Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3081: Who is chopsticks

  Chapter 3081 Who is the crap

  Except for the Pantheon, he has the highest status in Lu Yucheng, and his cultivation is also the strongest. Likewise, he is also the Patriarch of the Yuchi family.

  Almost none of the Yuwen family and the Pantheon have been killed. Obviously, Yu Chilan hadn’t expected it.

  "Everyone at Yunyemen, don't be nervous, I am here just to persuade you."

  Before that, Elder Nangong did not expect that Chen Xuan could suddenly burst out such an astonishing cultivation base, killing two Divine Kings in the middle seventh stage one after another.

   Seeing the corpse of Yuwenshu in the distance, Yu Chilan couldn't help but sighed softly: "I really didn't expect that the genius of the Yunyemen would have such a terrible cultivation level."

   Immediately, his face returned to the previous look, and he looked at City Master Lu and said.

   "Two people, I'm not here for anything else. I have a good relationship with the Pantheon, so it's better not to do things absolutely!"

  Wei Chi Lan looked at Chen Xuan, who was floating with the sword spirit of Vermilion Bird.

   "Please give me some face."

   "Wei Chilan, if it's your face, we will definitely give it to you. Now it's done, the Pantheon and Yuwen's people have been killed by us. It's just now, isn't it too late?!"

   "Don't you want to give me face!" A trace of anger flashed across Yu Chilan's face...

  Yuchi’s family is in Lu Yucheng, a family that has been passed down for thousands of years and has an extremely ancient tradition.

  Generally speaking, Yu Chilan will not appear in the public eye.

  City Master Lu also looked at that Yu Chilan and said: "Yi Chilan, you are really late, and those people just now have been killed by him!"

   "The disciple of Yuwen's family has a lot of connections with our Yuchi family, and I also hope that Yunyemen can hold his hands high and don't kill him."

   "As you know, the Pantheon found us today!" City Lord Lu looked at Yu Chilan and said.

  Wei Chilan shifted her gaze to Elder Yuwen, and saw Elder Yuwen who was lived by Chen Xuannani.

  Wei Chi Lan said to Chen Xuan.

   "Are you Chen Xuan?"

  Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Yu Chilan in front of him.

"Yes it is."

   "It seems that the genius of the Yunye Gate is you. He has already entered the realm of God King at a young age. You are the one who wants to kill Liu Quan. You are really young and promising!"

  Although Yu Chilan said that, Chen Xuan saw the sly in his eyes and said, "Thank you for the compliment. I just met him by chance."

  Although Chen Xuan said that, Yu Chilan also knew very well that he knew that Chen Xuan had abandoned Yuwentuo's dantian.

  As for Liu Quan's matter, he only knew that it was to kill Chen Xuan. He accidentally killed many innocent disciples and was killed by Chen Xuan.

  When Yu Chilan mentioned that Chen Xuan had killed Liu Quan, Elder Nangong's expression was full of puzzlement.

  He asked Lu Chengzhu next to him: "Then why did Liu Quan and Chen Xuan kill him?"

  Chen Xuan wrinkled his brows slightly, and Wei Chi Lan in front of him at least had the cultivation level of the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm.

  Yichilan's looming spiritual power fluctuations caused Chen Xuan to let go of the elder Yuwen.

  If it is not a last resort, he will not offend this Wei Chilan again.

  It is a well-known thing that his cultivation level has entered the realm of the **** king. In the entire Lu Yu city, only he has the cultivation level of the eighth stage of the **** king realm.

   "Since Yu Chilan said that, I definitely want to give you face, and I hope that Yu Chilan can help us a lot in the future."

  City Master Lu looked at Yu Chilan and said.

  Now they have the upper hand. The only threat is the master of the Pantheon. But the palace master is still cultivating in the Lu Yu Mountain Range, and he can't come back if he thinks about it for a while.

  Yi Chi Lan was also thinking that if Chen Xuan really only had the cultivation base of the early stage of the Divine King Realm, he could kill the two Divine Kings in the middle stage of the seventh stage, Chen Xuan's cultivation base would be really too terrifying.

   "It is said that you have also entered the initial stage of the seventh stage of the **** king realm. It is too unreasonable to kill two people in the middle of the seventh stage of the **** king realm, right?"

