Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3154: One after another

  Chapter 3154 One after another

  The Fire Demon Wolf howled one after another, and it was obvious that they had encountered the Fire Demon wolf pack.

  In the Red Golden Desert, it is obviously very dangerous if you encounter the Fire Demon wolves. These Fire Demon wolves have extremely powerful strength.

   "Unexpectedly, we encountered the giant fire demon wolf." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

   "The cultivation base of the giant fire demon wolf is very strong." Li Yanxiao instantly lifted the sword in his hand and began to enter a state of combat readiness.

  Chen Xuan also hurriedly took out the Liaoyuan sword, his face was full of seriousness.

The   Liaoyuan sword had just been taken out, and bursts of raging flames suddenly emerged from Chen Xun's body. At this time, Chen Xuanxiu's base was raised again, and his control of the Suzaku fire was once again improved.

After the howling of the fire devil wolves continued, more than a dozen giant fire demon wolves quickly surrounded them. These giant fire demon wolves were all organized, and they saw each giant fire demon wolf appearing on their bodies. With a group of blazing flames, they all surrounded them at a rapid speed.

   Chen Xuan instantly cut out a sword aura, and slew towards a giant fire demon wolf.

  In the middle of the giant fire demon wolf there was an exceptionally huge fire demon wolf. On the body of this giant fire demon wolf, bursts of turbulent flames condensed and burned directly on Chen Xuan's body.

   After feeling this burst of flames, Chen Xuan had a disdainful smile on his face, and then quickly, this condensed aura in his body, directly rushed towards a giant fire demon wolf.

The fierce sword aura stood on the body of a giant fire demon wolf and directly knocked the body of the giant fire demon wolf into the air. It stands to reason that the giant fire demon wolf itself possesses an extremely powerful cultivation base, and it can also reach The seventh stage of the Divine King Realm.

But facing Chen Xuan’s sword aura, there was no way to defend. After swallowing three stones, Chen Xuan’s control of the Vermillion Bird’s power was indeed significantly improved. This sword aura quickly killed two. A giant fire demon wolf, and then Chen Xuan's footsteps lightly touched the ground, and once again flew in the sky.

Directly approaching a giant fire demon wolf, Chen Xuan once again waved the long sword in his hand, a fierce sword aura, and instantly approached another giant fire demon wolf, and the flames were constantly burning on the body of the giant fire demon wolf. , Although the giant fire demon wolf can also gather turbulent flames, the Suzaku fire condensed with Chen Xuan is not a magnitude at all.


The flames rushed directly onto the body of a giant fire demon wolf. The giant fire demon wolf raised the huge claws, trying to grab Chen Xuan's head, but Chen Xue's body moved to the side, swayed slightly, and directly avoided. This fatal attack.

Suddenly, Li Yanxiao also kicked the long sword in his hand, and slew towards a giant fire demon wolf. Yu Wenqiu quickly condensed the power of the demon soul in his body, and a fierce sword aura directly remained on a giant head. On the neck of the Fire Demon Wolf, although the Giant Fire Demon Wolf possessed strong defensive power, it was unable to defend against Yu Wenqiu's attack.

  Yu Wenqiu is like a butterfly full of threats, rushing to the sky in a blink of an eye, and killing another giant fire wolf once again.

There were originally more than a dozen giant fire demon wolves, but now there are only seven or eight remaining. Now there is an extraordinarily huge fire demon wolf king, with a raging anger on his face, and he swiftly moved towards Chen Xuan. Rushed over.

  Fire Demon Wolf King can perceive that Chen Xuan is the most threatening. The Suzaku's fire in his body can completely ignore the benefits condensed from them, and the Suzaku's fire can directly burn them to death.

  Fire Demon Wolf King let out a huge roar, raised his huge claws, and grabbed Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan rolled on the spot and directly avoided the turbulent attack.

