Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2800: Spiritual power

   Chapter 2800 The power of Lingquan

   "So strong, as expected to be the Lingquan Lingshi, such a short period of condensing, so that my true energy has been strengthened so much."

Chen Xuan felt the strength of his true qi, and sighed in his heart: "I don’t know, my current true qi has broken through the Dao body and hasn’t reached the second level of the Dao body? Because my current strength can’t increase quickly, if Ascension is too fast, I am afraid that the foundation is not stable, but then it is very likely that the roots will be planted."

Lingquan Lingshi, the heaven and earth profound energy in it can be continuously generated. When it enters the realm of the **** king, ordinary heaven and earth profound energy cannot be directly absorbed, because those cultivators who absorb the true energy very slowly will choose to absorb it. More powerful power These powers naturally include some heaven and earth spiritual materials, but these heaven and earth spiritual materials are not so easy to obtain, although Chen Xuan now has the power contained in the famous spring of heaven and earth.

  At this time, Chen Xuan put away the Lingquan Lingshi, and did not continue to absorb and practice.

   "Try it."

   Turn, Zhen Qi shook his body, and then, Zhen Qi was bound again, forming a stronger flame and flame. Now Chen Xuan has fully felt the changes brought to him by this power. Although he still cannot fully control the changes brought to him by this power, he has already clearly sensed that the power of the demon soul in his body has been obtained. In order to improve, this power not only allows Chen Xuan to adapt to the improvement of his cultivation level more quickly, but also allows him to improve faster in subsequent cultivation.

  His true anger, then it also floated out of this room.

  This iron box is two people tall. Very heavy and heavy. Ordinary zhenqi martial artists in the realm of **** king can't lift it up.

  "Iron box, get me up!"

At this time, Chen Xuan's true energy immediately floated under the iron box, and his true energy burst into flames. It was not only Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird power controlling his true energy, and then, this huge and heavy iron. The box, actually shaken by his innocence, floated.

"It's done, I don’t feel wrong! I didn’t expect this power to bring such obvious changes to my body. Now I can use the true energy in my body to control the changes around me, and these powers have been completely destroyed. I'm in control, hahaha"

After seeing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking: "My current realm has broken through again, and my body strength has also been broken through. I have indeed entered the next realm, the duality of the Tao and the body! I really did not expect this world spirit spring. The power contained in it is so strong and it can also increase the power of my demon soul by the way. After the power of the demon soul is increased, it will also increase the strength of my body by the way."

After   Dao body double layer, it will be much easier to enter the triple layer of God King Realm. "It's really done. I thought I wouldn't break through again in a short time. I didn't expect it to be because of the Lingquan Lingshi." Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking.

   "It's weird."

  Chen Xuan looked at it and found that it was Li Qiuyu.

   "Brother Chen." Li Qiuyu suddenly exclaimed.

"It turned out to be Li Qiuyu. Why did you run here without going to bed? I just want to improve my acupuncture points. Then you should go to bed as soon as it is late. Wang Lun and the others are already asleep now. Be quiet. Don't take them. There was a quarrel, otherwise your brother Wang Lun won't be able to get up tomorrow." Chen Xuandao.

  Chen Xuan’s current zhenqi, but the double zhenqi of the Dao body, the real qi dao body, suddenly, Chen Xuan's body moved suddenly, even if only a small qi was split out, it could silence Li Qiuyu's voice.

  And Li Qiuyu heard Chen Xuan’s voice and calmed down and said: "What's the matter, Brother Chen."

  Then his true qi also attacked and returned. He went back and merged with his other true qi into his body. Then, the flames of the Vermillion Bird began to dissipate.

   "Is this."

At this time, Li Qiuyu also widened his eyes and said: "You can condense the Suzaku fire at the same time. Could it be that you can now use two powers at the same time? But I heard the Dugu Sect Master told me you want To use these two forces at the same time is likely to cause reflexes in the body, so you must use them carefully."

   "Do you still know this?" Wen Yan, Chen Xuan also smiled and couldn't help but say.

  Li Qiuyu also smiled and showed a smile: "Brother Chen, don't underestimate me. I have read a lot of books on cultivation. Now I have a lot of knowledge about the cultivation of demon souls!"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan just said slowly: "Look, I am not an ordinary warrior."

  For ordinary warriors to cross this stage, it takes a lot of time, but for Chen Xuan, everything is definitely not judged by common sense.

