Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2841: fusion

  Chapter 2841 Mutual integration

  In the mountains, the sound of fighting between the two sides echoed.

  Chen Xuan saw something abnormal. This Lian Ru must also know that he was not the opponent of Wang Jinping and the black bird in the sky, so he deliberately showed weakness, lured Wang Jinping to attack, and defeated him in one fell swoop.

  Otherwise, the black bird has been looking for opportunities to attack him, which is very dangerous for him.

They fought for half an hour, and Wang Jinping didn’t want to spend any more time with Lian Ru. It would be of no benefit to Wang Jinping. After all, if the Lu brothers regained their physical strength, they would definitely have to kill them back. At that time, he would face three people alone. Offensive, despite this, the two are still in a stalemate.

Although Chen Xuan was actually prepared to help if Lian Ru couldn’t do it, Chen Xuan wanted to see if Lian Ru had hidden strength when he saw the rays of thunder bursting out of Lian Ru’s body. Putting down the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, he didn't make a move.

  In the sky, the three breaths constantly shuttled, and the black spiritual power didn't need to look at it, and you knew it was the magic wind bird. As for the crackling thunder in the sky, it was Lian Ru.

   However, at this time, Lian Ru was already weak in the face of their attack. After all, his own cultivation base was weaker than Wang Jinping.

  Although it is only weaker, but with a devil wind bird, he can't easily deal with it.

  But Lian Qing suddenly exclaimed: "Let's go!"

  I don't know when, this Lian Qing has actually lurked in the past. And at the moment when Lian Ru fell into a disadvantage, he controlled the two blades and killed them immediately, trying to resist Wang Jinping, but Wang Jinping directly knocked them into the air.

  He trembled all over, and blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

   "Not good!" Lian Hong watched his body fall from the air in shock, and hurriedly gathered spiritual energy and rushed over. Caught his falling body.

Wang Jinping did not expect that Lian Qing would dare to intervene in the fight of such a strong man. After all, Lian Qing was young and vigorous, and also had the strength of this age, but in his eyes, this Lian Qing's cultivation was just entering the King of Gods. Realm, when he changed to normal, he could kill him as long as he gently waved the blade.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strange breath coming from behind. Although Chen Xuan didn't know where the breath came from, he faintly felt that someone was staring at him from behind.

  So, Chen Xuan turned his head hurriedly and found that there was nothing behind him, only a few leaves were shaking gently, shining through the light, and Chen Xuan could only see the spiritual power produced by the battle floating in the sky.

However, Chen Xuan believed in his instincts. He felt that someone behind him was secretly watching them, so Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun next to him and said to him: "Wang Lun, I always feel that someone is staring at us from behind. , This group of guys must have no good intentions, do you want us to come and have a look."

  Wang Lun turned around in surprise and looked around behind him. After a while, he found that there was nothing, so he turned his head and said to Chen Xuan, "There is nothing behind Chen Xuan. You can't feel wrong, right?"

At the moment they are still in the Qiuyun Mountain Range. There are many trees that are high into the clouds in the mountains. Under the shroud of these trees, Chen Xuan believes that someone must be staring at them in secret, and these people are emitting The aura was obviously wrong. After Chen Xuan cultivated the demon soul, his perception ability was much higher than that of some ordinary cultivators.

Just like Yu Wenqiu before, Yu Wenqiu also cultivated the power of the demon soul. His perception ability is very powerful, even stronger than Chen Xuan. He can keenly detect any changes in a radius of tens of miles. Although Chen Xuan's current perception ability is not as good as Yu Wenqiu's, Chen Xuan made his own judgment, that is, there must be someone watching them behind.

  Wang Lun did not see it, but he also believed in Chen Xuan's judgment. The previous few escapes were due to Chen Xuan's keen perception ability, which allowed them to turn from danger to peace.

   So Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, who do you think is watching us from behind, do you want us to go over and take a look."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then he and Wang Lun quietly walked towards the jungle behind. In this mountain range, there is not only a jungle, but also many jungles are connected, and now they Because of the battle between the two of them, a plain has been formed in the place where they are standing.

   After all, this was a battle between two warriors of the seventh level of the **** king realm, so Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked towards the jungle behind, but when Chen Xuan walked to the place, they found nothing.

Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan suspiciously and said: "I said Chen Xuan, there will be some monsters here, a little fuss?" Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan tentatively, because he was not sure what Chen Xuan said. Is it true?

  Even though he trusted Chen Xuan, they found nothing when they came here, only a few leaves were chopping.

   "Impossible, I clearly felt a breath just now, and it is very possible that they are not far away, let's look for it!" Chen Xuan replied.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun continued to search forward along the trail. Chen Xuan's feeling was very clear just now. There were clearly two warriors behind, but Chen Xuan was not sure now, he didn't know one. The breath, it's even possible that several people are lying in ambush nearby.

  Chen Xuan felt more and more scared the more he thought about it, so he followed the path along the path, while Wang Lun followed closely behind him with the black giant sword on his back.

With Chen Xuan's keen perception, the two of them walked forward for more than a mile, but they still found nothing. This made Chen Xuan feel a little surprised, because the feeling just now was really too clear, if no one was behind Looking at them, Chen Xuan would not feel this way.

"Believe me Wang Lun, I definitely felt that a warrior revealed his true energy just now. Although it was only a moment, it was still captured by me. At that time, I felt his breath should be behind us. Place, I didn't expect them to be here." Chen Xuan thoughtfully said.

