Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2793: Black blood sect

  Chapter 2793 Black Blood Sect is exposed

   Hearing Mo Ling's order, Russell shot to the sky and broke the big formation.

  The Lu Yu city guards he brought with him suddenly entered Cao’s house with various weapons.

   "Who? Who dares to break into my Cao's house without permission? I'm looking for death!"

  The disciples of the Cao family must have been alarmed too.

   "Those who resist, kill without mercy!" Mo Ling exclaimed.

   "A Black Blood Sect warrior can't be let go!"

  But Lu Yucheng Wei Liblade is in his hand, very sharp. One by one was even more cooperative, and the disciples of the Cao family weren't the enemy of Lu Yu Chengwei at all.

   "Enemy attack!" Cao's disciple roared.

  However, these disciples of the Cao family didn't know about helping the Black Blood Sect warriors. After all, Cao Ande wouldn't let too many people know about it, and so many powerful sword destruction formations were arranged inside, which shows their caution.

   And these Cao family disciples, although their strength is not weak, but they absolutely can't think that Lu Yucheng's Lu Yucheng guards are powerful, and the Cao family's disciples can deal with some ordinary warriors, but they are definitely not opponents to Lu Yucheng guard.

   "I'm Lu Yu Chengwei Director!" Mo Ling roared and roared: "Cao Jia quickly gave up resistance! Otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

  "Give up resistance!" Lu Yu's city guards also screamed.

  Chen Xuan saw that Lu Yu Chengwei was like a broken bamboo, and he entered the Cao family. Some of the Cao family’s disciples, they really didn’t know this Black Blood Sect warrior, and those who resisted were killed on the spot.

   And when Mo Ling led people to surround Cao's house, there were still two people inside.

   "Hahaha, the power of my demon soul will become complete!" The demon blood skeleton said loudly.

   "Okay! You wait!" a man said.

  Some people were pushed into the ant hole and bitten by various black ants.

   "What's the matter, there are still a batch, why haven't they delivered?" Cao Ande asked one of the people below.

   "I am Mo Ling, Director of Lu Yu Chengwei." Mo Ling said loudly. At this moment, a voice came in.

  Cao Ande and these black blood sect warriors suddenly showed shock.

   "It's not good, my lord." A close disciple of Cao Ande said immediately: "Mo Ling from the Lu Yu Guards and others surrounded us and forcibly entered."

"How could this be?" Cao Ande staggered: "The Sword Extinguishing Realm here is a secret book obtained from the former city lord. How much did I spend to arrange it? Tell me, it's not true, how could it be leaked? "

   "Why was suddenly killed by Lu Yu's guard?"

   "What's the matter, didn't it mean that there are our people in the Lu Yu Guards?"

  The warriors of the Black Blood Sect were completely shocked.

   "Why is there no news at all?"

   "Don't worry, everyone, the sword extinction big array is set up here, even if Lu Yucheng's top line-up division did not really break our sword extinction illusion?"

   "No! They come, I will let them die!"

  At the same time, the eyes of these warriors became fiercer. After all, they are cultivating the power of demon souls. Since the day they embarked on the road of cultivating the power of the demon soul, they knew that if they were caught, they would definitely die.

   Cao Ande was still surprised and said: "No, there must be something wrong with the big array."

  In their concept, absolutely no one can break the Cao family array.

  In fact, when Chen Xuan entered, he had already secretly destroyed a few formations, which was not to blame for them. After all, Chen Xuan's knowledge of the formation was beyond their comprehension.

  There was a reason why Cao Ande helped the Pantheon in the first place. How much preparation he had done for this matter, but if the union with the Black Blood Sect was revealed, they would be finished.

Originally, the Cao family could not be considered the top few in Lu Yucheng. The reason why the Cao family can be today is because of Cao Ande’s extremely talented. In several family competitions, he defeated the Yunyemen's second-level warrior and won Liu. Home help.

But now, no one of the Cao’s children can hold the task, so he will unite with the Pantheon, and the Pantheon promised him that once things are done, they will give him precious pills and let him break through. In this way, they The Cao family has a greater certainty.

  Once he succeeds in breaking through the realm, their Cao family will continue to prosper, otherwise, the Cao family is expected to decline again soon, of course, the power of the Pantheon is also one of them.

  At the beginning, he thought that when Lu Yuwei's troops were dispatched, their Cao family would definitely receive news, but now that Lu Yuwei's troops have already been killed, he has not received any news. Cao Ande also knew very well that Mo Ling was from City Lord Lu's side, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

   "Quick, stop! Start the big array!" Cao Ande said loudly.

   What Cao Ande can't figure out the most, he has done it very carefully, how can anyone know.

  Those who came to Lu Yucheng were his personal disciples. Although he couldn't figure it out, Cao Ande suddenly ordered: "Stop! Stop this group of people!"

   "The big formations have all been opened, and Mo Ling and others have just broken a big formation now.

  The disciple said: "If this goes on, sooner or later, it will be breached, my lord, what should I do?"

  "Cao Ande, what is going on?" At this moment, the two blood-red eyes of the Bone Gorefiend shined brightly, and looked at Cao Ande: "How could it be leaked?"

"How would I know?" Cao Ande said sternly: "My personal disciples have been with me for a long time, and this is the Cao family. Once the incident occurs, my Cao family is over! Do you think I will Dig your own grave?"

   "Look, my people will not really betray! Moreover, this is all born and died with me, not really leaking the news." Demon Blood Skull said.

   "This is the end of the matter! There is no way, don't talk nonsense!" At this time, Cao Ande said directly: "Quickly, put all these black ants away! And these bones are put in the storage ring!"

