Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3118: Open space

  Chapter 3118 Open space

  Black blood kept flowing out, the blood splashed on the ground, and even the gold bricks were constantly being eroded.

   "There are violent toxins in this blood..." Chen Xuan's pupils showed shock.

   At this moment, a small poisonous fire spider suddenly charged towards Chen Xuan, entwined with a terrifying spiritual power.

  Chen Xuan waved his hands quickly, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird suddenly wrapped around his arms.

  In just two seconds, the small poisonous fire spider entwined on Chen Xuan's arm was instantly burned to ashes and turned into residue all over the floor.

  "The legs of these poisonous fire spiders have extremely powerful adsorption capacity. Don't get too close to these poisonous fire spiders, or it will be dangerous." Chen Xuan said nervously.

  As more and more poisonous fire spider eggs hatch on the wall, many small poisonous fire spiders rushed towards Chen Xuan.

A strong killing intent bloomed in his pupils, Chen Xuan suddenly gathered the power of the demon soul, and after fully displaying the demon soul, a burst of blue flame burst out of Chen Xuan's pupils.

  This time, the flame burning speed became stronger, and it quickly gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword.

  Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan sword tightly, muttered a spell in his mouth, and quickly slashed out a terrible sword aura.

  The sword aura was in a prairie fire, directly engulfing the surrounding air, killing all the three small poisonous fire spiders that were killing him.

   Suddenly, five small poisonous fire spiders rushed towards Chen Xuan from the left at the same time. Their jumping ability made the poisonous fire spiders very fast.


  The five little poisonous fire spiders all lay on Chen Xuan's body, and the tube was directly inserted into Chen Xuan's arm, constantly absorbing his efforts.

   With a sneer, Chen Xuan gathered the Suzaku's wings in his body and directly filled his body five meters away.

  The little poisonous fire spiders approaching him were all burned into a pile of ashes by the flames.

After seeing that Chen Xuan was not easy to provoke, these little poisonous fire spiders all turned around and attacked Yu Wenqiu.

  Yu Wenqiu successively waved the two daggers in his hand, and with each wave he could harvest the life of a little poisonous fire spider.

  In the face of Yu Wenqiu's fierce attack, these little poisonous fire spiders are not opponents at all.

  Only five seconds later, three of the small poisonous fire spiders were killed by Chen Xuan.


  Chen Xuan let out a roar, the flame in his pupils was burning faster and faster, and it burned to the wall in a blink of an eye.

   "If you want to kill all these beasts, you can only destroy all the eggs of this poisonous fire spider!" Chen Xuan roared.

  The flame burned directly on the wall, and some of the eggs of the poisonous fire spider that hadn't broken out of the shell suddenly turned into a mass of slime, and then they were continuously burned clean by the Suzaku fire.

  A bunch of steam continued to fill the wall, causing Chen Xuan to take a breath of air-conditioning: “These poisonous fire spider eggs are too disgusting.”

  Chen Xuan has never seen such a disgusting scene. The eggs of these poisonous fire spiders emit bursts of green liquid, which continuously flow down from the wall.

After more than five minutes, Chen Xuan finally burned all the poisonous fire spider eggs on the wall, and then said to Yu Wenqiu: "This place is not as safe as we thought. There must be an adult poisonous fire spider inside. As soon as I met this poisonous fire spider..."

   "Since we can lay eggs here, there must be more than one poisonous fire spider inside, and there are definitely two poisonous fire spiders here." Yu Wenqiu said firmly.

  Lightly nodded, Chen Xuan agreed: "Wait a moment, you must converge the breath in your body, and don't be discovered by these poisonous fire spiders. If we are discovered, we will be in danger."

  Yu Wenqiu took a breath and said to Chen Xuan, “I didn’t expect that we would encounter so many poisonous fire spiders in this cave. I don’t know what kind of monsters are waiting for us in front of us.”

   With a smile, Chen Xuan said, “Let’s go inside as soon as possible. There must be many good things in this ruin.”

  Gently nodded, Yu Wenqiu replied: "If we encounter these little poisonous fire spiders again, let's leave here, and the little poisonous fire spiders are so terrifying that they almost crawled onto my face."

  The two of them continued to walk toward the front. At this moment, they completely felt a wave of fluctuations in the space in front of them, but it only took a short two seconds for this fluctuation to dissipate invisible and invisible.

   "There seems to be a little fluctuation ahead, I don't know if there are monsters?" Chen Xuan couldn't ask.

  Yu Wenqiu shook his head and said to Chen Xuan: "The aura in front doesn't seem to be from the monster beast, so don't take the initiative to pass it, otherwise, it will be dangerous if you encounter the attack of the monster beast."

  "This ruin has existed for thousands of years, and the soil on it is very soft. If you continue to fight inside, it is likely to cause the entire ruin to collapse."

   Seeing Yu Wenqiu's serious look, Chen Xuan could only say: "Unexpectedly, you noticed this."

  In the underground palace, bursts of red light continued to shuttle around, and Chen Xuan's pupils were filled with surprise, and he hurriedly said to Yu Wenqiu.

   "Yu Wenqiu, this place is different from what I imagined. There seems to be a lot of monsters moving in front of me. Do we want to go there?"

   "There are two monsters in front, how did you know?" Yu Wenqiu showed a puzzled look.

  Chen Xuan chuckled and replied: “I feel that there are two breaths in front of me that are constantly moving, don’t you feel it?”

  It is reasonable to say that Yu Wenqiu's demon soul power is much stronger than Chen Xuan, even Yu Wenqiu did not feel it, but Chen Xuan just felt two powers.

