Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2833: Breakthrough God King Triple Consummation

   Chapter 2833 Breakthrough God King Triple Consummation

  Chen Xuan was surprised for a moment and said: “Therefore, the side effects of this martial art are not small. While it brings great power, it also causes a lot of burden.”

Elder   Zang never thought that he had practiced the exercises for a lifetime. It turned out to be like this. Now in Chen Xuan, he found that he seemed powerless to refute, so he could only say, "Is there any way Chen Xuan can do?"

  Chen Xuan then judged: "This martial arts will only keep you at its peak for a few decades. After that, it will be difficult to continue to improve."

  Generally, a cultivator with a strong cultivation base can live quite long, and the higher the cultivation base, the longer he will live.


Elder   Zang said with hollow eyes: "No wonder that the upgrade has been so slow recently. Is there any way for Chen Xuan? Is it really impossible to practice any more?"

"rest assured."

  At the same time, Chen Xuan said: "If you are a warrior from another family, it might not work." Suddenly, he suddenly became angry at his fingertips.

  After a while.


  Next, Chen Xuan directly handed it to Elder Zang, “According to this practice, your strength will have further progress!”

  "You, modified the mental method of my practice."

Elder    Zang took it over, and said with suspicion: "How could it be possible, it can still be like this? Yes, yes, my true spirit is even stronger."

   Soon he even continued to get infuriated, and the whole person seemed to be in madness.

  Elder Nangong looked completely blankly: "Is this the real thing?"

After seeing it, Chen Xuan showed a smile: "Wang Lun, princess, let Elder Li study here, let's go."

  This elder Zang was kind to him before, and Chen Xuan felt that he had arrived, so he would help him.

After    comes out.

  Chen Xuan's eyes greeted Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun, and then he went straight out. To return to their Chen Mansion.

  And Elder Nangong seemed to have something to say, and he was also with Chen Xuan.

  Two people walked outside, Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun followed behind.

   "You, you actually modified his unique martial arts."

  Elder Nangong kept staring at Chen Xuan, almost seeing his face in Hualai and said, "Chen Xuan said, how did you do it?"

   "I have seen a lot of the same exercises before."

Chen Xuan said calmly: "I have read a lot and summed up some, so after I saw it, I felt that there was a problem." What he said was also the truth. He Yunyemen martial artist has always stood in the library and has seen too many things. Many exercises.

   So he just looked down and saw the problem with Elder Zang’s exercises.

   "But how is it possible."

But when Chen Xuan talked casually, Elder Nangong was even more surprised and said: "This martial art secret, the great elder also helped me read it, but I didn't find any problems? If there is a problem with his cultivation method, why hasn't it been so many years? Point him?"

   "Although the elders have a high level of cultivation, the cultivation base is the cultivation base, and the cognition of cultivation is the cognition of cultivation. The two are not the same."

   Chen Xuan said: "He may not really have a deep understanding of various martial arts, this is normal."

  Elder Nangong was still a little shocked: "No way?"

Elder   Zang is very close to the great elder. After so many years, the elders have not understood the techniques he cultivated.

  With the cultivation base of Elder Nangong, Elder Zang is not hiding it.

   But if this martial art has flaws and problems, why not tell Elder Zang? Is it deliberate. As soon as this thought came out, Elder Nangong immediately denied it. No matter how Chen Xuan was, he couldn't guess the truth. The people in Lu Yucheng would laugh at this matter.

  Chen Xuan looked at Elder Nangong, who had no way to accept this, and was not sure how to explain it. So he didn't speak, and just continued to walk.

   "Since this is the case these days, you have read a lot of exercises cheats!"

  And Elder Nangong said: "You have so much knowledge about martial arts, and you have the luck to discover some problems in martial arts!"

  Elder Nangong continued: "Although you were lucky enough to give some advice this time, he is still your elder, and our deputy elder in Lu Yucheng."