As he spoke, his sword floated out, and all the disciples in the ant pit were killed.

   "My medicine." The monster blood skeleton said.

   Cao Ande said angrily: "For you! My entire Cao family is in danger." At the same time, his sword was even more towards the black ant.

   "Cao Ande! Dare to move our black ants!"

  Bone Gorefiend's palm emerged, resisting Cao Ande’s sword attack on the black ants and said: "These black ants, do you know how long we have cultivated?"

   "I care how long you cultivate, fast! Put it in the storage ring immediately!"

   Cao Ande said angrily: "Otherwise, my Cao family is really over!"

   "These black spirit ants are all cultivated by us through untold hard work. If we don't have the true energy of the black spirit ants, our cultivation will slow down!" The people of the Black Blood Sect said distressedly.

   "If we get into the ring, our black ants will die!"

  "You don’t understand how precious our black ants are."

  At this moment, the monster blood skeleton said: "Give me all! Run away! Cao Ande, is there a place to escape here?"

  While Cao Ande was discussing with a few black blood sect warriors here, Mo Ling and the others went all the way to the inside of the Cao’s mansion, but at this moment, they encountered the internal sword extinction illusion.

  This Cao family's sword-smashing formation that blocked the Black Blood Sect warriors was arranged by Cao Ande and the others.

  How could it be so strong without this sword destroying the illusion? "Mo Ling said.

   "No wonder you dare to openly do this in Lu Yucheng."

   "I want to break these big formations. I guess it will take at least one month!"

  At this time, the several warriors around Mo Ling were also a little surprised.

  The black-haired man's name is Li Huatian, and he is in the realm of the **** king. At this moment, he is even more pale, and said helplessly: "How can I imagine that the sword extinguishing formation is so strong, it may be difficult for us to break open."

   "I don't believe it anymore!" Mo Ling also furiously said: "Everyone, attack me! Otherwise they will all run away! Attack!"

   "Break everything for me!" I saw that Russell was holding a huge gun, but he couldn't smash the sword extinguishing illusion.

   "Kill!" A team of armored Lu Yu guards roared and bombarded the big formation.

   "Go!" Next to Mo Ling, there was a warrior in the realm of God King who displayed the flames infuriating energy. The palms were lingering, and a powerful flame also smashed into the large formation barrier. They attacked frantically, but the sword extinction fantasy barrier that was only blasted was broken.

   "Damn it!"

  Mo Ling looked at the enchantment, he couldn't think of the obstacles he encountered now. It's not that he didn't think that there would be a powerful formation, so the formation division brought them all.

"Keep on attacking! I don't believe how long it can last." He could only say angrily. This time, because they were afraid of throwing grass to startle the ants, they could only use the Yunyemen's true energy secretly. They thought it was more than enough to win a Cao family. . But underestimated the sword extinction illusion arranged by the Cao family.

   "Chen Xuan, it seems that they have encountered an obstacle." Wang Lun looked at Mo Ling over there.

   "Unexpectedly, it actually stumped them." Chen Xuan then said: "I will help them, or let Cao Ande escape with the Black-blooded martial artists, this time they will be completely abandoned."

  At this moment, Chen Xuanzhen moved aerodynamically, and his Liaoyuan sword spirit sword had suddenly changed into invisible form, floating above the Cao family's sword extinction fantasy.

   "Break it for me." Chen Xuan roared angrily.

With the help of True Qi, Chen Xuan can control the Liaoyuan Sword from thousands of miles away, and even let the Liaoyuan Sword unleash martial skills. Once inside, his Liaoyuan Sword suddenly burst out with great power, and the blade floats by. This sword is very powerful. The formation, a base of every major formation was directly shattered by his sword.

  Based on his understanding of the big formations, just applying a little force to destroy some formations is enough to make these big formations broken.

   "These big formations are too powerful! The formation of the former city lord, unexpectedly appeared here!"

   "What to do, if you continue to attack like this, the black blood sect warriors inside may be able to find a way to escape!"

  Mo Ling and the others are anxious at this time.

   "Look at me!"

  At this moment, Russell shot it again. The swords that destroyed the illusion before, were all shattered under his iron spear.

   "What's the matter?" Russell was surprised.

   "Huh?" Mo Ling showed a shocked expression: "How did these big formations become so fragile?"

  Only one warrior next to Mo Ling suddenly revealed an unbelievable look, and said in shock: "Someone helped us break this sword extinction environment!"

  Mo Ling also showed a look of surprise, and then he shouted, "Don't care, it's just broken! Kill me!"

  Mo Ling happily yelled: "The big formation is broken! Brothers, even a Black Blood Sect warrior can't be let go! And the Cao family are all taken down!"

  The morale of the Lu Yucheng guards was lifted, and they rushed in in unison.

  At this time, the great formation burst, and the surging power of the demon soul and the **** air that has not dissipated condensed in the air rushed straight into the sky, and there was the breath of the black blood sect warrior.

  They originally thought that it would take Mo Ling and others at least a few hours to break the formation, but now, Mo Ling's people have rushed in and everything has been exposed.

   "How come!" Cao Ande said.

   "Not good, the big formation is broken!"

  The warriors of the Black Blood Sect couldn't believe it. They heard that the Cao family's sword extinction fantasy realm was very powerful. That's why I dared to be here, but now it is broken.

   "Cao Ande, hurry up! Where is the secret path?" The monster blood skull also said.

  "Here!" At this moment, Cao Ande's words just fell and rushed over. Suddenly, a crack appeared on the ground. He immediately got in, and his eyes leaked coldly and said: "You remnants! Stay here!"

   "Cao Ande!" the monster blood skeleton said angrily.

  (End of this chapter)

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