Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2850: Break the Black Knife

   Chapter 2850 Break the Black Knife

  Chen Xuan’s Suzaku fire hit the body-refining protection heavily, and made a muffled noise, and saw the horse thief leader’s body flying backwards.

   "Unexpectedly, this black knife can actually disperse a touch of spiritual power." Chen Xuan was surprised for a moment, turned his head and looked for the black knife's trace.

  But taking advantage of this neutral position, the black knife has returned to the horse thief leader's side again, exactly as Chen Xuan thought.

  As soon as the black knife returned to his side, the look of the leader of the horse thief changed, and the originally empty and godless eyes became fierce.

"It seems that this guy has been completely controlled by the black sword. Now his eyes are not his own. I am afraid that it is controlled by the sword spirit in the black sword. This black sword has controlled his body. I am afraid not. Go back again!" Chen Xuan secretly surprised.

   Most of the weapons with sword spirits come from the achievements of some great refiners, but these weapons refiners need to add sword spirits into the weapons.

As for where the sword spirit came from, Chen Xuan didn’t know, but the black sword of the Black Blood Sect was definitely not a mortal product. The sword spirit possesses such a powerful power. I am afraid that only the host’s ability is stronger. The stronger the black knife can bloom.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan quickly condensed the power of a Vermillion Bird. Then, Chen Xuan condensed his left hand and rushed towards the body of the horse thief leader with a palm.

  The Liaoyuan sword held by Chen Xuan's right hand burst out with a huge aura. The two spiritual powers intertwined quickly, causing Chen Xuan to hit the horse thief leader fiercely like a fireball.

  The black knife floating behind the horse thief leader screamed and stabbed towards Chen Xuan, and as the black knife rushed over, the horse thief leader unexpectedly changed his eyes and suddenly hit behind Chen Xuan with a palm.

Chen Xuan was almost hit by them when he didn't expect it. Fortunately, Chen Xuan reacted in time. Even if he changed his body in mid-air, two flames of Vermillion Bird hit the horse thief leader, knocking the horse thief leader away. Got out.

   "Now is the opportunity!" Chen Xuan shouted.

  Lianru knew what Chen Xuan meant, so he carried the spear that was braving the lightning, and quickly pierced the horse thief leader's body.

Once the black sword breaks free from the horse thief leader, the black sword will condense a breath of true energy and penetrate into the horse thief leader's body. Doing so will weaken the power of the black sword, but it can ensure that the body will not lose control. .

   Before Chen Xuan was about to attack him, he suddenly saw the black knife condensed a touch of true energy, and just as Chen Xuan expected, the black knife rushed over.

   Then Chen Xuan went the other way, knocking the horse thief leader away, and Chen Xuan has now discovered the only weakness of this Black Blood Sect evil sword. Only by separating the black knife from the body, Chen Xuan and the others have a chance to defeat them.

  Otherwise, this black knife will use the body of the horse thief leader to continuously attack them.

Suddenly, the black knife dispersed another black energy. This black energy instantly rushed towards Chen Xuan's body that wanted to attack the past. The speed of this black energy condensed very quickly, only in a moment, the black energy He pounced on Chen Xuan's body.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was entangled in black energy, the spear that Lian Ru was holding was flashing with thunder, and a burst of thunder force condensed towards the sky, and then slashed fiercely towards the body of the horse thief leader.


The body of the horse thief leader kept moving backwards, and then Lian Ru lifted the spear in his hand, raised his arm, and bursts of thunder from his palm, and then gathered on the tip of the spear.

  The blue thunder that bloomed from the tip of the gun swept across the sky, continuously hacking towards the body of the horse thief leader on the ground.

The thunder struck him, causing the horse thief leader's body to appear light blue. However, the black aura that continuously emerged from the horse thief leader covered her body, even though the spiritual power that bloomed from the tip of the gun was very powerful, but still Unable to penetrate the protection of the black knife.

  At the same time, the black knife quickly passed from a distance and returned to the horse thief leader.

   "Unexpectedly, the defensive power of this black knife is so strong, my thunder is really angry, and it can't penetrate!" Lian Ru exclaimed.

  After a few minutes, Wang Lun and others have come back from the erosion of the black energy. When Wang Lun opened his eyes, he saw the Suzaku sword energy condensed by Chen Xuan, blasting towards the horse thief leader.

  But the black sword next to the horse thief leader spun quickly, smashing Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword energy.

   "Chen Xuan, I'll help you!" Wang Lun shouted.

   Lifting the black giant sword in his hand, a huge infuriating energy burst out from his body, and then he hung in the air and slashed at the leader of the horse thief fiercely.

  The huge spiritual power exploded from the black giant sword in Wang Lun's hand, gathered in the blade, and directly smashed the horse thief leader's body.

However, the black knife shuttled out again and stabbed towards Wang Lun's body. Wang Lun hurriedly turned around and raised the black knife in front of him. The black knife pierced Wang Lun's huge sword and slammed. A loud noise then knocked Wang Lun's body far away.

  The others also gradually recovered, and they also took their weapons and attacked the horse thief leader.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly reminded: "You must be careful, don't stab with a black knife on your back, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

"Also, if this black knife leaves the horse thief leader's body, its power will be weakened. If the distance between them is too far, the power of the black sword will be weakened a lot, and this black knife can only pass through the spiritual power in the horse thief leader's body. It can work. As long as we separate the black sword from the horse thief and take advantage of this opportunity to kill the horse thief leader, this black sword will not work!" Chen Xuan continued: "But we must be careful of the black sword, this black sword It’s so evil, I don’t know if there is any mystery on the black knife!"

