Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3100: Red Eyed Python

  Chapter 3100 Red-eyed Python

   Facing the unreasonable bald man, Chen Xuan's face also vaguely revealed a terrible murderous intent.

  Several warriors of Taixu Villa can only say: "We didn't mess with you at all, why are you looking for us!"

   "You weren't sent by Lord Sun Bao? I really didn't expect Lord Sun Bao to be so insidious. He sent a miscellaneous fish to come to us!"

When the bald man heard the warrior of Taixu Villa, he called himself a miscellaneous fish, his face instantly revealed a terrible murderous intent, and said crazy to these warriors: "You are really looking for death, I am afraid you don't know my name is What? I'm afraid to scare you guys!"

  Chen Xuan did not talk nonsense with him, his figure flashed, turned into a group of fast light, and instantly killed the bald man.

  This bald man, he didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so direct. Seeing Chen Xuan killing him, he directly took out a steel knife.

His face was full of anger, and the bald man yelled: "Come on, I don’t believe you can be my opponent. Let me see how strong your cultivation is, and that you are a genius. I'm going to kill you, hahahahaha!"

  The bald man smiled wildly on his face, and Chen Xuan just sneered at it.

  The bald man's cultivation is only about the seventh level of the **** king realm. If Chen Xuan exerted all his strength, this bald man would not be his opponent at all.

  The bald man at this time still did not feel that the enemy was present. He felt that Chen Xuan was not his opponent, but the facts exceeded his expectations.

  A fierce sword aura rushed towards him directly, and the bald man immediately dodged to the side, but the Suzaku's fire burned very fast, and it burned to the bald man in the blink of an eye.

   let out a sharp scream, the bald man was burned into a pile of bones within a few seconds.

After seeing the bald man being killed, the rest of the Taixu Villa warriors shouted: "Hahahahaha, this guy was so arrogant just now, but it only took one turn to kill him when he met our brother Chen Xuan. Up!"

   "This guy is really rubbish. I thought how strong he is. I didn't expect that even our brother Chen would not be able to handle it for a turn. What a rubbish!"

After seeing the bald man easily beheaded by himself, Chen Xuan's eyes showed a touch of surprise.

  This bald man burst out an extremely powerful spiritual power just now, but only for a moment, then disappeared.

   Feeling the other party’s mysterious technique, Chen Xuan looked a little serious, and said to the surrounding mountain village warriors: “You all be careful, this guy is probably not that simple, he may really be sent by Lord Sun Bao.”

"No, this guy was sent by Master Sun Bao. I don't think he has a good cultivation base. You can't even take a single trick from Brother Chen. If Master Sun Bao sends this rubbish, it's impossible. Is it to smear my face!?"

   "Hahaha, this guy's cultivation base is very bad, I thought he could play against Brother Chen, but in the end, Brother Chen killed him with only one move. Is there anything else that can't be done for this waste?"

  Chen Xuan's expression was a little dazed, he still felt that things were definitely not that simple.

  The Lord Sun Bao actually sent this person over. This bald man must have come from an extraordinary way. "Chen Xuan said inwardly.

Although it is not that simple to finalize this bald man in his heart, nothing has changed so far, so Chen Xuan can only explain to everyone: "The exercises he showed just now are very mysterious, only a black spiritual power..., but This spiritual power is somewhat similar to the evil art I have seen before, so you must be careful at night."

After Chen Xuan left a voice, he immediately returned to the cottage.

  At this time in the villa, Yu Wenqiu was refining the pill, after seeing Chen Xuan here.

  Yu Wenqiu said immediately: "Hahaha, Chen Xuan, I just found a good way, look!"

  I saw a layer of flame wafting from Yu Wenqiu's fingers. The flame was cyan and blue, but the temperature of the flame was constantly lowering.

  Seeing Yu Wenqiu using such a fast time, he realized the fire of civil and martial arts, and Chen Xuan's face also showed a touch of surprise.

   "Unexpectedly, you can comprehend the fire of civil and martial arts in a few minutes. This speed is indeed very fast. I have also made a few apprentices before, and they did not comprehend as fast as you." Chen Xuan sighed.

Hearing Chen Xuan’s admiration, Yu Wenqiu also had a happy expression on his face, and said excitedly to Chen Xuan: "Well, you don’t see who I am anymore, but it’s really difficult to master the fire of civil and martial arts. If I didn’t find the trick just now, I’m afraid I will have to fumble for a few days."

  The time passed in a hurry, and it was night in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a strong murderous aura coming from a distance.

  Also, a black shadow came directly towards the direction where Chen Xuan lived. Along the way, many disciples were killed by this black shadow.

   After feeling this murderous aura, Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the Vermillion Bird and rushed out of the room.

After seeing Chen Xuan, the black shadow suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, and slayed fiercely towards Chen Xuan. At the same time, a gloomy voice kept coming: "Hahaha Chen Xuan, you didn't expect it, Lao Zizhi Shi just displayed a blindfold, the purpose is to sneak into the villa!"

   Seeing Hei Mist’s cold voice, Chen Xuan also said coldly: “I didn’t expect you to have this kind of technique. This is the technique of the Black Blood School. Where did you learn it?”

"Hahaha, I was originally from the Black Blood Sect, you ask me where I learned it, it's really funny!" The man's voice kept coming out, and at the same time a terrible spiritual power exuded from the black fog. Went around Chen Xuan's body.

   After feeling the surging spiritual power, Chen Xuan's body suddenly swayed gently towards the back.

  Hei Mist did not attack Chen Xuan, but instead rushed into the air.