  Wang Lun thought for a moment, and replied to Chen Xuan, “It’s also possible that they felt that they were discovered, so they ran away.”


  Not finished speaking, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a muffled noise next to him. After the noise came out, a huge sound suddenly came out from among the trees.

Chen Xuan discovered that it was the Liaoyuan wolves who had attacked them before. At this time, the group of wolves roared one by one, with their mouths open, their two pairs of claws were constantly grinding on the ground, as if they wanted to pounce on them, but The group of Liaoyuan wolves still did not come to attack them.

  After a few minutes, suddenly a wolf king with red flames came out from behind the wolf pack. The aura exuding from this wolf king was so powerful that even Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

I saw this wolf king waited on Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, and a blazing fire spewed from his mouth. These flames instantly surfaced in the air, and then all the wolves attacked them. .

The group of wolves roared while thinking that they were launching a fierce attack. Seeing the group of wolves attacking, Chen Xuan hurriedly dialed out the Liaoyuan Sword, the fire of the Suzaku appeared, and then, the sound of Suzaku's groaning came from Chen. It spread from within Xuan's body.


Chen Xuan cut the body of a Fiery Wolf in half with a sword, but then another Fiery Wolf rushed towards Chen Xuan. Although the cultivation of a Fiery Wolf was only at the level of the Divine King Realm, so many Adding up the wolves will also cause a lot of burden to both Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

  In the blink of an eye, the wolf king had already rushed towards Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, and the wolf king’s body was bursting with flames.

I saw that the body of the fiery wolf suddenly swelled twice, and the hair on his body suddenly stood up, and the fiery silver needles rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan immediately retreated two steps behind. He knew that if he was caught by the fiery silver If the needle hits, I am afraid it will also cause a lot of burden.

  Although Chen Xuan possessed the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body, Chen Xuan was not afraid that these flames would burn into his body. What worries Chen Xuan a little is that the hair on the fire wolf is tinged with a trace of toxin. Chen Xuan didn't know what adverse effects his body would have on Chen Xuan. For the sake of safety, Chen Xuan tried his best to avoid being hit.

However, the group of fire wolves are killing more and more. There are hundreds of fire wolves. Under the leadership of this wolf king, they furiously attacked Chen Xuan's initiator. At this time, Wang Lun beside Chen Xuan also mentioned With the black giant sword, a burst of black vitality emerged from him.

  Wang Lun practiced, the technique can make her have a very strong defensive power. At this moment, a fire wolf suddenly bit Wang Lun's left leg.

  I saw a huge aura bursting out of Wang Lun's body, and he immediately knocked the fire wolf out, but Wang Lun was bitten by the fire wolf because of this.

   "No, Chen Xuan, I was bitten by this beast just now, do you have a pill!" Wang Lun said anxiously.

Just now Wang Lun was still fighting the giant wolf king. He didn’t expect that a fire wolf suddenly appeared next to him. This fire wolf bit his left leg while Wang Lun accidentally bit him. Although Wang Lun’s defensive power was very strong, this The head of the fire wolf's teeth were very sharp, leaving a tooth mark on Wang Lun's leg.

Chen Xuan chuckled lightly and said to him: "I'll give you the pill in a moment. Let's concentrate on dealing with this wolf king. The strength of this wolf king is not weak. I am afraid that the cultivation level of the fire wolf king is not weak. Having reached the sixth peak of the Divine King Realm, be careful. Not only is this wolf king difficult to deal with, but even more difficult to deal with is the pack of little wolves. If these wolves don't kill their prey, they won't let it go."

"I didn't expect them to follow us closely. I thought why you felt someone was following us? I didn't expect these fire wolves to hide their aura. It's terrifying. This is the first time I've seen it. To the monster that can hide the evil spirit of the body!" Wang Lun also sighed again and again.

  Indeed, this is the first time Chen Xuan has seen a monster that can hide its breath. In normal times, Chen Xuan can detect whether there is a monster nearby through his perception ability.

  But Chen Xuan just felt a hint of aura that was inadvertently revealed. When Chen Xuan and the others rushed over, the group of fiery wolves hid under the leadership of the wolf king.

Facing hundreds of large and small fire wolves, Chen Xuan frowned. He knew that these fire wolves were indeed a serious threat. If they were a little bit careless and bit by these fire wolves, then even Chen Xuan’s body The strength has reached the triple level of the dao body, and it is difficult to support their teeth.

This group of fire wolves have lived in the mountains for hundreds of years. They are different from the fire wolves in other places. Most of the fire wolves in the mountains are degraded to only use teeth, but their teeth are unusually sharp. , And when they bite their prey, a strong flame will burst out of their teeth.

Just now, Wang Lun was bitten by the fire wolf on his left leg. At this time, the clothes on Wang Lun’s left leg had been burned to charcoal, revealing black skin. Obviously, the taste of being bitten by a fire wolf was not so pleasant. .

   Chen Xuan didn't want to feel this kind of taste, so Chen Xuan slowly condensed the power of the demon soul, red lines on her cheeks.

  When the power of the demon soul appeared, Chen Xuan's body suddenly showed red invigorating energy. These powers floated behind Chen Xuan, and merged with the Vermillion Bird fire emerging from him.

  (End of this chapter)

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