Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3157: Ghost King

  Chapter 3157 Ghost King

  As they were walking, there was a tremor on the ground, and a giant fire demon wolf began to surround them. Seeing these giant fire demon wolves, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed.

   "Unexpectedly, we have encountered so many giant fire demon wolves these days. These giant fire demon wolves have a good cultivation base." Chen Xuan looked at the several giant fire demon wolves in front of him, and quickly took out the Liaoyuan sword.

The giant fire demon wolf let out a roar, apparently already surrounding Chen Xuan. One of the giant fire demon wolf swings its huge tail, emitting bursts of turbulent flames, and immediately surrounding Chen Xuan's body. .


The huge flame was directly swallowed by the fire of the Vermillion Bird in Chen Xuan's body. The level of the Vermillion Bird's fire was far stronger than the flames of these giant fire demon wolves. Facing this fierce power, those giant heads The look of Fire Demon Wolf also changed slightly, feeling that the humans in front of him were not easy to provoke.

  Fire Demon Wolf King suddenly let out a low growl, apparently ordering something to his companions around him, and then almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing the body of the giant fire demon wolf turned into a ball of streamlined fire, Chen Xuan quickly shook the long sword in his hand. A raging flame suddenly radiated from Chen Xun’s body and hit the giant fire demon wolf directly. On the body.


  The body of the giant fire demon wolf was directly knocked into the air several meters away, feeling the raging flames emanating from Chen Xuan's body, Dugulun couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

"Chen Xuan, your cultivation level has improved a lot more than before. I don’t think we have been apart for so long. Your cultivation level has now entered the Divine King Realm, with the Seven Major Consummations. You can enter the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm in just one step. "Dugulun's face showed admiration.

   Even if it is Dugulun, his cultivation is only in the mid-eighth stage of the Divine King Realm, but his real strength is obviously stronger.

With the Sword Art of the Dugu Family, even if Dugulun meets a strong man who is much higher than him, he can still fight for a few rounds. Compared with Chen Xuan, Dugulun is now making more rapid progress, and even Chen Xuan can bear it. I couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

  I saw Dugulun's body turned into a black light, and the black giant sword in his hand exuded bursts of turbulent streamer, and it plunged into the ground fiercely.

At this moment, bursts of surging spiritual power radiated from the ground. This violent sword aura instantly rushed towards a giant fire demon wolf. Before the giant fire demon wolf could react, it was directly caught by a sword. Qi penetrated the body and turned into two halves.

Feeling Dugulun’s empty sword aura, Chen Xuan couldn’t help sighing inwardly: “His cultivation level has indeed improved very quickly. The Dugu Family’s sword art has extremely powerful power. Even if I continue to practice, I want to It takes some physical effort to fight him."

  Chen Xuan kept thinking in his heart, and at this moment, a giant fire demon wolf suddenly charged towards Chen Xuan, lifted the huge paw, and directly pressed down on Chen Xuan's head.

   Chen Xuan's body instantly retreated two steps backward, and then quickly swung the long sword in his hand, and bursts of raging flames suddenly stirred up from Chen Xuan's body, and quickly slew towards the monster beast.


  The demon beast could not withstand Chen Xuan's sword energy slash, and its body flew directly towards the distance. Facing Chen Xuan's attack, this demon beast was obviously not an opponent.

After the continuous killing, five giant fire demon wolves have been killed by them. Chen Xuan roared again, and suddenly rushed towards the fire demon wolf king. Although the speed of the fire devil wolf king was very fast, he faced There was still no room for Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's body approached the giant fire demon wolf in just two seconds.

The Liaoyuan sword in   's hand burst out with bursts of crimson magical light, and then directly slashed on the back of the giant fire demon wolf.

   The raging sword aura burned quickly, and only ten minutes later, the Fire Demon Wolf King was killed by them.

"There are still many Fire Demon wolves in the Scarlet Golden Desert. We must be careful when we encounter them. Some Fire Demon wolves have stronger cultivation bases, and even some Fire Demon Wolf Kings have reached the realm of God Kings. Late Eightfold."

   "Even if I meet this level of Fire Demon Wolf King, I am afraid I can only win if I deal with it carefully." Du Gulun whispered.

Yu Wenqiu covered her mouth and laughed softly, and said: "I didn't expect you to leave the family secret realm, and your strength is not as strong as I thought. You are still worried about the fire demon and wolf king of this realm. The strongest among the wolves is only the Eighth Level of the God King Realm."

Dugulun waved his hand and explained to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, you still don't understand how dangerous the Demon Wind Empire exists. Although these monsters are not very powerful, they can attract many other monsters in the Scarlet Golden Desert. Race, if we meet, there will definitely be a dead end."

"How can it be so dangerous from the Scarlet Golden Desert. Chen Xuan and I have stayed in the Scarlet Golden Desert for a long time, and we haven't encountered these monster beasts you mentioned, at most these giant fire and demon wolves. It is indeed a bit tricky. "Yu Wenqiu said.

With a smile on Chen Xuan's face, he replied to both of them: "Let's not say that these are missing. It is the right way to leave here as soon as possible. There are indeed many dangerous existences in the Scarlet Golden Desert. We will stay here. In a second, the danger gets closer to us."

  At this moment, in the distance of the Red Golden Desert, there are twelve warriors with red tattoos on their faces. Their faces are full of hideous colors.

  Tuo Ba Hongtian said softly: "Now is the best opportunity for us to do it, we will go now!"

  They just wanted to set off, but they didn't expect a wave of turbulent tremors from the ground in front of them. Several giant fire demon wolves directly surrounded Tuoba Hongtian.

