Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3066: Looking for relics

  Chapter 3066 Finding the Ruins

  After finalizing his decision, Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran were going to Dragon Rock City in three days.

  Looking at Chen Xuan, Shangguan Haoran said: "Brother Chen Xuan, this time we must persuade Master Li, hoping that he can contact Palace Master Yunye."

   "Shangguan Haoran, is it possible that something happened in the middle?" Chen Xuan asked.

"There are indeed some changes in the middle. When Palace Master Yunye fought in the north, there were several mistakes in command, so that Palace Master Yunye lost a lot of people, so that now Yunye Palace, several I haven't participated in the battle against the Dragon Blood Tribe this time." Shangguan Haoran said.

   "That's it." Chen Xuan replied.

After returning to his residence, Chen Xuan practiced for a while, then walked out of the room to breathe.

  Now he has become Yunxiaowei, and his status in Yunxiao Mansion is not low.

  All the people who enter Yunxiao Mansion, the cultivation base has entered the Seventh Layer of the Divine King Realm, and they can be directly promoted to the commander of thousands.

  With Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran’s current cultivation bases, they could already be promoted to commanders of thousands.

   However, both of them have entered Yunxiaowei now, so naturally they can no longer perform these duties.

  Compared with the commander, Yunxiaowei's power is obviously stronger.

  Nowadays, the person leading Yunxiaowei is not only Palace Master Yunxiao.

  Clouds and Clouds Guards are scattered throughout the Yunxiao Mansion's sphere of influence, and there are already many Yunxiao Guards powerhouses who are beheading the sacrifices of the Dragon Blood Tribe in battle, and among this group of people.

  There are even some strong people whose cultivation bases have reached the realm of **** emperors.

  Being able to enter the realm of the **** emperor is enough to show how strong his cultivation is.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, Yun Xiaowei is only the bottom of existence.

  The cultivation base can be improved, and now Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran still have important things to do.

After bidding farewell to the elders of Yun Xiaowei, the two began to set off in the direction of Longshicheng.

  Outside of Dragon Rock City.

  The two figures appeared.

   "It seems that this is Dragon Rock City. It's nothing to my imagination. However, this Dragon Rock City is really spectacular. I have never seen a city wall that can reach that height!" Shangguan Haoran sighed.

  Chen Xuan is the same. The height of this city wall is indeed the tallest one he has ever seen.

  As a city guarded by the north, Dragon Stone City naturally possesses extremely powerful defenses.

  On the city wall, there are towers one after another, constantly exuding black spiritual power.

  This spiritual power is naturally formed by the spiritual formation in the tower.

   is just a city wall, certainly not enough to resist the attack of the Dragon Blood tribe.

   Therefore, these spirit formations can effectively prevent the strong from the Dragon Blood tribe from coming to attack.

After entering Longshicheng, Chen Xuan was also slightly surprised.

  In this place, there are not only people from the Yunye Empire, but also many warriors from the Demon Wind Empire and the Dragon Blood Tribe.

   "Shangguan Haoran, this is really strange. It is obviously the site guarded by Yunxiao Mansion, and there are still so many people." Chen Xuan curiously asked.

  Looking at the street, there are many people. At first glance, they are the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

   With a chuckle, Shangguan Haoran replied: “Brother Chen, it seems you don’t know anything. Now the Yunye Empire and the Dragon Blood Tribe are no longer at war, so naturally many people come here.”

  "How do you tell?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "The Dragon Blood Tribe also has many people who need to trade. Although the Dragon Blood Tribe will not come to the Yunxiao Mansion in the previous battle, they will come as long as the war is over."

   "Don't you worry that these people have the spies of the Dragon Blood Tribe?" Chen Xuan asked.

  "Of course, don't worry, these people need to be thoroughly investigated when entering Dragon Stone City. I believe they can also understand Yunxiao Mansion." Shangguan Haoran said.

  In a hurry, the two soon found the City Lord's Mansion.

  It is Li Wang who is guarding Dragon Stone City now.

