Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2843: Kill the fire wolves in succession

  Chapter 2843 Successively killing fire wolves

After a series of beheadings, the number of these fire wolves has seen more than 30, which is obviously less than half. After killing so many fire wolves, Chen Xuan's pressure has also been reduced. Now Chen Xuan The main thing to deal with is this fire wolf king.

But this fire wolf king is not so easy to deal with, the six-level monster of the **** king realm, and the monster has stronger physical strength than humans. If you want to defeat this fire wolf king, Chen Xuan is afraid to use it again. Last time.

"I don't know what's going on over there." Chen Xuan thought to himself inwardly, but when he was just thinking about it, the Fire Wolf King had already rushed towards them, opened his flame-flaming mouth, and directed Chen Xuan. Xuan's head was bitten down, and Chen Xuan sneered, and lifted the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

Then he saw the Fire Wolf King biting on Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan Street. Although the Fire Wolf King’s teeth were hard, he was helpless with Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword. After all, Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword was the blue hair at the beginning. The girl gave it to herself, plus Chen Xuan rebuilt the broken blade through the broken blade before. Now the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand has not only increased in power, but more importantly, it has also been lost in the Liaoyuan sword. Chen Xuan added a sword formation, which instantly increased the hardness of the Liaoyuan sword by several levels.

  Otherwise, Chen Xuan’s previous sword would not be so easily broken.

Biting on Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword, the Fire Wolf King realized that he was biting on an iron plate. Even if the Fire Wolf King’s teeth were really bitten on the iron plate, he could easily break the iron plate. But Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword made this Fire Wolf King feel desperate.

  Fire Wolf King's eyes stared at Chen Xuan fiercely, and immediately he opened his mouth, trying to **** the Liaoyuan sword from Chen Xuan's hand, but how could Chen Xuan do as he wished.

  At the moment of his death, Chen Xuan changed his palm into a fist and slammed his fist into the eyes of the fiery wolf.

Although the strength of the fire wolf's body is very strong, Chen Xuan knows that the only weakness of all monster beasts must not be able to get around the eyes. Even if the defensive power of a monster beast is not strong, the eyes cannot be used for armed training, so Chen Xuan Xuan fisted towards the Fire Wolf, causing the Fire Wolf King to close his eyes nervously, and then Chen Xuan took advantage of this gap to get out.

   "I didn't expect this fire wolf to be a bit tricky." Chen Xuan looked at the fire wolf king opposite, and said inwardly.

The Wolf King also noticed that Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword Qi was displayed through the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand. In fact, it is true. If Chen Xuan loses the Liaoyuan Sword, then the power of his Suzaku sword will be greatly reduced. After all, Chen Xuan Only through the sword formation in the Liaoyuan Sword can the Suzaku sword technique be displayed.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan had gathered the Suzaku fire again, and a burst of flames burst out from within Chen Xuan’s Dantian. The Suzaku fire went back and started on the prairie sword. Chen Xuan slashed out again with a single sword. The fire wolf king standing next to him.

The Fire Wolf King roared, raised his huge claws, and ran towards Chen Xuan booming. The speed at which the Fire Wolf King ran with all his strength was indeed not slow. Within a few breaths, he rushed to Chen Xuan's side. Then he opened his huge mouth and bit down again at Chen Xuan.

  However, before that, Chen Xuan had gathered the Suzaku swordsmanship, and another sword slashed out, slashing on the mouth of the Fire Wolf King.

  The Fire Wolf King was in pain and did not continue to shake it down, but he still attacked Chen Xuan's violently. Facing the fierce pursuit of the Fire Wolf King, Chen Xuan quickly picked up the blade and swung his sword aura.

One person and one wolf fought for several minutes in the open space, but they couldn’t tell the outcome. This fiery wolf is very tricky. Chen Xuan has now displayed the power of the demon soul and the wings of the Vermillion Bird, but He couldn't quickly defeat the Fire Wolf King, and now Chen Xuan could only rely on Wang Lun to resolve the battle quickly and run here to support him.

