Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2848: The secret of the horse thief leader

   Chapter 2848 The secret of the horse thief leader

  The entire Qiuyan mountain range is shrouded in layers of light.


Chen Xuan’s sword aura slashed out directly, the power almost surpassed everyone’s imagination, and at the moment it landed, I saw a blazing fire on his body. This flame was exactly Chen Xuan’s. Suzaku fire.

   Seeing Chen Xuan’s flames directly killed a horse thief in seconds, the others also took out the weapons in their hands, cursing, and rushed towards the group of horse thief with weapons.

Among the horse thieves, only the leader of the horse thieves has reached the seventh level of the **** king realm. However, the strongest cultivation of the remaining horse thieves is only one man wearing a red robe who has reached the fourth level of the **** king realm, but For Chen Xuan and the others, this cultivation level is simply not enough.

Not to mention that Lian Ru was a practitioner at the seventh peak of the Divine King Realm, and Wang Lun and others beside Chen Xuan were also very strong in cultivation. I saw that Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand to conflict with each other and killed three horse thieves in a row. These horse thieves were suddenly cut into two pieces under Wang Lun's huge sword.

And along with their bodies, on the giant sword in Wang Lun's hand, there were black auras blooming. These auras continued to gather in the sky to form a cyclone, and then Wang Lun fiercely thrust the sword in his hand. On the ground, the earth trembles suddenly.


  Even the land was lifted up, and the dust continued to fly. The bodies of several horse thieves were flying in the air, and then they were pierced by Chen Xuanshan with a sword. In a blink of an eye, a dozen horse thieves had already been killed.

And the most surprising was Chen Xuan. At first, they thought Chen Xuan was a mortal who didn't cultivate true energy. However, they now see Chen Xuan show his skills and control the Liaoyuan sword in the sky to kill from left to right. , After continuously beheading a famous horse thief, they knew how outrageous they were before.

  Especially that Lian Qing, his eyes stared like copper bells, and his eyes were full of incredible. Although Chen Xuan had saved him before, he did not see how Chen Xuan did it.

After he was knocked into the air by Wang Jinping, he only saw a blade of burning fire flying through the air, and then the blade rescued him from Wang Jinping's hand, but all this happened so fast that he hadn't When he had time to react, he saw that Chen Xuan had come, but at this time, he really saw how powerful Chen Xuan was.

"I said Brother Chen Xuan's strength is not that weak. I am afraid that his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Divine King Realm, right? But the breath that Chen Xuan displayed is only the fourth level of the Divine King Realm. , But why the horse thief is not his opponent at all!" Lian Qing said in surprise.

  I don’t know that Lian Qing was surprised, and even Lu Shan had an incredible look on his face.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of Brother Chen is so strong. We used to treat him as a mortal. Hahaha, it seems Brother Lian, I didn't see that Chen Xuan's cultivation is so strong!" Lu Shan laughed. .

  At the same time, Chen Xuan ignored their discussions. With Chen Xuan's perception ability, he could hear them talking about himself. However, the top priority now is the group of horse thieves, and Chen Xuan has no time to talk to them.

   Suddenly, a burst of flame emerged in the sky, and the entire sky was covered with a layer of fire. The Suzaku’s fire turned the sky into a coquettish red.

  The red sky with a fiery atmosphere enveloped all these horse thieves.

The leader of the horse thief looked at the sky with a shocked expression, and then he said loudly: "Retreat all to me! Retreat to me, all retreat!"

  In this regard, Chen Xuan sneered, these horse thieves actually provoke them, how could Chen Xuan let this guy go easily.

In this Qiuyan Mountain Range, if a group of horse thieves spotted it, it would be even more terrifying than being spotted by a monster beast. These horse thieves will try their best to kill the enemy and take their things. It's like a poisonous snake.

