Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2852: Enter the poisonous rock forest

   Chapter 2852 Entering Poison Rock Forest

After seeing everyone taking the pill, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun also walked up and took the pill from his hand. After the detoxification pill was in Chen Xuan's hand, Chen Xuan did not rush to eat it. , Study this pill, what is it made of?

This is the nature of an alchemist. Chen Xuan has not heard of this detoxification pill. If it weren't for so many people watching now, Chen Xuan would even want to thoroughly study the composition of the pill, and then Chen Xuan would refine it. Come out this kind of detoxification pill.

   "Brother Lu, I don't know what other effects of this detoxification pill are, can you tell me about it," Chen Xuan said.

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, a smile appeared on his face, and then he answered everyone: "I bought this medicine in Lu Yucheng. This time I left in a hurry, so I went to find someone with my brother. I bought this pill. The name of this pill is called Huadu Pill. Although I don’t know exactly what toxins it can block, it must be harmless if you eat it, and it can also be used for prevention. If you are in the poisonous rock forest It was bitten by some poisonous snakes and beasts inside, so everyone can rest assured!"

"That's right, my elder brother bought it personally, and Lu Yucheng's alchemy was personally made for us by an elder of the association. It might not be easy to find this pill!" Lu Fan said .

  After listening to their explanation, everyone was relieved, so everyone walked towards the inside of the poisonous rock forest.

If they want to pass through this poisonous rock forest, they may have to walk for one day. Although it is only a short day, everyone knows that there are many unknown risks in the poisonous rock forest. The poisonous snakes and beasts that appear first are their chief animals. enemy.

Snake beasts are not like monster beasts that are fighting head-on. If they are beasts that are fighting head-on, they will be mentally prepared, but the snakes and beasts in the poisonous rock forest, no one knows when they will bite you, and It will also make you killed unknowingly, which is far more terrifying than some powerful monsters.

  However, the poisonous snakes and beasts in the poisonous rock forest are not without prevention. At least Chen Xuan knows that the dragon egg inlay can expel some poisonous insects, and even Chen Xuan can use the refined elixir to resist the bites of some poisonous insects.

Although everyone talked about the poisonous rock forest, Chen Xuan was very calm. He knew that his strength could safely pass through the poisonous rock forest, but other people were not necessarily the same, especially for the Lian family brothers. The strength of the two of them is slightly weaker, and it is not so easy to pass through this poisonous rock forest.

  If it weren't for Lu Fan's suggestion to pass through the poisonous rock forest, no one else would take this road.

  Of course, most people who walk past this Qiuyan mountain range will take this road when they are in a hurry, so passing this poisonous rock forest is also their only way.

  At the same time, they walked toward the depths of the poisonous rock forest. There was calm and quiet in the poisonous rock forest, and there was almost no movement, but everyone knew very well that the calmer the place, the more terrifying.

  They were also worried along the way, for fear of being bitten by a poisonous snake. Although they had eaten the poisonous pill, they still couldn't let it go. No one knew whether the poisonous pill could resist the bite of these poisonous snakes and beasts...

  After walking for a while, Chen Xuan suddenly found a poisonous Ganoderma lucidum growing under a tree. After seeing the Ganoderma lucidum, Chen Xuan showed curiosity, and then walked towards him.

  Wang Lun felt Chen Xuan's movements, turned his head and asked Chen Xuan, "Brother Chen, what's wrong?"

  Chen Xuan turned his head and said to Wang Lun: “It’s nothing. I just saw a Ganoderma lucidum in front of me. I haven’t seen it before. I want to go over and take a look.”

  Seeing Chen Xuan's movements, the others stopped one after another, turned their heads and showed surprise to Chen Xuan.

"Brother Chen, this ganoderma is not a good thing. You have to know that everything in this poisonous rock forest is poisonous. Don't touch it with your hands, otherwise it may be dangerous!" Ru reminded.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said to them: "It seems that you don't know that I am still an alchemist. These things are very poisonous to you, but to me, all these things are okay. I have refined it into a pill, and I have never seen many of the herbs in the poisonous rock forest. Wait for me, I will go and see!"

  Everyone heard Chen Xuan say this and saw his serious expression, so they stopped to say anything, but stopped to watch, watching Chen Xuan walk towards the poisonous ganoderma step by step.

   "It's really strange, how can this Ganoderma lucidum grow here." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that there was a small purple bug next to Ganoderma lucidum crawling over. Seeing the purple bug, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a panic.

   "It's actually a purple spirit ladybug!" Chen Xuan said in surprise.

The purple spirit ladybug is a very poisonous insect. Chen Xuan has only seen it in the catalog, and has never seen the purple spirit ladybug with his own eyes, but Chen Xuan's memory of the purple spirit ladybug is Very profound.

  This purple spirit ladybug can refine a highly poisonous pill, and this pill is colorless and tasteless, and it can kill people almost instantly.

