Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3092: The strength of Yunxiao Mansion

   Chapter 3092 The strength of Yunxiao Mansion

   directly formed a semicircle. Around Chen Xuan, a wave of sword aura continued to hover around the power of the Vermillion Bird, instantly displaying it to the extreme.

   Coupled with the blessing of the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan quickly came to Tuoba Li Wan.


  A terrible flame blasted directly from Chen Xuan, blocking the freezing frost from the surrounding area.

   "Great Brother Chen, if it weren't for you, these frosts would have killed me." Tuoba said with a laugh.

  These frosts are indeed very powerful, even if Chen Xuan possesses the Suzaku Fire, he can feel the bone-chill around him.

  The chill came directly into his heart, causing Chen Xuan's heart to tremble constantly. If it weren't for his powerful Vermillion Bird power, it would never be so easy to block the frost.

Excited on   's face, Tuoba Li finished directly pushing aside, turning the blade in his hand, and constantly killing the five frost leopards.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help sighing, Tuoba Liwan’s character was really funny. When Chen Xuan attacked the monster just now, he stopped moving.

  Now when Chen Xuan was constantly attacking the monster beast, he became interested and kept killing towards the monster beast.

   But Tuoba Li's cultivation base surpassed the Frost Leopard, but the frost inside the Frost Leopard obviously restricted his actions.

  On the ground, the ice blossoms continued to unfold, causing the body to fade away crazily towards the back, and when the frost continued to dissipate, the expression gradually recovered.

   "These beasts are so strong, Brother Chen, quickly kill these beasts, their frost will have no effect on you!" Tuoba Li finally turned his gaze to Chen Xuan.

   immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and bursts of terrible flames surging from Chen Xuan's body, facing the frost from the attack, it only took a few seconds, and the frost was all burned into white mist by the flame.

   rushed out again, Chen Xuan waved the long sword in his hand and directly pierced the skin of a monster beast, and blood immediately slid out of the body of the frost leopard.

   But there were still frost on the monster beast's skin, and it directly froze the blood flowing out.

Seeing that the blood in the monster beast's body was frozen, Chen Xuan's face was filled with excitement, and he fully displayed the power of the monster soul. Red lines continued to appear on Chen Xuan's cheeks, and his body charged again in the blink of an eye. Got out.


  Chen Xuan continuously displayed two sword auras. This terrifying flame continued to gather from Chen Xuan's blade, and from the hilt of the Liaoyuan sword, a flame attacked directly behind.

  The flames burned directly onto a Frost Leopard. Originally, the Frost Leopard wanted to sneak attack on Chen Xuan, but facing the attacking flames, the Frost Leopard immediately dodged towards the left.

  In the face of Chen Xuan, the terrifying blade storm, these frost leopards obviously felt that their lives were threatened.

  The Frost Leopard once again let out a roar, and quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan. Seeing this group of Frost Leopards seemed to be crazy, Chen Xuan didn't give them a good face.

  Frost continuously gathered from the Frost Leopard's body, and then Chen Xuan's body immediately took two steps backward, but the frost had not yet touched Chen Xuan's body, and was immediately burned clean by the Vermillion Bird's fire.

   Chen Xuan's body turned into a red light, and instantly killed the two frost leopards.

   turned around the sword in his hand, Chen Xuan's face was murderous, a sword penetrated the body of a Frost Leopard, and then he dodged two steps to the side, and once again killed the Frost Leopard.

   The two frost leopards let out a scream, their bodies were directly cut into two pieces by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, blood gurgling out, you can imagine how much pain this monster beast has suffered.

After killing the two Frost Leopards, Chen Xuan did not idle and there were two Frost Leopards left, and the cultivation bases of the two Frost Leopards were very powerful, and one of the Frost Leopards had reached the realm of the **** king. Early eightfold.

   was fighting with this demon to be taught, facing a powerful sword aura, this frost leopard in the early eighth stage of the **** king realm did not win in a short time.

