Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3146: The Black Blood Sect in the Underground Palace

  Chapter 3146 Black Blood Sect in the Underground Palace

   Before they could escape, Chen Xuan immediately gathered the violent sword energy in his body and chased them again.

"Don't let these gangsters run away. Let's kill them with one hit. You will kill them all directly. There may be a Black Blood Sect protector in this underground palace. If I guess correctly, his cultivation base will only be the most. God King Realm eighth level or so, as long as we work together, we can definitely kill him." Chen Xuan made a decisive decision and rushed directly over.

   Swinging a long sword in his hand, he directly hacked a Black Blood Sect warrior to death. Li Yanxiao was not to be outdone, and quickly approached Chen Xuan while gathering the spiritual power in his body.


   A fierce sword aura radiated from Li Yanxiao's body, and finally condensed on the sword front, and slashed fiercely towards the last Black Blood Sect warrior.

Before the Black Blood Sect warrior had time to react, he was cut in half by a violent sword light, and his body slowly fell from the sky, his face full of despair.

  Looking at the corpses of the three Black Blood Sect warriors carefully, Chen Xuan said softly: “These three guys must have maps about the underground palace. Let’s search them carefully and we can definitely find useful information.”

  Li Yanxiao nodded, and then said to Chen Xuan: “Although these three guys have maps on them, they must be the previous maps. We don’t need to refer too much. If they don’t have them, we just leave here as soon as possible.”

  Yu Wenqiu also came over and began to search for the body of a black blood sect warrior. After a while, Yu Wenqiu directly took out a drawing from a black blood sect warrior’s ring.

   "You are right, they really have a map of the underground palace."

Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "I have guessed their thoughts a long time ago. These remnants of the Black Blood Sect have already noticed this underground palace. They have been here long ago, and there must be something about them. A map of the underground palace."

  After getting the map, their actions were much simpler. According to the things left on the map, they kept looking forward.

   "Look at Chen Xuan, what do the symbols on this map mean." Yu Wenqiu pointed to the map and asked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan leaned forward and carefully observed the map. After three minutes passed, Chen Xuan finally thought of an answer.

   "The treasures recorded above may be the treasures left before, but these treasures may have been taken away by the remnants of the Black Blood Sect. We must have nothing in the past." Chen Xuan replied.

Li Yanxiao also nodded and agreed with Chen Xuan's thoughts: "He was right. These things were definitely taken away by the remnants of the Black Blood Sect. We only need to kill these remnants. There must be a lot of good things in stock."

  "The remnants of the Black Blood Sect are not so easy to deal with. There is also a Black Blood Sect protector. If we want to deal with the Black Blood Sect protector, we must work together."

  The three people continued to move forward and looked for the past. At this moment, there was a tremor in the earth. They only saw another giant red flame rushing towards them in the cave.

  The size of this giant red flame tiger was bigger than any one they had seen before, but the flames from all over his body were very fierce and violent, and it burned directly on Chen Xuan's body.

  With a contemptuous smile on Chen Xuan's face, he quickly gathered the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body, and directly wiped out all the flames burning on his body.

   "This beast actually wants to use flames to attack me. He really doesn't know what is good or bad." Chen Xuan had a chuckle on his face.

  As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, even if the Red Flame Giant Tiger's cultivation has reached the ninth level of the Divine King Realm, the flames produced will definitely not be able to deal with him.

  Suzaku's fire is above all the flames in the world, but the flames that Suzaku produces are simply not what these ordinary fires can deal with.

  In addition, Chen Xuan was already very proficient in the power of the Vermillion Bird, this kind of flame was simply a trivial matter to Chen Xuan.

But Li Yanxiao and Yu Wenqiu were not so relaxed. Faced with the flames burning around them, Li Yanxiao quickly gathered the sword energy in his body and kept blocking them, but after all, a flame burned onto his body. A small gap was burned in Li Yanxiao's clothes.

Fortunately, Yu Wenqiu's speed was so fast that the flames couldn't catch up. With the two daggers in his hands, Yu Wenqiu approached to the side of the Chiyan Giant Tiger, and a red light wafted over Yu Wenqiu's body. It slashed directly on the Chiyan Giant Tiger's body.

  The Chiyan Giant Tiger let out a violent roar, and raised the huge paw to grab it towards Yu Wenqiu. Yu Wenqiu quickly rolled on the ground, avoiding the fatal blow of the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

  The claws of this giant red flame tiger shattered, and quickly grabbed them at the three of them. A violent flame condensed once again, and directly knocked Li Yanxiao's body into the air.

"His grandmother, this beast's power is so strong, it is completely different from the Chiyan Giant Tiger I met before." Li Yanxiao cursed angrily, and then waved the long sword in his hand towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger. Killed the past fiercely.

  Crimson Flame Giant Tiger is obviously not a vegetarian either, its huge size is constantly rubbing on the ground.

  I saw the Chiyan Giant Tiger suddenly jumped towards them, the speed far surpassing Chen Xuan's imagination.

Originally, Chen Xuan could use the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body to defend against the flames burned by the Red Flame Giant Tiger, but the Red Flame Giant Tiger itself possesses powerful power. If Chen Xuan is hit by the Red Flame Giant Tiger, even Chen Xuan Xuan is also difficult to defend.

   Quickly gathering the spiritual power in the body, Chen Xuan gathered a defensive net next to him.

