch this manor, this imperial formation banner."

   "Okay. Then I will condense it."

  Li Qingchuan also gathered the imperial formation flag: "No wonder I was crushed on the ground just now!"

Afterwards, he said to Wang Lun, Li Qingchuan and others: "I know who is behind today. I have to find out what the Lord Lu has entrusted to me. With this sword destroying the illusion, we will no longer worry about anything. Danger."

  Because of the formation. Chen Xuan still didn't talk much, and Wang Lun wanted to go out with Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lun said again: "Go, let's go and see!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun went directly out of the manor. The conflict with the Cao family had existed before, but it was never the way it is now. It has been irreconcilable, and the Cao family has also participated in the assassination.

  The Cao family obviously did not listen to their warnings. This time they didn't succeed, they might still do it in the future. Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun were still in danger at all times. Besides, it's just the little Cao family. Chen Xuan was also a powerful generation in his previous life. Couldn't it be possible to destroy this family?

  At this moment, the Liu family inside Lu Yucheng.

  A man in a black robe looked at the strong man in front of his body and said with a smile: "Your skill at making tea is really amazing."

  The strong man laughed and said, "It's good if you don't dislike it."

   "Elder, you can see it outside."

Hearing this, the man in the long-haired black robe laughed and said, "If I hadn’t had you, I would have died a long time ago. If I didn’t have your help back then, I would have died. Now our two families must be united around the Pantheon. Besides, Now, City Lord Xinlu’s focus has always been in the Pantheon, and he has no time to take care of us. However, he is not afraid, and the only thing worth worrying about is Chen Xuan."

   Originally, Chen Xuan could directly kill a disciple of his Cao family, but they could not openly kill Chen Xuan. After all, he was still the Yunye Clan.

  So, he just wanted to teach Chen Xuan a lesson, to let him give up and continue to follow Lu Chengzhu, of course, in the future, he will definitely think of ways to get rid of Chen Xuan.

   "Yes, one of my family children, but in Lu Yucheng. He was openly beheaded!"

   Hearing this, the strong man also said bitterly: "Because of his identity as the Yunye Clan, we have no way to take him temporarily. This time, I will definitely want him to pay for it!"

  The long-haired man in black robe said: "Elder, it's not that I'm talking too much. Why is he also a member of the Yunye Clan? I heard that it has something to do with the prince of the Yunye Empire. Are you sure?"

   "It's just a Yunye Gate? What are you afraid of? Now Lu Yucheng doesn't care about us at all. Killing this bastard, and also cut off the idea of ​​City Master Lu Yulu continuing to investigate." The elder said.

I heard that the strong man said indifferently: "This time, the Yunyemen is not good to shoot directly! The patriarch has already said that he is going to move him! And we can come by ourselves, lest City Lord Lu Yu think that our Cao family is good for bullying! "

  The man in the long-haired black robe beamed upon hearing the words, and said, "That's right, Chen Xuan, you really don't need to look at it."

"Don't worry, if it wasn't for the recent period when Young Master Cao Ren was keeping a low profile, Chen Xuan would have been killed by us, and he would not be allowed to kill Young Master Liu. This time, our Cao family was insulted. In the future, we will find a chance to let Chen Xuan die. There is no burial place."

   The strong man said: "By the way, why haven't they heard back for so long?"

   "Don't worry. Elder." The long-haired black robe said: "We will be back with two more cups of tea."

   "By the way, I said they won't kill, they want to catch them back. This is what the Pantheon said." The strong man said, "Have you ever forgotten to explain them."

   "All accounted."

  The man in the long-haired black robe said: "Elder, don't worry, it's absolutely foolproof."

  At this moment, a gloomy voice has sounded in this room.

   "Who?" The strong man was surprised.

  "Who? Here!" The long-haired and black-robed man also continued: "Come on!" He called his guard, but there was no movement at all.

  Two figures appeared. The black giant sword struck it directly, and it was directly printed on their abdomen. The huge force entered, causing their bodies to be directly broken.

   "No, it's not true. I can't even resist. I am a strong man of the second peak of the King of God!"

  Both of them turned pale.

  " Another figure in black said: "Do you think, how should I punish you to be worthy of what you just said? "

   "You, you are, Chen Xuan!"

Both the long-haired warrior and the strong man showed unbelievable looks. They all recognized Chen Xuan.

  And Chen Xuan had already moved his eyelids, and a Suzaku sword suddenly appeared with anger, and directly cut the legs of the two men, blood poured out, the voices of the two men were stern, and their faces were pale.

