Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3142: Very satisfied

  Chapter 3142 Very satisfied

  After taking this set of pills, Chen Xuan became more proficient in the power of the five elements, and the fire of the Vermilion Bird also increased Chen Xuan's power a lot.

   "It's a pity that the heavens are suppressed, this power still failed to break through..." Chen Xuan sighed, then set his gaze on the sky.

  Before, Chen Xuan could completely make the Vermillion Bird's fire feather into the wind, but now his power is completely insufficient, and the distance to break through still needs a thousand miles.

After sighing, Chen Xuan murmured inwardly: "It's really strange, why only when my cultivation level keeps improving, my previous strength will lift the seal bit by bit, and the strangeness I encountered at the beginning What is the power of this..."

  In Chen Xuan's mind, he couldn't help but think of the Void Gate he had encountered before, and directly teleported him to this world.

  All this happened so quickly, Chen Xuan was not fully prepared at all.

   Just as Chen Xuan was thinking quickly in his mind, Yu Wenqiu's voice suddenly broke.

   "I said Chen Xuan, what are you in a daze here? Just now Dugu Wangwang wanted to ask everything, let's go and take a look." Yu Wenqiu said.

  In these days of the Dugu family, they have been hiding in the nearby bamboo forest, and the Patriarch of the Dugu family did not know.

  Duguwang, as the uncle of Dugulun, he hid the news of the two of them. No one in the Dugu family knew that the two outsiders were in a corner of Dugu’s house.

  In a bamboo forest, Duguwang stood alone, with his back to the two of them.

"I need your help on one thing. There is news about Shenlie Mountain. I heard that Shenlie Mountain left a ruin in the northwestern part of the Demon Wind Empire. No one knows this ruin. I think Let you help me to find out the news." Duguwang said softly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. The middle-aged man in front of him did help them a lot, not only allowing them to hide in the Dugu family, but also telling them a lot of news about Dugulun.

   gave a wry smile, Chen Xuan couldn't help but think of the time when Du Gulun introduced his life experience.

   "It seems that he was adopted by a person surnamed Wang at that time, and now he has come to the Dugu family. The contrast is really great." Chen Xuan sighed inwardly.

  Yu Wenqiu suddenly stepped forward and asked: "I don’t know what Master Dugu wants us to investigate. Since they left a ruin, if we rush past, will we be attacked by them?"

   shook his head, and Duguwang said: "You don't have to worry about it. Shenlieshan is a mysterious sect that has been hidden for many years. Those who have access to Shenlieshan are the only families that have passed on for thousands of years.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know much about Shen Lie Mountain. Although he knew that the world of Black Rock had many very powerful sects, even the major royal families did not dare to provoke them.

  This is a very mysterious force, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation base provokes them only a dead end.

  Because of this relic, Chen Xuan feels a bit of danger.

"You don't need to worry too much. Just go to the nearby area to find out. They actually left a ruin. They must have left a road to the Sacred Mountain for everyone. You can go in without worry. There shouldn't be too much. How dangerous."

   "In this case, I don't know where the site is. Is it possible for us to look for it again?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

  Speaking, Duguwang took a drawing from the side, and then handed it to the two of them.

"You look at this drawing. It records the whereabouts of this ruin in detail, but I got it two years ago. Since then, I have never left the Dugu family and have been waiting around here, so I don’t have time. In the past, since the two of you are here, I will give you this drawing." Duguwang said softly.

  Chen Xuan showed the color of thinking, and finally accepted it.

  Although the relics of divine power may bring them many dangers, the same can also give Chen Xuan many good treasures.

  Since being a sect handed down from ancient times, he definitely has extremely deep strength and foundation in the world of Black Rock.

   "In that case, we'll be over in a few days." Chen Xuan said softly.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu appeared in an inn, ready to rest.

   "Are you satisfied with the pill that you refined the other day?" Yu Wenqiu laughed softly.

   "Of course I am satisfied." Chen Xuan said.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu appeared on the desert again.

  In the desert at this time, several demon hunters were also constantly walking in the desert. When they found Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu, their faces showed a hideous look.

  "Look, big brother, there are two guys over there, I don’t know what they two want to do."

   "No matter what they do, we haven't hunted any monsters these days. Let's see if there is anything valuable on them."

  At the same time, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu were still looking for the whereabouts of the ruins. The sudden appearance of several warriors made Chen Xuan look surprised.

   "What do you want to do?" Chen Xuan asked.

  The three warriors had crazy looks on their faces, and said to them savagely: "Hahaha, no monsters have been hunted in the past few days. I just ran into you on the road. What do you think we want to do?"

   "Big Brother, isn't this guy's head awkward? Our meaning is already so obvious, he hasn't reacted yet, it's so funny!"

   "I don't know if he has any valuable treasures on him. As long as we kill the two of them, we don't need to hunt monsters."

  The corners of the eyebrows were slightly lowered, and Chen Xuan naturally knew what the two of them wanted to do, so he said softly: "Just because you guys want to do something to me, you should go back and practice for a few years."

  "Brother, did this kid kick his head by a donkey? Why is he so stupid?"