Of course, not only Chen Xuan chased the past, but Wang Lun also carried the black giant sword and slashed at the horse thief leader fiercely. On the black giant sword, an amazing aura burst out, this huge black spiritual power. Gathering into the sky, the back of the horse thief leader ran away fiercely blasted past.

  The horse thief leader also felt a terrible breath coming from behind, his body suddenly turned, stepped on his feet, and quickly dodged toward the side.


Although the horse thief leader hid, the horse thief beside him was hit by Chen Xuan's sword aura, and a flame burned from him.

  The horse thief screamed heartbreakingly, but the horse thief leader had already escaped. Now in such an emergency, how could he care for his companions.

  Faced with this group of horse thieves who started to flee, it could be described as a slaughter.

  It was not only Chen Xuan and Wang Lun who constantly charged the fleeing Ma Tsai, at the same time, Lian Ru also held the spear in his hand and pierced a horse thief in the chest.

  I saw lightning flashes on Lian Ru's spear, and the power of thunder made Lian Ru's body shuttle quickly, almost at the same speed as Chen Xuan. I saw him and Chen Xuan's bodies constantly handing over in the air.

Suddenly two phantoms formed in the air. One phantom appeared a touch of blue, while Chen Xuan's figure appeared fiery red. The two of them had almost the same speed. At the same time, they assassinated a horse thief in the chest, and the spear pierced the horse thief. Blood burst from the horse thief's chest, and gradually reached Lian Ru's face, dyeing his white beard red.

The power of the thunder was continuously transferred from the spear, and immediately after the thunderous power banged, it chased the next horse thief. The other three horse thieves were pierced through the chest by a spear in the blink of an eye. Soon blood didn't even flow out, and the spear blade of the long spear was pulled out of them.

Even Chen Xuan next to him was amazed at this speed. Lian Ru's speed is indeed very fast. Chen Xuan can only keep up with the power of a demon soul. If it is Chen Xuan in a normal state, his speed is not comparable. Shang Lianru.

In addition to a few of them, Lu Fan also carried the blade in his hand and assassinated the other horse thieves. Under the siege of several of their masters, these horse thieves were suddenly defeated, and at the same time, Chen Xuan had already run towards The leader of the horse thief at the forefront stabbed over.

The Liaoyuan Sword was rippling with Pangtuo's fiery spiritual power. These flames continued to burn on Chen Xuan's body, and finally gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword. Then, the Liaoyuan Sword gathered into a huge sword energy, this sword Qi towards the back of the horse thief leader who was escaping, stabbed once again.


  A flame swept across the ground immediately, leaving a deep trace on the ground, while Chen Xuan’s Vermillion Bird's fire speed continued to attack, still attacking the horse thieves leader.

  The horse thief leader saw several warriors chasing behind him, and his face suddenly became purple. Knowing that he could not escape, he roared and pulled out a long knife from behind.

  The long knife he took out burst out with a strange black aura, and Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed after he felt the long knife he took out.

  Chen Xuan realized that the blade he took out was actually a weapon of the Black Blood Sect.

"No, how could this guy have something from the Black Blood Sect? Could it be that this person came from the Black Blood Sect? It's not right? How could the Black Blood Sect be reduced to a group of horse thieves, and the Black Blood Sect is a cannibal. Gunma thief, I didn't say to eat people just now." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Of course, the horse thief took out his weapon, his face suddenly became savage, and then he said angrily: "You guys, I wanted to escape, but you still dare to chase after you. If you force me to die, don't blame Lao Tzu, and let you see how Lao Tzu is!"

  After finishing speaking, the horse thief immediately threw the black sword in his hand to the sky, and then, the black sword was suspended in the air, continuously emitting a strange aura.

  These breaths are the energy emitted from this black sword, but this energy blooms with a hint of huge power.

Repelled Chen Xuan, Wang Lun, Lian Ru and others for several steps. When Chen Xuan was just standing firm, he suddenly discovered that the black knife floating in the sky had once again bloomed with huge black spiritual power, and these Spiritual power continued to spin in the air, and a black energy ball burst out from the center. The black energy ball exuded thunder and lightning, and the horse thief leader standing under this black energy had a hideous expression on his face. Smile.