   "Ah, ah, I'm dead, and the Cao and Liu families will not let you go, nor will they let you go!" The strong man screamed.

   Chen Xuan asked, looking at everyone coldly and saying, "I just want to know the strongest Cao Ren of your Cao family. If you destroy your Cao family, you have to kill Cao Ren first."

   "Want to kill our elder Liu? Are you dreaming!"

  "You want to know their whereabouts from my mouth, you wishful thinking!" The strong man was just as soon as his words fell. Chen Xuan suddenly sneered and said: "I want to know, you can't refuse."

  In an instant, Chen Xuan revolved the demon soul inside his body. After two strokes, Chen Xuan withdrew his hand, and the strong man began to convulse.

  "Forgiveness, forgiveness." The long-haired and black-robed man on the other side begged for mercy again and again.

   Chen Xuan's eyes moved, and he controlled a Suzaku sword aura to float by, directly piercing the throats of the two of them. Blood poured out from their necks.

After killing them, Chen Xuan turned around and said, "I have already said that I dare to retaliate against me, and the Cao family will be destroyed." After killing all these people, Chen Xuan took Wang Lun away in a blink of an eye.

   "Chen Xuan, where are we going next?" Wang Lun said slowly.

  "Go to Cao Ren!" Chen Xuan answered him directly: "Then, destroy Cao's house."

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun left there. "Why kill Cao Ren first and then destroy Cao's family?"

"There are ways to kill the disciples of other families in the Cao family. Cao Ren must die first. After all, he is the most important disciple of the Cao family. Kill him and let the Cao family know how good I am. Then, I will be thinking of a way. Kill him."

   Cao Ren is the most powerful warrior of the Cao family. He is superbly trained in his exercises. He shoots with one sword, not to mention that he is already the ultimate cultivation base of the **** king's five-level realm.

  Chen Xuan is also a Class B martial artist. Although there is a gap between them, how can Chen Xuan's martial skills be imaginable by Cao Ren and others?

  Although his cultivation level is not high now, he is only the peak of the second stage of the **** king, but his martial arts are not imaginable by others. He has a way to destroy the Cao family.

  The other disciples of the Cao family are easy to destroy, but this Cao Ren cannot be taken casually. Moreover, it is very troublesome for such a powerful warrior to survive. To kill a powerful warrior like Cao Ren, you must take a serious shot.

  If Chen Xuan takes the initiative to destroy the Cao family, no matter how concealed it is, it will inevitably leave clues. At that time, if the other disciples of the Cao family are dead, but Cao Ren is not dead, then the Cao family will inevitably come to retaliate.

  To sum up all kinds of things, for Chen Xuan, other things are not troublesome, the key is to kill Cao Ren.

This is why, today Chen Xuan will kill Wang Lun first, and this time, he received news about Cao Ren. According to the information he had learned from the memories of those disciples before, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun arrived soon. The place where Cao Ren is.

  Lu Yu Mountain Villa, in the east of Lu Yu City, usually, the disciples of the Cao family like to live in this Lu Yu Mountain Villa to practice.

   "This is Cao Ren's place!"

  After arriving here, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun quietly sneaked into the vicinity of Cao's house. In a hidden place there, they stopped and looked at the opposite Cao's house.

   "According to the information obtained before, this Cao Ren is practicing in this place!" Chen Xuan said slowly.

   "This is a really good place, no wonder the Cao family will take it down!"

  Wang Lun knew it, and nodded: "Then we are going to move Cao Ren, but are we really going to be an enemy of the Cao family? Chen Xuan, are you sure?"

  "This time I got the order of Lu Chengzhu to investigate. This Cao Ren must be plotting the Pantheon. As long as I have an order, I won’t be afraid of him. Moreover, they dare to provoke me and must be destroyed!"

  Chen Xuan slowly said, "Cao Ren's cultivation is very strong, and presumably the elder Liu is also there. I am afraid that the two of us are not their opponents."

   "Then what shall we do now?"

  Wang Lun said: "Chen Xuan, be careful, I don’t know what his specific cultivation level is now! Even if I have a lot of advancement in my cultivation level, I still have to be careful, otherwise, I will be more horrified."

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said: "Okay, don't worry, you will take care of me when the time comes. He doesn't have the ability to restrain my demon soul."

   "Chen Xuan, Cao Ren himself is the double limit of the **** king, are you sure you can go in and explore?"

  (End of this chapter)

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