He continued to fight with this fire wolf king for a few minutes. Fortunately, Wang Lun was about to resolve the battle now. He carried the black giant sword and quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan's side, while Chen Xuan was still there. Fighting with this fire wolf king...

After Wang Lun joined the battle, the fighting situation was obviously reversed. Originally, with Chen Xuan alone, he could have a tie with this blazing wolf. In addition, Wang Lun’s cultivation base was not weak. After Wang Lun joined the battle, this The fire wolf king knew that he had encountered a hard bone, so he wailed and took the other little fire wolves and fled in embarrassment.

In this regard, Chen Xuan was not willing to let the fire wolves go easily. He knew that the fire wolves were very cunning monsters. Once the fire wolf king spotted a prey, he would definitely catch up for a few days and nights. , Chasing the prey, they will not give up before that.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this habit that brought them a scourge. Chen Xuan did not want to be followed by a few monsters in the next few days, and he was still such a bloodthirsty fire wolf, plus this fire wolf. 'S strength is not weak, especially this fire wolf king, in this mountain range, the cultivation base of this fire wolf king may also be ranked first.

  If this fire wolf goes back to recuperate and recovers from the injury, then this fire wolf will definitely find the right opportunity to sneak attack on Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

   So Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun next to him: "Wang Lun, don't let this group of fire wolves go. These fire wolves are cunning by nature. If they escape this time, they will definitely not give up!"

Wang Lun nodded. He also knew the character of this group of monsters very well, so he carried the black giant sword and ran after him. Wang Lun's speed was not slow, and the fire wolf king also suffered some minor injuries, so Wang Lun easily caught up with the Fire Wolf King.

  The Fire Wolf King turned around and let out a roar. He also knew that this group of humans did not want to let him go easily.

   Then Chen Xuan saw that none of the fire wolves in the group had escaped, all of them were facing them.

   "It seems that this group of blazing fire wolves still have a bit of spine, if that's the case, then kill them all!" Chen Xuan whispered.

Just finished speaking, Chen Xuan also rushed over with Wang Lun. The Liaoyuan sword in his hand killed Sihe, and in a blink of an eye he killed three fire wolves. These fire wolves could not bear Chen Xuan's sword at all. They killed more than a dozen in a while.

When only the Fire Wolf King was left, the Fire Wolf King uttered a cry. He knew that he could not escape now, so he could only look at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun in despair, but Wang Lun did not intend to pity. , Mentioned the black giant sword, bursts of black infurience burst out.

  The black innocence also made Wang Lun’s giant sword sharper, even if Xuan cut the fire wolf into two pieces.

   "Let's go back. I didn't expect it to be a pack of raging wolves. I thought someone was following us!" Wang Lun murmured a few times.

Chen Xuan nodded secretly and said to him: "I didn't expect it to be a group of fire wolves. Fortunately, the strength of this group of fire wolves is not that strong. Now dozens of them have been killed. It seems this group of fire wolves. We didn't attack us last time, I have been watching the opportunity secretly, wanting to attack again!"

At the beginning, Chen Xuan still felt a little weird in his heart, because these fire wolves could actually hide the monster energy they exude. To be precise, what the monster beast exudes is not the true energy cultivated by humans, but this group of monster beasts There will be a demon qi from his body. If he is a keen cultivator, he can detect whether there is a demon beast nearby.

  The power that Chen Xuan felt at the time was too short, and it only disappeared in an instant, so Chen Xuan was not sure if it was the aura emitted by the fiery wolf.

  Monster beasts generally don’t hide their aura. For monster beasts, they will show their strength generously and tell others that this is their own territory, so monster beasts will not hide their aura.

"Wang Lun, how can you say that these monsters can hide their auras? They are completely different from what we have seen in other places, especially since these fire wolves are still in groups, even if they hide their auras, it's useless, right? , I will still be discovered!" Chen Xuan finally said to Wang Lun curiously.

