Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2798: The end of the Cao family disciples

  Chapter 2798 The end of the Cao family disciples

  Chen Xuan looked at Cao Ande, and said, “The good things you Cao’s children have done, don’t you think I don’t know that you were the one who assisted Sun Yuan in the trial at the Black Cloud Peak back then.”

  "Chen Xuan couldn't think that I should die in your hands. You did all this?" Cao Ande said grimly.

   "Yes, I did it." Chen Xuan also smiled with a smile: "It's time for your Cao family to pay for it!"

   Cao Ande originally wanted to mobilize his true energy to attack, but he was killed by Chen Xuan Yijian. Although his heart was penetrated by the flying sword, it took a while for Cao Ande to really breathe.

   "Finally dead."

  Wang Lun breathed a sigh of relief: "This Cao Ande is indeed tyrannical, but he can only display the true energy that comes to the realm of the **** king. Otherwise, it is even harder to kill."

  Even so, this is still Liu Ren and the blood demon of the Black Blood Sect, only after fighting with him.

  If there were no blood demons from Liu Ren and the Black Blood Sect, the two of them would kill Cao Ande directly, and it would be really hard to say that they would fight Cao Ande.

  Chen Xuandao: "He is destined to die!"

  Chen Xuanzhen aerodynamically moved, and his Liaoyuan sword flying sword came out of Cao Ande's body. After retracting the flying sword, the two Zhen Qi picked up his storage ring again.

"Chen Xuan, this place shouldn't stay for a long time." Before Chen Xuan could see, Wang Lun had already said to Chen Xuan: "Tonight's matter is not trivial. Lu Yucheng guards have been searching for Cao Ande. Maybe some time later, Lu Yucheng Wei will definitely kill him!"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also surprised for a moment and said: "Let's go, but Wang Lun, just did a good job."

   "Want to go?" At this moment, a voice sounded: "You can't go."

   "Who?" Wang Lun turned his head and said.

   "Huh?" Chen Xuan was surprised.

   "It was Chen Xuan who killed Cao Ande, unexpectedly."

  He approached and said: "Hurry up and hand over Cao Ande's storage ring. I can keep a whole body of you."

  His voice had just come to the end of the heavy snow, wherever he passed, there was no snow dripping, and he did not expect that he had just killed Cao Ande, and suddenly another person appeared.

   "What? Hand over Cao Ande's storage ring? This person is really domineering"

   "Chen Xuan, be careful!" Wang Lun became cautious and said: "He is very strong!" His eyes were also fixed on the walking shadow.

  As long as you step on the road of cultivation, you can use the storage ring with zhenqi.

  At this time, the black shadow said again: "In this case, you must be killed in this place today, so that you will not ruin our major events in the future, boy, kill you, I will go back and return to the Pantheon."

  As soon as the voice fell, he directly killed Chen Xuan, moved, and a black spear was taken out.

   Suddenly, the double mace drew across the air, casting a kill.

   "Chen Xuan?"

   Chen Xuan did not move, his eyes fell cold and said: "Who sent this guy?"

   "Chen Xuan, be careful!" Wang Lun wanted to trap the shadow.

   However, the black shadow's weapon randomly waved, and there was a muffled sound. Then, Wang Lun showed his true energy, and displayed his full strength to fight the black shadow.

   "Wang Lun! May I help you?"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword was also unsheathed, cooperating with Wang Lun to deal with this killing towards the dark shadow.

   But his spear, even shot Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword flying out.

   "Chen Xuan!" Wang Lun roared and shot towards the dark shadow.

   "Something!" Sombra clashed with Wang Lun, "But you are not my opponent!"

  Wang Lun must be madly resisting, and the power of the Vermillion Bird continued to strike out, but the black shadow attacked.

  When two people collide, a wave of true energy fluctuates.

"This is impossible."

  In no time, Wang Lun was blasted back by him, even he could not bear the power of this masked warrior.

  Although the black giant sword is powerful, the mentality cultivated by this shadow warrior is not bad.