   "Don't talk nonsense with him, let's rush directly to teach him a lesson and let him know how powerful our demon hunting group is."

  The three demon hunters kept yelling, and at the same time they rushed towards Chen Xuan with their weapons.

  Yu Wenqiu shouted angrily, then raised two daggers, drew a red light and shadow, and directly killed the three of them.

  In the blink of an eye, one of the demon hunters was killed by Yu Wenqiu, and the remaining two were pierced in the chest by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, and blood continued to flow out.

After killing the three of them, Chen Xuan clapped his hands, and his face was full of disdain: "You two guys are too courageous, they dare to do something to us, don't they know that they are in the desert with physical strength? Will it be lost?"

   "The three of them have good cultivation bases, but it's a pity that they met us two."

   "By the way, Chen Xuan, take out the map and see how far we are from another place now? I think it should not be far anymore, right?" Yu Wenqiu asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, then took out the map, put his eyes on the map, observed for a while and said: "According to my judgment, we have to continue walking two kilometers to get there. It should not be far away."

   "It's actually only two kilometers to get there? I thought I still need to walk for several days. Since it's so close, let's rest for a while." Yu Wenqiu said suddenly.

  Looking around, Chen Xuan discovered that there was an oasis next to him.

   "Well, let's rest there."

  Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu have been walking in the desert. In three days, they finally found the whereabouts of the ruins, compared to when they came before.

  The desert has obviously become a lot hotter, and I don’t know why. Storms have been blowing over in the last few days.

   "Hurry up inside to avoid the storm, I feel the sandstorm is coming again." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Yu Wenqiu also nodded slightly, and replied: "In recent days, the storm has indeed become a lot, let's pass it quickly."

  A few minutes later, they appeared under a huge boulder in the oasis and began to avoid the huge sandstorm.

  At this moment, in the depths of the oasis, a bright red eye stared at them constantly, and his face was full of violent colors.

   "Chen Xuan, this place is probably not that safe. Let's be more careful. I can feel that there seems to be a monster in the distance, and the power of this monster is still very powerful." Yu Wenqiu said to Chen Xuan.

After displaying the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan began to observe his surroundings, but there was no information revealed, so he smiled at Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, have you been too vigilant lately? How can I do everything? Not aware of it?"

  It is reasonable to say that Chen Xuan’s demon soul can also detect things within three kilometers around it, but Yu Wenqiu is obviously more proficient in perceiving the surroundings, so Chen Xuan has not felt it, Yu Wenqiu has already noticed a hint...

   "What I said is true, this place is not that safe."

  Chen Xuan is of course not a fool, naturally knowing that there are many dangers in the desert, so he also took out the Liaoyuan sword.

   "Why didn't I feel a trace of breath, can it be that monsters can hide their breath?" Chen Xuan said.

Yu Wenqiu gently shook his head, staring at the depths of the oasis, and slowly said to Chen Xuan: "I have felt it. There is a big guy inside. He has been watching us for a long time. If this beast comes in, let's Take the lead and find a way to kill it."


   Just as they were speaking, in the depths of the oasis, a giant red flame suddenly rushed out.

  The red flame giant tiger has colorful patterns on its body, and bursts of flames are still burning on its body, and it rushes in front of Chen Xuan in a blink of an eye.

  The giant red flame tiger raised the huge claws and quickly rushed down towards Chen Xuan. The flames instantly burned onto Chen Xuan's body.

   "The power of this Chiyan Giant Tiger is so powerful, I am afraid it is a monster in the early eighth stage of the Divine King Realm." Chen Xuan whispered.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan was also gathering the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body, and quickly slew towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

   Although the Chiyan Giant Tiger was burning with flames, it was nothing compared to the flames of the Vermilion Bird in Chen Xuan's body.

  One second before the flame hit Chen Xuan, it was directly resisted by the Vermillion Bird's fire. Two meters away from Chen Xuan, the flames on the Chiyan Giant Tiger could not cause any harm to Chen Xuan at all.

  After seeing the Suzaku fire on Chen Xuan's body, the Chiyan Giant Tiger kept roaring and ran towards Chen Xuan quickly, apparently treating Chen Xuan as the number one enemy.

  The Red Flame Giant Tiger was very fast, and almost only two seconds later, it raised its huge claws and killed it towards Chen Xuan's head.

   Chen Xuan's body was lightly sloppy, quickly dodged the attack of the Chiyan Giant Tiger, and then swung the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger, slashing out a fierce sword aura fiercely.

  This sword aura continued to burn in the air, and it hit the body of the giant red flame giant tiger in the blink of an eye.

  The huge body of the Chiyan Giant Tiger trembled for a while, and then all the sword aura was melted away, and it seemed that it did not completely damage the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

   "The power of the Chiyan Giant Tiger is very strong." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yu Wenqiu also had a wary look on his face, and at the same time he waved two daggers in his hands, and suddenly rushed towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

   "The two of us attacked together. I don't believe that this giant red flame can stop us from joining forces." Yu Wenqiu said loudly.

  (End of this chapter)

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