Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3149: Hurry up and kill

  Chapter 3149 Quickly kill

  As they were talking, there was a huge tremor between heaven and earth, and the entire flame altar began to tremble constantly. The shocked expression on Chen Xuan's face immediately distanced himself from the flame altar.

   "What happened? Why did this flame altar shake so violently." Chen Xuan's face showed a panic.

  It seemed that something major was about to happen. Chen Xuan quickly took out the Liaoyuan Sword and began to constantly guard against the flame altar.


At the center of the flame altar, a blue phantom suddenly appeared. The blue phantom suddenly glanced over the three of them, and suddenly opened his mouth.

  "Since you have come to this altar of flames, you have to accept the trial of the altar of flames. If you can pass, you can get a treasure that we present to you. If you can't pass, then you have only a dead end."

  The blue phantom spoke very directly. Before Chen Xuan and others could react, they were directly pulled into a secret space created by the altar.

  When they entered, they found themselves in a desert.

   There was a panic on his face, and Li Yanxiao said loudly, “It’s awful, we were dragged into this secret realm.”

   "Where is this secret realm?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

  Looking at the endless desert around him, Chen Xuan only felt that his roasted skin was a bit tingling, so the spiritual power running in his body defended against the light.

Li Yanxiao sighed, and then said to the two of them: "If I didn't guess wrong, we are now in the trial of Shenlieshan. If we can pass this trial, we will naturally get many good treasures. , But if we don’t get it through, I’m afraid we can only die here."

   "Dying in this place, can't we go out?" Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at the sky.

Li Yanxiao slowly shook his head, and explained to Chen Xuan carefully: "You want to go out is just a dream. We can only go out through this trial, and according to my understanding, the trials of Shenlieshan are very difficult. Danger, it is very difficult to pass..."

  "Don't say so much, how can we count as passing?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Li Yanxiao thought for a while, revealing a look of surprise.

   "If you ask me, I am not very clear. Let's go ahead. It is estimated that the trial of Shenlieshan Mountain is not that complicated. As long as our strength reaches a sufficient level, we can definitely pass."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and also agreed with Li Yanxiao's ideas, so he turned to Yu Wenqiu and said, "What do you think, Yu Wenqiu."

  Yu Wenqiu smiled at Chen Xuan in an indifferent posture and said, "Don't ask me, if we leave, we can just set off."

  The three nodded one after another, and then strode forward to find the past.

  In this desert, Chen Xuan just felt a little pain in his head. The desert was endless, and it was very difficult for them to go out.

   "How about let's fly out directly." Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

   "You can fly directly, but I don't know if there are any tyrannical monsters in the desert."

   "It shouldn't be there. This is just a trial. If there are monsters in the desert, they will definitely not attack us."

   Before Li Yanxiao finished speaking, there was a jitter on the ground, and in front of everyone, a huge monster beast suddenly appeared.

  The monster beast had four powerful hunting claws all over his body, and then flew towards them frantically.

The speed of the monster beast was very fast, and bursts of turbulent flames condensed in a blink of an eye, which instantly burned on their bodies.

   "It is actually a giant red flame tiger, why are there so many giant red flame tigers in this place? No way." Li Yanxiao showed a look of surprise.

  Chen Xuan was also a little panicked, and quickly mobilized the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, flashing a surging sword energy, and hitting the body of the red flame giant tiger.

  Fortunately, the cultivation base of this giant red flame tiger is not too strong, facing the attack of the three of them, the giant red flame tiger was directly chopped into a pile of fleshy mud.

   "Why did we encounter so many giant red flame tigers in the underground palace, there are even giant red flame tigers in this secret realm?" Chen Xuan said in surprise.

  Yuwenqiu laughed and said softly to Chen Xuan, "I think the Chiyan Giant Tiger is not bad, like the strange monsters we encountered before..."

  Chen Xuan smiled softly, knowing what Yu Wenqiu was talking about.

  At the beginning, they were attacked by many strange monsters in the underground ruins of Eldorado. If Chen Xuan was not strong enough, he would have been swallowed by those monsters.

   "Let’s go ahead, there may be many dangers in this underground palace."

  Everyone continued to move forward and set off. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly found a pile of volcanoes standing on the ground. These volcanoes were connected together, constantly erupting flames.

   "I didn't think that we actually came to this place. If these magma erupted, it can cause damage. It's better to be careful." Li Yanxiao showed a cautious look on his face.

   Constantly looking at the volcanoes in front of him, Chen Xuan also condensed the spiritual power in his body.

  "Let’s fly directly from above. Although these volcanoes continue to erupt, passing by will not cause us too much damage."

   Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, Li Yanxiao was already sitting on his nine-clawed condor and flew out quickly towards the distance.

   chuckled lightly, Chen Xuan patted his body and gathered the spiritual energy in his body. The soles of his feet slammed on the ground and flew directly into the sky.

   Just when the three of them were about to fly past the magma, they suddenly noticed that the volcano was constantly shaking, and violent sounds continued to erupt.

  The turbulent lava erupted directly from the volcano, covering the three of them.

   His face was full of shock, and Li Yanxiao immediately urged the nine-clawed condor underneath and flew quickly in the direction to the left.

  This nine-clawed condor was also obviously frightened, screaming continuously in his mouth, quickly avoiding the eruption of magma.

Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu were not doing well either. These fast-erupting magma was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it sprayed on Chen Xuan's body. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's powerful Suzaku power, these magma would have been able to demand him. Life.

  Feeling the scorching temperature surrounding him, Chen Xuan’s pupils gradually turned crimson, gathering waves of Vermillion Bird Wings, and began to help Yu Wenqiu defend against these volcanic magma.

  The volcanic magma continued to erupt, Chen Xuan shouted, and the volcanic magma that burst out was instantly scattered by Chen Xuan and fell down.

  The three of them ran forward quickly, and finally escaped the magma. They suddenly found a strange forest in front of them, and in this forest, waves of blue objects were constantly floating in it.

   "Oh, we want to fly over from this place, I'm afraid it's not that easy. I think there are many powerful monsters inside."

   "It seems that I can only pass by inside."

   "But there seems to be very poisonous inside. If we pass through the woods, it is very likely that we will inhale the poison."

  The eyes of the three people kept rolling in the woods. At this moment, Chen Xuan took out a pill from the storage ring and placed it in front of them.

   "We can only pass through this forest. If we fly over from above, we will definitely be attacked by some monsters."

   "That's right, it is indeed very dangerous, but what does this pill mean?" Li Yanxiao didn't know that Chen Xuan was an alchemist, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

  Chen Xuan had a slight smile on his face, and then replied to him: "This is the pill that I refined, which can prevent toxins from invading my body. It's a little bit effective if I eat it."

"Brother Chen, where did you get this pill? There is such a beauty. I have never seen this pill before?" Li Yanxiao was not worried, and directly grabbed Chen Xuan. The pill that he handed over was swallowed into his belly.

  Yu Wenqiu naturally did not doubt, and directly ate the pill that Chen Xuan gave him. When the pill was eaten in his stomach, a ray of blue light immediately condensed from their bodies.

   "Let’s go straight in, this forest is definitely dangerous."

  Two hours later, the three of them ran continuously in the woods, feeling a strange breath coming from the front, Chen Xuan immediately condensed the Suzaku fire in his body, and began to guard

   "There seems to be a monster in front of you, everyone should be careful." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Li Yanxiao nodded, and at the same time lowered his voice: "What kind of monster is it? Can you know?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head, and replied to him: "I don't know what monster beast it is..."


  The roar of a giant red flame tiger suddenly came over, and another giant red flame tiger appeared in front of them, which made Chen Xuan and others feel very strange.

   "Why is it another giant red flame tiger? Is there only a giant red flame tiger in this secret realm?"

   "Is this giant red flame tiger inextricably related to Mount Shenlie? Why are all the giant red flame tigers we met today."

"It doesn't matter if he is the Chiyan Giant Tiger, one kills one, two kills two, let these Chiyan Giant Tigers see how we are!" Li Yanxiao let out a roar, and quickly shook the sword in his hand. The blade rushed towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

  The Chiyan Giant Tiger let out a roar, and lifted the huge palm to press it down towards Li Yanxiao. The turbulent flames burst out directly and hit Li Yanxiao's body fiercely.

  Li Yanxiao's body was being smashed under the ground. His body was covered with mud and looked terrible.

  It is reasonable to say that Li Yanxiao's cultivation has also reached the realm of the **** king, with the Seven Great Consummations, and being easily defeated by this red flame giant tiger, it can only show that the red flame giant tiger in front of him is more powerful.

   Chen Xuan was not to be outdone, shaking his body quickly, bursts of flames condensed from his body, and quickly slew towards the giant red flame tiger, directly hitting the body of the giant red flame tiger.


The    Vermillion Bird's sword energy hit the Chiyan Giant Tiger's body, and Yu Wenqiu quickly turned his body and attacked the Chiyan Giant Tiger's neck.

  The neck of the Chiyan Giant Tiger is the most vulnerable place, and other body parts have strong defenses.

  Chen Xuan’s power of the Vermillion Bird can not be easily broken, if Yu Wenqiu draws a gap, the Vermillion Bird's fire can take advantage of it, and this powerful Red Flame Giant Tiger will be killed.

With a crazy look on his face, Chen Xuan once again slashed out a surge of sword energy, directly hitting the body of the Chi Yan Giant Tiger. After being hit by Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword aura, the body of the Chi Yan Giant Tiger Obviously frustrated, he took two steps backwards.

   "Hurry up and attack him, now is a good opportunity!" Chen Xuan said loudly to Yu Wenqiu.

  Yu Wenqiu quickly condensed the power of the demon soul in his body, and the speed suddenly increased, turning into a red light in the air, directly attacking the neck of the Chiyan Giant Tiger.

But at the very moment, the Chiyan Giant Tiger suddenly lifted its huge palm and slammed it towards Yu Wenqiu's body. Yu Wenqiu quickly twisted his body and turned towards the Chiyan Giant Tiger at an extremely tricky angle. Eyes pierced.


  The dagger was directly inserted into the eyes of the Chiyan Giant Tiger, causing the Chiyan Giant Tiger to let out a violent roar, but the eyes had been assassinated, and the Chiyan Giant Tiger's combat effectiveness naturally dropped a lot.

  Only saw the Giant Chiyan Tiger escaping quickly towards the inside of the forest, very fast.

   gave a soft roar, and Chen Xuan immediately said to everyone: "Hurry up and chase over, and we must kill this beast. This kind of red flame giant tiger is very vengeful."

  (End of this chapter)

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