  Wang Lun’s true qi was weaker towards this warrior, and he was immediately beaten out. At this moment, the dark shadow continued to kill Chen Xuan without stopping.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had also finished brewing, and his body showed layers of flames. Then, the Liaoyuan Sword emitted a strong Vermillion Bird's power, condensing towards this dark shadow.

   "Huh? Such a strong Suzaku's power?" The black shadow really felt tyrannical when he really touched Wang Lun's Suzaku's power. Everything around him seemed to be burnt in an instant.

   "No wonder, Cao Ande would have been burned by the power of Suzaku before this."

  At first, he saw Chen Xuan and Wang Lun and Wang Lun besieging Cao Ande. At that time, Wang Lun also used the power of the Vermillion Bird to burn Cao Ande's true energy, and then gave Chen Xuan and Wang Lun a chance to kill Cao Ande.

   "But wanting to deal with me is not enough!" The black shadow's body suddenly condensed, and his anger was released, and said: "All the power of the Vermillion Bird will be broken for me!"

   Suddenly, Wang Lun was knocked out.

  Infuriate out! But it's not the real qi exudation, unless the power of zhenqi reaches a more powerful state, it is possible to become real qi exhalation.

  The true energy of this black shadow is still enough to destroy Wang Lun's attack.

"not good!"

  Wang Lun showed a look of surprise and said: "He has broken through all the shackles of demon souls: "Chen Xuan, run away! "

   "Could it be that Chen Xuan lost the ability to move?" Wang Lun couldn't help but startled.

   "Die to me!" At this moment, he had already rushed to the front of Chen Xuan's body and slashed towards Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan! What's wrong with you!" Wang Lun shouted loudly, and at the same time began to gather his true energy, and wanted to attack the past.

   But his cultivation base can't trap this shadow at all.

   But Chen Xuan remained unmoved. Danger, run away! "Looking at that Zhenqi put the spear away and slammed it at Chen Xuan again.

   "How is it possible? Why is this dark shadow so strong." Wang Lun stared at it with eyes widened.

   But at this moment, an inexplicable qi suddenly gushed out from Chen Xuan's hand. This qi suddenly blew the black shadow's powerful body.

   "You dare to be presumptuous in front of my body."

  At this time, Wang Lun saw Chen Xuan still standing there with his palm on his back, like looking at waste.

   "This is impossible, what is this?"

  The black shadow showed an unbelievable look and said: "You are in the realm of the **** king, how can you beat me back, what martial arts did you use?" He stepped back continuously, and finally managed to stabilize his body.

   "It's the magic pestle!"

  Wang Lun has already seen it. Chen Xuan had used what he had said before, and this time Chen Xuan himself used a lot of materials left by the Cao Family City Lord to condense the magic pestle.

   But when he killed Cao Ande before, although Cao Ande was still very fierce, he was already at the end of the battle.

   "I am indeed in the realm of the **** king, but do you know that I have other ways to kill you, such as the devil's pestle?" Chen Xuan arrived.

At this moment, the black shadow has also stood firm. He felt that his body was being attacked, and he was very disdainful: "Hahaha, kid, I thought you used some big martial arts, you wouldn't think, devil Lingchu, can you deal with me?"

  But he just said that.

   "Magic Pestle."

   Chen Xuan's hand suddenly whirled with one hand: "Crack!"

   Suddenly, the black shadow had a real energy that was broken everywhere.

   "This is impossible! Not true! What is this?"

  He also showed a look of shock immediately, and quickly urged Zhen Qi to suppress and force these tyrannical roads into his body: "This is impossible, what is this, why is it not broken?"

  Under the pressure of his true qi, the broken magic pestle showed no signs of breaking, on the contrary, he was strangling his flesh and blood more crazily, and his powerful body was suddenly discouraged at this moment.

   "Indeed, none of the magic spirit pestles in this world can hurt the strong who broke through the demon soul's shackles."

  At this time, Chen Xuan looked at the black shadow and slowly said, "Magic pestle, it's not something you can bear."

  "Die to me! Come on!" Chen Xuan, who was standing with his palm on his back, showed pain. The flying sword of the Liaoyuan sword had already floated back, cutting a piece of trajectory, and suddenly cutting the arms of the black shadow.