Wang Lun also pondered for a moment, and he didn’t know why. After a while, Wang Lun replied, “It’s not because of the way these fire wolves hunt. I think these fire wolves are secretly following their prey. Behind, and then launch a fatal blow, I am afraid that for this army of fire wolves, they need to hide their breath to sneak into the enemy."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, and felt that what Wang Lun said was not unreasonable, but this matter still made him worry, because the breath that had just exuded had a strong murderous aura.

   "Forget it, let's not talk about it yet. Since the Fire Wolf has been beheaded, let's take out all the crystal cores..." Chen Xuan said.

Wang Lun nodded lightly, took out a small dagger from the storage ring, turned and walked to the bodies of the fire wolves, and took out the crystal core from their hearts, the crystals of the fire wolves. The nuclear colors are very bright, which is of great benefit to their cultivation.

  In just a few minutes, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun took out all these crystal nuclei, and then they rushed towards the place where Wang Jinping and Lianru were fighting.

   "The little **** king realm, dare to take action against me, really knows how to live or die, boy, today I will let you see what is true strength." At this time, Wang Jinping said angrily.

  In his heart, he wanted to kill it. It didn't take any effort at all, but he didn't expect this kid to attack him unexpectedly.

Chen Xuan next to    still did not make a move, he wanted to see how far this battle would go.

After that, he just slashed over, raised his palm, and golden spiritual power emerged in his palm. These powers quickly condensed and were refined by pulling the body, and then all this power converged into the sword in his hand. Above, he grabbed Lian Qing's sword and said, "Break it for me!"

   Immediately after his palm suddenly applied force, a black infuriated aura appeared, and he suddenly attacked Lian Qing.

  At the same time, Wang Jinping quickly gathered for the next step, rushing towards him violently. As he rushed past, his body swayed slightly, and a black sword shadow appeared out of thin air.

  Lian Ru was surprised, he did not expect that Lian Qing would suddenly be so impulsive.

In the battle of masters at their level, if he had a species, he would probably not get any benefits. Just like when he rushed past, he was almost attacked by Wang Jinping, so he suddenly retreated back. After a few steps, the purpose is to avoid his attack.

   In shock, he once again burst out a burst of true energy, and slammed toward Wang Jinping.

   "Not good." Na Lushan was also surprised for a moment and quickly shot. He knew that Wang Jinping was here because of his two brothers. It was obviously unreasonable not to take action now.

  Although Lian Qing is not in Wang Jinping's hands, his true qi is defeated, and then he will be easily crushed and destroyed.

  Wang Jinping's level of power, Lian Qing couldn't escape his pursuit at all. Sure enough, Wang Jinping quickly assaulted and rushed in front of him in a short time.

   "Not good!" Lian Qing was shocked. If he was hit by Wang Jinping, he would not die but also be disabled.

   "Break it for me!" Lian Ru's body quickly rushed over, almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Wang Jinping's side, thunder bursts out of the spear blade, and then, fiercely stabbed Wang Jinping.

  Wang Jinping tilted his body, the sharp spear failed to pierce him, but Lian Ru was knocked out.

  But the next moment, Lian Ru quickly gathered the thunderous anger, and on the palm of his raised hand, it was the spear he was holding tightly.

The spear flew by, and at the same time, feeling the terrifying aura on the spear, Wang Jinping suddenly retreated. He knew that Lian Ru must have used a stronger qi than usual in order to save Lianqing. The intensity of this qi was stronger. , Even Wang Jinping is not so hard to resist.


  The spear failed to hit Wang Jinping, but Lian Ru's sharp spear fell on the ground, and the ground was cracked again and again, and thunders crackled along the ground.

  At this time, Na Lian Qing was shaking under Wang Jinping's palm, and a mouthful of blood was already sprayed out.

   Obviously severely injured.

   "Not good! It's okay!" A warrior rushed over. Lian Qing's true energy has been damaged. As long as he took another palm, he couldn't bear it at all. After all, Lian Qing's cultivation was only about the level of the **** king realm. When he was hit by a seven-fold warrior, even his body would be tough.

  (End of this chapter)

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