Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3121: Gold skull

  Chapter 3121 Golden Skeleton

  At the same time, in the distance, Yu Wenqiu looked at the pattern on the wall with the same puzzled face, and said something in her mouth: "The five elements of Yin and Yang are mentioned above. Does it mean that you must follow the method of Yin and Yang to go out?"

After a while, there was a touch of anger on Yu Wenqiu’s white cheeks: "It’s all to blame on Chen Xuan. He said that this place will have a good baby. But after coming here for so long, it’s either a monster or a monster. I just killed me. I've been chased and killed by an iron raccoon for so long. If I find him, I will never let him go."

  Chen Xuan didn't know that Yu Wenqiu was also chased by the hollow iron raccoon. In this cave, there are many hollow iron raccoons, which really made Chen Xuan feel puzzled.

   "Why are there so many empty iron raccoons in this place?"

Chen Xuan has encountered several air-breaking iron raccoons on the road, but the strength of these air-breaking iron raccoons is weak or strong. Some air-breaking iron raccoons are very powerful, but there are also some of them that are just as powerful as they are. Only about the fifth level of the **** king realm.

   And Chen Xuan also logically beheaded several raccoons, threatening to avenge himself.

"These beasts dared to chase me just now. Now I will kill all of you and let you cut off your children and grandchildren." With a smirk on his face, Chen Xuan fixed his gaze on the small hollow iron in front of him. Step on the raccoon.

  This small hollow iron raccoon, seems to be preying in the cave, and began to wander in the long and narrow passage.

  In the cave, there are not only the hollow iron raccoon, but also many spider eggs on the wall. These spider eggs are very disgusting, but they can become the food of the hollow iron raccoon.

"Thousands of years have passed since this place, and a kind of balance has been formed." Chen Xuan slowly moved forward. At this moment, the little Pokong Tieta raccoon seemed to have spotted Chen Xuan and immediately raised it. With a huge palm, he rushed towards Chen Xuanfei.

   After feeling the attack of the small Pokong Tieta raccoon, Chen Xuan immediately gathered the spiritual power in his body and slashed out a sword energy.

  The turbulent Suzaku fire suddenly burned around Chen Xuan. Although Suzaku's power was suppressed to a certain extent, the man Chen Xuan's own cultivation was not suppressed, and he was still at the seventh level of the Divine King Realm.

  Facing the small air-breaking iron raccoon at the five-level peak of the God King realm, Chen Xuan killed the air-breaking iron raccoon in just two rounds.

  On the black exoskeleton of the hollow iron raccoon, bursts of turbulent flames continued to raging, and the raccoon iron raccoon was burned completely in the blink of an eye.

  After seeing that the hollow iron raccoon was completely killed, Chen Xuan had a smirk on his face: "There are so many of these hollow iron raccoons, but unfortunately they are not my opponent."

  Pokong Tieta raccoon cub is indeed not Chen Xuan's opponent, but once Pokong Tieta raccoon reaches adulthood, the cultivation base will enter the realm of the **** king, the seven major consummations, and even the eighth level of the **** king realm.

   also knew that he was not the opponent of the adult Pokong Tieta raccoon, so Chen Xuan could only find these soft persimmons.

  The pinch was very smooth. Chen Xuan had already killed more than a dozen raccoon raccoons in a row, and also allowed him to harvest several crystal nuclei.

  The reason why he killed the small smashing iron raccoon is not entirely because Chen Xuan's belly is too small, but he wants to teach these smashing iron raccoons.

  It was because he discovered that he had killed these hollow iron raccoons, and the crystal nuclei that fell from the hollow iron raccoons could restore Chen Xuan's power.

  Now that Chen Xuan has recovered the power of the eight demon soul patterns, as long as he continues to kill ten small air-breaking iron raccoons, he fully believes that his demon soul power can be restored more than half.

   Even if he encounters the giant air-breaking iron raccoon in the early stage of the eighth stage of the God King realm, Chen Xuan is absolutely confident to kill this air-breaking iron raccoon.

   chuckled lightly, and Chen Xuan continued to walk forward. Although some small spiders were encountered on the road, the strength of these spiders was only the fourth level of the realm of the gods, and Chen Xuan killed them very easily.

   "It seems that there are not so many adult raccoon raccoons. I thought this cave is very dangerous, but it seems that it is nothing more than that." Chen Xuan's face was triumphant.

  Following the five elements of Yin and Yang, Chen Xuan began to walk continuously in the maze. After walking for more than an hour, Chen Xuan finally saw a secret room in front of him, and felt a hint of danger coming from the secret room in front of him.

  The expression on Chen Xuan's face also became serious: "There will be a secret room in this place, and it must be related to Eldorado."

After    walked into the secret room, Chen Xuan felt a rustle in front of him.

"This breath is very dangerous. If I'm right, there is definitely a very powerful monster beast sealed in it." Chen Xuangang wanted to withdraw from the cave. As a result, a huge golden skeleton suddenly appeared behind him. .

  The golden skeleton held a huge long sword in his hand and slashed towards Chen Xuan's head fiercely. Feeling a gust of wind gathering, Chen Xuan immediately displayed his posture and dodged madly behind him.

  After rushing out, the golden skull still followed Chen Xuan's back.

  Quickly slashed out a surge of sword energy, hitting the golden skull on the forehead.

The golden skull wore a heavy armor on his head, and only made a heavy sound, but then, the golden skull charged towards Chen Xuan, waved a big sword in his hand, and killed directly at Chen Xuan's waist. Come here.

  If Chen Xuan was hit by this golden skull, he would definitely be cut in half by his waist.