   "I don't know, or let's go and take a look. There are many unknown risks in this golden city. We still have to be careful."

In   Golden City, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu kept walking toward the front. In the dark cave, Chen Xuan could only see things in the two miles ahead by relying on the fire of the Vermilion Bird.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan heard a loud noise in front of him, and it continued to make Chen Xuan's brow wrinkle.

  "Did you hear the sound from the front?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Yu Wenqiu nodded lightly and said: "I have heard it too. This sound is a bit weird, as if someone deliberately tapped it in front, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to exist in this place."

  "It’s hard to say. This place has existed for thousands of years. It is very likely that some people are active here, and they may also have discovered this golden city and want to find treasures." Chen Xuan whispered.

Yu Wenqiu also suppressed his voice and said to Chen Xuan: "What you said makes sense, but they cannot come to this place without any movement. We have been in the Golden City for more than half an hour just now, why? Didn't hear a sound?"

   "Let's go over and take a look first." Chen Xuan finished speaking, and walked forward with his legs.

  In the dark cave, Chen Xuan faintly saw a house in front of him, and the sound came from within this house.

  The whole scene looked very weird. Chen Xuan couldn't see what was inside the house at all, but the voice became clearer and clearer, and it passed directly into Chen Xuan's ears.

   "This is here, I thought I would go further ahead." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yu Wenqiu sighed and said to Chen Xuan: "You speak quietly. This place is likely to have other dangers. Chen Xuan, do you want to go in and take a look?"

   nodded, Chen Xuan replied, “There is no vitality in it. Let’s go in and take a look. Maybe there are some good treasures in it.”

  In the Golden City, all the houses are square, but the doors of the houses are triangular.

  Gently pushing the door of the room, Chen Xuan noticed that the house exudes a strange aura, which directly fell on Chen Xuan's cheek.

After feeling the breath, Chen Xuan immediately said to Yu Wenqiu: "This place is not as safe as we thought. Wait a moment for me to go in, and you will cover me behind."

  Yu Wenqiu nodded and said, "Then you go in first. I will take another look outside. If there is any danger..."

   Before Yu Wenqiu finished speaking, Chen Xuan had already walked in first. At this time, the voice was still radiating in the main hall of the house.

  The big house is much larger than Chen Xuan had imagined. Chen Xuan kept walking towards the source of the sound, but he could not find a place to emit the sound.

   "It's really weird. Hearing the sound is right in front of me, I can't imagine that I have taken more than a dozen steps, but I didn't find it at all." Chen Xuan showed doubts.

   Judging by the voice, there was no distance from him at all, it was only more than 20 meters at most, but Chen Xuan couldn't find it no matter how he looked for it.

   "Could it be in another space?" Chen Xuan's face was full of shock, and then he began to constantly look at the house.

  In the house, Chen Xuan indeed felt the two energies constantly intermingle, which is why Chen Xuan felt this breath very strange.

   "It seems to be exactly the same as I thought. This place is also mixed with a small space. There must be a lot of good treasures hidden in this space." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  Walking forward, Chen Xuan carefully listened to the source of the sound. At this moment, Chen Xuan finally stood there, with a touch of brilliance in his eyes, and said in his heart: "It's definitely here."

In an instant, Chen Xuan began to gather the spiritual power in his body, and a wave of spiritual power continued to circulate around him, and then a smile on Chen Xuan's face: "Sure enough, I thought it was right. This place was sealed. This space has probably been sealed for hundreds of years, and it has not been discovered for so long."

   "It seems that I was the first to discover today, but I don't know how many good things are in it."

  After discovering the place where the sound was emitted, Chen Xuan then began to look for props to destroy the space.

   kept looking around the wall, Chen Xuan couldn't help but whispered: "There is nothing in this place. It seems that it is not for people to live in, not even tables and chairs."

With a puzzled look on his face, Chen Xuan waved his hands, and from his arms, a rush of Suzaku fire spread directly, and finally filled the entire house.

   exhaled, a burst of flames kept lingering on Chen Xuan's finger, Chen Xuan tapped it lightly, and then burned to the ground.

  The house was continuously burned by flames, but what is surprising is that these flames did not burn the house, but burst into a hot and bright light.

  At present, Chen Xuan has long been able to control the temperature of the Suzaku fire freely. These burning flames can't kill even an ant.

  After the light fully emerged, Chen Xuan began to look carefully at the whole house. There were things in this house, which was much larger than before Chen Xuan came in.

  But inside the house, there was only one room, which was a very empty square area. Chen Xuan began to circulate in the house constantly.

  There are many energy spars stored in this house, but they don’t even have a place to live normally.

"It's really weird. This place looks like a place where ordinary people live. Why doesn't it even have a bed and a chair? Could it be that no one has lived here before?" Looking at the wall made of gold, Chen Xuan began to stroke the wall with both hands.

   "Chen Xuan, are you alright?" Just then, Yu Wenqiu's voice rang.

  Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly and said to Yu Wenqiu outside: "Wait a minute, I'm also looking for it. This place is a bit weird. It is obviously a house where ordinary people live, but there is not even a bed inside."

  Yu Wenqiu sighed, and said to Chen Xuan with a sigh, "This place has been around for thousands of years. I am afraid that these tables and chairs are made of wood, and they have long been corroded by the air."

  Chen Xuan felt that these things were all made of gold, but they might have been stolen by tomb robbers in the past few thousand years.

   With a chuckle, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "Miss Yuwen, I have found the source of the sound, but the sound is in another enclosed space. I have to find a prop to break the space."

  "The props to destroy the space?" Yu Wenqiu also walked in.

  (End of this chapter)

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