  Hearing this, everyone nodded.

   "Unexpectedly, I was stabbed by the black energy on the black knife just now. Fortunately, if Chen Xuan were not there, I am afraid we would be in danger.

   "That's right, fortunately there is Chen Xuan, but this black knife is really difficult to deal with. I didn't expect this horse thief leader to have this kind of evil weapon."

   "I don't know where he got this weapon, it turned out to be a spiritual weapon of the Black Blood Sect!"

   "There won't be people from the Black Blood Sect around here, right? Or this guy is also from the Black Blood Sect!"

   "If he is a member of the Black Blood Sect, this black knife will definitely not be able to control his mind. I am afraid that this is the first time he has used a black knife, so he will become this face!"

The eyes of the horse thief leader became savage, but they looked very hollow. After fighting with the horse thief leader for so long, Chen Xuan already knew that the horse thief leader was completely controlled by the black sword. I am afraid that even if the horse thief leader wins, His body will also be controlled by this black knife in the future.

   "This Black Blood Sect weapon can only control the host's body if it is used once. If the host does not send the body in person, the black sword cannot control it. What a pity!"

  And Chen Xuan once again gathered a huge spiritual power and slashed towards the leader of the horse thief.

  And the leader of the horse thief, his eyes moved, and the black knife behind him shuttled out again and plunged into the sky, gathering spiritual power from the sky continuously, and slashed towards everyone.

  Everyone desperately resisted, this time with lessons learned, everyone blocked the black energy's attack, but the next moment, the black knife shuttled out again and stabbed towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan hurriedly gathered the fire of the Vermillion Bird, and the flame burned on Chen Xuan's body instantly, and saw the power of the red demon soul on Chen Xuan's face flickering continuously. Immediately, Chen Xuan's body leaped high from the ground. A raging fire burst out.

  The flames continued to burn, coupled with the slow condensing of Chen Xuan's Suzaku's power, he saw the Suzaku sword aura condensed from Chen Xuan's body, attacking the horse thief leader's body.

Chen Xuan no longer confronted the black sword head-on, but attacked the horse thief leader's body at the same time as the black sword attacked. Chen Xuan knew the principle of capturing the thief first. If the horse thief leader's body was not defeated, this The black knife will gain a steady stream of power.

   "Hurry up! Don't let this black knife attack!" Lian Hong said.

   "Lian Qing, the power of this black knife is too strong, you should hide aside first, don't come over." Lian Hong reminded.

  Lian Qing is still a half-year-old boy after all, and his strength is not strong. Fighting at this level is a bit too dangerous for him.

  When they dealt with Wang Jinping, Lian Qing was controlled by Wang Jinping because of the shot. Now they cannot repeat the same mistakes.

Directly, Lian Qing hid far away, staring at the black sword in the sky, but he was not the master who could be idle either, holding the blade in his hand, slashing out a sword aura, and attacking. The black knife attacked the past.

   Suddenly, spiritual powers intermingled with each other in the sky, blocking the attack of the black sword.

  Although this black knife is powerful, it is also difficult to resist the combined exercises of everyone. The next moment, Lian Hong's body condenses a blue spiritual power.

  I saw the light on the blue spiritual power suddenly increase, and then the sword in Lian Hong's hand suddenly flew out, slammed into the black knife, and fought wildly with the black knife in the air.

  But Lian Hong's strength was only about the fourth level of the Divine King Realm. In the blink of an eye, he was already defeated by the black sword's fierce attack, and then the black sword kept rippling, making a long sound, and dropping his long sword on the ground.


  Lianhong's body fell softly to the ground, and the flying sword he controlled was shot down by the black knife, which is equivalent to his body being attacked, along with the blood he vomited.

  Lian Qing screamed and said loudly, "Brother, are you all right!"

Then, Lian Qing hurriedly ran over. When he came to Lian Hong's side, Lian Hong pushed him away and said to him: "Lian Qing, don't care about me. Go and deal with the black knife. It's just a slight injury, so quickly help Chen Xuan stop the attack of the black knife and create a chance for everyone!"

   Lian Qing nodded heavily, then the true energy rippled, revealing a touch of golden true energy from her body, and immediately attacked the black knife.

Seeing the attack of the crowd, the black knife knew that he was invincible, so he quickly turned back, but how could Chen Xuan give him a chance, only to see Chen Xuan's body floating in the air, and a Suzaku sword angrily directed towards him. The horse thief leader's body rushed over.

Later, Chen Xuan’s body followed closely, and came to the side of the horse thief leader. The demon soul pattern suddenly increased at this moment, making Chen Xuan’s power suddenly stronger, and the huge power made Chen Xuan’s arms all It turned into a bright red, and slashed down at the horse thief leader on the ground.

The black sword had not returned to the horse thief leader's side, facing Chen Xuan's fierce attack, the horse thief leader was obviously lost, and his strength was much weaker, so Chen Xuan desperately launched the attack. In a short moment, Chen Xuan A sword cut off an arm of the horse thief leader, and then Chen Xuan kicked him on the chest.


The horse thief’s body was kicked out by Chen Xuan, and then Chen Xuan chased him, slashing a sword on the horse thief leader’s chest, but at this moment, the black sword had already returned to the horse thief leader, with a bang, and Chen Xuan The Liaoyuan sword in his hand was knocked into the air.

Seeing this situation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Chen Xuan was able to enter the body of the horse thief leader, which meant that they were one step closer to winning. At that time, they could not fall in front of the horse thief leader, but now Chen Xuan Xuan had already done it, and Chen Xuan also hit the horse thief leader's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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