Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3084: Speed ​​is still fast

   Chapter 3084 The speed is still very fast

   But now, the speed at which Chen Xuanxiu's base has improved has even far surpassed his estimation.

   He sighed in his heart, and Chen Xuan thought to himself: "I don't know if there will be any side effects if the cultivation level rises so quickly."

  If others hear Chen Xuan's heartfelt voice, I am afraid they will remember to stone him to death.

  There are people who are still worried about their cultivation level improving too fast, and this kind of worry is probably only in Chen Xuan.

  His Vermillion Bird's soul is constantly absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the speed is so fast that even Chen Xuan can't help but be speechless.

  It is good to increase the strength quickly, but if the speed is too fast, it can only show that Chen Xuan's meridians are not enough to bear such a majestic spiritual power.

  If this spiritual power breaks through Chen Xuan's meridians, it will probably bring huge side effects to Chen Xuan.

   sighed in his heart, but Chen Xuan did not stop practicing.

  You can't stop while practicing. If Chen Xuan stops a little bit, then his laziness will be instantly enriched, so that Chen Xuan will never improve his cultivation.

"It's a pity that I still can't concentrate when I am practicing. If I can practice more attentively, it will have many benefits for my future improvement. In the future, I must reasonably divide the time of cultivation. Only the time of cultivation is in line with the way of cultivation. My strength Will get stronger and stronger."

   sighed again, Chen Xuan's pupils showed a red light, and then his body slowly floated, under continuous absorption.

   Chen Xuan burst out with an astonishing light, and this light radiated directly throughout Lu Yucheng, and at this moment everyone began to talk.

   "Look, everyone, where does the light in the sky come from, it is so terrible..."

   "Say so much to do, it has nothing to do with us, let's work honestly."

  After condensing the spiritual power in the body, Chen Xuan breathed out gently. The practice these days has caused Chen Xuan to overdraw a lot of energy and made his body very tired.

   Just when Chen Xuan was resting, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

   hurriedly opened the door, unexpectedly it was the warrior of Taixu Villa who had sent someone.

   "Big Brother Chen, Danyang Villa had already released a cruel remark at the beginning, and wanted to do something to us Taixu Villa. I didn't expect them to come so quickly... This speed is so fast, we have not reacted."

After hearing this disciple's words, Chen Xuan was rather worried about Yu Wenqiu.

   "What happened!?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

   "Brother Chen, Taixu Villa is fine for the time being, but they have already brought people over. I heard that he has returned from the Chijin Desert." The disciple said.

   "Go, I'll go back with you."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan followed this disciple towards Taixu Villa.

  Now Chen Xuanxiu has entered the mid-seventh stage of the Divine King Realm, and it will not take a few days to reach Taixu Villa.

   But this disciple's cultivation base is not so strong, so Chen Xuan can only wait for a while on the road.

But it didn't take much time. Three days later, Chen Xuan and this disciple appeared in Taixu Villa.

In the villa at this time, the owner of Taixu looked at Chen Xuan seriously, and said to him: "Chen Xuan, I didn't expect him to come back. This guy has a very strong cultivation base. I don't know what you are now. Not his opponent."

   Chen Xuan also has a little understanding of the cultivation of the master Wanyan.

  Of course, he knew that the other party was also an elder in Danyang Mountain Villa, and he was also the former owner of the village. His cultivation was naturally very strong, not to mention that he had been cultivating in the Red Golden Desert for a long time.

With a nervous look on his face, Chen Xuan said, "Now my cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king. In the late seventh stage, if he has the ability, I will come over. I must give him a little color to see."

The Taixu Zhuang Master still did not dare to confirm whether Chen Xuan's current cultivation level could deal with him, so he could only say to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, although I am very grateful for you to say that, this matter is definitely not that easy. It is better for us to take a long-term view."

   nodded, Chen Xuan said: "The owner is right, but we may not have time. If he suddenly attacks us, even if he wants to defend, it might not be so easy."

   "I don't know if Brother Chen has a good way?" The owner of Taixu showed excitement and said to Chen Xuan.

   "To say that there is actually a way, you wait a moment, I think of a wonderful formation, as long as it depends on the formation, it can definitely defend his attack." Chen Xuan said.

   "That's great. If Chen Xuan helps, we will definitely be able to resist his attack this time." With a look of excitement on his face, the owner of Taixu said to Chen Xuan.

   "By the way, Master Zhuang, do you have any heaven and earth spiritual materials that you can use here? I want to set up a formation."

   "Of course there is, as long as Brother Chen speaks, I have everything here, I'm afraid you won't tell me!" With a look of excitement on his face, Tai Xu Zhuangzhu said to Chen Xuan.

After getting the materials he needed from the other party, Chen Xuan came to the back door of Taixu Villa.

   Surrounding the entire Taixu Villa, Chen Xuan first investigated it and decided that it would not be attacked by the owner of Wanyan, so Chen Xuan began to walk towards the center of Taixu Villa.

  In the very center of Taixu Villa, Chen Xuan found a platform. Someone had already created a spiritual formation on this platform, but Chen Xuan was about to create a new one.

  Relying on the Sky Extinguishing Formation, Chen Xuan believed that he would definitely be able to withstand his attack.

  In just a few hours, Chen Xuan kept running the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to set up the formation, he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ear, turned his head hurriedly, and found that Yu Wenqiu was walking towards him.

With a look of excitement on his face, Yu Wenqiu said to Chen Xuan: "I said Chen Xuan, why are you here suddenly? Don't say hello to me."

