Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3134: Targeted

   Chapter 3134

  Many warriors in the Dragon Blood Tribe hardly practice spiritual power, but rely entirely on the power of the demon soul to fight.

   Although the power of the demon soul will give a person a very powerful combat power, it will also cause a warrior to lose a lot of things.

  Slightly shook his head, Chen Quan shook all these thoughts out of his head, and then put his gaze outside the window.

  He already felt a wave of murderous aura coming from a distance, but if this murderous aura was not there, even if Chen Xuan displayed his spirit power, he could only feel a trace of it.

   "Does anyone want to assassinate me?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

  As the surrounding wind continued to blow, Chen Xuan faintly felt that this person was not far away, and suddenly stood up. Chen Xuan directly took out the Liaoyuan sword and stared at his surroundings vigilantly.

   "There is definitely someone nearby!"


  A terrible sword aura directly hit Chen Xuan's house, and this aura continued to surround Chen Xuan's side, directly knocking Chen Xuan out of the room.

  Flying in the sky, Chen Xuanhu stared at the three men who were killing him.

  The three people took two long knives one after another, their faces were full of vicious air, and they looked at Chen Xuan frantically.

  One of the scar-faced men said frantically to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, little miscellaneous, you dare to treat me like this! Today I must let your head fall so that you can't die again!"

  Chen Xuan revealed a hint of doubt. He had never seen the three people in front of him at all, so why did he kill it.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know that the three people were actually the three killers he met in the inn, but they originally had five people, and now there are only three people left.

The face of the man with the scarred face was very crazy, and he continued to say to Chen Xuan: "What? Are you pretending to be stupid? I'm talking to you, today we will definitely kill you!"

  Chen Xuan chuckled softly. With the bright moonlight, Chen Xuan began to observe the scarred man in front of him.

   "This guy won't be the second person in the inn back then, he looks very similar, but that second person is actually so strong, he has the realm of the **** king, about the seventh." Chen Xuan said.

The man with the scar face was obviously very angry, and said angrily to Chen Xuan: "You bastard! I have been with you for three days and three nights. Today I can't wait to kill you. Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up. Right!"


  The scar face man directly drew a black light, and slashed towards Chen Xuan fiercely.

   Seeing the breath in front of him, Chen Xuan immediately displayed the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body, and bursts of flames instantly flowed out of his body and burned directly on this black light.

  The flame burns very fast, and it quickly burns this breath away.

The man with the scarred face was full of crazy expressions. After seeing Chen Xuan dissipate all his offense, he ran towards Chen Xuan again.

  A terrifying aura kept slashing towards Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan just gently swayed the long sword in his hand, and directly smashed away all the sword energy that the scarfaced man had slashed out.

The man with the scar face also showed a look of embarrassment. He felt that Chen Xuan's cultivation level was very strong.

"This is impossible? His cultivation only has the Seventh Level of the Divine King Realm. Why is my offensive completely useless? Did this kid eat bull's blood?" There was a hint of doubt on his face, and he continued to question the few beside him. The little brother said frantically: "What are you showing here, hurry up with me, we can definitely kill him together!"

  Chen Xuan always showed a slight smile on his face, facing the three black-clothed warriors who had assassinated him, Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

   "Who are you guys anyway?"

The scarred man ignored Chen Xuan at all, with a vicious look on his face, and said loudly to Chen Xuan: "You bastard, knowing so much is good for you, you only need to know that you will die here today. Died by my knife!"

  In a blink of an eye, he rushed towards Chen Xuan, this time the speed was even faster, and the three people came from different directions towards Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan had a strong murderous look on his face. Seeing that these three people were not ready to tell their origins, Chen Xuan also directly prepared to kill them, not giving them room for negotiation.


  Chen Xuan rushed directly towards a warrior, the Liaoyuan sword in his hand was rippling with a terrifying aura.

   slashed directly on the chest of a warrior, Chen Xuan waved the blade in his hand, constantly stirring the other's chest.

  Blood dripping, this warrior immediately lay down on the ground, his face was full of horror, and there was no way to resist Chen Xuan's attack.

  Chen Xuan's eyes showed a burst of red flames, and at the same time the power of the demon soul began to arouse from his body.

   "The demon soul has added another stripe just now, and its strength has been improved compared to before."

   Now that the power of Chen Xuan's demon soul has only a negligible increase in speed, he has to increase his power if he wants to increase his demon soul, and this is also in Chen Xuan's arms.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan quickly surpassed a warrior, waved the long sword in his hand again, and slashed down towards the opponent's neck.

  This guy hadn't reacted yet, and Chen Xuan's body was directly chopped in half.

  The blood on his face continued to flow out, and Chen Xuan kicked him towards the opponent's chest and kicked him directly to the ground.

   A huge sensation came out, and many residents of Devil Wind City also rushed over, wanting to see what happened here.

   "No, what happened here? Could it be that a horse thief is making trouble here."

  "This group of horse thieves is really hateful. They have been arguing in our Devil Wind City for five or six days. Hurry up and inform the adults and let them clean up the horse thieves."

   "These horse thieves are really looking for death. We must work together to kill these horse thieves."

