Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2811: raised dramatically

   Chapter 2811 Substantially improved

Wang Lun didn’t believe it and said: “This is not true. Although your talent is very outstanding, how can you improve so quickly through the realm of the demon soul? I also understand the demon soul, and I have also cultivated the demon soul. How can the realm of the soul cause such a substantial increase in the body, I advise you to be careful, although the realm of the demon soul has improved very quickly, it is very likely to cause a great burden on the body."

At this moment, because the double pinnacle of the God King Realm can beat the fifth layer of the Flying God Realm with a single sword, it is totally unreasonable, not to mention that Wang Lun's strength is not weak, if it is placed before, Chen Xuan would With a powerful technique, he can get a tie with Wang Lun.

However, the strength that Chen Xuan has shown now makes Wang Lun a little surprised. This is not just a description of surprise. Now Wang Lun’s heart is very shocked, because Chen Xuan’s cultivation is only in the realm of the **** king. double.

At this realm, he can defeat the fivefold of the Divine King. It’s impossible to think about it. If Chen Xuan reaches the fivefold of the Divine King one day, wouldn’t it be the eightfold or even the ninefold of the Divine King realm? Is there no way for a master to deal with him?

  After all, most of the realm of the **** king has already condensed a stronger true energy, and also broke through all the demon soul shackles in the body, and Chen Xuan actually said that he has not exhausted all his strength, how should he believe it.

  Chen Xuan said: "I asked you to show your true qi a long time ago. I'm not going to show your true qi. Let me see how strong my body might be right now!"

  Wang Lun was surprised for a moment, so he said: "In this case, really angry, show!"

Then, his true currents turned, and only a trace of black true energy emerged in Wang Lun’s body. These black realms continued to revolve around his body, and it was obvious that the power was revolving around Wang Lun. The inside of the palm of your hand.

"get ready!"

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, he suddenly rushed towards Wang Lun, his arms were also suddenly displayed, and the lines under his clothes condensed red innocence. This was the realm of the demon soul, and the blessing to Chen Xuan's body was not small.

Since this power emerged from Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan's speed has increased geometrically. After a short breath, Chen Xuan rushed to Wang Lun's side, making Wang Lun completely unresponsive. , I saw Chen Xuan's body rushing in front of him.

   Now Chen Xuan is not using true energy, but the strength of the body cultivated by the demon soul.

   True Qi and Demon Soul, although the two forces coexist and coexist and cannot be separated from each other, these two forces sometimes conflict.

  It is precisely because this power has brought too much improvement to a cultivator, it is very likely that it will cause a certain loss, and this loss is not something Chen Xuan can bear now.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan gathered a lot of true energy very quickly, and instantly raised the Liaoyuan Sword and rushed towards Wang Lun.

  This is not the first time that the two of them have played against each other. A few days ago, they had contacted several times, but at that time Chen Xuan was not Wang Lun’s opponent to be more strict.

  At that time, Chen Xuan could barely draw with Wang Lun, but that was because Chen Xuan used the realm of the demon soul.

Although Chen Xuan can be equal to Wang Lun, who is at the fifth level of the God King Realm, he has a real killer with Chen Xuan, that is the possession of the demon soul, but the possession of the demon soul cannot be used at will, so Chen Xuan is only at the point of life and death. Will display such a tyrannical demon soul possession.

  In normal times, Chen Xuan would not use demon soul possession, let alone to discuss with his friend Wang Lun.


  I saw Chen Xuan's powerful sword and slammed Wang Lun fiercely. Although it was just a discussion, Chen Xuan did not hide his strength. Both he and Wang Lun tacitly agreed.

  The opponent's strength is very clear and knows, if you don't use your full strength, then you are not the opponent's opponent.

  Since it is a discussion, only use the opponent's cultivation base, otherwise it is meaningless.

Wang Lun’s palm was filled with black innocent aura, and his arms turned black. This black realm continued to rotate in front of Wang Lun. A terrifying aura condensed and moved towards Chen Xuan in an instant. Blocked the past.

This time, Wang Lun didn’t use his black giant sword, and he was nervously guarding against Chen Xuan’s attack. Wang Lun knew very well that the property rights were fast, so he didn’t deal with Chen Xuan, but looked around him nervously. , Zhenqiu turned in front of you.

  As Chen Xuan's palm touched Wang Lun's real touch, a loud noise suddenly blasted out, and a powerful and broken real qi came from him.

  This powerful realm suddenly exploded, and the surrounding trees shattered. Even the ground that Wang Lun was stepping on was split inch by inch. This powerful realm even attracted people nearby.

  These people were originally just passers-by, but after hearing this powerful explosion, their hearts suddenly began to panic.

   "Who is fighting nearby can cause such a powerful explosion. I am afraid that both of them have reached the fifth level of the **** king realm. It is really scary."

   "I didn't expect that there would be experts in the fifth realm of the King of Gods fighting nearby. Let's go quickly, lest we be affected by them, or our lives will be lost here."

   "That's right, hurry up!"

  After hearing the sound, the group of people hurriedly fled towards the distance, for fear that they would be involved in the battle, but in fact it was nothing more than Chen Xuan and Wang Wen fighting each other.