  Yu Wenqiu complained, and immediately turned his gaze on Chen Xuan.

   After an awkward laugh, Chen Xuan also hurriedly replied, "Isn't I too busy? I didn't expect you to be here, I thought you had already left."

   "How could I leave? Didn't you ask me to find news about Wang Lun? I have got a little eyebrow recently. By the way, Chen Xuan, what are you doing?" Yu Wenqiu was puzzled.

   "I heard that Villa Master Wanyan has returned from the desert. If he attacks, with the power of Taixu Villa, it may not be so easy to resist." Chen Xuan replied.

Yu Wenqiu showed doubts and said to Chen Xuan: "Then why didn't you call me earlier? I only recently learned that the Wanyan Villa Master has actually returned."

   Yu Wenqiu was surprised. Chen Xuan knew that Yu Wenqiu did not know that the Wanyan boss was back.

   With Yu Wenqiu's cultivation base, it is certainly not the opponent of Wanyan Village Master.

  In fact, Chen Xuan's current strength has only just entered the late seventh stage of the **** king realm, and he met the Wanyan Zhuangzhu in the early stage of the eighth stage **** king realm. It is definitely not that easy to win him.

  "Don't say so much, Yu Wenqiu, you can help me set up this formation, I need your help." Chen Xuan said.

  , with a chuckle, Yu Wenqiu immediately displayed his spiritual power, and said to Chen Xuan: "Since you want me to help you, then you have to do me a favor later."

  After hearing Yu Wenqiu's voice, Chen Xuan could only helplessly shook his head, and then continued to run the spiritual power in his body, and began to arrange the formation.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan also said to Yu Wenqiu: "But Yu Wenqiu, what do you want me to do for you?"

  Yu Wenqiu glanced at Chen Xuan, and then said: "Of course I want you to do me a small favor. It's not a particularly important thing. Can you help me?"

   "Of course it helped. As long as you speak, I will definitely help you." Chen Xuan smiled.

  At this moment, the cyan spiritual power was continuously condensing from the sky, and Chen Xuan waved his hand and placed a few spiritual stones in the formation.

  In the entire formation, a burst of red spiritual power directly rushed into the sky, covering the entire Taixu Villa in it.

In   Taixu Villa, all the warriors showed surprises, and they all looked up at the sky, revealing unbelievable expressions.

   "No way? What happened? Where did this red spiritual power come from? Why have I never seen it before." A warrior in Taixu Villa was surprised.

  He didn't know that Chen Xuan had produced this red spiritual power.

   "This power is really too strong. You said that Brother Chen Xuan wouldn't have made it? I didn't expect that Brother Chen would even refine the formation. It's really too strong."

   "Big Brother Chen is always unexpected. There are still many mysteries on his body that have not been solved. He is really a mysterious person." A warrior sighed, and at the same time put his eyes on the center of Hongmang.

  Under the red light, Chen Xuan looked serious, and gathered the power of the Vermillion Bird, and began to arrange his own artwork.

  This formation is called the Vermillion Bird Formation, which was created by Chen Xuan. The formation method can resist the Wanyan Zhuangzhu of the Eightfold Divine King Realm.

  Although Chen Xuan has not tested it yet, he knows very well that the power of this formation is absolutely incomparable. Even if the Villa Master Wanyan comes over in person, he definitely cannot leave here easily.

After half an hour, Chen Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and felt the spiritual power lingering in his body. Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, you go and help me look at the west. Is there a swan light? If it does. Come back and tell me."

   "Chen Xuan, what do you mean? Is this telling me to run a leg?" Yu Wenqiu pretended to be angry and said to Chen Xuan.

   Haha laughed, and Chen Xuan hurriedly explained: "I don't mean that. When the formation is set up, I can't see Taixu Villa in all directions. If there is any omission, it will be troublesome."

   "All right, I'll go and see." Yu Wenqiu said to Chen Xuan.

  In just ten minutes, Yu Wenqiu circled the entire Taixu Villa and returned to Chen Xuan's side.

  Yu Wenqiu's current speed. Even though Taixu Villa occupies an area of ​​several hundred kilometers, Yu Wenqiu still took a few minutes to make a circle. This speed is so fast that even Chen Xuan was amazed.

   "Chen Xuan, the four directions of Taixu Villa are all missing, you can rest assured to arrange the formation." Yu Wenqiu said.

  Gently nodded, Chen Xuan replied: “That’s good, I’m sorry to trouble you, I’ll start to set up the formation.

  Chen Xuan yelled, and a terrifying and violent power continued to emanate from his body. This spiritual power revolved around Chen Xuan, and instantly rushed to the sky, and once again began to illuminate Taixu Villa.

  In the entire Taixu Villa, even the expression of the owner changed, looking at the sky incredulously.

"This power is really too strong. Chen Xuan's cultivation level can be improved so much in a short time. It deserves to have been studied in the Ten Thousand Swords Valley. It is really strong." The owner sighed and then replied. In the room.

   Standing next to the owner, there is also a young warrior.

  The young martial artist sighed and exclaimed: "Brother Chen is too strong. Even if I have tried my life, I will definitely not be as good as his cultivation base."

As soon as the voice fell, he continued: "Villa Wanyan will be back here in a few days. I don't know if we can deal with him with the help of Brother Chen!" The warrior showed a serious look on his face, and said to the person next to him. The owner said.

The owner of    is also not sure, but he still chooses to trust Chen Xuan. This is not blind trust, but because Chen Xuan rescued them several times.

  (End of this chapter)

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