Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3086: Linghu

   Chapter 3086 Spirit Tiger

  Looking at a pile of white bones, Yu Wenqiu said: "Chen Xuan, your cultivation level has improved so quickly. When you left here before, your cultivation level was only at the sixth peak of the Divine King Realm, and now you have directly entered the seventh level..."

  Not only Yu Wenqiu was surprised, all. The warriors in Taixu Mountain also looked at Chen Xuan, with incredible expressions, and they began to talk a lot.

   "No way, Brother Chen's cultivation has become so strong. If I had his talent, it would be great. Maybe now, it is me who defeated the Wanyan Villa Master." A warrior said excitedly.

   "It's you!? I don't think you should dream anymore. Even if you tie a hundred of you together, it will definitely not be Chen Xuan's opponent, hahaha!" A warrior in Taixu Villa laughed loudly.

  After defeating the Wanyan Village Master, everyone was relieved.

  Taixu Villa has stepped up training in the past few months, with the purpose of defending the Wanyan Villa Master’s offense. Now that the Wanyan Villa Master has been killed, everyone has no opponents.

Even the owner of Taixu Villa also sighed softly and said excitedly to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen Xuan, I didn't expect you to be saved again. If it weren't for you, our Taishan Villa didn't know. How many times has it been destroyed."

  Taixu Villa, in the main hall.

The owner of    looked serious and asked Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, is what you said is true? They took that girl away."

Nodding lightly, Chen Xuan replied: "Master Zhuang, I didn’t expect this. When they arrested me, the cultivation of these people was very strong, and even one of them reached the gods. King Realm Ninth Layer, I am no opponent at all.

   Grabbing the beard, the owner said to Chen Xuan: "I didn't expect this group of people to behave so badly. They dare to take this girl away in broad daylight. I don't know where this girl is now!"

  After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan replied: "My lord, as far as I know, these people are from Dongyu Island. I don’t know why they arrested her."

  This incident also spread to Yu Wenqiu's ears. Although they are very angry, they are also very clear that there is no clue yet, so they can only give up with bitterness.

   "Don't worry, Yu Wenqiu, I will definitely find their whereabouts." Chen Xuan said.

   "Um..., I have to find news about Wang Lun before this."

   "Wang Lun, I really didn't think he was a member of the Dugu family. I have found some eyebrows in the last few days. I have to go to the Dugu family again." Chen Xuan said.

After   Danyang Villa’s affairs were over, Lord Sun Bao was not so calm. Now Taixu Villa can fight against their fortresses, which is something Lord Sun Bao doesn’t want to see.

Among the black shadows, Lord Sun Bao's face was extremely gloomy, revealing a hideous look, and said to the warriors next to him: "This Chen Xuan is really a good thing to destroy me time and time again. I must find a way to kill him. Let him know how good I am!"

  A black shadow suddenly emerged from the darkness, and said to the castle master: "Master, this kid is from Lu Yucheng, and now he has entered the Yunxiao Mansion. Maybe it’s not that easy for us to do it to him?"

Master Sun Bao snorted and said to several warriors: "You are really a bunch of trash, but Yunxiao Mansion. As long as we kill him without knowing it, even Yunxiao Mansion can't do anything about us. ."

  "Furthermore, Yunxiao Mansion is still busy fighting the dragon blood. They don't have the idle time to take care of our affairs!"

   Sombra suddenly said: "The Lord of the Castle is right. We have to deal with this little mess, and we must find a perfect opportunity!"

Master Sun Bao revealed a strong killing intent in his pupils, and said to the warriors next to him: "The opportunity is already there. He will go to Yunxiao Mansion in a few days. As long as we send someone to kill him on the road, he will definitely be able to kill him. Kill this kid!"

   "Master Castle, this is a bit different from what I heard. I heard that this kid is going to Wanjian Villa in a few days."

The Lord Sun Bao's expression was slightly hesitating for a moment, and then he said to Sombra: "This kid is still connected with Wanjian Villa. He must be killed. If there is a match between Taixu Villa and Wanjian, The villa is in contact, and we are in trouble if we want to deal with Taixu Villa!"

