Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3127: Black shop!

   Chapter 3127 Black Shop!

Xiao Er had already seen everything Chen Xuan had done just now, knowing that Chen Xuan was not annoying, with a look of horror on his face, he hurriedly said to Chen Xuan: "My son, how dare we take your spirit? Shi? Our boss said about this meal, so he will treat you to a meal."

  With a slight smile on Chen Xuan's face, he said to him: "Where is this? We won't eat for nothing. Here are three spirit stones. You accept all of them. It should be enough, right?"

Xiao Er was flattered, and hurriedly said to Chen Xuan: "Of course it's enough, this lord, eating at our side, two spirit stones are enough, you actually gave us three spirit stones..."

  After eating, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu rushed in the direction of Devil Wind City.

  The Oriole Princess followed him and kept watching in private. At this moment, a dozen warriors in armor surrounded Chen Xuan and others in the distance.

  Based on the aura that these people exude, it can be inferred that they are definitely the richest person.

  One of the warriors, with the murderous intent of a mad wolf on his face, directly took out the long sword and surrounded Chen Xuan and others.

   "It's that you abolished my son's leg. You two craps are really hateful. I can't spare you today!"

With a calm smile on his face, Chen Xuan whispered, "How can you blame me? You can only blame your son for being brave and wanting to molest Princess Oriole, so I can only give up his life. ."

  Yu Wenqiu snorted coldly, walked directly in front, and said to him: "I am the one who ruined your son's fate. I just showed him a little bit of color. It would be cheap if he didn't kill him.

After hearing this, the mood of the richest man obviously changed drastically, his face flushed red, and he frantically said to the guards beside him: "Just kill these two gangsters, no, there is that little girl. Kill them all for me, don’t keep any of them. I want to avenge my son!"

  The crowd onlookers continued to increase, and many people pointed at Chen Xuan.

  "Did you see those two people? They were in the inn just now and they scrapped the legs of the son of the richest man."

   "The two of them are really courageous."

  "I’ve never seen anyone with such a courage. I don’t know how the richest man will deal with them."

  "Didn’t you hear that? The richest man wants to kill them directly. We have a good show to watch. These two people have very strong cultivation bases. I am afraid they are really not their opponents."

   "The richest man Wang is used to being arrogant and domineering in our town, and finally two strong men have come to teach him, hahaha, let's watch the jokes here."

  The richest man commanded several guards next to him, watching Chen Xuan kill him.

  But Chen Xuan waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and it only took two seconds to directly kill the three guards.

  There was a look of shock in the pupils of several guards, and he also felt a terrifying aura exuding within Chen Xuan's blade, and hurriedly said to the richest man beside him.

   "My lord, his cultivation is very powerful. We may not be his opponent."

  "My lord, if we quit, it is more important to have a small life. You are still alone."

Seeing these guards, they all retreated. The richest man's face was filled with unforgivable anger, and he said frantically, "You trash, I have raised you for so many years, but I can say that I don’t do it. Run for me, and I will kill your whole family at that time!"

  After hearing this, many of the guards who had already started to flee turned their heads one after another, with painful expressions on their faces.

  "My lord, his cultivation level is indeed beyond our ability to deal with. According to my estimation, he has reached the fifth level of the Divine King Realm. How can you fight him!"

   "Yeah, my lord, this is nothing short of dying. There is only one dead end for us to go up!"

  The richest man snorted coldly, and directly waved his palm, a wave of strong palm power radiated from his body.

   staring at Chen Xuan with cold eyes, the richest man said, "Little miscellaneous, although I don’t know your name, I don’t need to know. You think you will die in my hands today."

   "You will never see tomorrow's sun!" With a loud shout, the richest man directly slapped Chen Xuan fiercely.

   Facing the attack of the richest man, Chen Xuan's body retreated two steps towards the back, and then began to gather the spiritual power in his body, and once again shot a sword aura.

  Suzaku's sword aura continued to burn in the sky, and quickly attacked the richest man's side, directly knocking him out.

  The body of the richest man hit the ground fiercely, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face was full of madness.

  However, he felt that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was not something he could deal with. Even if he was the richest man, his cultivation level would only be the sixth level of the God King Realm.

   However, Chen Xuan's cultivation level has exceeded the sixth level, and reached the seventh level of the Divine King Realm. There is a big difference between them, and it is impossible to be Chen Xuan's opponent.

  As for Yu Wenqiu, he was motionless next to him, his hands on his back, his face was full of coldness.

   "This guy really does not live or die. Although Chen Xuan's cultivation is at the Seventh Level of the Divine King Realm, if he tries his best, the eighth level of the Divine King Realm can also deal with it."

   "This guy, only the **** king sees the sixth-layer cultivation base, and he wants to deal with Chen Xuan?" Yu Wenqiu thought to himself.

  In fact, relying on Yu Wenqiu's cultivation level, he can easily deal with the richest man, but Yu Wenqiu is not ready to do it.

   "To deal with him, even if Chen Xuan is alone, it is perfectly fine."

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body jumped directly into the sky, a fierce sword aura gathered in his hand, and he quickly killed the richest man.

