Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2828: 红纺 Warrior

  Chapter 2828 Red Martial Artist

  At this moment, in the city lord’s mansion.

   "Why don't you dare to admit defeat? It's ridiculous."

   "The people of the Yunye Empire, but so! I thought you were so good, it seems reasonable that you lost last time."

   But even if you say that, it is still useless.

  Yichirang did not say anything, nor did Wang Fan. Because they felt that Yuwen Tuo seemed to be right.

   After all, Yuwen Tuo did lose at this time, so they did not stop the words of several Dragonblood tribe warriors.

  At this moment, the Dragon Blood Department had already lost the victory, and many ordinary Yunyemen warriors looked ugly, but there was no way.

  Although many Yunyemen warriors believed that Yuwen Tuo was genuinely injured before he was defeated. But now Yuwentuo is still defeated. Yuwenqiang and Yuwentuo both lost.

  At the same time, Elder Zang, Elder Mo and others all looked ugly.

"Master Nangong, don't be offended." At the same time, Yu Chijing suddenly said to Elder Zang and the others: "These guys are not very good at talking. After I go back, I will definitely discipline them. This time I am in Lu Yucheng. The matter has also been dealt with. Since then, then we will also leave."

  Wei Chirang also followed his hands, and at the same time smiled in a low voice and said with a disdainful face: "I didn't expect it, I didn't have a chance to shoot."

   "Yunye Gate."


  The dragon blood tribe members smiled triumphantly.

  Yuwen Tuo's face suddenly looked ugly. Not only did he fail to save Lu Yucheng's face, but instead lost Lu Yucheng's face.

  All the warriors looked embarrassed and humiliated, but they were helpless.

   "Everyone in the Dragon Blood Tribe, let me say something."

  No one said anything.

I only heard a girl’s voice suddenly resounding: "Come to Yunyemen, without fighting Chen Xuan, dare you say that Lu Yucheng is unmanned? Isn’t it ridiculous? Everyone, Lu Yucheng’s strongest person is not Yuwentuo, but us. Chen Xuan."

  The speaker is Li Qiuyu.

  He has been with Chen Xuan for many years, and he also understands Chen Xuan's temperament, knowing that Chen Xuan will not sit idly by.

  As soon as these words came out, the many proud Dragon Blood tribes who had already wanted to turn around and leave all looked over. Look at Li Qiuyu and Chen Xuan near Li Qiuyu.

  As a result of Li Qiuyu's words, Chen Xuan suddenly became the focus of the audience's attention.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Li Qiuyu helplessly, he did not expect that Yuwen Tuo would also lose!

   Yunyemen was still so insulted by these warriors of the Dragon Blood tribe. As a contemporary B-level warrior, he must take action.

  Chen Xuan felt that Yu Wentuo could settle down, and then sat down again, but he did not expect that he would be injured. The most important thing was to wash the shame for the Yunyemen, and then he stood up.

   "Yuchirang, and Wang Fan? I am also a second-level warrior of the Cloud Yemen! I have not even asked, dare you say that Lu Yucheng is unmanned?"

Then Chen Xuan got up and stepped into the arena, and said at the same time: "I didn't make a move just now because I didn't expect it, Wang Fan, you still have some ability to beat some of our Lu Yucheng B-level warriors in a row! But, I am here today, Wang Fan, and there is no one in Lu Yucheng, you are not qualified to say it."

  Chen Xuan stood up, stood at the banquet, and said this sentence in front of the bodies of many Dragon Blood tribes. At this time, the audience was silently staring at Chen Xuan without leaving to speak.

   "Chen Xuan? What did he say, I heard it right!"

  Many Yunyemen martial artists were surprised. Watching Chen Xuan standing there.

  Some people even feel that they are wrong. They did not expect that Chen Xuan would stand up at this moment.

   "Hahaha!" The people of the Dragon Blood tribe burst into laughter.

"Is this kid crazy? Although he shines in the Black Cloud Peak trial, he is definitely not our eldest brother Yuchi's opponent. This kid only emerged last year. Although he is young, his current cultivation is the most. Divine King Triple."