  Outside the court, Li Wang was watching a warrior continue to dance the long sword in his hand, praising him from time to time.

"This swordsmanship is so proficient by you, Xiao Liuzi, when you are practicing swordsmanship, you must not take it lightly, you see I will practice it for you." Li Wang said, raising the blade and walking forward. .

  The next moment, both eyes focused on the door at the same time.


   Hugged his fists, Shangguan Haoran stepped forward and said: "My lord, it's me, I'm Shangguan Haoran."

   "I am Chen Xuan."

   "Oh? What can you two want to find me?" Li Wang showed murderous in his eyes, and said to them both.

   "Lord Li Wang, we are all Yun Xiaowei people." The identities were directly called, Shangguan Haoran was afraid that the other party would suddenly rush over.

  If Li Wang did it, Shangguan Haoran and Chen Xuan together would definitely not be his opponent.

   "It turned out to be Yun Xiaowei's person. Come here, what's the matter?" Li Wang still did not subtract from his hostility, said.

"Master Li, there are many people who want to tell you this time. Moreover, we are also sent by Prince Lu and want to tell you one thing." Shangguan Haoran first moved out of Yun Xiaowei, and then moved out of Lu. Fang prince.

After seeing the successive reports, Li Wang did not continue to embarrass them.

   "Well, then you guys tell me, what is it that came to see me this time?" Li Wang asked.

Walking forward, Shangguan Haoran clasped his fists and continued: "Master Li, the prince, and Palace Master Yunxiao, all hope you can go back to Yunye Mansion and find Palace Master Yunye. If the two palaces can unite, add the royal family. The help of the Dragon Blood Tribe will definitely be severely damaged in the next war."

   sighed, Li Wang said, “No one knows better than me what temper my brother is. When I left Yunye Mansion, there are many inside stories, I’m afraid you don’t know.”

  "I wonder if Master Li can talk about it?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "When I left Yunye Mansion..."

   Soon, Li Wang recounted the past.

  Not only did he sigh, Chen Xuan said: "Master Li, this is all from the past. I am afraid that Palace Master Yunye has already forgotten it. If you can convince him, I believe the Yunye Empire will definitely be able to win."

   "Yes, Lord Li, as long as you can help us together, you can definitely defeat their Dragon Blood Tribe."

"What you said, I also thought about it, but Yunye Mansion is not that simple. Even my brother can't control Yunye Mansion. There are many strong people in it, and I can't control it." Li Wang sighed. Continue to say.

   "Are there masters among them?"

  Shangguan Haoran was surprised.

"Of course, you two definitely don't know that there are many old guys in the three palaces, but it's no wonder that you still can't reach them. I can only do my best to do this. If it can't be done, I can't help it either." Li Wang said.

   "Moreover, there are many interests involved in this matter, and there are even battles between several princes. I hope you two will not participate too much. This matter is not that simple." Li Wang said.

   "Okay, thank Master Li for reminding me." Shangguan Haoran said.

  Seeing Li Wang agree to come down, Chen Xuan was also happy to relax.

   Regardless of whether he can persuade Yunye Mansion to participate in this war, it is not necessary for Chen Xuan.

  Outside Yunye Mansion.

  Li Wang and Chen Xuan, and Shangguan Haoran have arrived here.

  From Yunye Mansion, the three people began to disperse.

  With Li Wang’s cultivation base, he arrived at Yunye Mansion in just one day.

  And that day, Lu Fang also happened to meet Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran.

  Beside Lu Fang, he followed many men.

  From these guards, Chen Xuan could feel the powerful pressure.

  This group of people must be members of the royal family, and it's normal to have strong strength.

"Chen Xuan, Shangguan Haoran, the Black Rock Ruins are about to open. I have notified the three major palaces and they are all sending people there. My father sent me to look for the Black Rock Ruins this time. As expected, three days later. , We will set off." Lu Fangdao.

   "Okay, since Prince Lu Fang said it, we must be prepared." After answering, Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran left temporarily.

