Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2839: Fall into a conspiracy

  Chapter 2839 Falling into a conspiracy

  Chen Xuangang wants to speak.

   "Okay, that's it, you are with us, otherwise, are you in danger?" At the same time, that Lian Qing had already said directly to him.

"Chen Xuan, don't be embarrassed. I saw that you didn't have any cultivation skills. When the Liaoyuan wolf in the Qiuyan Mountains came, you were scared. How do you walk the rivers and lakes like this? I think, you just follow us. Let's go together. That's it. Although I am younger than you, I am a warrior! Much better than you!"

   Seeing Chen Xuan's silence, he repeatedly said: "Don't worry, since you just saved you. Next, as long as you are on the same road with me, I will protect you safely."

  Chen Xuan never expected that Lian Qing would say that. However, he thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with traveling together, and then he said: "If this is the case, then I will trouble you all. Of course, the main problem is Young Master Hong! We must also thank Young Master Hong for taking care of our safety. "Chen Xuan said.

   "This son, a good call." Lian Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will protect you safely."

  "Brother, you are talking nonsense again!" At this time, Lian Hong said: "How do I teach you on weekdays?"

  Lian Qing repeatedly said: "Brother, I really saved him just now."

  At the same time, Lian Ru couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Let's go quickly now. After all, this is not a suitable place to stay for a long time." He looked around and said.

  After hearing this, Lu Fan said: "Everyone, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave now."

   Then Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked with Lu Fan and the Lian family brothers. Lu Fan's Kun animal cart is extremely hard and stable, and it runs very fast. This is a Kun animal cart that can only be used by a large family. It's not a mortal kun animal cart.

   Ordinary mortal kun animal carts can only use ordinary spirit kung beasts, and the cultivator's kung beast carts are completely different from ordinary mortal kung beast carts. Therefore, although Lu Fan and others were sitting in a Kun animal cart, Chen Xuan, Wang Lun and others were walking outside by themselves.

  After running for a while, it was night.

   "It looks like we can't get out of the Qiuyan Mountains today!" After that, the Lian family and Lian Ru stopped.

  "It’s getting dark now, guys, do we find a place to take a break and continue on the road tomorrow?"

   "Yes, it's not safe at night."

  "If you encounter an ambush similar to today's Qiuyan Mountain Range of Liaoyuan Wolf, it will be bad!"

  After hearing this, Lian Hong from the Lian family also said to everyone outside: "Everyone, it's already at night, or set up camp. Let's rest for the night."

   "Chen Xuan." After hearing that, Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan.

   "Yes, to be safe." Chen Xuan said, "It's better to rest."

But at the same time, Lu Shan’s voice rang: "The Liaoyuan wolf in the Qiuyan Mountains, there is no need to worry about the Liaoyuan wolf in the Qiuyan Mountains being attacked by the two empires. And we are so crowded that they should not dare to make trouble. Moreover, I have walked this way many times. According to the habits of the Liaoyuan wolves in the Qiuyan Mountains, we should not stay here. In addition to the Liaoyuan wolves in the Qiuyan Mountains, there are also spirit monsters, lord-level monsters and some ancient monsters. beast."

   And while he was speaking, the guards of Lu Fan didn't speak much and remained silent.

   "Lord-level monster? Is there such a thing?"

   "I want to come, the Liaoyuan wolf in the Qiuyan Mountains is really nothing."

After hearing this, the Lian family looked at each other, and Lian Ru also looked solemn.

   "Brother Lu, is this the real thing?" he asked.

   "It is rumored that the martial artist of the White Cloud Sect was killed by them anyway. Of course, I don't know if the original is a lord-level beast." Lu Shan said.

"So, I think it's more important for us to avoid them now than the Liaoyuan wolves in the Qiuyan Mountains. Moreover, we should be more cautious. Even if it is night, we can walk through this area. There is no problem. Brother Lian. ,how do you feel?"

  Lu Fan thought for a while and said: “It’s really troublesome to start at night and encounter the Liaoyuan Wolf in the Qiuyan Mountains. If Brother Lian and the others are unwilling, then forget it, then we will stay and leave tomorrow.”

"Everyone, trust me." Nalushan repeatedly said, "I won't harm your group of scorched prairie wolves in the Qiuyan Mountains. It's really nothing. Today's singpala wolves have been badly injured by the energy we killed. I don't think there will be any damage. The Liaoyuan wolf is now, and now it’s right to get out of the Qiuyan Mountain Range."

  In an instant, everyone was surprised.

   "In that case, let's continue walking."

  Hearing what Lu Shan said, Lian Ru and the Lian family brothers all spoke again and again.

   "Chen Xuan, how about you?" Lu Shan asked Chen Xuan again.

  Chen Xuan said: "Then go ahead." Although he felt that Lu Shan and Lu Fan were a little weird, he couldn't see anything, and he didn't want to stay here.

  To rest, it is safe to get out of this mountain range.

   "Since this is the case, they agree." Na Lushan heard the words: "Let's continue to set off at night, everyone work harder, cheer up, and be vigilant." He then said to the guards of Qiuyan City.

   Suddenly, the group of them braved the night to continue running. But just as they marched for a while, suddenly a tree trunk suddenly fell down, blocking Chen Xuan and the others.

"what happened?"

   "What's the situation? It's not good, be careful!"