  At the same time, outside the banquet.

   "By the way, when you defeated Yuchirang, how did you do it?" Elder Nangong remembered and asked before the banquet.

   "You clearly only have the cultivation level of the triple peak of the **** king realm, why can you suppress Yuchirang? Is it true that you can cultivate demon soul and true energy at the same time?"

   Chen Xuan said: "This can make my cultivation stronger."

  Elder Nangong suddenly said: “How difficult is it to cultivate the demon soul and true energy at the same time? Although those dragon blood tribes can increase their cultivation quickly, they also have a price.”

  "Finally, let me give you some pointers." After a conversation, they had returned to the Chen Mansion.

  Chen Xuan’s Chen Mansion was originally not too far away from the city lord’s mansion. At this time, after arriving at Chen Mansion, Chen Xuan said: “Let’s not talk about this for now, please come in, Master Nangong.”

  At the same time, Wang Lun just waited quietly beside him. Although Elder Nangong glanced at him more, he didn't care too much. He felt that she was an ordinary maid of Chen Xuan and didn't think much about it.

  Elder Nangong suddenly said: "Come straight ahead, let me give some pointers on your cultivation!"

  The next moment, Elder Nangong had already taken action, and he saw fire crystals flying in the sky, and suddenly burning towards Chen Xuan.

  This was transformed by Elder Nangong’s innocence, like a rope, quickly binding Chen Xuan to Tuantuan.

   "Elder Nangong, your raging fire is so powerful." Chen Xuan stood still, letting Elder Nangong's fire crystal burn himself.

Elder Nangong suddenly said with pride: "Boy, this is the realm of true qi. You are bound by me, and it is impossible to break free! This cold primordial qi, but my true qi has been transformed. It has reached the fourth level of the **** king realm. If you let me be so restrained, it’s impossible to break free in a short time. So, you’re sure to lose.”

   "Elder Nangong." But at the same time, Chen Xuan's voice sounded: "Don't be distracted." Suddenly, a burst of true energy exploded, and the icy true energy of Elder Nangong suddenly burst.

   "What, no?"

  Elder Nangong suddenly surprised: "You already have such a strong realm? No, right?"

   But Frost Bing’s true energy was bounced away by the force. That can only show that it is the realm of the demon soul.

   Surprised to surprise, Elder Nangong did not dare to be distracted anymore, immediately urged his true energy, rushed away, and displayed a technique that urged the change of Frost's profound strength.

   Suddenly, the ice burst out, and suddenly became more tyrannical.

   After seeing this, Chen Xuan urged all of his true Qi and said, "Break it for me!"

  After that, he suddenly urged his innocent energy to shrink, and immediately cut away the cold innocent energy of Elder Nangong. Then his anger exploded again. Chen Xuan tapped his toes and sprang out.

   "Elder Nangong. You lost." Then, Chen Xuan smiled. He has been free from the **** of Elder Nangong. According to the comparison between him and Elder Nangong, he has already won.

  Although his true spirit is not as strong as Elder Nangong, it is enough to get rid of this bondage.

   "God King Realm!"

Elder Nangong suddenly became sluggish, and lost his voice: "Your true energy actually has the level of the **** king realm! No way, ordinary sad cultivators, it is not easy to cultivate to the **** king, and you are still at the same time Cultivate two powers!"

  Heiyan Great World has had too many tyrannical warriors throughout the ages. When did I hear that someone could cultivate to the realm of the **** king at the same time? This completely violated the common sense of demon soul cultivation.

   "Elder, my demon soul cultivation base has reached the level of six patterns."

  Chen Xuan also laughed softly at this moment: "So I said, there has been some improvement." Suddenly, his true energy moved, and the true energy burned over, and at that moment, the ice that fell on the ground was sealed.

  At this time, Chen Xuan has already stepped up to Elder Nangong and said with a smile: "Elder Nangong, say yes, I won!"