  Fire Demon Wolf King was unwilling to lose, a huge sharp claw came towards Chen Xuanshen once again, this claw almost squeezed through the void in the air, and the speed was about to distort the space, and directly shot Chen Xuan's body out.

  If Chen Xuan hadn't blocked him with the Liaoyuan sword, I am afraid that he would be seriously injured.

   spit on the ground, Chen Xuan cursed secretly: "Damn beast, he came so fast, if I wasn't prepared, would you still knock me off?"

There were bursts of anger on Chen Xuan's face, and then bursts of surging sword aura condensed in his body. Above Chen Xuan’s sword, a burst of flame burned quickly, and turbulent energy continued to surround Chen Xuan’s side. , Instantly killed towards the Fire Demon Wolf King.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan and Fire Demon Wolf King became a battle, Yu Wenqiu and Li Yanxiao one after another killed towards different goals.

After a few minutes, the Fire Demon Wolf King consumed a lot of stamina. Facing Chen Xuan’s attack, he was obviously no longer an opponent. He quickly waved the blade flame in his hand, bursting out a burst of blood-red light, and directly burned to the Fire Demon On the huge body of the Wolf King.

  Fire Demon Wolf King raised this huge tail, trying to put out the flames burning on his body, but it was useless. Facing the Suzaku fire, Fire Demon Wolf King had nothing to do.

  Chen Xuan's pupils exuded a burst of cold light, and the pupils gradually turned into a transparent color, waving the sword in his hand, and approaching the Fire Demon Wolf King in an instant.


  The sword directly slashed on the huge body of the fire demon wolf king, and directly knocked the fire demon wolf king into the air.

Hurricanes continued to gather around Chen Xuan. The Fire Demon Wolf King quickly avoided it, but still failed to survive Chen Xuan’s attack. His body fell to the ground severely, the Fire Demon Wolf King. There was a terrible roar, but he still couldn't escape.

After slaying the Fire Demon Wolf King, Chen Xuan took out a light blue crystal core from the Fire Demon Wolf King's body. The crystal core emitted bursts of weird blue light, and then floated in the sky. .

  Just do it. Chen Xuan directly began to absorb the energy in the crystal core. Chen Xuan's current power of the demon pattern needs to be improved again, and he needs to continuously absorb the power of the monster in the crystal core.

As for Chen Xuan's current strength, if he wants to improve, he needs to accumulate his skills. It is very difficult for Chen Xuan to improve in a short period of time, but Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance, as long as he continues to absorb the crystal core of the monster, the power of the monster soul. Can usher in a promotion.

  Every time the demon soul improves, Chen Xuan's strength can be improved a lot.

   "It seems that we still have to separate here, Li Yanxiao, although I don't know why you are here, but you are also from the Yunye Empire, we might have a chance to see you again in the future." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Li Yan laughed happily, and then he was about to say goodbye to them, but at this moment a storm suddenly came in the distance.

   "Who?" Chen Xuan showed a touch of surprise.

  Along with this storm, Chen Xuan felt a very powerful aura.

A middle-aged man wearing a white robe appeared in the sky. After seeing Li Yanxiao, the man was furious and said with a fierce voice: "Li Yanxiao, I didn't expect you to hide in the Demon Wind Empire. , I chased you for thousands of kilometers, now I see where you run!"

After seeing the visitor, Li Yanxiao also showed a panic and hurriedly tried to escape, but the middle-aged man slapped him on the ground with a palm, and directly grabbed Li Yanxiao by the neck.

   Feeling the ferocious aura from the middle-aged man, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu both fell into sluggishness.

"Who is this person? How could he possess such a powerful force? I am afraid that his cultivation base has entered the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm..." Just after the battle, the cultivation base of Chen Xuan and others has not fully recovered. Physical strength is also consumed a lot.

