Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3124: go out!

  Chapter 3124 Go out!

  Secret room.

  This is very arrogant, but Chen Xuan knows that what he said is very reasonable. Chen Xuan knows what level his cultivation has reached. Chen Xuan knows very well that if two Chen Xuan are tied together, they are not necessarily his opponents.

   "I have a condition that I want to ask you. I just saw a young girl in the secret room. I don't know what is his relationship with you?" Chen Xuan asked.

Hearing Chen Xuan's mention of this girl, the golden skull's expression suddenly became gloomy, and his face was full of madness: "Boy, if you dare to mention the woman in the coffin to me, I will definitely kill you. !"

  Chen Xuan immediately hid the aura in his body, and said respectfully: "My lord, you are mistaken. I don't have other ideas for you, but I want to help you."

"I also know that you are all the inheritors of Eldorado thousands of years ago. I feel very sorry for what happened back then, but that incident has nothing to do with me. I just want to help you." Chen Xuan said.

The Golden Skull’s voice was very low, and he replied to Chen Xuan, “Boy, what are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here, don’t you just want to find an exit? Yes, there is an exit in my secret room, but you want to leave here. , There needs to be something that can move me."

  Chen Xuan gave a light cough, and then said, “Didn’t I just put forward the conditions? I can help you resurrect this girl, as long as you can let us leave this underground palace.”

  A strange look appeared in the eyes of the golden skull, and immediately said: "Can you really bring that woman back to life?"

  Chen Xuan also showed doubts, and asked directly: "I don't know what is the relationship between this woman and you?"

  Golden Skull sighed and explained to Chen Xuan: "This is the Oriole Princess of Eldorado. At the beginning, the old country master asked me to take care of the Oriole Princess' life. I can't imagine that more than a thousand years have passed..."

"It is very difficult for me to maintain the life of Princess Oriente. I have exhausted most of the cultivation base in my body. If I continue to maintain it, Princess Oriente and I will both die." Golden Skull sighed. Said in one breath.

   Chen Xuan immediately replied: “I can’t imagine that there is such a twists and turns behind the scenes, but you can rest assured, I feel sure to save the oriole princess, but I want you to absolutely cooperate with me.”

The golden skull pupils bloomed with blood-red light again, and said fiercely to Chen Xuan: "Don't lie to me, if you dare to lie to me, I will definitely make you dying. No one is me in this underground palace. My opponent, I will let you know what despair is when the time comes."

Chen Xuan nodded hurriedly and said to the Golden Skull: "You can rest assured that I will never lie to you. Our purpose is very simple. We always want to find an exit to leave here, but if you lie to me, I will not. It made you feel better."

  Golden Skull snorted coldly, and said directly: "Of course I will not lie to you. Our Eldorado people have always fulfilled their promises. Since you want to help me, then I have to give you some benefits, and you will come with me."

   Chen Xuan said immediately: "There is another person on my side, wait a minute."

  Chen Xuan beckoned to Yu Wenqiu. Yu Wenqiu, who was originally hiding behind the stone, showed a trace of doubt when he saw Chen Xuanchao beckoning himself.

   Seeing that Yu Wenqiu had not come over, Chen Xuan shook his throat directly and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Come on, Yu Wenqiu, the conditions have been fulfilled, and we will leave here later."

  After hearing Chen Xuan's voice calling himself, Yu Wenqiu walked towards Chen Xuan.

  When the Golden Skull saw Yu Wenqiu, his face showed a hint of confusion, and immediately asked: "When is there a woman here? Why didn't I find it?"

  Chen Xuan laughed, and said to the golden skull: "My friend has always been with me, and the two of us walked into this underground palace together, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to leave this underground palace."

  Golden Skull said to Chen Xuan, “It’s not easy for you to find this place. There are 998 roads in this underground palace, and each road leads to a different terrain.”

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, “When I came in, I found that there were patterns of Yin-Yang and Five Elements on the wall, so I followed the path of Yin-Yang and Gossip. I didn’t expect to find it here.”

  Yu Wenqiu said: "Yes, this underground palace is extremely complicated. If there is no Yin Yang and Five Elements, I am afraid this is a maze. What is the purpose of the underground palace you built in the first place?"

"This is the underground empire built by our country's lord back then. We originally wanted to hide here. We didn't expect that the guys from the Demon Wind Nation attacked so fast. In the end, none of our Eldorado escaped the Demon Wind Nation. Killed, there are only a few people left until now, and I am one of them," said the golden skeleton.

  When he came to the crystal coffin, Yu Wenqiu let out a soft cry, with a hint of surprise on his face.

   "I didn't expect that what you said turned out to be true. There really is a woman here, but it has been so long, why is she still alive?"

The Golden Skull’s face was obviously very displeased, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Woman, what are you talking about? I ran out most of the life and cultivation in my body to let Princess Oriole survive. Don’t you think it’s wrong? does it worth?"

  Yu Wenqiu shook his head repeatedly, and said to the golden skull: "I didn't mean that, I'm just curious, what kind of exercises do you use to keep the Oriole princess's life alive."

The Golden Skull did not answer, but pointed directly at the girl in the crystal coffin, and said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, you just said that you can save the Oriole Princess. I want to see what you do. I tell you not to play. Xinyan, if you dare to play with me, I will definitely make you look good."

In the face of absolute strength, Chen Xuan did not dare to lie to this golden skull, and could only say: "Don't you believe me? I have walked to this place with you, which shows that I have great confidence in the Princess Sparrow will be rescued."

Golden Skull sighed and said to Chen Xuan: "More than two thousand years have passed. The toxins that Princess Oriente took in those years, so it has not been resurrected. If Princess Oriente does not have these toxins in her body, with my Life cultivation will definitely bring the Oriole Princess back to life."