  He was full of killing intent, but he still suppressed his malice towards Chen Xuan and didn't do anything.

"At that time, you will take a few people to kill this kid. You must remember it to me. You must do it before he goes to Wanjian Villa. If the people in Wanjian Mountain find out, we will not be able to eat. !"

  Wanjian Villa is located in the western part of the Yunye Empire and possesses extremely powerful strength. It is said that the cultivation base of its owner has reached the peak of the **** emperor realm.

  Even the current leader of the Yunye Empire didn’t dare to do anything against him, and the warriors who could reach the realm of the **** emperor were too rare.

  This terrible strength even Chen Xuan admired, being able to create the Valley of Ten Thousand Swords out of thin air, you can imagine how terrifying his cultivation level has reached.

Three days later, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, I am here only as a stopgap measure. I will return to Yunxiao Mansion in a few days. Before that, I will go to Wanjian Villa. Do you want to go with me? go together?"

   also knows that Chen Xuan has gained a lot of benefits in Wanjian Villa, Yu Wenqiu is also eager to try, laughed and said: "Chen Xuan, do you think I can enter Wanjian Villa?"

   "Of course it can." Chen Xuan said.

   "Okay, then I will accompany you over."

  The two moved in a hurry and did not say hello to the owner, so they left here.

  After the two of them left, five black shadows slowly followed behind them, with a strong murderous look on their faces.

   "It seems that this is Chen Xuan. I didn't expect him to be so young. Who is the woman standing next to him!?"

"This woman has an extraordinary origin and a strong cultivation base. Chen Xuan's cultivation base has reached the late seventh stage of the Divine King Realm. Even Villa Master Wanyan did not kill him. We must be careful when we do it. "The boss said.

As soon as the conversation turned, the boss said to the youngest behind him: "Old third, you should follow him first. We want to kill these two guys. We can only outwit them. These two people have very strong cultivation bases. If you go head-to-head We can't get any benefits either."

  The old third nodded and asked, "But big brother, how can we get there? The two of them want to go to Wanjian Villa. What if there is a moth on the way?"

  The boss hurriedly said, “If you care about what so many moths do, I don’t believe that they will not show flaws on the road. As long as they relax and rest on the road, this is a good opportunity for us to do it!”

   rushed in the direction of Ziyunwu, but this time he was not prepared to stop at Ziyunwu, but rushed directly towards Wanjian Villa.

  If you want to take a shortcut to the Wanjian Villa, you must pass through a jungle, which is also notoriously dangerous in the western part of the Yunye Empire.

  Although it is not comparable to the Scarlet Golden Desert, there are many powerful monsters in the jungle, and even some monsters have reached the realm of God King, the late eighth stage.

  Being able to reach the realm of the **** king, monsters in the late eighth stage are still very rare.

  The pace was hurried, and the two of them were very fast. They walked more than a hundred miles in just one afternoon.

  Outside the forest, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, some monsters in this forest are still very strong. We should be more careful when we go in later, and we must be careful not to startle the snake."

  Yu Wenqiu laughed and replied to Chen Xuan: "I said Chen Xuan, why are you less and less courageous? It's just a few monsters, just enough to allow me to cultivate the power of the demon soul."

  It's not that Chen Xuan's courage has become smaller, but that he has experienced more, and Chen Xuan is more vigilant about things around him.

   There are many changes that Chen Xuan could not predict. Even if Yu Wenqiu's demon soul perception is very strong, he might encounter unknown risks.

   "Forget it, let's not waste time here, let's go in." Yu Wenqiu said with a smile.

  The two hurriedly walked toward the middle of the forest. If they want to pass through the forest, they will definitely encounter some monsters.

  Chen Xuan couldn't think too much, even if they encountered a monster, they would kill the monster and continue to walk forward.

