Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3139: Horse Thief Stronghold

  Chapter 3139 Horse Thief Stronghold

  Even when Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu fight, they have to mobilize the demon soul to win. It can only be said that Yu Wenqiu's cultivation base is indeed not weak.

  During the battle, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu joined hands, and even the warriors of the Divine King Realm and the early eightfold stage were able to equalize.

   His face was full of panic, and the horse thief didn’t know whether he should say it or not. If he poured out his lair, it would be tantamount to betraying his organization.

   But if you don't say it, now his life is in Yu Wenqiu's hand, even if he wants to run, it is impossible, because Chen Xuan has already approached from in front of him.

  Now three directions have been surrounded, his speed is not as fast as Yu Wenqiu, even if he wants to escape, it is impossible.

  Can only be trembling, kowtow constantly on the ground.

   "Grandma, I will say whatever you ask me. Don't kill me. I'm just an innocent person. I have only joined the horse organization for three months. I don't have such a good relationship with them..."

After walking over, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a sneer, and then the scorching prairie sword in his hand was placed on the horse thief's neck, and he said to him, "Then you don't hurry up, if you dare to tell false news, you absolutely Can't live."

"Two uncles, how dare I lie to you? Even if you give me ten million courage, I dare not lie to you, you follow me and I will lead you over." The horse thief stood up shaking from the ground. The pupils were still full of horror.

   "Don't play any tricks on me, if you let me know, you will be the first to kill!" Yu Wenqiu showed a fierce expression on his face and started to scare the horse thief.

When the horse thief saw it, he shook his head and said to the two of them: "Even if the two of them gave me great courage, I would not dare. Now my life is in your hands. How dare I lie? You follow me. Behind me, I will take you over."

   "But I have one condition..." The horse thief's face was full of shock.

   "What conditions?" Chen Xuan chuckled and asked the horse thief.

  The horse thief is really courageous, and now his life is in their hands, he even dared to make conditions with them.

  "The conditions are very simple. If I betrayed the organization by them, my life will never be saved. I hope the three adults can put me back. I will only show you one way." The horse thief said.

   Mo Lan Gu became anxious, and directly raised the long sword in his hand and cut off one of the horse thief’s arms, his face was full of hideous colors.

"You bastard, you dare to negotiate terms with us. If you don’t tell me, I’ll just hack you to death. I will cut off your two arms first, and then cut off your two legs, so that you can become one. Crap!" Mo Langu's face was full of madness, making the horse thief so scared, he covered his arm and lay on the ground constantly Shen Yin.

  "I said I said, don’t kill me. I don’t have a deep friendship with this group of guys. If it only lasts for three months, if you just let me go, I will never tell you."

  Chen Xuan stopped Mo Langu’s impulse, and then said to the horse thief: “Here is a pill for you to stop the bleeding. If you don’t say it, I don’t make sure that my friend will let you go.”

   Mo Langu coldly snorted, and then said: "There is nothing to talk about with this group of craps. If they don't say anything, I will cut off all his limbs, and then feed him shit."

The horse thief was obviously frightened, and took the pill from Chen Xuan's hand, and then walked forward, staggering, his face full of horror.

  He originally only wanted to come here to hunt down a few monsters, but he didn't expect to meet three killers on the way.

  Only relying on Yu Wenqiu's power, he can easily kill the two of them. Now the horse thief is also whispering in his heart, and he doesn't know whether his organization can resist the attack of the three of them.

  What's more, Chen Xuan has never taken a shot. The horse thief turns his head from time to time to observe Chen Xuan.

  According to his judgment, Chen Xuan's cultivation level is absolutely very strong, but he has never made a move, and Mo Langu, who is standing next to Chen Xuan, has a grumpy temper, but his cultivation level is not weak.

  After walking for more than five hours, they suddenly saw a cave in front of them. This cave was very hidden, hiding under the scarlet gold desert.

  If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it at all, and there is a huge rock above the cave, and there are many fine stones around the rock, covering it.

   "I can't imagine the hiding place of these horse thieves is so hidden." Yu Wenqiu sighed and said.

   "Let's kill them directly and slaughter all these horse thieves. The things they took away were precious treasures, almost worth millions. Today we must kill them." Mo Langu gritted his teeth.

  He and Chen Xuan also reached a condition. For Mo Lan Gu, he had only one purpose, and that was to let all these horse thieves go to hell.

  The purpose of Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu is much simpler, they just want to wipe out these horse thieves and obtain wealth from them.

   "Three adults, I have brought you to this place, can you let me go? This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me."


  A figure swiftly killed the horse thief, and directly penetrated his skull with a sword. This person was Mo Langu.

  After the blood splashed out, Mo Langu pulled away, his face was full of madness: "There is nothing to talk about with this kind of mess, just kill them directly."

Chen Xuan didn’t say much. Instead, he looked into the cave in the distance and slowly said, “These horse thieves must have set up a lot of traps. If we rush over, it’s definitely very dangerous. Why don’t you ask first? What about him?"