  The dark shadow also said in horror: "Don't run away!"

   But his body has been severely injured, and the magic pestle has no way to get rid of the body, so under the crisis, he saw his broken arm suddenly stretched out.

  The demon soul he cultivated, even if only his arms were left, could still survive.

  This long spear black shadow thought he could deal with Chen Xuan and the others, but he never thought of being directly defeated by Chen Xuan Mochu.

   "No, he wants to escape."

  At this moment, Wang Lun had already killed him and said: "Where to escape!"

   Just now, he lost to the black shadow, and was shot by the black shadow spear, so he had to watch the Cao family warrior kill Chen Xuan.

  At this time, he is definitely no longer afraid, and wants to kill the shadow, not giving the other party a chance to flee.

   "I'm fighting with you!" A black shadow floated over and hit Wang Lun.

   is his body, and he can move! This guy, the Demon Blood Skeleton is even more clever. In fact, the status of the two is similar, but the demon blood skeleton is the power to use the demon soul, which is more powerful than normal. Moreover, at that time, the Demon Blood Skeleton was forced to use it.

   "Looking for death!"

  Where can Wang Lun's opponent be Wang Lun's broken arm and stump? Suddenly, they were directly killed by the power of Wang Lun's Vermillion Bird. As for the remaining arm, it has been directly hacked and killed by Chen Xuan's several Liaoyuanjian flying swords into many segments.

  At this time, Chen Xuan stepped on his feet, tapped his toes, and came to the vicinity of the black shadow, showing the form of Vermillion Bird's fire, holding the long sword and said, "Didn't you say that you are going to kill us all?"

  He cultivates zhenqi and demon soul at the same time, and now he can use the abilities of zhenqi practitioners at the same time.

  Chen Xuan's long sword slashed, and the black shadow's arms floated up.

  This sword slashed, just slashed the mask.

   "It's impossible! It's not true." The black shadow's blood kept flowing out, but he was still immortal like this.

  Without the help of Feijian, Zhenqi was still strangling his other arms with the sword on the other side. Logically speaking, Chen Xuan could not really stop him on this side.

  An ordinary disciple, or a true Qi martial artist with a low level of cultivation, may be directly defeated by him in front of his body.

  However, facing Chen Xuan now, it's not working at all.

  Chen Xuan's true energy is not the true energy of the ordinary **** king realm at all. Although he was in the realm of a **** king, the sword he had shot before was a martial skill formed by the condensation of true energy, and it was even more powerful, because Chen Xuan's body had cultivated the demon soul's immortal determination.

  General Zhenqi martial artist, the power is completely dependent on Zhenqi. The physical strength is very small for them, but Chen Xuan has cultivated the demon soul, and the power that he exerts on Zhen Qi is completely different.

  But Chen Xuan is different. Under his demon soul, the physical strength can no longer be underestimated. The combination of the two makes Chen Xuan stronger.

  At this time, the mask fell off, and the dark shadows had already appeared, lean and fierce, with a heavy aura of killing.

  At this time, all his eyes were in horror.

  Chen Xuan still sneered and disdainfully said: "It's just cultivating Zhen Qi and Demon Soul at the same time."

  At this time, Sombra wanted to continue to escape, but Wang Lun had already floated, and the black giant sword grabbed him in his hand.

  "Don't kill first." Chen Xuan said. Then he said: "Tell me, who sent you here? Why do you want to kill me so much?"

   "Hahaha, I died in your hands tonight, but someone will avenge me."

  Chen Xuan's pupils were cold, and said, "But Lu Lingkong?!" Knowing that he couldn't ask, Chen Xuan directly wanted to use the power of the demon soul.

   "Boy, you, what kind of martial art is this, this is the power of the demon soul!?" The warrior's face became crazily twisted.

   But even then, this Cao family warrior still resisted very stubbornly. The will of a true Qi warrior of this realm is not comparable to the masses.

   "There is a lot of movement over there." Not far away, a group of warriors approached.

  (End of this chapter)

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