   "He still ran out and said something like this? Is he not enough to be embarrassed by Yunyemen?.

  The warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe all laughed as if they had seen some funny jokes, and did not put Chen Xuan in their eyes at all.

  After hearing this, Yu Chirang frowned when he looked at Chen Xuan. Look at Chen Xuan.

  Wei Chijing also looked at Chen Xuan's whole body and even faint fluctuations in true energy.

   "His cultivation level has really improved?"

  Chen Xuan actually felt his probing, but instead of trapping him, he let him feel it.

  After all, his current cultivation base is not simply a matter of using a few zhenqi to define the judgment and evaluation.

   "You said I am not qualified?"

But Wang Fan didn't smile, his face turned cold and said: "Are you Chen Xuan? Yunyemen's second-rank martial artist Chen Xuan? Yes, I forgot! You were really good in the trial of Heiyunfeng. I forgot to tell you that I was also in the secret realm at the beginning, but your strength can be improved quickly by me. Want to come, do you want to compete with me?"

   "Chen Xuan." Yu Wenqiang also wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

   "Look, don't talk!" Elder Zang said in a deep voice.

  Because he felt that Chen Xuan's body was full of energy, and Chen Xuan's face was confident, and it was obvious that he had broken through.

   "Elder Nangong." After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked at Elder Nangong and smiled in a low voice.

Only Elder Nangong was the closest to these warriors. Elder Zang didn’t have much friendship with him before, so at this time he said to Elder Nangong: “These warriors ran to Lu Yucheng and said that there is no one in Lu Yucheng, of course I. Attack them. Let them know how good we are."

  Wang Fan showed an angry face when he heard it: "Okay, let me see if you are really capable!" As soon as the voice fell, he was lucky and revealed his true energy.

   "Wang Fan is it." Chen Xuan did not continue to talk to Elder Nangong and others, but looked at Wang Fan and said: "It is useless to say more, I will let you see what the real Lu Yucheng martial arts is!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan also condensed the Suzaku fire, and the invigorating spirit was also connected.

   "The triple peak of the God King Realm?"

Wang Fan, who had already wanted to make a move, was shocked when he saw Chen Xuanshen’s cultivation of the Divine King Realm, and he immediately smiled: "Funny, I still think how powerful you are. It turns out that you are just a god. The cultivation base of the triple peak of the king realm is nothing more than."

  While speaking, he stepped on his body, his body turned into a black mark, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Qingxuan sword technique!

  Like before he shot Hong Yi, Yu Wenqiang, Yu Wen Tuo, even more fierce and brave.

   "The triple peak? Is it just ascending to the triple peak of the **** king realm?"

   "Really fighting?"

   "No, this Chen Xuan has not reached the triple peak at all. Look at his true energy, he has not yet condensed the sky lock."

  After seeing the Yunyemen warriors looking at the fierce Wang Fan, they recalled just Hong Yi and others.

   "The triple peak! It's a fast improvement! But it's not clear whether he can deal with this guy. After all, even Yu Wenqiang is not his opponent. That Yuwenqiang is also the realm of the limit of the realm of the gods."

   "Yu Wenqiang just lost, this is not a defeat."

But in the face of Wang Fan’s fierce attack, Chen Xuan didn’t think too much. He didn’t even think about everyone’s thoughts, and he didn’t think too much about how to deal with it. He just watched Wang Fan rush forward, and then, When Wang Fan was in front of him.

  He dialed out the Liaoyuan Sword, condensed the true energy, and the phantoms opened, and the sharp sword appeared in his hand as the true energy revolved.

  Chen Xuan did not use the Suzaku sword technique, but wanted to defeat this Wang Fan with ordinary techniques.

   Suddenly the sword shadow whistled, and then violently tore the real energy exploded, and Wang Fan's body was directly torn by the sword shadow.

  In an instant, the phantom condensed by Wang Fan's true qi was directly destroyed, the entire primordial qi collapsed, and finally turned into a phantom.

   "You lost." Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword was placed on Wang Fan's chest, making Wang Fan's face flush.

  At the same time, he suddenly grabbed Wang Fan's chest and crashed into a nearby table.