Yu Wenqiu also put his hands on his chin, showing a look of contemplation, and then replied: "That's right, we killed too early. This horse thief must know what traps are nearby. We haven't asked. It was killed."

  Mo Lan Gu was also a little embarrassed and knew that he was a little impulsive, so he said to both of them: "I'm sorry, I really hate these horse thieves, they killed all my brothers..."

  Chen Xuan also knew very well that Mo Langu had a deep hatred with these horse thieves.

As the guard leader of the caravan, many of the brothers he brought with him were born and died. Now they have all been killed by these horse thieves. It can also be seen that Mo Langu worked hard and wanted to give to his brothers. We avenge.

Chen Xuan didn't mean to blame him for this, but said: "I also know your mood, but don't be impulsive. If you hate your enemy, it will only make you lose your judgment. Now we can only be more careful. , If you encounter an organ, don't be impulsive."

  There are still more than two miles away from the cave ahead, but there must be a lot of traps set up by horse thieves in the middle. Among them, there are dangers and it is definitely not that simple to reach the cave.

  As Chen Xuan and others continued to move forward, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a shaking on the ground.

  "Be careful, there are definitely mechanisms under the ground!"

  A sharp thorn suddenly came out from the ground and slammed to Chen Xuan and the others.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan immediately waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and a flame burned directly from his body, directly attacking the spikes.

  In less than two minutes, it was directly burned by the Suzaku Fire and turned into a piece of debris.

   "It seems that there are a lot of traps they set up here. These horse thieves are really cunning." Yu Wenqiu sighed and said softly.

  "Don't worry about their traps, let's get to the front." Chen Xuan immediately used the power of the demon soul in his body, turned into a red afterimage, and rushed towards the cave in front.

   Suddenly, they appeared directly outside the cave, feeling the gloomy breath coming from the cave.

  Yu Wenqiu slowly closed his pupils.

  When Yu Wenqiu opened his eyes again, a ray of red light burst out from his body. In an instant, Yu Wenqiu began to run the power of the demon soul in his body and patrolled the cave.

  Following Yu Wenqiu's constant search, he finally locked onto a horse thief.

   "There is a horse thief with a very strong cultivation base, and he has almost reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Divine King Realm. If we go in, we will definitely be attacked by them." Yu Wenqiu said.

   "What does this mean?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "They have discovered our existence, and I feel that there are many people hiding in various places, just waiting to launch a sneak attack on us." Yu Wenqiu said.

Mo Langu thought for a moment, and suddenly a cruel smile appeared on his face: "By the way, Brother Chen Xuan, don't you own the Suzaku Fire? We can kill them all without leaving, as long as you can rely on the power of the Suzaku Fire. , We don’t have to enter the cave."

  "What do you say?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

Mo Langu laughed suddenly, and then took out a long Circulation Universe Rope from his arms: "My Circulation Universe Rope is not an ordinary thing, but a magic weapon. This Circulation Universe Rope can stretch indefinitely. , As long as I put the alcohol on it and pass through your Suzaku fire, I can definitely kill them all."

   "You can come up with this method." Chen Xuan's eyes also showed surprise.

  If they follow this approach, they can indeed kill the horse thief and turn it on their backs.

  Just do it.

  Mo Lan Gu took out a large amount of alcohol from Na Jie, which was used by their Chamber of Commerce to transport supplies and gave these guards to drink.

  First, he soaked the Circulation Universe Rope with alcohol, then Mo Langu had a smirk on his face, and he roared softly, and directly ran the magic trick, extending the Circulation Universe Rope into the cave.

  After encountering the wind, there was a burst of alcohol on it, and at this time, Chen Xuan suddenly circulated the Suzaku fire in his body, directly burning the flame on the Rope of the Circulation Universe.

  The flame burned into the cave in an instant. As the rope went deeper and longer, the flame began to burn continuously in the cave.

  Suzaku’s fire could hardly be extinguished. After more than ten seconds, there was finally a burst of heart-piercing screams from the cave.

   "Damn it, we were attacked unexpectedly. Could it be that these beasts from Devilwind City attacked us."

   "Impossible, how could they find out where we are hiding? Did these guys find anything?"

  In the cave, hundreds of horse thieves kept shouting and cursing. Along with their screams, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a cruel smile, and the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body continued to gather.

  The flame burned quickly, and there were hundreds of horse thieves in the cave, but only a few dozen were left.

With a trace of madness on his face, a leader of the horse thief hurriedly shuttled out of the cave, holding a huge machete in his hand.

   "You three gangsters dare to attack us, you are really looking for death!" The horse thief leader waved the machete in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  The rest of the horse thieves also rushed out of the cave, waving long swords in their hands, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

   With a strong murderous on his face, Mo Lan Gu suddenly rushed towards the horse thief, waved the long sword in his hand, and continuously slashed and killed the horse thief in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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