Facing the attack of these masters, they had no way to resist. Yu Wenqiu waited for Shuangtong to quickly lift the dagger in his hand, and whispered to the person who came: "I don't know who your Excellency is, you actually did something to my friend? "

"Hahaha, this kid is actually your friend, that's really a pity, today I will send it to the west, let you be friends in the next life." The middle-aged man showed a frenzied smile on his face, obviously Chen Xuan didn't pay attention to it.

   A cold sweat emanated from his back. From the middle-aged man, Chen Xuan not only felt a very powerful strength, but also felt that the demon soul was clearly suppressed.

   "This guy is from the Dragon Blood Tribe..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The middle-aged man let out a disdainful smile, and then directly put Li Yanxiao in his hand, his hands suddenly pressed hard, which was crushing Li Yanxiao's neck.

   "It's a pity. I chased him for so long. I didn't expect him to even have a chance to resist. It's just a waste."

After Li Yanxiao was killed, the smile on the middle-aged man's face became more fierce, and he suddenly looked at Chen Xuan.

"I didn't expect me to meet you here. If I didn't guess wrong, your name is Chen Xuan, right? Hahaha, I didn't expect your cultivation level to increase so quickly. Before, your strength was only in the realm of God King. At the beginning of the seventh stage, now it has reached the realm of the **** king, and the seven major consummations."

With a look of anger on his face, Chen Xuan quickly shook the Liaoyuan sword and killed the man from the Dragon Blood tribe.

  The opponent's cultivation base was very strong. Facing Chen Xuan's attack, the man shook quickly, and bursts of surging spiritual power from his arm immediately radiated out, directly knocking Chen Xuan's body into the air.

After being beaten to the ground, Chen Xuan's mouth kept overflowing with blood, and he cursed frantically: "You guy actually killed Li Yanxiao, and I will never spare you."

  Although I didn’t spend too much time with Li Yanxiao, Chen Xuan felt that Li Yanxiao was a pretty good person. He didn’t expect that Li Yanxiao would be beheaded just after they left the Shenlieshan Underground Palace.

  According to Chen Xuan's character, he would definitely avenge Li Yanxiao, but this person's cultivation base was too strong, and Chen Xuan didn't even have a chance to fight back.

  Yu Wenqiu also showed a touch of shock. From the moment Chen Xuan was shot out, Yu Wenqiu noticed that the natural cultivation base far surpassed them, at least reached the late eighth stage of the **** king realm.

   "No, his cultivation is really too strong. We are definitely not opponents when we fight with him." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

The middle-aged man seemed very proud, and a cold voice radiated from his mouth: "That's right. Your cultivation is definitely not my opponent. I didn't expect that I actually met you today, so I just killed you. ."

With a loud roar, the middle-aged man came to Chen Xuan instantly, a burst of red light condensed on his palm, and the phantom of a fire demon wolf's head slowly floated, and now he directly grasped Chen Xuan's on his arm. Body.

After Chen Xuan was caught, he only felt that he could not breathe in his chest, and instantly wanted to break free, but Chen Xuan couldn't help but let out a Shen Yin with the enormous power.

   "Damn, this guy's power is too strong, what he displayed is the power of the demon soul." Chen Xuan's pupils were slightly low, and this power was not something that Chen Xuan could resist.

  If Chen Xuan and the others hadn't exhausted their physical strength before they changed, they still had a chance of winning against the young middle-aged man, but after many battles in a row, their bodies were very exhausted, and there was almost no suspense in this battle.

With a look of despair on his face, Chen Xuan's pupils gradually emitted a blood-red light, and he also displayed the power of the demon soul, wanting to plot against the middle-aged man.

  But the middle-aged man remained unmoved, the power in his hand gradually increased, causing Chen Xuan's pupils to gradually lose their light, and the power of the demon soul that had been mobilized was immediately dissipated.

   Seeing this, Yu Wenqiu rushed over with the dagger in an instant, but the middle-aged man just shot Yu Wenqiu out of the ground with a light palm.

  (End of this chapter)

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