   "This is not the real body."

  Wang Fan floated in the air, suddenly couldn't believe that he was defeated by Chen Xuan in an instant.

  But the pain of his body falling on the table was so real and strong. This time, Chen Xuan directly broke his rib bones into many pieces.

"It's absolutely impossible?" Chen Xuan stood indifferently and said disdainfully: "What Qingxuan sword technique? I heard that you are also practicing demon souls, and now you have broken your ribs. If you want to come, you are still in the five-fold realm of Taoism. But then"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone showed incredible expressions.

   "This, isn't it?"

  The pupils of the Yunyemen martial artists were staring.

   Just a person who couldn't breathe, he directly defeated Hong Yi, Yu Wenqiang, and Yu Wentuo Wang Fan on the table behind him.

   "This is absolutely impossible!"

   "Yu Chi Yuan."

   "How is it possible, so fast? No way? Yuchiyuan?!"

  The people of the Dragon Blood Tribe were a little shocked, and they didn't react.

  At that time, this Lu Yun sword technique Hong Yi had also used it, but it was completely different from the world that Chen Xuan is now displaying. The power cannot be compared.

  Wang Fan's body fell fiercely on the table and fell to the floor. The table for this banquet was not an ordinary table, and it was reinforced with black iron stone.

   "This is Lu Yun's sword technique?"

  Elder Mo was overjoyed at first, but in an instant his eyes sank again: "This kid, his cultivation level has actually been raised to this level?"

   "What, he." Yuwen Tuo suddenly said blankly on the spot: "It has already improved the cultivation base so much, this is only a few months!"

  "Is this still the Lu Yun sword technique I practiced."

   "His cultivation base is already so strong." Hong Zhen also stunned in the distance: "I think it is a little stronger than Liu Hua."

   "Chen Xuan and him."

  Yu Wenqiang was a little shocked: "I can't beat Wang Fan. But I was defeated by one blow!"

  "This is absolutely impossible! It's not the real thing, how could my Qingxuan swordsmanship be defeated so quickly by you." Wang Fan was still a little shocked: "Why are you! How can your true spirit be stronger than me!"

  He still could not accept the fact that he was easily defeated by Chen Xuan. Think about how prestigious he just showed his power and constantly defeated the Yunyemen B-level martial artist? But he didn't expect that he would be defeated by Chen Xuan now.

   "Unfortunately, I also practice demon souls."

  Chen Xuan looked at Wang Fan, but said indifferently: "You have no right to say that Lu Yucheng has no one."

  After a while, everyone reacted.

  "Okay! Chen Xuan did a beautiful job!"

   "I never thought that Lu Yun's swordsmanship would be so powerful in Chen Xuan."

   "Wang Fan, always know that we are awesome!"

  One by one Yunyemen martial artist also reacted, showing joy.

  After all, it was Wang Fan who made Lu Yucheng face dull before. And Chen Xuan now defeated Wang Fan with one move, which was regarded as washing away the shame for Lu Yucheng.

  At this time, everyone finally believed that Chen Xuan's cultivation was not what Yu Wenqiang said before.

"What a great sword technique!" Yu Chijing's pupils were similarly shrunk. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "I didn't expect that this simple Lu Yun sword technique was displayed in your hands. eccentric."

  Wang Fan was also asked by Yuchi to help him, knowing that he was a little ugly after losing to Chen Xuan, he was speechless, and he didn't know what to say.

  Yichirang also said in a deep voice: "Chen Xuan did not expect that you are as rumored. But your strength is still too weak. Only the three peaks of the **** king realm can barely beat my Wei Chi Yuan."

   "Yuchi Rang!" Chen Xuan also looked at Yuchi Rang and said, "You are the strongest person in your Dragon Blood Tribe! Come on, it's useless to say more."

   "It's really arrogant! Boy, the cultivation base of the triple peak of the **** king realm, you want to fight against our big brother Yuchi, it is ridiculous!"

  However, after hearing Chen Xuan's words, Yu Chirang didn't say a word. The warriors of the dragon blood tribes around him were already furious.

  (End of this chapter)

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