"I got a lot of benefits in Ten Thousand Swords Valley last time. I don't know if I can improve my cultivation level this time. Thousands of sword shadows have reached a deeper level of understanding of the sword tactics..." Chen Xuan secretly Thinking about it, then stepped forward and followed Yu Wenqiu.

  Just stepping into the forest, Yu Wenqiu activated the power of the demon soul, perceiving a range of hundreds of miles.

  Yu Wenqiu's perception ability is very strong, but within a few hundred miles, too many changes are reasonable, so Yu Wenqiu is not keenly aware of the danger ahead.

   Although the scope feels powerful, but Chen Xuan's grasp of details is not as good as Chen Xuan, but the two of them continue to cooperate, and it is like a fish in the forest.

  Some monster beasts with slightly lower strength are not opponents at all when facing the attack of the two of them. In Chen Xuan's eyes, these monster beasts are crystal nuclei.

   Absorbed the crystal core of the monster beast, Chen Xuan's power of the monster soul gained, although the improvement is not very obvious, but the focus is on accumulation.

"Chen Xuan, the strength of these two beasts is not weak. I was almost chased by this beast just now." Yu Wenqiu kicked the corpse of a monster beast, and then raised the dagger in his hand. It turned into a red light and chased the monster beast.

   Faced with Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu’s attack, these two monsters were killed almost in only two rounds.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to use a knife to take out the crystal nucleus in the monster beast, there was a sudden roar in the distance.

The roar of    was so strong that Chen Xuan's footsteps couldn't help but stop.

   "It seems that there is a powerful monster in front, Yu Wenqiu, let's be more careful." Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu.

   nodded, Yu Wenqiu replied: "I feel it too, it seems like a big guy."

  The wind blew constantly, and the one who appeared in front of Chen Xuan was a powerful spirit tiger.

  Lie Linghu is very big, there are quite a few, and the mouth is full of flames, constantly beating on the body, burning quickly.

   Feeling the violent power of this Lieling Tiger, Chen Xuan immediately grasped the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, and bursts of Suzaku's power emanated from the Liaoyuan Sword.

After   Lie Linghu roared, he rushed towards Chen Xuan instantly. The speed was so fast that Chen Xuan couldn't help but start his tongue. He didn't expect the speed of this Lie Linghu to be so fast.

   rushed in front of Chen Xuan almost in an instant, his body quickly retreated back, and at the same time, his backhand hit Lie Linghu's body with a backhand sword.

  Lie Linghu spewed out a blaze of flames, which directly burned on Chen Xuan.

   Seeing the flames that Lie Linghu spit out towards him, Chen Xuan's face was sneered.

  "This beast dared to play a big sword in front of Guan Gong. Compared to flames, I have never lost to anyone!" With a low growl, Chen Xuan quickly ran his sword qi in his body, and madly killed him towards the Lie Linghu.

  The cultivation base of this Lie Ling Tiger is indeed very strong. It has reached the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm. With the continuous efforts of Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu, the Lie Ling Tiger was finally killed.

After    killed Lie Linghu, Chen Xuan let out a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to walk towards Lie Linghu, the roar continued to be heard in his ear.

  A larger Lie Ling Tiger appeared in front of Chen Xuan. The flame that burned all over this Lie Ling Tiger was stronger than the one just now.

  Under the flames, Chen Xuan quickly circulated the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body and attacked the Lie Linghu.

  This Lie Linghu raised his huge palm and patted Chen Xuan's head fiercely.

   Facing the crazy attack of Lie Linghu, Yu Wenqiu did not stare, his body instantly turned into a red light, and the dagger left a blood mark on Lie Linghu's body.

  But the defensive power of the Lie Linghu is very strong. While the flame is burning on the Lie Linghu, it once again shoots towards Chen Xuan.

   Immediately stepped back two steps, Lie Linghu's claws left a deep mark on the ground, failed to concentrate on Chen Xuan, Lie Linghu was obviously very angry.

   "This beast, it is naive to think of attacking me!" Chen Xuan let out an angry roar, turning his hands over the Liaoyuan sword, and the two Suzaku sword auras suddenly ignited from Chen Xuan's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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