Not only that, Wang Lun also saw this bug, so he walked over with concern, and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, you are really getting more and more evil now. I know this little bug. I just hunted it. When the Demon's Guild was performing a mission, one of his companions was bitten by this little bug. It is very poisonous! If you get a bite, it will be killed in just a few seconds, even though your cultivation base is very strong now. , It can only last for more than 20 seconds. I think it's better not to use the ganoderma lucidum. Let's go."

Others also saw the small bug crawling next to the poisonous ganoderma. This purple spirit ladybug is about the size of an adult's thumb, but it crawls very slowly on the ground. Chen Xuan has seen this in books. According to the description of the bug, although the purple spirit ladybug carries a highly poisonous, it is not very aggressive.

  In Lu Yucheng, Chen Xuan also saw the task of capturing this poisonous insect. If you catch such a poisonous insect, you can get thousands of crystal nuclei, which is enough to see how difficult it is to catch this poisonous insect.

After all, it is not so easy to find a poisonous insect, and you have to risk your life. Although the poisonous insect is not aggressive, it is very toxic. It is almost just touched with your hand, and it is very likely to be placed. To death.

  But Chen Xuan didn't believe in this evil. Only if he was bitten by a poisonous insect would he be poisoned and die. If he only encountered a poisonous insect, he would not be poisoned to death.

Seeing this poisonous insect crawling slowly on the ground, Lian Qing beside him could not sit still. He hurriedly ran to Chen Xuan's side and said in surprise: "Big Brother Chen, is this the Purple Spirit Ladybug? I've heard of this kind of bug before, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see it with my own eyes!"

  At the same time, the ladybug crawling on the ground suddenly flapped its wings and flew onto the poisonous ganoderma.

It seems that this little bug is not afraid of them at all. It is estimated that it also knows that it carries the drama on its body. Humans dare not touch it easily. Not only that, it actually spread its wings generously and lay on top of the poisonous Ganoderma lucidum. .

"Brother Chen, be careful. The toxin of this insect is not something ordinary people can bear. If we are bitten by this little insect, we will be in danger. Although you just took the medicine, I am not sure about it. Can the pill prevent the bite of this kind of insect!" Lu Shan reminded.

At the same time, Lu Fan also walked to Chen Xuan and whispered to Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan, I saw this bug before. The toxins on his body are very terrifying, and it is called the four major poisons in the poisonous rock forest. One, you have to be careful. This ranking is not made up by others. I have seen others poisoned by this worm, but they died within three seconds, and the body will become transformed after death. A pile of bones is terrifying!"

  While he sighed, he approached Chen Xuan's side, obviously also wanting to see the poisonous insects.

   Seeing him approaching, Chen Xuan hurriedly reminded: "This bug doesn't like to move too much. If it moves too much, it will bite people. Be careful!"

Hearing Chen Xuan’s reminder, Lu Fan hurriedly stopped, and then stared at Chen Xuan with a flustered expression, and said to him: "Brother Chen, are you kidding? That little guy is not flying over now, don’t you? scare me…"

Chen Xuan chuckled and said slowly: "Don't worry, this guy is basking in the sun. I didn't expect that the insects in this poisonous rock forest still have this elegance. I am afraid this poisonous ganoderma is his food. Not only that, this poison Ganoderma is also a highly poisonous plant. I really didn't expect that there are so many weird herbs in the poisonous rock forest."

  Chen Xuan sighed, while figuring out how to catch the purple spirit ladybug.

  The purple spirit ladybug was carrying a violent toxin, and Chen Xuan did not dare to take it carelessly. If he was bitten, even the triple physical strength of his Taoist body would not necessarily be able to resist the attack of the toxin.

   Just as Lu Fan said, this poisonous insect can poison a human being in only three seconds, and it is also a strong man in the realm of the **** king. It can be imagined how much toxin is hidden in the body of this little poisonous insect.

"I'm afraid that these guys in this poisonous rock forest eat poisonous plants every day, so they carry very poisonous, so be careful. If they bite and swell, they will burn. High fragrance!" Wang Lun reminded.

  Chen Xuan whispered: "Of course I know, but this little guy thought we would not attack him, Wang Lun, do you have a glass bottle there? Give me one."

   Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Wang Lun took out a transparent glass bottle from his storage ring.

This is just an ordinary glass bottle, but it can catch this bug. This purple spirit ladybug is hardly offensive, but Chen Xuan knows very well that this purple spirit ladybug can easily pierce a Dao. The skin of the triple warrior penetrated the venom.

After receiving the bottle from Wang Lun's hand, Chen Xuan cautiously approached the green Ganoderma lucidum. Now Chen Xuan is only two steps away from the poisonous Ganoderma lucidum. The closer to the poisonous Ganoderma lucidum, the lighter Chen Xuan's steps become.

  (End of this chapter)

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