   "Okay, you kid, I'm afraid it's just to break my icy anger, so I dare to accept it!" Elder Nangong said.

  Chen Xuan also earnestly said: "Master Nangong, thank you very much for coming here specifically to show me how to cultivate the power of the demon soul!"

   "Do you still know?"

   Elder Nangong said: "You kid knows it, remember, you must be careful of Yuwentuo and Yuwenkeng." As he said, the frost profound energy wrapped around his body and left.

  After a while, Elder Nangong’s voice came over and said: "Yuwentuo, who is now taken by Yunyewei as Yunyewei, will definitely increase his strength by leaps and bounds, so be careful."

  As soon as the voice fell, the body disappeared. Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu and said, "I will practice for a while, you can rest as you please."

   "Okay." Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun also said.

After speaking, Chen Xuan turned to the training room of the Chen Mansion. Chen Xuan originally wanted to completely end with Yuwen tonight. Now his physical strength, coupled with the cultivation level of the God King’s Triple Peak, is completely enough to defeat Yuwen. Extension.

  What's more, when dealing with Wei Chirang and the others at the banquet in the City Lord's Mansion, Chen Xuan did not use the demon soul cultivation of the **** king realm.

  If tonight, Yu Wentuo came to the banquet to fight against Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan felt that he would definitely be able to beat him.

   But tonight, although they defeated the dragon blood tribe, they revived the majesty of their Yunye Empire.

But I didn’t expect Yuwentuo to find a way to enter Yunyewei. It is conceivable that Yuwentuo will enter Yunyeweimen, and Xiangquan is also a gap in the pantheon. They will definitely give everything to help Yuwentuo to improve. Xiu base defeated Chen Xuan on the Lu Yu Qi list.

  It is absolutely impossible for Yuwentuo to get Yunyewei's guidance on his own. After all, the Lord also knows what the Pantheon wants to do. Chen Xuan guessed that this would not change the attitude of the Yunye Emperor.

  This Yuwen Tuo secretly obtained the corpse of the Black Blood Sect warrior killed by Chen Xuan, and it was because of this that he could become Yun Yewei.

   "It's kind of interesting." Thinking about it, Chen Xuan chuckled secretly.

  He is a generation of **** kings, he can understand these things just thinking about them.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan thought inwardly: "Yuwentuo, don't think that you can enter Yunyewei through the family. Do you think that Yunyewei can compete with me? Yuwentuo, you are too naive."

   Then Chen Xuan sat down cross-legged in the training room, although the entire Yunyemen was surprised by Yunyewei's collection and Yuwentuo as Yunyewei. I think Chen Xuan's chance of winning is very low, but Chen Xuan doesn't care much.

  Of course, it did arouse a bit of his eagerness to win, so at this time he practiced seriously.

  After all, if a few months later, if he loses to Yuwen Tuo, then Chen Xuan will be ashamed. He will not allow this to happen, so the only thing that needs to be done now is to quickly improve his cultivation.

   "True power, absorb refining!" Chen Xuan continuously absorbed true power and refined it into true qi, and then continuously attacked the meridians.

  Just less than an hour after cultivating, Chen Xuan opened both the remaining two veins, and the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body was already fully operational.

   "The Fourfold Realm of the King of Gods."

  Next, Chen Xuan's true energy revolved: "The speed of improvement is faster than before!"

   Chen Xuan opened the two meridians in one fell swoop, revealing a smile.

   "Very good, continue to practice."

  Chen Xuan knew that he had made progress in his body training, which led to an increase in his cultivation speed. Although he uses True Qi, his body is still the foundation, and among the cultivators in the entire Black Rock Great World, God King Realm, the person with the strongest body right now is probably Chen Xuan.

  In the Black Rock Great World, there are actually some people who practice demon souls, but these people often have poor talents and begin to rely on demon souls, such as the warriors of the Black Blood Sect.

  (End of this chapter)

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