  Chen Xuan also knew that he was deliberately testing him, so he said: "No way, I am so strong."

  When Chen Xuan said that, everyone talked a lot.

   "Brother Chen actually said that, it is really our blessing."

   "Big Brother Chen killed both of them alone. Without him, we would really not be the opponents of those two Divine King Realms in the mid-seventh stage!"

   Seeing the remaining sword energy on the ground, Yu Chilan looked at Chen Xuandao.

  "It’s really unexpected to me that I can actually cultivate body-refining spiritual power. It’s the power of Suzaku. I don’t know, can you let me see it. I haven’t seen Suzaku Sword Qi."

  Chen Xuan looked at Yu Chilan, slowly condensing sword energy from the flames on the palm of his hand.

   "Good!" Yu Chilan said.

When   Yi Chi Lan came, she saw the power of the Vermillion Bird displayed by Chen Xuan, and now she wanted to test the extent of Chen Xuan's cultivation.

   "It seems that it is still in the early stage of God King Realm." Yu Chilan secretly said.

  In the hall at night...

  In the room, five figures are constantly walking around.

   "The Pantheon really bought Yuchilan. Now Yuwen's house is basically destroyed. Why does Yuchilan keep them?"

   "Presumably the master of the Pantheon is still there, so Yu Chilan did not dare to offend the Pantheon. Now Yu Chilan must be extremely wary of us at the Yunye Gate."

   "Look at that Yu Chilan, he is obviously afraid that we will shake his family's interests."

   "My lord, what you said makes sense. I'm afraid this battle has hurt the Pantheon and Yuwen's bones. With Chen Xuan, Yunyemen will now have a firm foothold in Lu Yucheng."

   "Still beware of Yu Chilan, I don't know what plots he will have. Although the Yuwen family does not ask about the world, they can't take it lightly!"

  "Who knows what he is thinking, if I threaten his family, he will definitely bite me."

   "Chen Xuan, what do you think of this matter."

  Chen Xuan saw that Elder Nangong and City Lord Lu stopped their movements, and looked at him together.

   "It seems that we have to find a way to allow Chen Xuan to quickly enter the mid-seventh stage of the Divine King Realm."

   "The mid-seventh stage of the Divine King Realm? I am afraid I can't enter the mid-seventh stage of the Divine King Realm so quickly!"

"Two, I can try it. When I was fighting with Yuwenshu and the others today, the power of the Vermillion Bird in my body suddenly spread to my body, combining with the spiritual power of heaven and earth, I think the power of Vermillion Bird should not hinder me." Chen Xuan said.

   "Oh?" Elder Nangong's eyes beat.

  Chen Xuan looked at Lu Chengzhu and Nangong Elder and said.

   "My lord! It's not good." A servant's call came from outside the door.

   "What's the matter, speak slowly!"

  I saw that servant showed his horrified eyes and looked at the city lord Lu and said, “Just now, a killer appeared on Lu Yucheng’s pharmacy.”

  "Killer?" Looking at the servant, Chen Xuan said to him.

   "That masked warrior actually wounded someone..."

   "What?" Lu Chengzhu asked.

   "Yes, that person still has a lot of black energy entangled, wearing a mask, and can't see what he looks like."

  "Is it at Lu Yucheng Pharmacy?" Chen Xuan asked

   "Yes, Master Chen Xuan." As he said, the servant stood in the room and pointed in the direction.

   "It's in Lu Yucheng Pharmacy."

   "Go, let's go over and take a look."

   Seeing the tense expression on City Lord Lu’s face, the elder Nangong behind said: "It won’t be the ghost of Yu Chilan."

  Hearing that Elder Nangong asked, Lu Chengzhu denied.

   "No, it shouldn't be. Yu Chilan shouldn't be able to start, so let's go and take a look."

   "Let's go."

   Talking that Chen Xuan took the lead to leave, City Lord Lu and Elder Nangong arrived afterwards. After seeing the five people going out one after another, the servant hurriedly followed.

  Lu Yucheng Pharmacy.

   "What's the matter? I didn't see it."

   "How is it, Chen Xuan, what happened?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, “I didn’t see it. I think the place does reveal weirdness.”

   "What happened? Have you seen anything?"

   asked the elder Nangong.

  The two shook their heads together.

   "Nothing found."