Although Chen Xuan has exploded with all his strength, Chen Xuan is actually measured. He knows what he should and should not do. Even if these people stand in front of him, Chen Xuan can guarantee that he will not hurt. To the slightest bit of them, this is the self-confidence of the master.

  He can freely control the realm that broke out. The reason why he shattered the surrounding trees just now was because Chen Xuan had no choice but to do so, and the trees were not human after all, otherwise Chen Xuan would definitely stop in time.

  At the same time, Wang Lun’s body receded a lot.

   Steady his body, Wang Lun was once again a little shocked: "Chen Xuan, this is not the true energy that should be in the realm of the **** king."

  Chen Xuan put his palms away and smiled: "I repelled you by physical strength, not true qi."

  Wang Lun was a little shocked: "However, the strength of a cultivator's body can be so strong! This is simply incredible, because all martial arts practiced in the world of Black Rock have not been recorded!"

   "Wang Lun, nothing is true."

After    heard, Chen Xuan still showed a smile: "It seems that you don't know the demon soul."

After hearing this, Wang Lun also showed a bitter smile: "Since I am ignorant of this, in our Cao family, I have never seen martial arts like you."

   "Wang Lun, you have come from afar, you should rest quickly." Chen Xuan said.

  He had followed Chen Xuan all the way back to this manor. At this time, Chen Xuan wanted him to rest for a while.

   Seeing Wang Lun leave, Chen Xuan returned to his house. At this moment, Chen Xuan still wanted to continue practicing. He himself knew very well that it was still dangerous to deal with Yuwen Tuo.

   "Let's see if you can push the realm to another level." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  "The Vermillion Bird Mind Technique!" He ran his True Qi cultivation, and began to attack his cultivation again.

  After the Demon Soul Jue had cultivated to the sixth path, Chen Xuan felt that the demon soul yoke in his body had undergone a qualitative change, and the demon soul yoke was even stronger.

  After all, what this demon soul pattern improves is the most essential body strength!

  Physical fitness has improved, and certainly other aspects have also improved.

  A little bit of time passed, and he felt that the chains of his two demon souls began to gradually loosen.

   "Chen Xuan is not hurry up yet."

   But Li Qiuyu's voice sounded outside the door, but Chen Xuan still failed to condense the last two demon soul shackles, after all, he had just condensed two infuriating energy before long.

   Chen Xuan also opened his eyes after hearing it.

   "It's a pity, it's a little bit, I still haven't been able to break through the last two demon soul shackles!" He sighed secretly in his heart.

   Then Chen Xuan showed a disdainful face and said: "But it doesn't matter, now it is the second peak of the Divine King Realm."

  Although he could not raise his realm again, Chen Xuan raised the Demon Soul Jue to the sixth realm.

   "Chen Xuan." At the same time, Wang Lun suddenly stood outside waiting.

   "Let's go, follow me to the city lord's mansion, to the banquet." Chen Xuan said loudly.

At the same time, a lot of disciples outside immediately went to a blast when they saw Chen Xuan appearing. Because of the incident between Chen Xuan and Yuwentuo, all the disciples of Lu Yucheng learned about it after the trial of Heiyunfeng, because Had it not been for Chen Xuan's destruction of the Pantheon's plan to test at Heiyunfeng, they would have enjoyed all the glory and wealth.

  Now, Chen Xuan actually said that he would fight Yuwen Tuo today.

  This makes them have to pay attention, because more people think Yuwen Tuosheng wins.

  Chen Xuan was scolded by Hu Luo, and he promised to fight early today because Chen Xuan suffered a lot of people's attention.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan frowned secretly and said: "What is the situation, so many people, what are they looking at."

   "Looking at Chen Xuan's spirit, it seems to be good!"

  "He won't be really confident, can he win Yuwentuo?"

"This is not true at all! He had defeated Na Hu Luo earlier, although he defeated Hu Luo easily, but the onlookers had a venomous look, and he had already seen it. He is just now at the realm of God King! The reason why he was able to defeat Hu Luo They, it seems, he is now cultivating demon souls!"

  "Cultivating a demon soul? Is he crazy?"

   "That's not it, since the injury, the cultivation base has started to improve!"

   "Cultivating a demon soul, this is the hardest way to cultivate! Is Chen Xuan crazy?"

  The warriors who watched from afar began to discuss in a low voice. Some people who had not paid attention to gossip before and had not heard of Chen Xuan cultivating demon souls were surprised at this time.

  Because of cultivating demon souls, it is thousands of times more difficult to improve!

  For them, in their concept, it is difficult to cultivate a demon soul.

   "It seems that Chen Xuan has been hit hard!"

   "In order to improve his cultivation, he was so crazy that he started to cultivate the demon soul!"

   "But even if he practices Demon Soul, how could he be Yuwen Tuo's opponent?"

   "I guess Chen Xuan must regret now that he shouldn't easily agree to Hu Luo's words!"

   "Heh! Under the full view of everyone, he again considers himself to be a second-rank martial artist of the Cloud Yemen, why is he embarrassed to go back now?"

   "It's not wrong, I'm afraid it is."

  Everyone looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, and Li Qiuyu discussed in a low voice.

  They immediately avoided Chen Xuan and did not speak to Chen Xuan.

  At this time, even Wang Lun was a little bit shocked: "Why is this so much?

  (End of this chapter)

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