  At the same time, Yu Wenqiu in the inn rushed out. When he saw Chen Xuan in the air and the scar-faced man in a ball, with a smile on his face, he hurriedly joined the battle.

   "What's wrong with Chen Xuan? Did you fight this guy at night?" Yu Wenqiu rushed into the sky and asked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and replied, “This guy wanted to assassinate me while I was sleeping. I thought it was a horse thief who sent someone to kill me. It doesn’t seem to be.”

   "Who is this person? How is his cultivation level?" Yu Wenqiu did not take the other party to heart at all, and whispered to Chen Xuan.

The Scarface Man felt that he was being ignored, he let out a crazy roar, and yelled: "You two scumbags dare to ignore Lao Tzu, wait a minute, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Yu Wenqiu chuckled and said to Chen Xuan: "I said Chen Xuan, this guy's head is not a showy, right? You can suppress him by your own cultivation level, plus me, want to kill him Killing is no effort at all. What guts does this guy have to say that he can kill the two of us?"

Hearing Yu Wenqiu's questioning voice, the scarred man obviously couldn't hold his face, and said to Chen Xuan frantically: "Don't be so proud, I just can't beat you temporarily. If we have the ability, we will be able to kill you. Real gun, singled out!?"

   "What a single challenge!" Chen Xuan let out a mocking voice, and then focused on the opponent.

   "Since you want to single out, then I will fulfill you, but don't be too desperate. My cultivation base is fully displayed. Even in the early eighth stage of the God King Realm, I can barely resist it."

   "I went to your Da Ye, your cultivation level can still be better than me!?" The Scarfaced man was completely unaware of the disparity between himself and Chen Xuan's cultivation level.

With a disdainful laugh, Chen Xuan gently waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and then said to Yu Wenqiu next to him: "This guy will leave it to me. You can watch the battle between the two of us first. I can kill him in only two rounds at most."

   "Only two rounds?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

"Hahaha, this guy's cultivation is not that strong at all, it's just the mid-seventh stage of the Divine King Realm. I want to kill him is not easy." At this moment, Chen Xuan's pupils slowly condense red Under the light and the power of the demon soul, a layer of red lines rippled on Chen Xuan's arm.

  A wave of power was constantly blessing within Chen Xuan's Dantian, and in a blink of an eye, red rays of light wafted out of Chen Xuan's body.

The Liaoyuan Sword in   's hand also exuded a wave of shocking coercion, and instantly killed the opponent.

The Scarfaced Man had no idea that Chen Xuan's speed would be so fast. When he raised his sword and wanted to block Chen Xuan's attack, he was directly chopped to the ground by Chen Xuan.

After smashing his body to the ground, the man with the scar face hurriedly stood up, only feeling the pain in the tiger's mouth. He took a closer look and found that his palm was full of blood, and the long sword naturally fell on the ground.

   "How is this possible, this guy is too powerful, I don't believe it!"

  How could Chen Xuan give him a chance to hesitate, his body turned into a red streamer again, and he quickly killed the scar-faced man.

A violent sword aura condensed in   's hand, directly slashed on the man with the scar face.

   Seeing Chen Xuan attacking him, the man with the scar face had no time to hesitate, and quickly condensed the exercises in his body.


  The two energies continued to collide in the sky, and the man with the scar face was directly smashed out of the sky, and it was likely to sink into the ground.

  The surrounding residents heard the huge boom from here, and they gathered one after another. When they saw Chen Xuan in the sky, their faces showed relief.

   "Look, isn't this the young man who killed the horse thief today?"

  "Unexpectedly, he was competing with the horse thief again. These horse thief are really horrible. Fortunately, this young man helps us, otherwise the horse thief doesn't know how many people will be killed.

   "These horse thieves do a lot of evil, this hero, quickly get rid of this horse thieves, don't keep one!"

  Many onlookers cheered on Chen Xuan, hoping that Chen Xuan could kill the opponent.

  In the eyes of the residents of Devil Wind City, the man with the scar face who was chopped to the ground by Chen Xuan was obviously one of the horse thieves.

  Chen Xuan killed a horse thief today. He must have received the hatred of the other horse thieves, so he came back to assassinate Chen Xuan at night.

  "These horse thieves are really evil. Today, the knight killed one of them, and even made these horse thieves hold their grudges and attacked the knight at night." A resident of Demon Wind City said loudly.

The Scarface Man seemed to have heard it too, but he didn't know that a horse thief had appeared in Devil Wind City, with a trace of doubt on his face, he screamed frantically to the surrounding residents.

   "Fuck your mother shit, Lao Tzu is definitely not a horse thief, he has a good mind, has a surname, and can't beat the horse thief!" The Scarfaced man said loudly.

  But the onlookers around him still ignored him and continued to make false statements.

  "Don't listen to this guy's nonsense. He must be a horse thief. He wants to draw our attention elsewhere. This guy is really vicious."

  "The knight kills it quickly, we support you, and when the guards come, we will say that you have done a great job!"

   "Hurry up and get rid of this guy, it's too late now, we have to go to rest as soon as possible."

  Some onlookers roared loudly. Facing the surrounding crowd of onlookers, the footsteps of the man with the scar face slowly took two steps backward.

  (End of this chapter)

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