  A few days later, they met on the Yunye Plain.

  Not just Lu Fang and Chen Xuan, Shangguan Haoran and others.

  Even in the other three palaces, some warriors sent people over.

  Following in the team, Chen Xuan not only inquired about these people.

  From these warriors, Chen Xuan could feel the formidable coercion, and the cultivation of some warriors had reached the realm of the **** emperor.

  In just a few days, they found the ruins of Black Rock.

  At this time, near the Black Rock Ruins, there are many warriors from the Dragon Blood tribe who seem to want to enter.

   Before they could enter, the three major palaces of the Yunye Empire had already sent people to surround it.

   "Who?" A warrior from the Dragon Blood Tribe showed a look of surprise, looking at the powerhouse flying in the distance.

   "It's not good, the Yunye Empire has sent someone over, let's retreat as soon as possible!"

  With panic on the faces of several people, they saw the warriors who kept flying towards here, covering the sky and the sun.

  Among them, the weakest also has the four levels of the **** king realm, and the strongest has also reached the **** emperor realm.

  The three major palaces each sent a strong man in the early stage of the **** emperor realm, and Lu Fang had also broken through to the **** emperor realm a few days ago.

  Now on the side of the Yunye Empire, there are already four warriors in the realm of the gods, as well as several people of the seventh stage of the realm of gods.

  Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran were watching. Several dragon blood tribe warriors were killed in just a few rounds.

  Seeing this change, Chen Xuan's face was expressionless.

  The black rock ruins are deep underground, and on the north side of the black rock ruins, there is an endless black plain, which looks lifeless.

   "Everyone, now we are about to enter the black rock ruins, the inside is extremely dangerous, we must be careful and careful!" A strong man in the Yunxiao Mansion, suspended in the air, said to many warriors.

   nodded, and a martial artist from Yunye Mansion said: "This time we all obeyed Prince Lu. In the Black Rock Ruins, the danger is extremely dangerous. There must be a leader, and he must have entered the Black Rock Ruins before.”

   Among the four great masters of the **** emperor realm, there was a man with a low expression, neither expressing his opinion, nor saying a word, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"In this case, we are ready to go in. The Dragon Blood Tribe has just killed several people by us. I am afraid they will not be unwilling. When you go in, you must be careful!" Lu Fang cautiously looked to the west , Said to everyone.

  Without hesitation, everyone walked into the Black Rock Ruins.

  As soon as he walked in, a shady breath instantly surrounded Chen Xuan, causing many warriors to tremble continuously.

  The danger of the black rock remains is well-known throughout the continent.

  However, the black rock ruins have a very strange opening time. They have been opened for almost hundreds of years, or even every few years.

  And the location of each opening is also uncertain. Today, the Black Rock Ruins have been opened more than a dozen times.

  But the total number of entries is not too many.

  Because many people have only heard that the Black Rock Ruins are open, but they don’t know where the Black Rock Ruins are.

  At this time, within the Black Rock Ruins, a torrent of black and pressured spiritual power continued to operate, and red eyes looked at them all.

  While walking in the crowd, Chen Xuan keenly felt the danger.

  Suddenly stopped, Chen Xuan said: "Be careful, I always feel that someone nearby is watching us."

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, everyone stopped one after another.

But one of them, with his face full of disdain, said: "Boy, what kind of green onion are you talking about? If you say let us stop, we won't go? This is just the entrance to the black rock ruins. If you want to enter the early morning, no one will watch us. !?"

   "Trust me, my intuition can't be wrong." Chen Xuan replied.

  "Bah! Listen to me, everyone keep moving forward!"

  Seeing that there was no movement around, everyone started to discuss.

   "I still believe in Big Brother Li, there is no aura moving around at all, I guess it was Chen Xuan who saw the hallucinations."

   "Well, let's continue to move forward, otherwise we will waste time here, and the black rock ruins may be closed." The person in charge of Yunxiao Mansion said.

  (End of this chapter)

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