  Finally blocked the Chiyan Giant Tiger in front of the defensive net, but the Chiyan Giant Tiger uttered a call, and the huge palm directly grabbed on the top of the defensive net, directly smashing the flames condensed by Chen Xuan.

   "The power of this animal is so strong, it seems that the cultivation base has reached the mid-eighth stage of the **** king realm..."

  The monster beast that can enter the mid-eighth stage of the **** king realm is obviously already a very powerful existence, even among the red flame giant tiger, it can be regarded as a leader level.

   "I suspect that this giant red flame tiger has a huge relationship with the Black Blood Sect, let's kill this giant red flame tiger quickly, don't waste time here." Li Yanxiao said hurriedly.

I saw that Li Yanxiao's body was condensed with a layer of golden light, which was condensed on the blade in his hand, and then Li Yanxiao fiercely waved the blade in his hand, a surge of sword aura suddenly moved towards The Chiyan Giant Tiger killed him.

   Chen Xuan was not to be outdone this time, and at the same time, he condensed the Suzaku fire in his body, swung the Suzaku sword aura to the extreme, and turbulent flames continued to fly around Chen Xuan's side.

  Yu Wenqiu is also looking for opportunities next to him, wanting to do a one-shot kill.

  Compared to Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu is more like an assassin. The two flying daggers in his hand are as deadly as butterflies, and they can cause huge damage every time.

  If Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu are playing against each other, he has to be very cautious to win.

  Yu Wenqiu's offense is not powerful breakthrough, but it is very deadly. The red light blooming from the dagger can directly break through the strong defense.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu encountered a very strong iron-backed bear, but the dagger in Yu Wenqiu's hand could kill this iron-backed bear with just one blow.

  In exchange for Chen Xuan, it will take twice to win.

With a resolute expression on his face, Chen Xuan let out a roar, and quickly slashed a fierce sword aura towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger.


  Two sword auras directly hit the Chiyan Giant Tiger's body, causing the Chiyan Giant Tiger's body to hit the wall next to it, and let out a cry.

After seeing the effect of his attack, Chen Xuan hurriedly seized the opportunity, bursts of flames burned in his pupils, and the Suzaku sword aura quickly gathered, and once again displayed a fierce fierce towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger. Spiritual power.

  In the narrow passage, it is very difficult for Chen Xuan to display thousands of sword shadows, but even if there are only a few thousand sword shadows, it can cause huge damage to the red flame giant tiger.


  A trace of sword aura that continuously tilted out, all hit the Chiyan Giant Tiger's body, and Li Yanxiao also hurriedly followed the Chiyan Giant Tiger, with a sword inserted into the Chiyan Giant Tiger's chest.

  After seeing the opportunity, Yu Wenqiu quickly circulated the demon soul in his body, a trace of red soul power gathered on Yu Wenqiu's dagger, and directly slew towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

  The dagger slashed on the neck of the Chiyan Giant Tiger, and the blood suddenly slipped out. No matter how strong the Chiyan Giant Tiger was, it would be hit in the throat.

   Watching the Chiyan Giant Tiger constantly roar, but blood constantly flowed out of the body, Chen Xuan's pupils exuded a burst of cold light, which quickly shook the flames of the Vermillion Bird in his body.

  The flame directly hit the red flame giant tiger's body, directly knocking the big red flame giant tiger out.

  After slaying the giant red flame tiger, Yu Wenqiu quickly took out the crystal core from the body of the giant red flame tiger.

"Don't stay here for a long time, these black blood sect beasts must have been locked to our position. They have left a lot of traps in the underground palace. We must be careful when we act." Li Yanxiao whispered. .

  At this moment, the nine-clawed condor that had been following suddenly moved its wings. In the underground palace, the nine-clawed condor could not exert its original strength at all, and could only follow them behind.

   Hearing the hoarse roar of the nine-clawed condor, Li Yanxiao's eyes suddenly became tense: "Both of them, be careful. Just now, my partner said that there are remnants of the Black Blood Sect nearby."

   "There are so many remnants of these Black Blood Sects, it is definitely not so easy for us to kill them all."

   "Let’s go straight in. No matter how many people there are, the remnants of these black blood sects will definitely not be able to stop our joint attack."

   nodded, Chen Xuan thought they had a good chance of winning, so he said: "The remnants of the Black Blood Sect don't know what to do in the underground palace. We must get rid of their conspiracy."

   "This group of gangsters can only hide underground to do this kind of activity, but I didn't expect them to find the remains of Shenlie Mountain. Could it be that they want to communicate with Shenlie Mountain?"

   "This group of guys are not qualified at all, Shen Lieshan is a mysterious sect that has been passed down, and these black blood sects are not qualified to be compared with them."

  As they were all discussing, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of fine footsteps coming from the front, and the sound of these footsteps was increasing. Forget it, there were almost a dozen people.

  "They are here. This time, the Black Blood Sect has sent many people. They want to kill us." Li Yanxiao said softly.

Just beheading a giant red flame tiger, he encountered an attack from the Black Blood Sect army. Chen Xuan also realized that something was wrong, so he lowered his voice and said to everyone: "Let’s be more careful. It is very likely that Yan Giant Tiger was sent by them and wanted to consume our energy."

   "Chen Xuan is right. These Black Blood Sect warriors have many strange techniques, and these giant red flame tigers were all brought in by them, and it is impossible to say." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

  (End of this chapter)

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