   Suddenly, Lu Shan Lianru and others became vigilant one by one. They looked at the front vigilantly. The weapon in his hand began to be pulled out.

   "What's wrong?" Lian Qing said.

   "Could it be." Lian Hong's face was pale.

   "What's going on, is it the Liaoyuan wolf from the Qiuyan Mountains?" Wang Lun also looked ahead and whispered to the surrounding Chen Xuan: "Then Mount Lu, didn't it mean that there would never be a Liaoyuan wolf."

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also said: "No, it's not like a prairie wolf."

   While talking, both of them raised their eyes to look forward, and saw a figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

  This person has loose hair, eyes closed, swords open, and the body is tall and straight. Standing there can make people feel a kind of sharpness.

"Leave Lu Fan." Then, in the shock of all the warriors, the assassin opened his eyes, and didn't say much nonsense, but just said directly: "Other people have nothing to do with you, hurry up, if you don't, you will die. ."


  Everyone was a little shocked.

"What are you two doing, hurry up and get so far away." At the same time, after Lian Qing was a little shocked, he saw Chen Xuan and Wang Lun who were stunned, and said to Chen Xuan again and again: "I protect But you have to stay closer to me too!"

   "This." Chen Xuan and Wang Lun looked helplessly at each other. It never occurred to him that Lian Qing would really treat the two of them as mortals with no cultivation skills.

  At the same time, the killer has appeared.

   "Leave Lu Fan? Did he come for Lu Fan?"

"what happened?"

  Lian Ru, Lian Qing, and Lian Hong looked at Lu Fan after hearing them. At this time, Na Lu Shan's expression became solemn. Every one of Lu Fan's guards was ready.

   "Lu Fan?"

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun also looked at Lu Fan.

The cold wind blew, and on the mountain, seeing everyone looking at him, Lu Fan said, "Everyone, he came at me. It's none of your business. Go away." At the same time, he watched. Said to the killer who appeared in front.

   "Missed the gun, Wang Jinping."

  At this time, Na Lu Shan looked at the killer with the sword in front of him, and said, "Unexpectedly, they invited you all!" His body moved, and his true energy was concentrated, and he showed it out.

   "Lu Shan. You are not my opponent."

  But the assassin still carried the sword on his back. He just said indifferently: "I, Wang Jinping, is the same, everyone, leave now, otherwise, kill without mercy."

   "Wang Jinping, you are only one person! Today, you may die here!"

   "You actually want to be able to stop me? But since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." At this time, Wang Jinping's body trembled.

   "Give one last chance. You know it's futile, but you still want them to die for you?" As soon as the voice fell, he looked at Lu Fan again.

   "Wang Jinping, die!" Lu Shan had already used his long sword to kill Wang Jinping.


  Lu Shan’s true energy bounced away, and his arm instantly retracted.

   "You are looking for death!" Wang Jinping said angrily.

After    heard, the guards showed their true energy one by one, and immediately, they surrounded and killed Wang Jinping.

   "Do you think you can resist me." Wang Jinping cut out frantically at the moment: "Lu Shan, don't resist!"

   Suddenly, Lu Shan took all the guards to fight Wang Jinping.

   But in a blink of an eye, the guards were all beheaded. Wang Jinping was very scary. When he attacked, the enemy's body twisted.

  In that moment, the guards were knocked into the air one by one, and the true energy was broken. Although only Nalu Shan could resist with a long knife, it could not resist for long.

  "Go!" At the same time, Wang Jinping passed by, beheading his body. Suddenly, one of his long swords had fallen to the ground.

   The condensed infuriating energy was cut off, making him weaker. Although he was still trying to resist, he could see that he would be defeated soon.

  "Grandpa Lian! Help them!" At this time, I saw Lu Shan in crisis. That Lian Qing grabbed the surrounding Lian Rudao.

   "Little brother." Lian Hong frowned suddenly.

   "This Young Master Lu, but the person of Qiuyan City Lord, who wants to kill him, I am afraid we can't provoke him." Lian Ru looked at Lu Shan and said.

   "Grandpa Lian, hurry up!" But at the same time, Lian Qing said.

  "Stop." Lian Ru raised the giant sword in his hand.

   "Lu Shan, die!" Wang Jinping's true anger was as fast as lightning, and he shot again and again, although Lu Shan desperately resisted, at the same time, he was cut off again.

  At the same time, Lu Shan let out a low roar, and Wang Jinping’s blade cut to Lu Shan’s chest. If he was killed, Lu Shan might be killed directly.

   "Lu Shan!" Lu Fan said.

   Chen Xuan secretly said: "No wonder he dares to be so arrogant!"

  At the same time, Lian Ru had already rushed forward, showing his true energy and beheading Lu Shan’s chest. Suddenly, the two forces collided and shook, and the ground trembled suddenly.

   "So strong." Wang Jinping also took a step back and said, "Do you want to protect Lu Fan?"

   "If you have something to say, why bother." Lian Ru said.

   "It's useless to say more! Since you want to protect him, then let me see what powerful exercises you have!" At the same time, Wang Jinping's qi attacked again.

  His true energy is extremely fierce, and his body is like a phantom, his sword is also in line with the changes in his body, which is very tyrannical.

   "What kind of exercise is this? It can actually condense the true energy between heaven and earth."

  (End of this chapter)

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