  In general, since Chen Xuan accidentally discovered that he possessed the supernatural power of the Vermillion Bird, all common sense of cultivation cannot be applied to Chen Xuan, including the speed of the cultivator's entry. It’s just that now Chen Xuan has obtained huge treasures, and these treasures can quickly improve his cultivation, including this amber, which contains the heaven and earth spiritual springs, although these heaven and earth spiritual springs cannot allow Chen Xuan to go. Improve the cultivation base, but after absorbing the heaven and earth spirit spring, all cultivators can clearly feel that the speed will increase a lot when absorbing the spiritual energy of the whole body.

  Actually, it was out of Chen Xuan's own thinking that the cultivator could have such a fast entry. It has only been a few months now. Within a few months, he became a strong man with the double realm of the gods and the double dao body. For Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu could never imagine why Chen Xuan could improve so quickly, only that time. , Chen Xuan did not bring Li Qiuyu. After all, although Li Qiuyu’s cultivation level also improved quickly, they encountered too many dangers in the secret room of the former city lord. Chen Xuan did not want to let Li Qiuyu. Qiu Yu was involved in the dispute in Lu Yucheng.

  Li Qiuyu also nodded earnestly: "Haha, I actually use the common sense of ordinary martial artist to see you."

  Li Qiuyu just wanted to explain something, when she heard Chen Xuan’s voice coming over.

   "Li Qiuyu, it's too late, let's go. I'm going back." As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan's enthusiasm floated back to his room.

  Li Qiuyu saw Chen Xuan leave, so he returned to his home.

   Soon, Chen Xuandao returned to the room: "Unexpectedly, I did not only advance my true Qi cultivation base, but also greatly increased the power of the demon soul.

"It consumes a lot this night. I have to take a good rest. Moreover, it has been more than three months since I left the Yunye Gate. The family and the Liu family, as well as the people from the Black Blood Sect were all taken down, and the task is considered half completed, but there is still no whereabouts of the woman in red." Chen Xuan said.

  The next day, when he woke up, Chen Xuan was practicing Suzaku swordsmanship near the manor.

   "Chen Xuan." Li Qiuyu suddenly walked in and said: "Chen Xuanyun's Yemen, there is a letter from Mo Hualu."

  Chen Xuan stopped, put away his martial arts, took the letter and opened it, and said: "It's really strange, it turns out that he is going to become a first-grade disciple of the Yunye Clan, and he is planning to marry him."

  Mo Hua, a warrior of the Cloud Yemen! Entered the Cloud Yemen earlier than Chen Xuan.

  Although Chen Xuan and Mo Hua are not good friends, they can be regarded as having a lot of friendship. After he entered the Yunye Gate that year, Mo Hua was also one of the disciples of Elder Nangong, who had helped Chen Xuan a lot.

  Later, Chen Xuanxiu advanced by leaps and bounds and soon surpassed Mo Hua. In short, Chen Xuan had to go to this Mo family banquet.

  Li Qiuyu heard that, but said: "Mo Hua is a member of the Mo family, and the Mo family was also on the side of the Pantheon at the beginning, and it is very likely that he even invited the Pantheon!"

   "The Pantheon?"

Hearing that, Chen Xuan just made a tick on his face and slowly said, "So what." Now the people in the Ten Thousand Temples still dare not move him blatantly. After all, Chen Xuan is also a person in Yemen, let alone. He and the prince of the Yunye Empire are also a bit anxious, and Chen Xuan is also protected by the Dugu Sect Master, so Chen Juan is not worried that the people of the Pantheon will make his idea, even if the Pantheon comes to provoke him, to At that time Chen Xuan would also compete with the powerhouses in the Pantheon.

At the beginning, City Lord Lu was not only fighting in the royal family, but he also defeated Yu Wentuo in the next three contests, and formally inherited the position of City Lord of Lu Yu. The Pantheon has always been thinking of ways to get into it. After all, as long as they can own a city, they have absolute rights to this place, and now the Yunye Empire is also doing everything possible to prevent the people from the Pantheon from gaining too much power.

  Thinking about it.

   "Also, if you really meet Yuwen Tuo at the Mo family banquet."

  Chen Xuan turned over his hand, put away the letter, and put it in the storage ring: "Be careful!"

  The power of Chen Xuan's demon soul now has become the dual layer of Taoism, so he doesn't put Yuwen Tuo in his eyes at all. Yuwen Tuo has broken the sky, and he has cultivated to the Divine King's Second Layer at most. It is also possible that the Divine King's Second Layer has not been reached, and it is possible that the power of the Dao Body and the Second Layer of the Demon Soul does not need to be used at all.

Afterwards, Chen Xuan no longer thought about it. He continued to enlighten: "This will allow my true qi to blend freely! Even though many people have already cultivated the same true qi, when they use it, what they can really show is only part of it. , This is the reason for not truly integrating the true energy!"

  (End of this chapter)

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