   "Not good, Brother Tuoba Hongtian, we have also been attacked by the giant fire wolf!"

   "These giant fire demon wolves are really troublesome! Hurry up and kill all these miscellaneous pieces, let's not let go of the opportunity, now is our best chance to kill Chen Xuan!" Tuoba Hongtian said.

   "But Big Brother Tuoba Hongtian, these giant fire demon wolves have surrounded us, and it seems that there are more than 30 in number..."

  "Kill these giant fire demon wolves first!" Tuoba Hongtian said hurriedly.

At this time, Chen Xuan obviously also noticed that in the distance, there were twelve warriors surrounded by the giant fire demon wolf. With a touch of surprise, Chen Xuan turned his head and said: "It seems that there are still people who have been surrounded by the giant fire demon wolf. It's been besieged, and many giant fire demon wolves have appeared in the Scarlet Golden Desert these days. I don't know why."

   "No matter what we do, these guys have nothing to do with us. Let's just leave here." Yu Wenqiu said.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then the three of them slowly left the red golden desert.

A few hours later, the three of them appeared in a small town in the Demon Wind Empire. The town was very quiet at this time, but it always felt a little weird. Just when Chen Xuan was about to speak, he suddenly felt ahead. There was a burst of weird spiritual power.

   "This place seems not as simple as we thought, should we go around?" Chen Xuan whispered.

"Don't go around. It is not easy to find a small town in the Chijin Desert, and we have been walking for two consecutive days. If we don't have some supplies, it must be very difficult to continue walking in the Chijin Desert. "Yu Wenqiu said in spirit.

  Everyone made up their minds, and then walked into the small town, but at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly smelled a **** smell coming from a distance.

   "What's going on in this place? How do I feel a bit weird here." Du Gulun looked around curiously, but couldn't see anything, so he could only ask Chen Xuan and the others.

Not only is Dugulun curious, Chen Xuan also feels surprised, but he hasn't noticed any changes now, so he can only continue walking forward facing his head.

  But after they walked for a kilometer, they still didn't see anyone there. They only saw the broken wall next to them. It seemed that they had gone through a battle here.

   "Why is there not even one person?" Yu Wenqiu suddenly couldn't come out.

Chen Xuan found that there was still a trace of blood on the wall on the left, and said immediately: "This place is definitely not that simple. I said we should make a detour. Look at this place, there must have been a battle. Let's not go there. This muddy water is better."

  Yu Wenqiu didn’t want to cause trouble, so he smiled and said, “Okay, it seems that what you said is right this time. Let’s make a detour. Maybe there is some danger waiting for us in this place.”

While the two of them were talking, Dugulun curled his lips, and then said to both of them: "I didn't expect to see you for so long. The courage has become so small. It's just a small town, even if it appears. Whatever happens, our cultivation level can also cope with it, and you don’t need to be so scared."

Dugulun is now very confident. Although his cultivation base was not very weak before, Dugulun's power is not very strong at the same level, but since he came out of the family secret realm, his current cultivation base It is already very powerful in the same level.

  Among the eight levels of the realm of the gods, even if Dugulun met the eighth level of the realm of the gods, he believed that he had the power to fight.

With a sigh, Chen Xuan could only helplessly shook his head, and then said to Dugulun: "It seems that you have not traveled the world for so long, and your head is a bit rigid. There are not only some powerful masters in this world, but also Many weird things, maybe we met some weird sect person."

   "The Devil Wind Empire really has some mysterious sects." Dugulun put his hands on his chin and began to think constantly.

   "Are we going forward or not?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

   "Then let's go over and take a look. It's definitely impossible to leave this place alone."

  The whole town was extremely silent, no sound came out, and they continued to walk for five or six kilometers forward, but they still did not see a single person.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly turned red, and bursts of demon soul power bloomed all over his body. He faintly felt a sound in front of him. The sound was very small. If you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't be able to hear it at all. .

  After a few seconds, Chen Xuan whispered: “Yu Wenqiu, there seems to be a little movement in front of you. You can feel it with the demon soul, maybe you can detect their existence.”

  "They exist?" Yu Wenqiu's face was full of surprise.

Chen Xuan's expression was very serious, and said to both of them: "Yes, I think this town is not simple, and there is even a **** smell coming from my nose. If I hadn't guessed Wrong, there are still some survivors in this small town, and now they are all hiding somewhere."

   "You mean there are survivors in this small town. We have been walking for so long and haven't seen anyone." Yu Wenqiu asked in surprise.

  "Don't say so much, let's feel if there are humans nearby." Du Gulun looked around in surprise, but couldn't see anything.

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Wenqiu also activated the power of the demon soul in his body. A burst of red light lingered on Yu Wenqiu's body, instantly causing Yu Wenqiu's pupils to turn red, and a burst of surging spiritual power directly charged. Up into the sky, enveloped the entire town.

   "Did you find anything?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan's power of the demon soul can only sense the surrounding four or five kilometers at most. If the distance is too far, Chen Xuan will not notice it at all.

  But Yu Wenqiu's power of the demon soul is obviously stronger. After a few minutes, Yu Wenqiu's answer disappointed Chen Xuan a little.

"I didn't seem to notice anything. What did you feel just now? Why didn't I hear a little movement? All the people in this place were killed, without a breath of life." Yu Wenqiu slowly revealed his face. The color of horror.

"What are you talking about? All the people in this place have been killed. It's impossible, right? Who is so courageous to kill all the people in this small town?" Dugulun was full of faces. The color of shock.

  (End of this chapter)

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