   "No, I just saw it clearly, look!" As he said, the servant pointed in that direction.

  A few people quickly ran over.

   "Isn't this Wang Long?"

  Wang Long was a guard of the City Lord’s Mansion, but he had been killed now.

  Elder Nangong looked around and said.

   "There is another person next to him, let's go and take a look."

   "It's... Elder Nangong, it's him."

   "It turned out to be Wang Long's younger brother."

   "Look at people still alive?"

  Elder Nangong stood aside and asked.

  Chen Xuan put his hand on Wang Hu's chest.

   "Still alive."

   Just when the five Yunyemen discussed.

  A cloud of black air has slowly approached behind them.

  Chen Xuan looked at the side of Wang Hu's body below.

  "What do you think this is?"

"what is this?"

   asked the elder Nangong.

   "I suspect that the lines are related to the Yuwen family."

   "Oh? How do you say it." Lu Chengzhu looked at Chen Xuan.

  "How can it be related to Yuwenbo?"

  As soon as Lu Chengzhu’s voice fell, Chen Xuan yelled badly.

   "Chen Xuan, small mess! Kill my Yuwen family disciple and look for death!"

  I saw a face faintly emerging from the black air.

  This face is exactly the Yuwenbo, and the owner of the Yuwen family.

  At this moment, his body is floating in the sky.

  I saw the face of Yu Wenbo floating in the sky.

  Chen Xuan looked at him playfully and said.

   "Since you have the courage to come out, I will kill you now!"

  Yu Wenbo's face showed a hideous face.

  Looking at Yu Wenbo who was already mad, Chen Xuan said nothing, a lot of sword energy appeared on his hand.

"go with!"

   Chen Xuan said.

  All of that sword qi suddenly attacked towards Na Yuwenbo.


  Sword Qi directly penetrated the past, failing to hit.

   "What's going on." Chen Xuan said in his heart.

  "Did he practice the black blood technique?"

  Elder Nangong looked at Na Yuwenbo’s face and said.

   "What is the black blood technique?"

  "The black blood technique is a relatively old technique, one of the techniques of the black blood sect!"

   Seeing that several people over there were actually discussing his exercises, Yu Wenbo's eyes became even redder.

   "Die all to me!"

Seeing the Yu Wenbo that suddenly flew over, Chen Xuan raised his hands in a hurry. Elder Nangong and City Lord Lu were not idle either. After seeing the black air coming over, they also ignited the spirit in his body. force.

   Sword Qi did not disperse the black phantom, and used the spiritual power in the body.

   suddenly rushed towards Yu Wenbo.


   Chen Xuan was attacked to the chest, and fell to the ground with a dull voice.

  Looking at Chen Xuan falling to the ground, Na Yu Wenbo glared at him and said, "Small mess, die for me!"

   "Hurry up and avoid it!"

  The black giant hand was so fast that one could not dodge it. After being hit, City Lord Lu fell to the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

  City Lord Lu did not expect that he could have such a fast speed.

   saw Lu Chengzhu being knocked down by the giant black hand.

  Chen Xuan quickly mobilized the power of the Suzaku in his body, and the sword cyclone immediately turned into countless Suzaku sword auras. Attacked on that Yuwenbo and left.

   But when Chen Xuan's sword qi attacked Yu Wenbo, the giant hand bounced all the sword qi that Chen Xuan had attacked.

   "It turned out to be so strong."

  "Chen Xuan, be careful, let's practice together, the black blood technique that can enhance our own cultivation! Only at the expense of his flesh!"


  Chen Xuan released a few more Suzaku sword qi.

  Suzaku Sword Qi hit the black mist again.

   "Little crap! I will definitely let you die!"

  I saw Yu Wenbo's hideous face.

  Chen Xuan was not idle either.

   Jianqi attacked Yuwenbo.

  Suzaku Sword Qi passed through the black phantom. Did not cause harm to Yuwenbo

   "Small scumbag! Kill the people of my family, and die!"

  Continuously gathering the power of the Vermillion Bird, and then the power of the Vermillion Bird gradually burned into Chen Xuan's hand.

  Next, Chen Xuan's arm was covered with a layer of sword-like flames.


   and Yu Wenbo’s black clash together.

  The wave suddenly exploded in a nearby place.

  (End of this chapter)

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