After slaying several frost leopards in front of him, Chen Xuan also began to gather spiritual power to the side. The power of the Vermillion Bird flashed continuously on his body, and it only took two minutes for Chen Xuan to move toward the giant frost again. Lingbao approached the past.

   Although the cultivation base of this huge Frost Leopard is strong, it attacked with Chen Xuanhe.

  In just half an hour, Chen Xuan finally turned the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and directly pierced the chest of the frost leopard.

  The Frost Leopard erupted with a scream, and blue and white ice crystals continued to fill his body.

After slaying this Frost Spirit Leopard, Chen Xuan obtained a lot of crystal nuclei from the Frost Spirit Leopard. Although this Frost Spirit Leopard had a strong cultivation base, the crystal nucleus produced in the body was not so powerful.

   sighed, Chen Xuan said to him: "It seems that this monster beast is not as strong as I thought, I am afraid it is just a mutated monster."

After leaving in a hurry, Chen Xuanhe came to Bluestone City.

  At this time, Bluestone City was extremely quiet, and the bright moon hung in the sky, shining in the city.

  Just walked into the city, Chen Xuan immediately turned on the demon soul perception and began to detect the news of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

At this time, Chen Xuan hurriedly said to Tuoba Liwan next to him: "Hurry up and hide the aura in your body. I can feel the aura of several dragon blood tribe warriors. If there is nothing wrong, they are in the north of Bluestone City. "

  In the north of Qingshicheng city, there is a tall mountain, this mountain peaks straight into the sky.

The reason why    is called Qingshicheng City is that many cyan stones are produced in this huge mountain light.

  And these cyan stones can not only be used to build fortifications, but they are also extremely strong and suitable for refining weapons.

  After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Tuobali immediately condensed the aura in his body. He also cultivated the power of the demon soul, naturally knowing that the other party could also detect his position through the ability of perception.

The expression was a little nervous, Tuobali completely lost his previous excitement: "Do you really feel their message? These guys don't know where they are hiding. The north is a very large area, even if we pass by. You may not be able to find them."

  Chen Xuan replied: "I can only feel their approximate location. This is enough. Our mission this time is only to investigate the people of this dragon blood tribe. If they don't do anything, we should not attack."

  Chen Xuan carried a serious look on his face. He thought of what Yun Xiaowei's elder had told him before leaving here.

  Don't come here, have a dispute with the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe, and definitely not reveal the news of Yunyewei.

  Don't let the Dragon Blood Tribe know, Yunxiaowei has already begun to investigate their whereabouts.

  For Yunxiaowei, grasping the news of the Dragon Blood Tribe is a top priority. These days, the Dragon Blood Tribe is ready to move. Although the Dragon Blood Tribe has not yet attacked the Cloud Leaf Empire, many Dragon Blood Tribe warriors have already displayed a biting killing intent.

  Especially after Li Lingwei joined Yunxiao Mansion, Yunxiao Mansion naturally knew that Li Lingwei's origin was very mysterious, so he also began to investigate the only identity inside.

  Through the investigation, Li Lingwei has no suspicion.

   Yunxiao Mansion and the Dragon Blood Tribe have been dealing with each other for so many years, and they have placed a spy room for each other.

  But Li Lingwei didn't even have any information to reveal. He only knew that he was the young master of a tribe to the west. He had a powerful cultivation base, and he didn't know anything else.

  Although Li Lingwei's origins are very mysterious, Chen Xuan also found clues. He faintly felt that Li Lingwei would never be that simple.

   slowly walked towards the north, Chen Xuan kept hiding the aura in his body, for fear that he would be discovered by others if he didn't pay attention.

  If someone from the Dragon Blood tribe noticed the two of them, these guys would definitely find a way to kill Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's mission this time is just to investigate. If it is not a last resort, Chen Xuan will never reveal his information.

   hurriedly passed by, and in a blink of an eye they came to the mountain range. The entire mountain range connected the two cities to the north, and there was a Hongqiao bridge in between.

  This bridge not only connects the two cities, but even people from the Dragon Blood tribe can pass through this place.