"Hahaha, you guys, I got this sword by chance a few days ago. Today I will let you see how powerful he is. This is a weapon of the Black Blood Sect. I am afraid you have never seen it before, hahaha !" As he said, he tore off his clothes with his hands in order to prove it, and at the same time, black dark lines appeared on his body.

  After two seconds, these dark dark lines became more and more obvious, and they all lay on his body, like rows of ferocious centipedes, and Chen Xuan shed a drop of cold sweat.

  And with the spiritual power radiating from the black sword, the aura on the horse thief leader's body has actually increased continuously.

   "It's not good to kill it quickly, I'm afraid she wants to fuse with this black knife!" Lian Ru said hurriedly.

Lian Ru has been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years. He has long heard of this martial art of the Black Blood Sect. He also knows that this martial art is very evil. Although it can increase the power of the cultivator, this black sword will take a person’s heart and soul. Even if it is integrated with this black sword, it will pay a corresponding price.

"You guys, you forced me. If you didn’t force me, Lao Tzu would not make such a move. You are all going to die today. Lao Tzu wants to smash your heads one by one to let you know that Lao Tzu is not. It's so irritating!" The horse thief leader's face suddenly turned dark, and his skin became extremely dark.

At the same time, the energy ball floating in the air slowly landed towards his chest, and the horse thief leader suddenly opened his arms and made a hug gesture, waiting for the black energy ball Slowly emerging towards his chest.

   Immediately afterwards, the horse thief leader condensed a qi from his arm, and this qi suddenly flowed toward the middle of the energy ball.

After just a few seconds, the black energy ball suddenly accelerated, and suddenly rushed into the horse thief leader's body. The next moment, the horse thief leader's aura completely changed, not only became stronger, but also his appearance. Also completely transformed.

  I saw that the skin of the horse thief leader's body turned completely black, and there was a strange black phantom on his head, and behind him, there was a black long knife floating.

  This long knife was exactly the weapon of the Black Blood Sect that he had thrown into the air just now. Although Chen Xuan could not be called by his name, he knew it was an evil knife.

   However, the aura revealed by this long sword was too terrifying, and it even increased the strength of the horse thief leader several times.

At the same time, the eyes of the horse thief leader began to look less like humans. Originally, his pupils revealed a trace of a human body, but at this moment, his eyes have completely lost sight. It can be said that he has now been completely lost. This evil knife was under control.

Seeing this change, Chen Xuan's expression also became tense. Although he didn't know how strong he would become after absorbing the energy from the black knife, Chen Xuan could guess from the breath revealed by the horse thief leader. His breath has more than doubled from before.

"No, this is the evil sword of the Black Blood Sect. This guy has absorbed the energy in the evil sword just now, and now his cultivation level has improved a lot. Everyone must be careful and don't be affected by his evil sword. I'll bump into it!" Lian Ru said suddenly.

It's not just him who said that, even Lu Fan also echoed next to him: "This is a technique of the Black Blood Sect. I didn't expect this guy to be linked to the Black Blood Sect, but I heard about the Black Blood Sect. This kind of exercise that has been displayed has great side effects, but it will increase his cultivation base by several levels, and now his cultivation base may have reached the eighth level of the **** king realm!"

  The leader of the horse thief who couldn't see the original screamed, his body quickly rushed towards them, without a word, trampled under his feet, but at extremely fast speed, he rushed to Chen Xuan's side in the blink of an eye.

   Seeing him rushing over, Chen Xuan hurriedly sacrificed the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

A raging fire burst out from the   Liaoyuan sword, and the flame set off Chen Xuan's body. Finally, Chen Xuan's body quickly rotated, forming a vortex, and the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire attacked instantly.

  (End of this chapter)

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