The speed is very fast. This golden skull is also very huge. It is two meters and five meters high. It rushed to Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye. This big sword formed a hurricane around Chen Xuan, directly damaging Chen Xuan’s The bullet flew out.

   "What a strong power." Chen Xuan hurriedly drew away, waved the long sword in his hand, once again offering a sword aura, and slammed into the chest of the golden skull.


  The huge vibration sound continued into Chen Xuan's ears, and then he only saw that the sword energy was directly offset in front of the golden skull.

  And this giant golden skeleton rushed towards Chen Xuan again, and in the blink of an eye, a terrifying sword aura hit Chen Xuan directly.


  Chen Xuan's body hit the wall severely, only to feel severe pain in his chest, and Chen Xuan slowly fell from the wall.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to hear a roar from behind, and then saw a hollow iron raccoon appearing behind him.

   "No, there are wolves before and tigers behind, my luck is not that bad, right." The giant air-breaking iron raccoon behind him showed a ferocious look at Chen Xuan.

  The giant golden skeleton standing directly in front, still waved the giant iron sword that had been rusted in his hand, and slammed it towards Chen Xuan.

  "My God!" As soon as the spiritual power in the body was circulated, Chen Xuan hurriedly jumped into the sky and started to escape along the wall.

  It was completely different from what Chen Xuan had imagined. The Golden Skull did not catch up. Instead, the iron stepping raccoon wanted to catch up, but was stopped.

   hurriedly turned his head, Chen Xuan found that the golden skull and the hollow iron step raccoon had actually become a ball. This hollow iron step raccoon was also three meters tall, but it was completely unable to defeat the golden skeleton.

  The golden skeleton waved the rusty iron sword in his hand, and at the same time, it burst into the air-breaking iron raccoon like red spiritual power, and directly knocked the air-breaking iron raccoon into the air.

  According to Chen Xuan's judgment, this air-breaking iron raccoon's cultivation base is not weak, it has reached the eighth stage of the **** king realm, but when facing the golden skeleton, it is not an opponent at all.

Every time this golden skeleton swung the giant sword in his hand, it exuded a terrible red spiritual power. This breath continued to permeate the cave. I saw bursts of surging spiritual power on the ground. Several small golden skeletons also crawled out of the ground.

  The little golden skeleton was covered in golden yellow, and the iron sword in his hand also quickly slew towards the empty iron raccoon.

  At this time, the hollow iron step raccoon was surrounded by many small golden skeletons, with a trace of anger on his face, the hollow iron step raccoon raised his huge palm and directly smashed all these small golden skeletons.


  The earth raised a cloud of dust, and the air-breaking iron raccoon continued to collide wantonly. These little golden skeletons were not the enemy of the air-breaking iron raccoon at all. They were crushed into a pile of bones in the blink of an eye.

  The golden skeleton seemed to feel that the power of the raccoon is very strong, and he let out a low roar, and rushed towards the raccoon in an instant.

  The rusty iron sword in his hand burst out with a strange crimson light, which directly smashed and hit the body of the Pokong Iron Tatan.

  The light continued to circulate between the heaven and the earth, causing the Pokong Iron Taracao to let out a low growl, and then his body was severely beaten and flew out on the wall.

  Chen Xuan mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and directly grabbed his hands among the rocks above, stabilized his body in the air, and watched the battle between the two.

  "It seems that the golden skull should be stronger. Although the cultivation base of this hollow iron raccoon has reached the early stage of the eighth stage of the **** king realm, the cultivation base of the golden skull is likely to enter the eighth peak."

   "I can't think of this place as dangerous. If it weren't for my speed, I would have died in this place." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  He didn't know that Yu Wenqiu seemed to be stripping him alive now. Two kilometers away from Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu's clothes were broken and his face was full of anger.

   "Damn Chen Xuan, there are no treasures in this place, and all we encounter are some strange monsters, and they are all so powerful!"

  Yu Wenqiu stroked his arm, and a blood stain appeared on his white lotus arm. Yu Wenqiu took out the bandage from the ring and bandaged it carefully.

   "This Chen Xuan, if I run into him, I must make him look good."


  At this moment, the three-headed raccoon raccoon rushed towards Yu Wenqiu, so that Yu Wenqiu immediately ran away towards the distance before he finished bandaging the wound.

  The golden skull suddenly swung a huge rusty iron sword, and once again rushed towards the empty iron raccoon. The speed was so fast that Chen Xuan couldn't help but slap his tongue.

  It is reasonable to say that this golden skull is two meters and five meters tall, and it can bloom so fast, and it is not much slower than Chen Xuan.

  A fine glow appeared in his eyes, and Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that the speed at which the golden skeletons bloomed was actually due to a technique.

  "This golden skeleton can speed up his own speed in an instant, so as to increase the lethality of the offense." Chen Xuan secretly assessed himself.

Facing the crazy slashing of the golden skeletons, Pakkong Iron Taracan gradually became no match, a stream of blood continuously flowed out of the body of the Pak Kong Iron Taracan. After a few minutes passed, the Pak Kong Iron Taracan finally lay down. She died on the ground.

After   Pokong Tieta raccoon was beheaded, the golden skeleton's hand suddenly burst into crimson light, entwining the body of Pokong Tieta raccoon.

  As this weird light continued to shuttle, the body of the raccoon raccoon gradually dissipated. Only three minutes later, the body of the raccoon raccoon became a pile of bones.

  Finally turned into red energy and penetrated into the body of the golden skeleton.

  The golden skull sighed slightly, and the red energy suddenly rushed into his skull. Suddenly, his red eyes looked towards the sky and aimed at Chen Xuan, full of murderous aura.

  (End of this chapter)

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