  And the name of this bridge is also very famous, called Qingshicheng Bridge.

  Qingshicheng Bridge has a very lofty status in Qingshicheng. All the people in Qingshicheng know very well that this bridge has a very long history, and it can also lead to the Dragon Blood Tribe from this bridge.

As if feeling the danger coming from the front, Tuoba Liwan's expression suddenly became low, and he suddenly said to Chen Xuan, "Brother Chen Xuan, I feel a bit weird in front of me. The beasts of this dragon blood tribe may be here. Ahead, let’s be more careful."

Nodded, Chen Xuan replied: "Then you also feel the information from the front. I am afraid that these beasts are all waiting for us to get online. Let's leave here. Now that the Dragon Blood Tribe is already here, We don’t need to stay in Bluestone City anymore."

  As a result, Chen Xuan's voice just fell, and there was a sudden burst of strong murderous aura in front of him.

  To Chen Xuan's surprise, he saw a familiar face among several dragon blood tribe warriors.

  This person is Li Lingwei. There are several men in black robes standing beside Lingwei. Through the dressing of these men, it can be concluded that all of them are from the Dragon Blood Tribe.

  Li Lingwei, as a member of the Yunxiao Mansion, even colluded with the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe. If this happened, Li Lingwei would definitely be killed by the Yunxiao Mansion.

It seems that I also saw Chen Xuan. Li Lingwei's face was murderous. He laughed and said: "Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that my luck is really good. I lost to you in the game. You absolutely can't run now!"

  Li Lingwei's voice resounded through the sky, and then the demon soul's spiritual power continued to gather on his body. The demon **** suddenly displayed it, and directly gathered a formation that enveloped Chen Xuan.

   There was another strange sound, constantly appearing from the formation, so that Chen Xuan couldn't help covering his ears, but the sound still didn't stop.

  It seemed to be the first time I encountered this kind of sound. I covered my ears. I only felt that the internal organs were constantly tumbling, and a mouthful of blood was spit out.

After seeing that he was injured, Chen Xuan also hurriedly displayed the power of the demon soul.

  There was a terrible breath rippling all over, and Chen Xuan instantly rushed towards Tuobali.

At this time, Li Lingwei had long felt that the power of the demon soul condensed by Chen Xuan was not that simple, and hurriedly said to the warriors beside him: "This kid's cultivation base is not weak, you all should be careful. Today we must kill it!"

   His face was full of hatred. He had long wanted to find a chance to kill Chen Xuan, but unfortunately he never had a chance. Now that he saw Chen Xuan, how could he miss this perfect opportunity.

   Chen Xuan also had a hideous look on his face. Although he had won in Li Lingwei's hands at the beginning, Chen Xuan also paid a painful price.

  After the battle, Chen Xuan's internal organs were constantly oppressed, vomiting a huge amount of effort, and the meridians in his body were also greatly traumatized.

  It took Chen Xuan more than half a month to gradually repair it. This Li Lingwei shot was extremely vicious, and it was not for the purpose of learning, but the ultimate goal was to kill him.

  If it weren't for Shangguan Haoran, Chen Xuan would not fight Tuoba Liwan directly.

  Although Li Lingwei's cultivation base is very strong, Chen Xuan has now reached the seventh peak of the Divine King Realm. When facing Li Lingwei again, Chen Xuan will not be as passive as last time.

  If it wasn't for the existence of the demon soul in his body, Chen Xuan might not be Tuoba Liwan's opponent.

  From Tuoba Liwan’s mouth, Chen Xuan seemed to know what the demon soul in his body was.

The demon soul in his body is the dragon blood tribe. The so-called dragon soul is spread by word of mouth. There is no one who can possess the dragon soul, and the dragon soul is extremely powerful. The ability to possess the dragon soul means that the dragon blood tribe has a very high identity of.

  And the Dragon God is also the supreme **** believed by the Dragon Blood Tribe, and the Dragon Soul is also one of the incarnations of the Dragon God. The ability to possess such a powerful force is simply beyond everyone's expectations.

  (End of this chapter)

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