  The richest man had two more shots, and his body quickly turned to the side, avoiding Chen Xuan's fatal attack.

After feeling the murderous aura on Chen Xuan's face, the mood of the richest man also fell. He felt that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent at all, and he could only find a way to retreat.

   "Want to run, do you think there is a chance for me to escape? You want to be beautiful!" Chen Xuan let out a roar, turning into a red light, and directly shuttled to the front of the richest man.

   Seeing Chen Xuan as if killing a god, walking slowly towards him, the richest man's face was full of horror.

"What do you want to do? Don't you want to kill me? You are the trash of the Yunye Empire, do you know that this is the Demon Wind Nation? If you dare to kill me, our Demon Wind Nation warriors will never Leave you alone!" After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze on the many warriors of the Demon Wind Nation who were onlookers.

"You are right? This cloud leaf empire's mess is making waves in our Demon Wind Empire. Are you just watching from the side? Hurry up and kill him. Together, we can definitely annihilate him!" The richest man roared loudly.

With a sneer on Chen Xuan's face, he glanced at the warriors of the Demon Wind Empire with a cold eye, and whispered to everyone: "If you want to be buried with him, please do it? Killing one more will not waste it. How much strength do I have."

   Seeing Chen Xuan's sword energy ready to go, and the violent aura flowing from him, the warriors of the Demon Wind Empire were all panicked, and no one dared to say a word.

   "Well, his strength is too strong. Even if we pass, we will definitely be looking for death. Let's watch the joke."

   "This guy has been doing blessings for mighty on weekdays, but he was beaten up today, and he deserves to die."

   "This matter has nothing to do with us."

  Many warriors of the Demon Wind Empire said one after another.

  At this time, the richest man Wang was full of despair. He felt a terrible murderous aura from Chen Xuan's eyes, but he was not Chen Xuan's opponent at all.


  Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword and directly killed the richest man Wang.

   "Princess Oriole, let's leave here directly." Chen Xuan said softly.

  The Oriole Princess blinked, laughed, and said to Chen Xuan: "Okay, then let's get out of here."

  Yu Wenqiu, nodded immediately and said: "This guy is really looking for death."

  In a hurry, the two left the town.

  Only more than three hundred miles away from the Devil Wind City, Chen Xuan came to an inn that day.

  In the magic wind empire, there will always be many inns between the two major cities to give people a rest.

  When Chen Xuan walked in, the innkeeper came up directly and said respectfully to Chen Xuan: "My lord, are you staying here today?"

  It's getting late, and of course Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu have to rest in this inn for a day.

   "There are two rooms, one for me," Chen Xuan said, please.

  The innkeeper's face suddenly showed respect, and he went on to say: "Okay, OK, I'll do it for you."

  However, Chen Xuan felt a strange look on this person's face, but Chen Xuan also couldn't say clearly what the innkeeper's purpose was.

  Yu Wenqiu also blinked, and said softly: "I said Chen Xuan, this person just felt very strange to me, he seemed to have known you were coming here."

  Chen Xuan also stroked his chin, thought for a while and said, “I feel it too. This guy seems to know that I’m coming here. Let’s watch the changes first. Maybe it’s just that I think too much.”

   "By the way, Princess Oriole, are you hungry?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

Princess Oriole stroking her white belly, she replied to Chen Xuan: "It seems to be a little hungry, is there anything to eat here."

   laughed, Chen Xuan replied: “This is an inn. There must be food. If we are hungry, we will. Rest and let the innkeeper get us something to eat.”

  Finding an unmanned seat, after sitting down, Chen Xuan's gaze was constantly looking at the surrounding martial artists.

  All of these people are wearing fancy white robes, and there is a trace of indescribable weirdness in their eyes.

  "Do you feel the eyes of these guys looking at us, it seems very weird." Yu Wenqiu said first.

Chen Xuan had already faintly gathered the spiritual power in his body. He also felt that these people's eyes were not good, so he said to Yu Wenqiu: "This inn feels very strange to me, or let's leave here. ."

  Yu Wenqiu laughed and said, "I said Chen Xuan, when did you become so courageous? It's just an inn. I don't believe how big waves they can make."

"That's right, but it’s better to do more than to do less. These guys must have bad intentions towards us. Rather than stay here, it’s better to rush to the Devil Wind City at night, which is only more than three hundred miles away. We speed up and we will definitely be able to arrive early." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Yu Wenqiu shook his head and replied: “It seems that it’s no good. If it’s just the two of us, we can definitely rush to Devil Wind City, but there is still the Oriole Princess. It’s definitely impossible for us to pass.”

  The Oriole Princess smiled gently, covering her mouth, and said to both of them: "I'm really sorry."

  Chen Xuan immediately shook his head and said, "Princess Oriole, don’t be so polite. I have promised the Golden Skull before that I will definitely take good care of you until your memory is restored."

  Fulfilling the promise is one of Chen Xuan's criteria. Since he had already promised the Golden Skull, Chen Xuan would never break his promise.

  After seeing Chen Xuan sitting on the seat, the inn Xiao Er quickly walked towards Chen Xuan. The inn Xiao Er had a strong scar on his face and was blind in one eye.

  (End of this chapter)

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