With a strong killing intent flashing on his face, Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the Vermillion Bird and burned toward the black mist.

  Although this black energy possesses extremely strong energy, it is still difficult to defend against the Suzaku Fire.

   With the strong lethality of the Suzaku Fire, this black mist turned into a black light in the blink of an eye, and shuttled out towards the distance.

  The bald man's face was full of shock. He couldn't think of the seventh peak of the Divine Soul Realm that Chen Xuan's cultivation level had actually reached.

  This level of cultivation has far surpassed him, even if he has displayed the Black Blood Sect's techniques, he is not Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

   Feeling the sound of gusts of wind coming from behind, the expression of surprise on the bald man’s face grew thicker.

   "This is impossible. How could this kid's cultivation level be so strong, far stronger than I thought."

  After he fell in surprise, Chen Xuan immediately turned his sword around and slayed the bald man fiercely. A fierce sword aura continued to gather.

  The bald man was immediately cut into two pieces by Chen Xuan. At this moment, Chen Xuan did not underestimate him as before.

   "Since you are from the Black Blood Sect, then I can't let you go out alive, you must die today!" Chen Xuan roared and quickly slashed the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

  Liaoyuan Sword suddenly rippled with terrible storms in Chen Xuan's hands. The flames kept burning, watching the bald man slay swiftly.

  The bald man originally had an extremely powerful cultivation base, and he also occupies an extremely important position in the Black Blood Sect, but faced with Chen Xuan's terrifying sword aura, he couldn't resist it at all.


The body of the bald man hit the ground fiercely, facing Chen Xuan who came up towards him, the bald man exclaimed: "This is impossible. You are completely different from the cultivation base shown in the information. How could you be that way? Strong..."

   revealed his suspicion. The bald man was originally a warrior of the Black Blood Sect. At the beginning, Chen Xuan killed several Black Blood Sect warriors in succession, so he was also blacklisted in the Black Blood Sect.

  This time, the Black Blood Sect sent a bald man to kill Chen Xuan. As a result, Chen Xuan's cultivation was far beyond their imagination.

  The man was shocked.

  In the next second, Chen Xuan's long sword was wiped away from his neck, a burst of effort shook out, and the bald man suddenly fell to the ground.

After confirming that this person had been killed, Chen Xuan turned his head and prepared to leave.

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan heard gusts of wind coming from a distance. At this moment, a huge monster suddenly emerged from the ground and bit at Chen Xuan's legs.

  This behemoth is in the shape of a bucket and is covered in heavy armor.

   Facing this behemoth, Chen Xuan's expression could not help but gloomy.

   "It turned out to be a giant red-eyed python, and the body of this giant red-eyed python is too huge. It is the largest giant red-eyed python I have ever seen."

  The giant red-eyed python let out a low roar, and slammed into Chen Xuan.

   On the huge snake, wandering terrifying spiritual power instantly entangled Chen Xuan's body.

  The body couldn't move in an instant, but Chen Xuan kept running the power of the Vermillion Bird, impacting this terrible spiritual power.

  After Chen Xuan's body rushed out, the giant giant red-eyed python quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan, and the huge snake tail hit Chen Xuan's forehead.

   Feeling the terrible storm coming, Chen Xuan immediately stopped the Suzaku Sword and blocked him in front of him.

  But this huge giant red-eyed python still attacked him fiercely, and a fierce force directly smashed Chen Xuan into the distance.

  The body was as if off the shelf. The attacking speed of this giant red-eyed python was so fast that Chen Xuan could not react.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan's physical defenses were also continuously improving, and he saw the giant red-eyed python rushing towards him.

  Chen Xuan suddenly displayed the power of the demon soul, and red lines appeared on Chen Xuan's cheeks.

  A stream of terrifying spiritual power instantly flooded the heavens and the earth. The snake kept attacking Chen Xuan, and the huge snake tail slapped the ground constantly.

  A burst of dust was blown out on the ground, and the flying dust instantly obscured Chen Xuan's sight. Finally, with the strength of the Vermillion Bird, a red storm wiped away the splashing dust.

  But the monster beast rushed towards Chen Xuan fiercely in this second. Although the speed of the monster beast was very fast, Chen Xuan's speed was even faster.

   Facing this huge giant red-eyed python, Chen Xuan immediately read the magic tricks, surging layers of spiritual power all over his body.

  This spiritual power was violent and terrifying, and it shot towards Chen Xuan's body instantly.

   After feeling this terrible breath, Chen Xuan's body stepped back gently two steps, saying something in his mouth: "Where did this beast come out? It's really scary to hide under the ground just now."

  Chen Xuan immediately used the spiritual power in his body, and the power of the Vermillion Bird quickly burned from Chen Xuan and slew towards the giant red-eyed python.

  The giant red-eyed python did not expect the burning of the Suzaku fire to be so terrible, it burned in a blink of an eye and reached the body of the giant red-eyed python.

   Twisting its huge body, this giant red-eyed python quickly came out toward Chen Xuan, its tail lifted up again, and it was beaten down fiercely.

   Clouds of dust continued to splash, and Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated back.

Feeling this terrifying power, Chen Xuan's expression also became low.

  Although the giant red-eyed python possesses extremely powerful power, its speed is far away. Without Chen Xuan's speed, Chen Xuan escaped in the blink of an eye.

  Quickly flipping the long sword in his hand, casting thousands of sword shadows, a terrifying Suzaku's strength instantly entangled on the sword's edge, and slew the giant red-eyed python.


  The giant red-eyed python uttered a low growl, but failed to attack Chen Xuan several times, and the giant red-eyed python was extremely angry and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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