  "Have you taken poison before?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

"That’s right. When our country was about to die, Princess Oriente took a poisonous in the palace and wanted to commit suicide. However, the old country master asked me to do something. He asked me to do everything possible to save Princess Oriente. When I came back, I took the Oriole Princess directly into this underground palace." The Golden Skull replied.

  "Don't say so much, let me observe first, what kind of poison is in the oriole princess." Chen Xuan said softly.

  The Golden Skull was obviously quiet, and looking at his expression, I also hope that Chen Xuan can rescue Princess Oriole.

  But Chen Xuan knew very well that he was only 80% sure to save the Oriole Princess.

With an eager look in his eyes, Chen Xuan said: "Wait a moment I will refine a pill. I only hope that this pill can force out the toxins in Princess Oriole."

  The golden skull nodded heavily and said to Chen Xuan: "If you can't save the Oriole Princess, I will never open the door of the underground palace for you. In the future, if you want to go out, there is no possibility."

  Chen Xuan also became nervous, and meticulously refined the pill. According to the toxins in Princess Oriole, Chen Xuan let go of a taste of herbs.

Standing next to Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu's expression also seemed a little nervous.

"Do you know what the toxin is? You are here to refine the alchemy. If you can really save the oriole princess, we can go out, but if you can't save it, this golden skeleton will definitely not let us out. Yes." Yu Wenqiu said in a low voice.

The voice was very small, and Chen Xuan knew that the Golden Skull could not hear it at all, but there was still a panic on his face, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Don't tell me, I just want to test it now and find Princess Oriole I can decipher the toxins in nine out of ten, but after so many years have passed, it is very difficult to completely remove them."

  Yuwen Qiubai gave Chen Xuan a glance, and said again: "I thought you were absolutely sure, so I just asked you, how sure are you to let us go out?"

While busy making alchemy, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "I am only 80% sure that I can leave here, but the premise must allow the pill that I refine to exert its due effect, otherwise we want to leave here for sure. very difficult."

  I saw Chen Xuan's alchemy furnace, exuding bursts of fiery red aura.

  Along with Chen Xuan's continuous refining, the herbs were constantly being put in. After a few seconds, a scent of medicine continued to radiate from the pill furnace.

Chen Xuan's pupils exuded a ray of light, and immediately said to the golden skull: "I have refined the pill, and the princess may be able to save the oriole princess. Now the oriole princess is The poison has dissipated, and it only takes one last touch to succeed."

A look of distrust appeared in the golden skull eyes, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Are you sure this pill can really save the Oriole Princess? If you can't, don't blame me!"

Seeing the murderous face of the other party, Chen Xuan also showed a touch of shock, and hurriedly said to the golden skull: "Don't you believe me? My purpose is very simple. I have already told you just now. I just want to leave this underground palace."

"Well, I can only let you try. I heard that my power can no longer sustain the life of the Oriole. If you can save the Oriole, I will definitely give you something good. Stuff."

Nodded, Chen Xuan also said: "I hope you can fulfill your promise, but don't hold your full confidence, because the poison in Princess Oriente’s body has been accumulated for thousands of years, and all I can do is help Huang. Princess Sparrow is expelled. As for whether she can wake up, it's up to Princess Sparrow herself."

  The golden skull pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then I will trust you once."

  After that, Chen Xuan began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, slowly transferring the spiritual power to the blue crystal.

  I saw the liquid in the crystal began to continuously roll, and after two minutes passed, Chen Xuan directly poured the pill into the crystal.

  The effect of the medicine began to dissipate continuously, and the pupils of the oriole princess began to open and close continuously. After more than three minutes, the oriole princess' eyes suddenly opened, bursting with a burst of blue light.

  The look of the golden skull suddenly changed, and his face was full of panic.

   "You actually rescued the Oriole Princess?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a gleam of gratitude in the eyes of the Golden Skull, and immediately said to Chen Xuan: "You work harder, this time you must save the Oriole Princess. If the Oriole Princess does not wake up, I Just kill you!"

  Chen Xuan was sweating profusely, and began to continuously gather the spiritual power in the body to help the other party expel the toxins in the body.

  I don’t know what poison the Oriole Princess has been poisoned, but Chen Xuan has spent more than half an hour before finally letting the Oriole Princess’ complexion gradually improve.

   There was a trace of blood on her pale face, and her eyes gradually returned to their normal state. At this moment, the eyes of the Oriole Princess were completely opened.

  The palm of his hand lightly touched the blue crystal, a light burst into his eyes, and the blue crystal was lightly patted.

   "Wake up, wake up!" Yu Wenqiu also revealed the excitement in his eyes, and hurriedly said to everyone beside him.

   chuckled softly, Chen Xuanru felt relieved, then looked at the Oriole Princess in the crystal, and said to the Golden Skull: "The Oriole Princess has been resurrected. I didn't expect the toxins in the body to be so serious..."

  The golden skeleton began to gather the spiritual power in the body, and broke the blue crystal with a punch, and the Oriole Princess' body fell out of it directly.

  The golden skull directly hugged the Oriole Princess in his arms, but at this moment, a panic appeared in the eyes of the Oriole Princess, and she hurriedly pushed away the golden skull.

   "Who are you!?"

   Seeing the panic on Princess Oriole's face, the Golden Skull couldn't help but smile, and a low voice came out: "The Oriole Princess is me, do you remember me?"

  The voice of the Golden Skull had already become very hoarse, and the pupils of the Oriole Princess still showed a panic and a look of distrust.

  Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu stopped and stood in the distance, constantly watching.

  (End of this chapter)

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